What is your favorite match ending?

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
Over the years, we've seen our share of great matches in the WWE. We've also seen a fair share of horrible matches in the WWE. While others have been just in between.

Some matches have really great starts. Some matches are just great all throughout. And then there are matches that are pretty good as a whole, but just has a very special ending. So my question is, what was your favorite ending of a match? If I had to see I would say...

Armageddon 2003: Shawn Michaels vs. Batista... First off, I want to say that this match was nothing short of epic, but I feel it might be overlooked and not given much credit. Batista did a great job in only his 3rd ppv match, and again with a veteran like HBK. Batista would go on to dominate the whole match. That is until, HBK picked up a second wind. HBK goes up to the top rope and connects with the elbow. He begins to tune up the band, looking for some ''Sweet Chin Music'' on Batista. As he goes for it, Batista counters it into a Spinebuster. Another Spinebuster. Batista looks to put away Shawn Michaels with a Batista Bomb. He gets HBK up, but he quickly lands on his feet and connects with the Superkick for the 1-2-3. This was just an ending that I always loved, HBK's back was tormented for the whole match, a good ten minutes, but at the end of the day, HBK sucked it up and got the pinfall when it mattered.

Another match ending that I loved was...​

Royal Rumble 2004: Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels in a Last Man Standing match for the World Heavyweight Championship... HBK and HHH, former best friends, who made much better enemies. This was one hell of a brutal match and makes me sad that he don't see matches like this anymore. This was 20+ minutes of perfection. To anyone who hasn't seen this match, I highly recommend it. The end of the match saw a bloodied and battered Shawn Michaels looking to win his 5th World Title by putting Triple H away with the Sweet Chin Music. As the bloodied and battered Triple H gets to his feet, HBK connects with the Superkick, but collapses to the canvas. The ref starts to count... 1-2-3-4-5-6... Triple H is not moving... 7-8... HBK begins to move, trying to get up... 9... HBK falls back to the mat... 10! The match ends in a draw and Triple H retains the World Heavyweight Championship. The match ending was a bit disappointing when you think about it, but it really made you feel that both competitors really gave it their all, just to find out that there was no winner.

What were some of your favorite match endings. What match ending stands out in your mind above others. Please name the match and the event, if that's not too much trouble. And also, be sure to explain what the match ending was, if you can and also why it stands out in your mind. Thanks!
I absolutley loved the Shawn Micheals Ric Flair ending to their match at Wrestlemania.
After getting superkicked Flair gets up fist in the air tears in his eyes cus he knows hes about to have the same fate like old yeller lol and Shawn says "I'm sorry and I love you" then BOOM! we see a legendary 30 year career over before our eyes. What a truly meroable moment. I also liked the ending to Edge's and Batista's world title match at Vengeance which was Batistas last chance match (not really) in which Batista got counted out hahahaha i laughed my ass off funny ass moment.
not a great one, but i love the ending of an 8-man tag match that had HBK sitting on top of all of them. i believe it was Show, Cena, M. Hardy and HBK vs. Snitsky, Edge, and two others.
My favorite match ending of all time was Randy Orton's first world championship victory at SummerSlam 2004 against Chris Benoit. It was a really great moment because, we were witnessing history. We were seeing the youngest world heavyweight champion ever. We were also seeing the beginning of a legendary career. Something else that made the moment so much more special was, Chris Benoit shaking Randy's hand. It gave Randy instant credibility because the former champ respected him.
I've seen three Shawn Michaels match endings mentioned, however, I've yet to see the single greatest finish of all-time, which Shawn HAPPENED to be a part of: the Montreal Screwjob.

The same finish worked great a year later as well, as the Rock turned heel and joined the Corporation.
I've always liked the ending to that one HBK/Shelton Benjamin match where HBK superkicked Benjamin as he was jumping off the rope. They timed that perfectly and it looked amazing.

But my favorite has always been the end to the Y2J/Cena match that Jericho lost resulting in him "being fired" from WWE. Jericho goes for his running face buster bulldog but Cena flips Jericho over with Jericho landing on Cena's shoulder for the FU. Then Cena sold the hell out of the back and leg abuse Jericho had given him the entire match leading us to wonder could Cena pull it off which we all know by now he ultimately does. That ending was just classic to me and I would love to see a reincarnation of that done with Cena/Orton. Orton goes for the punt but Cena flips him over and Attitude Adjustment.
I liked the finish to Benoit/HHH/HBK at Wrestlemania 20, where both Eddie and Benoit celebrated, titles in hand, with confetti falling from the roof. It was just such an emotional moment, and really showed two of the best in the entire history of the business with the two biggest titles in the business, which each deserved and had earned.

I also enjoyed the finish to Yokozuna/Undertaker's casket match at thye 1994 Royal Rumble. After Yokozuna won the match, the smoke poured out of the Casket and Taker appeared on screen. After he gave a chilling promo, he appeared to rise from the casket to the roof off the arena. I remember watching that early one morning on a PPV special on Taker and I was creeped out.
That HBK/HHH Lask Man Standing ending was so good. But if that was so good, then so was the ending from the last man standing match last monday between H and Orton. IT WAS THE SAME THING. It is the Rocky I ending, in which Rocky Balboa and Apollo Creed do THE SAME THING, and Creed retains the title.

I love finishes when, in a normal match, the ref counts both wrestlers down for a 10 count (it has happened once or twice).

One "finish" i loved (it wasn't really a finish, but it was a pinfall) was at Survivor Series 2006, HBK was starting the DX vs. Rated RKO Traditional Survivor Series Match against Mike Knox. HHH had Kelly Kelly (who was managing Knox) stand on the apron, trying to get her to take off her top. Knox got pissed, went to get Kelly X2 off the apron, turned around, and got Sweet Chin Music. After the 3 count, HBK turns to his team and asks 'was that guy in the match? Who was that.' I was laughing my ass off watching that.
The Starcade where the Japanese wrestlers came over to wrestle the WCW wrestlers had a triangle match to see who would get to wrestle Randy Savage for the title. The match had Sting, Luger, and Flair. It was different than the WCW matches because you tagged in and out, so it was always one on one. Flair wouldn't come out, but finally he was tagged. It seemed that Sting or Luger would win, but when Luger put Sting in the Torture Rack, Sting kicked the ref. Flair clipped Luger from behind, and he tossed them both from the ring. The ref counted them out and awarded the match to Flair, and he would go on to win the title that night.
wrestlemania 17 were austin teamed up with mcmahon even though looking back now i think i should of saw it coming

backlash 2000 were austin returned for the save with the rock even though it was very predictable the croud reaction was great.

wrestlemania 19 hbk vs y2j jericho had real tears in his eyes and right after they hugged he got hbk right in the nads brilliant

wrestlemania 24 cena vs hhh vs randy orton mind you this was before i went to the dark side of wrestleing but i remember that this was my first wm since 19 cause i quit watching after that anyways i remeber my heart was pounding cause i just knew hhh would win when he pedigreed cena and went for the pin then here comes rko with the kick my heart stopped and my smile turned into a frown and i felt very dissapointed until the next night when randy cut his promo on winning the title at wm for some reason i just started laughing when i realized how brilliant it was

ps dont mark me as spam cause of my first few its just so hard to remember cause its been along to time so i really couldnt explain my feelings at the time it was happaning
SummerSlam 91: Bret Hart Vs. Mr. Perfect, Never have i witnessed such a perfectly executed finish. Close to the end of the match Hart was gonna lock in the sharpshooter, which would have led to a very meh finish, but Perfect's coach thank god interfered. Leading to Perfect getting the upper hand and picking apart Bret. As it looked like Perfect was gonna keep having the upperhand for a little while longer, possibly the sickest counter ever took place. Perfect opens up Hart's legs and goes for a leg drop in between his legs, but when the leg lands in between Hart's legs, Hart grab a hold of perfect's leg, causing me to start marking out, and then reverses it into a sharpshooter. I remember when i first watched this i had to rewind it a couple of times just to even wrap my mind around how beautifully executed this was. Afterwords what I assume was a emotional scene, you see Hart going up to his parents with title in hand and celebrating.
Man best ending to a match, thats a tough one because there had been so many great endings here are a few that come to mind though.
Wrestlemania 7: Savage vs. Warrior: I loved it when Savage kicked out and the warrior asked what do I do to the heavens and then taking the multiple elbows from the top by savage only to get up and still destroy Savage "ending his career".
Hogan vs. HBK Summerslam: I know it was a complete mockery and oversell by HBK but the whole match was great followed by the biggest oversell of the big boot I have ever seen.
The Rock vs. Mankind Royal Rumble: The finish was classic because it ended up being another screw job to Mankind, but to make the finish dubbed into the sound system was pure genius.
This thread is only a little way in but it seems as though many agree that HBK seems to have alot of great match endings on his resume. The Shelton/HBK finish was absolutely amazing. I have always noticed when watching that match these two guys sitting in the front row who go absolutely crazy when he hits the superkick. Another of my favorites from HBK is when he kicks Angle coming of the top in their rematch from WM 21.
The return of Taker during the Rocky/HHH Iron Man Match was a great one as well. One that will always be in my memory is Austin/Hart at WM. It was the perfect finish to turn both men and I don't know that any other attempt has been as successful at turning two men at the same time.
The ending to the 1995 royal rumble was pretty great. I seriously thought that the British Bulldog had won the match, but then HBK knocks him out of the ring as he's celebrating. It was the first time the number one entrant won the royal rumble.

Also, Warrior vs Hogan was a great ending just because it was the first time someone had gotten a clean victory over the Hulkster in who knows how long. Then they did the whole passing of the torch moment as Hogan left in the little mini-ring wrestlers used to ride in to get to the actual ring. Classic finish.
This is a good topic and maybe I should think about it before responding, but here's what I got off the top of my head at 2 am:

Bret Hart vs. Roddy Piper WrestleMania VIII: Great psychology in this match. The finish saw Piper standing over Hart with the ring bell in his hand. He looked at the crowd trying to decide whether or not to use it. Finally Piper, a man known to do anything to win, tossed the bell aside and pulled Hart into a sleeper. Hart countered and turned the sleeper into a pin by kicking off the ropes and flipping backwards. Piper, not regretting his decision pulled Hart up and congratulated him.

Bret Hart vs. Steve Austin WrestleMania 13: We all know how this one ended and helped bring the WWF into the attitude era. Awesome.

Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker Survivor Series 2000: Very funny finish involving Kurt's brother. Unique and original.

Kurt Angle vs. Eddie Guerrero WrestleMania XX: Guerrero slips out of his boot during the ankle lock to roll up a suprised Angle. Funny, clever, and origianl.

Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker No Way Out 2006: Angle turns triangle cholk into pin. Looked better on tv than I can describe here.

I also like when a long back and forth match ends with a surprise pin such as Bret Hart vs. British Bulldog from SummerSlam 92 or Shawn Michaels vs. Triple H from SummerSlam 2002. This works in a long match that has already had a good climax. Always gets a good pop from the crowd.

I'm sure there are plenty more examples, but that's what I got off the top of my head.
I can't believe that nobody has mentioned Mick Foley's first tile win, with DX and The Corporation at ringside on RAW as Mankind faced off against a heel Rock for the title. DX in the corner of Mankind starts a brawl with the Corporation on the outside before Austin's music hits to the most thunderous ovation I think I have ever witnessed... EVER! Austin slides into the ring and smacks Rock in the head with a steel chair and drags Mick's body on top for the pin and the win. Afterwards, Mankind is raised in the air by DX and Austin flips off McMahon who was there to witness it all - the crowd still going nuts 5 minutes later.

Shawn Michaels is the best in-ring storyteller in the history of this sport.... and by a large and grand margin!! I think his name has been mentioned in this thread enough so I won't list all the great matches.. but yeah.
Seeing how Shawn Micheals has been mentioned more then anyone i thought about another match that Shawn Micheals wasnt wrestling in, but special referee in. The Rock vs HHH on Smackdown! in 1999 for the Championship. I remember being about 8 years old, and cheering on The Rock. Just as it seemed The Rock was going to pick up his 4th championship using the People's Elbow, out of nowhere he ran right into Sweet Chin Music. Back then i was like damn i wanted to see The Rock win, but looking back at it, it was a pretty cool ending to match.
Bret Hart vs Stone Cold at WM .... You start the match with one emotion of who to cheer/boo and do a complete about turn for BOTH wrestlers...... not just one doing the "turn" from face to heel .... how often has that ever happened let alone at the biggest PPV of the year and you also get one of the most iconic pictures of SCSA of all time.
Why has nobody mentioned the best ending in a match ever that actually led to a rule change in the WWE. The New Age Outlaws were in a 4 team tag match and were both tagged in,pinned each other and won the tag belts. Was that not one of the best ones yet?
Bret Hart vs. Stone Cold at the Survivor Series in the I Quit match was epic. That was when Stone Cold's character really took off, I never heard so many boos for the Hitman in my life and that was before he was a full fleged heel. The ending at Summerslam 1992 in London England with Bret losing the IC title to the British Bulldog was incredible too.
I have 2 favorite match finishes

1.wrestlemania 19 when brock lesner missed his shooting star press on kurt angle and then went on to win the match,just a big moment where everyone was scared and nervous of what condition brock was in,it was really intence,great ending

2.when trish stratus retired in 2006 at unforgiven beating lita in her hometown,my fav diva ever retires,really emotional and she got her storybook ending that she deserved,it brought a tear to my eye
In my opionion the three best match that ended picture perfect

Smackdown 6man tagteam.
Rey Mysterio Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy vs. MVP Kennedy and kane {I THINK}
Rey's 619...followed by Matt's twist of fate...followed by a swanton bomb.

Wrestlemania 22 Rey vs Angle vs Orton.
Angle going for an angle slam on mysterio but rey brings kurt down and out the ring...drop kicks orton on the ropes and dials up a historic 619 to win the WWE WorldHeavyweight championship at Wrestlemaina 22 in Chicago Illinois.

Wrestlemania 25 Shawn Michaels vs. Undertaker.
Everybody who watched wrestlwmaina know's the score with HBK vs the deadman. Hbk always does a picture perfect moonsault from somewhere.
but off the top turnbuckle was amazing and unique. I was suprized to see a moonsault reversed into an Tombstone Piledriver. WOW.
I gotta go with the montreal screw job. the fact tha hbk played his part very well fooled everyone. I was never a fan of bret harts work and i just thought it was a good way tos end him out the door to wcw. there are dozens of matches tha have had better technical finshes but this has always been my favorite.
Easy answer for me

Summer Slam 97. Bret Hart vs Undertaker. Shawn Michaels is the ref.

Michaels has to call it down the middle. Great match. Awesome finish. Hart used a chair minutes earlier on Undertaker, but taker is just able to kick out.

Michaels sees the chair laying in the corner of the ring. He picks it up and confronts Hart about using it. They get into a battle of words. Hitman spits in Shawns face. Michaels reacts by swinging the chair at Bret Hart. But Bret ducks and HBK hits Undertaker insted. Hart pins taker and HBK is forced to count the 1-2-3 and making Bret Hart the new WWF Champ.

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