What is your favorite beat down?

All VERY good beatdowns! Mine would have to be when Chyna first appeared and went after Marlena! The way Chyna shook Marlena like a rag doll was an awesome sell!
I'm not sure if this counts but my favorite beatdown is Edge and Jericho beating down Cena at Summerslam after they got eliminated from the 7-on-7 match because it showed that Edge and Jericho were still heel at the time.
my fav beat down would have to b when sting finally got his ass handed by him by the nwo. After all the beatdowns sting gave all the nwo at 1 time they finally got his ass lol
Rasha got the one that i'll never forget! That was total devistation By Nash & Hall!

The one that popped into my head first, was one that hasnt been mentioned yet. I just remember thinking to myself as it was happening...GOD DAMN!!!

SOB!!! I cant find the video!!

It was JBL dragging around Jericho by the bullrope around the neck. I feel like this was just a normal Smackdown- But I guess it coulda been a PPV. I didnt think i'd have a problem finding the video on YouTube. But...No Luck!! Either way- I remember Jericho taking a pretty bad beatdown that night!! Wish I coulda seen it again tho, before I threw it out there.

My favorite beatdown was back in WCW days.

late 1990s - Chicago, NWO at its peak. Dennis Rodman "joins" the NWO and has a tag match near the end with Luger and The Giant (Big Show).

Ah, to hell with it: It's best seen here:


Watching Rodman deliver elbow drops itself was entertaining enough. Watching the CHI crowd throw a ton of garbage into the ring afterwards was even better.

Watch all the shit come flying into the ring at the end when they spray-paint NWO on Luger and Giant - amazing for a WCW crowd!!
My favorite beat down would have to be when Stone Cold attacked Vince McMahon and his jabroni crew he had with him on Raw. Stone Cold comes to the ring in the beer truck and sprayed everyone then beats down everyone in the ring. He stuns Vince and some others I believe. That was a great episode of Raw.
BEST BEATDOWN....Hands down in Old School.....The Four Horsemen chase down American Dream Dusty Rhodes in a parking lot and Break his Arm for Real you can see the bone is broken...thats when wresters were Hard core and not worried about crap like that

Almost forgot here is the Link

BEST BEATDOWN....Hands down in Old School.....The Four Horsemen chase down American Dream Dusty Rhodes in a parking lot and Break his Arm for Real you can see the bone is broken...thats when wresters were Hard core and not worried about crap like that

I remember seeing footage of that beatdown on youtube

anyhow I've been watching wrestling for along time and I've seen many beatdowns but the one I'm suprised wasn't mentioned was Stone Cold Steve Austin beating down Vince McMahon in the hospital, funniest damn thing I've seen on Raw especially Austin smashing Vince in the head with a bedpan and then shocking Vince with a defibulator unit and then to finish it off Austin violated Vince with a enema gun. I was laughing my ass off when Austin did that.
I have two that came to mind quickly, the first being The Big Show gettin beat down by the Brothers of Destruction; He was chasing the hardy boys i think but he busted in a locker room and then got tossed back out you werent sure who did it until the Undertaker and Kane came out the locker room beat him down and as they go back in Taker looks at show and says "Next time knock!".

The other is when Taker threw austin through the window; as Austin was being put into the ambulance HHH gets gets in to ride along with him and tells the driver to get moving Taker turns around from the driver seat and says "Hello boys!" and then beats Austin up some more while hes strapped to the stretcher still.
I totally agree with Ferbian. That was an excellent beatdown i will never forget when Triple H gave Randy Orton the thumbs up, and then put his thumbs down while Randy was hoisted on Batista shoulders. The look on Randy's face is priceless.

Another close favourite of mine, and one I will never forget. When The Dark Crow Sting returned after a long hiatus, but before he actually got into the ring, about 200 fake Sting's came down from every side of the building and got beaten down by the NWO untile the real Sting came and absolutely cleaned house and beat the shit out of the NWO. Classic WCW moment.
BEST BEATDOWN....Hands down in Old School.....The Four Horsemen chase down American Dream Dusty Rhodes in a parking lot and Break his Arm for Real you can see the bone is broken...thats when wresters were Hard core and not worried about crap like that

Almost forgot here is the Link

This happend before my time as a fan...but that was pretty brutal! Arn, Ole & JJ legit broke his arm?? I saw the blackout- but was that just to get the sell the beatdown? If they really did break his arm- that "beatdown" takes cake over this whole thread!

Im just sayin :worship:
For me, although it didn't lead to greatest thing in the world, it had to have been the revival of ECW on TV in 2001. It was just so damn good. They beat the living hell out of Chris Jericho and Kane. Paul Heyman on commentary did great, selling Dreamer and Van Dam. Then the WWE Members come down to make the save, only to turn on the WWE, so you have 12 or 14 guys beating the hell out of 2. You saw everything from the 3-D to the Van Damninator. Paul Heyman get's in, and declares war. It was priceless promo. That whole moment qualifies it to be the best beatdown I've ever seen.


Damm this one was already chosen!!

This is my favourite wrestling moment of all time. Seeing all the guys on the WWE roster who had previously been in ECW turn their backs on their colleagues and rejoin the invading ECW faction was BRILLIANT tv, I definitely had a MTFO moment when this happened.

Not the most brutal beat down of all time, but to me it is the most memorable.

I miss those days in wrestling :(
One of my favorites was the debut of HHH's sledgehammer. During the UT/Rock casket match he put The Rock in the casket and then went ape shit with the sledgehammer on it!


Most of yall are way to young to remember this but the ambush Don Muraco and King Kong Bundy gave to Hulk Hogan a few months before WM2. Muraco held him in the corner while Bundy running Avalanched him multiple times! Broke Hogans sternum and a couple ribs.

And let's not forget Ricky Steamboats three notorious beatdowns at the hands of Jake Roberts (ddt on the concrete); Randy Savage (Match Bell from the top rope to his throat!); and the one from Nexus (hasn't been seen since).
This happend before my time as a fan...but that was pretty brutal! Arn, Ole & JJ legit broke his arm?? I saw the blackout- but was that just to get the sell the beatdown? If they really did break his arm- that "beatdown" takes cake over this whole thread!

Im just sayin :worship:

Yes Dusty actually agreed to have his arm boken for that story line. It was first reported that Arn and Ole were against it but Dusty demanded they do it to "make it more real". I have always respected Dusty for that....his willingness to be done stiff and take a real injury. Then again thats the way the old timers were.
Aww, that's easy! 2004 draft lottery.

Triple H vs. Eddie Guerrero for the WWE Championship on Raw.

Here's some video proof for you, I thought this was one of the best Raw's ever.


One of the biggest brawls I've ever seen and I was freaking out so badly. I've always been a Raw mark, I was cheering for Triple H, cheering for Evolution and cheering for Raw. I loved WWE during the 2002-2004 attitude entertainment era. I miss it quite bad. I wish they would do more stuff like this nowa'days. Single handedly one of my favourite moments in WWE history.

I'll never forget watching this on TV. Epic, simply epic.
Yes Dusty actually agreed to have his arm boken for that story line. It was first reported that Arn and Ole were against it but Dusty demanded they do it to "make it more real". I have always respected Dusty for that....his willingness to be done stiff and take a real injury. Then again thats the way the old timers were.

He willingly wanted to have his arm broken for a STORYLINE???? Why in the hell would anyone do that? FOR REALISM I hear you cry, but wrestling is all about making it look devastating while in reality causing no real damage.

In fact, I am actually laughing at how unbelievably stupid that was. I respect Dusty Rhodes for what he has given to the business, but to actually break a bone simply to make it look real is mind-blowingly pathetic. Surely they could find a way of making it look like Dusty's arm was broken without ACTUALLY BREAKING IT????
just thinking of a couple of other beatdowns I remember

one from 1990 which happened on the Brother Love show on Superstars when the Hart Foundation was on there sometime before Summerslam 90, during their promo Demolition showed up (Ax, Smash, and Crush) and heated words were exchanged before Demoliton jumped the Harts.

also one from 1991 during the Funeral Parlor with Paul Bearer, The Ultimate Warrior was on as a guest and while Warrior's back was turned The Undertaker emerged from one of the caskets and laid a vicious beatdown on the Warrior, Taker smashed Warrior with about 3 different urns then slammed the Warrior into a Warrior themed casket then slammed the lid shut on it and held it shut long enough for Paul Bearer to lock it. I remember seeing this when it went down live on tv.

Another I remember seeing back in 1989 on Superstars, then Intercontinental Champion Rick Rude had barely beat a jobber and then called in a female fan to give her a rude awakening, while Rude was busy with the female fan he didn't expect The Ultimate Warrior to run in and slam Rude face first into the mat, Warrior then laid a beating on Rude and finished it with his press slam and then Warrior posed with the IC Belt

one that I saw on Prime Time Wrestling also in 1989 when The Ultimate Warrior battled Haku in a one on one match, Warrior won the match only for Rick Rude to jump the Warrior from behind, Rude laid in a beatdown on the Warrior while Andre the Giant came out to block the isle way to keep anybody from running in, Rude continued the beatdown till Warrior started fighting back and press slammed Rude to the floor ontop of Andre sending the Giant down to the floor

yet another from 1989 from Superstars before Summerslam that year, The Ultimate Warrior had just won a match against a jobber and was heading back to the lockerrom (with said jobber on his back) when out infront of him came out Bobby Heenan, Heenan distracted the Warrior long enough for Andre the Giant to come up from behind and began to choke the Warrior out cold.

One I saw on youtube a while back which was from 1988 on Superstars when Brutus the barber Beefcake was in action against a jobber when he got jumped by Ron Bass, Bass raked Beefcake in the head with a couple of spurs busting Beefcake wide open on superstars.

and one more from 1989 on superstars when Jake Robers fought Virgil, originally it was supposed to be Jake vs The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase but Dibiase backed out claiming illness and sent Virgil to face Roberts in his place, Jake squashed Virgil then stole Dibiase's wad of cash and began throwing money to the crowd before returning to the ring to get Damian only for Dibiase to attack Roberts from behind and trap the Snake in the Million Dollar Dream, Dibiase added insult to injury by stuffing $100 bills down Jake's throat.
He willingly wanted to have his arm broken for a STORYLINE???? Why in the hell would anyone do that? FOR REALISM I hear you cry, but wrestling is all about making it look devastating while in reality causing no real damage.

In fact, I am actually laughing at how unbelievably stupid that was. I respect Dusty Rhodes for what he has given to the business, but to actually break a bone simply to make it look real is mind-blowingly pathetic. Surely they could find a way of making it look like Dusty's arm was broken without ACTUALLY BREAKING IT????


You have to remember this was back I believe in the very early 80's. Most of them worked stiff and Blading was in almost every match as well as full force punches to make it even more believable.

Busted lips, broken noses, etc etc were very common back then. I remember one NWA storyline where I think it was Kevin Sullivan was tossed out of the back of a moving pickup and they were not going slow in a parking lot. They were driving down a highway in North Carolina I think.

You should You Tube some of the old wrestling stuff from NWA man these guys were worse than ECW from days when ECW was shown at midnights. I think it was ole Mick Foley who in one event took a flourecent lightbulb to the face full force.

Audiences were tiny back then so they did what it took to gain a larger viewership.
I got a couple

Steve Austin return to save the WWE after he had been broken hearted because Vince didn't want to beh is friend anymore. Austin gave like 20 stunners and it was one of the best memories I have of Austin.

Brock Lesnar debut in Montreal (my hometown) with Paul Heyman were he dismantle everyone who was in the match because it was really brutal and people even thought it was Goldberg at first. It was really impressive to witness Brock for the first time and live.

Big show beating Rey and strapping him on a stretcher before slamming him into the ring post because Rey look like a doll and it was really funny to witness and the size difference between the 2.

The ministry on Taker when Vince was revealed as the higher power. It gave one of the most famous image in history with Austin tied to the rope, Vince getting the cowl off and screaming to Austin's face.

Here's hoping it's not considered as spam this time.
When Stone Cold returned to help the WWF against the Alliance. When he just drove up in the Parking Lot in his truck, got out and took out all the Alliance members all the way from the Parking Lot into the ring and then seeing Austin standing in the ring with Jericho, Undertaker, Kane & Kurt Angle, actually when they showed that clip on the Invasion promo before the Inaugral Brawl match, it was absolutely epic.

And Evolution beating down Eugene on the Raw after Vengeance was funny as hell as they pretended to be friends with him throughout the whole show. Then in the main event Eugene thought he won the World Title from Benoit, HHH came out to the ring clapping for Eugene only to punch him right in the face and beat him down with Evolution then for Benoit & Regal to cry which HHH pointed out the next week on Raw and say "There's No Crying In Wrestling" was absolutely hilarious.

The Nexus beatdown was epic too.
got this one from Wrestlemania VI

Big Boss Man makes his way to the ring to face Akeem in a one on one match but before Boss Man can make it into the ring he gets jumped from behind by The Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase whom was hiding under the ring, this was in retaliation for Boss Man not taking a pay off the week before on Superstars when Dibiase tried to pay off Boss Man to get back the Million Dollar Belt back from Jake the snake Roberts

one from 1989 on Superstars saw Dino Bravo shove around Ronnie Garvin (whom was being a referee at the time due to losing a career match to Greg Valentine sometime beforehand) Garvin had enough and started a huge brawl with Bravo which resulted in Garvin being threatened with a indefinent suspention from then president Jack Tunney.

also one from Superstars back in 1989, two weeks after Hacksaw Jim Duggan defeated Haku for the king's crown Duggan was in action and squashed a jobber but outside the ring Bobby Heenan ran out and tried to steal the crown and cape back, Duggan went after Hennan only to be attacked by Haku and Andre the Giant, while Duggan was being beat down by Haku and Andre Big John Studd ran down to make the save chasing Haku and Andre from the ring

Also remember one from Mid South Wrestling, it was when Bruiser Brody viciously attacked Jerry Lawler with a broken piece of the time keeper's table, Brody jabbed Lawler repeatedly with it using the nails sticking out of it busting Lawler wide open, Lawler began to fight back on Brody only for Kareem Mohammed to run in and nail Lawler

Another from Mid South which began one of wrestling's most infamous brawls, the Concession Stand brawl featuring Jerry Lawler and Bill Dundee brawling with Larry Lathum and Wayne Ferris (aka The Honky Tonk Man), all four men brawled from the ring into the concession stand, fists and food were flying everywhere, even Lance Russel got hit with mustard while calling the fight from the stairs looking down into the concession stand

one more I remember from Midsouth featuring The Rock N Roll Express (Rick Morton and Robert Gibson) vs Macho Man Randy Savage and Leaping Lanny Poffo (with their father Angelo Poffo in their corner) the match concluded when Savage piledrove Rick Morton through the time keeper's table which sparked a wild melee

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