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What is wrong with Randy Orton?


Occasional Pre-Show
Is it just me or is he just missing something? Perhaps a new theme song, a new entrance, a new look...something. He seems uninterested when giving promos, almost like he is bored or tired.

I feel like this is easily his weakest title reign in his career and i feel like he is just stale (please no cena jokes).

Orton has reinvented himself a few different times in his career with the Evolution Orton, the Legacy Orton and the Legend Killer, also with numerous heel/face turns along the way.

Has the Viper gimmick ran its course? Does he need some time off?

Personally i always thought Orton was better as a member of a faction, not including his current backseat role in the "Corporation".

Watching Raw tonight, it seemed like he was the outcast of The Authority. That everyone except for HHH and Steph could care less about him, or at best, just dislikes him. Maybe it's because he's spent the majority of this heel turn "losing" to Daniel Bryan. He won the title by turning heel, but he hasn't really done anything to make him look stronger through it. HHH helped him cash in his MitB. His first loss had to be "thrown out". Big Show knocked him out for a draw finish. It's a mixture of all these things, and the fact that HHH seems to be stealing all the heat from him.
Randy Orton sucks. I don't know if he's missing anything but I'd like to be missing him from my tv. Does he need time off? Certainly does but I would hope he doesn't come back. If he had to stay I would like a new theme song and entrance but I don't think that would help anything. I also agree this is his weakest title reign. I think he was better as The Legend Killer but I understand he can't use that gimmick forever but other than that I can take him or leave him but I prefer to leave him. Those are my thoughts.
His viper gimmick has gone stale years ago. His mic skill is average, really average. I thought his promos showed more personality and more entertaining in 2004. When he transformed into the viper, it was unique because nobody has seen the evil side of him. As time progresses, things got stale and so does his viper gimmick.

All top stars need to reinvent themselves. Nobody can stay relevant with the same character forever, unless you're cena. (Rock, punk, hhh, edge, jericho etc) all have reinvented themselves during their full time career. Orton needs to reinvent himself imo.
It's the same thing that's been wrong with Orton for years. He's boring. He's stale. He needs a COMPLETE overhaul. This gimmick he's in now is no different than his last heel gimmick.

The problem goes all the way back to Summerslam. Triple H's turn overshadowed Orton's. It's really that simple. Triple H as a heel is more interesting than Orton. Prior to Summerslam, when was the last time Triple H was actually a full-on heel? If my memory serves me correct, I believe leading into WM22 against Cena? Because that summer was when DX reformed and Triple H/HBK both did the DX chop in their respective matches at WM22. So we had a face Triple H for over 7 years. Orton was heel for a lot of that time. So Triple H's heel turn was better. Because in a sense, he actually turned and did the big deed against Bryan. Orton seemed to just become heel by association... and for me... was less interesting and obviously more expected.

Now look... You have Triple H still... more interesting than Orton. The Shield is more interesting. Hell... even Big Show is more interesting. Like I said above, Orton needs a COMPLETE AND TOTAL OVERHAUL if you want to keep him interesting. Because after this feud is over... who's he going to feud with? Cena for the 42nd time? Bryan again? Maybe Punk but that's all you got left without building some new stars. And WWE hasn't exactly done that lately. Unless you have Reigns break off from the Shield to do his own thing or toss Big E his way... Orton doesn't have a lot of options. Orton's success has become his worst enemy at this point in his career because he's accomplished so much at his young age. He's had great matches against Triple H. Batista. Cena. Christian. Edge. Everyone.

Portraying a more animated version of yourself works... but only for so long. That's the case here with Orton. He's stale. It's a shame because he's so flipping talented.
Is it just me or is he just missing something? Perhaps a new theme song, a new entrance, a new look...something. He seems uninterested when giving promos, almost like he is bored or tired.

I feel like this is easily his weakest title reign in his career and i feel like he is just stale (please no cena jokes).

Orton has reinvented himself a few different times in his career with the Evolution Orton, the Legacy Orton and the Legend Killer, also with numerous heel/face turns along the way.

Has the Viper gimmick ran its course? Does he need some time off?

Personally i always thought Orton was better as a member of a faction, not including his current backseat role in the "Corporation".


First, They are called ''The Authority'' Not corporation please get it right.As for Orton, he's one of the most top heel and the most entertaining heels in the WWE. Go ahead, You know, it's funny you say this, the so called problem, is always about Orton,Orton,Orton. Yet dare you to say Alberto Del Rio is a better heel,simply because I Need a good laugh about now..it's funny he never gets over with the crowd at all. and nobody pretty much,cares he lost his World Title to Cena
It's the same thing that's been wrong with Orton for years. He's boring. He's stale. He needs a COMPLETE overhaul. This gimmick he's in now is no different than his last heel gimmick.

The problem goes all the way back to Summerslam. Triple H's turn overshadowed Orton's. It's really that simple.

I Will only agree with you Triple H's Heel turn overshadowed Orton's simply,because this whole WWE authority Storyline is about HIM and Stephanie''.maybe that's where the problem lies, first it's Triple H Vs Daniel Bryan. Now it's HHH Vs Big Show.. Orton really doesn't have a rivalry at the moment and nobody knows what His ROLE is in (The Authority) Even the Shield said it, they only work for HHH guess what they've become boring,as well...
His viper gimmick has gone stale years ago. His mic skill is average, really average.

Well, yes. He never was much of a talker.....and no matter what type of gimmick they gave him, he was always essentially the same character: the loner, the guy who doesn't need anyone but himself. Unlike most performers who have someone run to the ring to help if they get into trouble, Randy usually handles it by himself. That's been his M.O. as long as I can remember.

Honestly, I thought he did a better job than expected in his loose alliance with Daniel Bryan and Kane, during Daniel's "weak link" phase. Randy showed the right amount of exasperation and patience in dealing with Daniel's troubles, without becoming a sentimental mess by catering to it.

However, he's not the guy I expected to go corporate; it implies a willingness to work with other people that is totally foreign to Randy Orton. So far, so good; he's been working for the Authority without kowtowing to them. That he's working on the same side as the Shield while letting them know he's not really "joining" them is a good thing; it's more like the Randy we know.

Nothing's wrong with Randy Orton. More than anything, he's still about excellence in the ring; the guy has always been about precision and near flawless ring work; nothing has changed in that. Eventually, he'll break away from the Authority, whether he's still champion or not.....which is what we expect of him.
I dont think Randy Orton is boring. he's actually a great wrestler and entertainer. if Randy Orton didn't love WWE, then he would've never became a wrestler. so they are obviously wrong, if they think he doesn't love his job. it's amazing how you Hypocrites, never,complain about Alberto del snore-o the most boring WHC of all time,he's even worse than Khali atleast Khali got a lot of heat from the crowds but this guy doesn't even get a reaction most of time and his personal ring announcer gets a better reaction than him..

Yet the problem is always about Orton, Orton Orton, never Cena or Alberto Del Rio.. At least Orton has been able to get a reaction from the CROWD and make peoples hate him.. The same can't be said about your boy ADR.. To answer your question I hate using facts to discredit you so called WWE Fans on these boards. Deep down, you,know,I'm right no way in your mind would you say he's better heel then Orton,simply because nobody cares he's no longer World Champion..
The problem right now is that Orton's character doesn't have his own agency: He's the chosen champion of Triple H, and as long as Triple H says he's the champion then he will remain so. He doesn't have his own wants, his own ego, his own problems. He's inherited all of these things from Triple H. This is a problem because it limits the effectiveness of Orton as a heel, and it the ultimate end game less satisfying as the true heel, Triple H, isn't technically an active wrestler right now. So whether this whole angle culminates in a Title vs. Title match with Cena Vs. Orton or a payoff between Bryan Vs. Orton, the real villain of the piece is on the sidelines rather than in the ring.
I don't really see anything wrong with Orton. I just think that some people are a bored with his character. However, to be perfectly honest, I can't really see Orton really feeling "natural" if his character was overhauled. When he first came to WWE, he was in his early 20s and had the whole fresh faced, handsome young man thing going on. The Legend Killer worked perfectly in painting him as a cocky young upstart who saw himself as a legend in the making. When you look at where Orton has come in his career, it was right on the numbers.

As Orton got older and became a main eventer who won multiple World Championships, he couldn't simply be this cocky young upstart anymore. I also NEVER saw him as being something of the playful, immature heel like we saw with Shawn Michaels & Triple H when they were in their late 20s to early 30s. I couldn't see him going about as a materialistic playboy wearing $2,000 suits and $15,000 watches like Ric Flair. I could never really see him as a badass, take no prisoners brawling heel because, frankly, the guy's just too damn pretty to pull that off effectively.

However, I can EASILY buy into Orton as this immoral, ruthless, cold hearted prick without a shred of humanity. In all honesty, The Viper really is the ultimate sociopath. He's the ultimate sociopath because he has the kind of looks that could make most women swoon but he's as ugly on the inside as he is handsome on the outside. If The Viper was a heartless serial killer, Orton is the kind of guy that most people would look at and say "I'd have never thought him capable of doing that in a million years" because of his looks.

Everything from Orton's mannerisms to his body language to how he does promos is a big part of what's made him one of WWE's biggest stars in the past 10 years. His character isn't especially dynamic or energizing but, then again, it's not supposed to be. He's a cold, calculating predator that'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. It's what's brought Orton to the dance, after all, so why would WWE want to change something that's still working? As I said, I'm certain some are bored with it. I'm also certain that some people were bored with watching Ric Flair run around like a 21 year old frat boy on a meth binge when he was 45 years old, but most people still enjoyed it and nobody tried to change it.
Nothing wrong with him at all.Hes still a great worker,puts people over no matter the match result(ask Big E or Goldust) and is over.But his main prob as some have said is this HHH storyline has killed him.His seen as HHH's lackey since day 1. He needs to be on his own.His gimmick was a loner anyway to begin with.

And how does he seem "uninterested?" Was that huge bump he took(chokeslam thru table)look like he dont care about making angles look good?
To be honest, I think people tend to underrate Orton's mic skills. He really isn't that bad. I would say he is certainly above average and he might not be able to hold a promo like The Rock or John Cena, he still delivers.

There is nothing massively wrong with Orton. The gimmick is fine and him being an aggressive narcissist works. If anything they should go that little bit further. For example, when he was telling Brie Bella that she should be with someone like Randy Orton. That follows logic and it could have even provided material for Total Divas. Initially, I thought Orton would be walking around in a suit, simply as the poster boy who rarely had to get his hands dirty. They have gone a different way and, in my opinion, it is working.
I don't really see anything wrong with Orton. I just think that some people are a bored with his character. However, to be perfectly honest, I can't really see Orton really feeling "natural" if his character was overhauled. When he first came to WWE, he was in his early 20s and had the whole fresh faced, handsome young man thing going on. The Legend Killer worked perfectly in painting him as a cocky young upstart who saw himself as a legend in the making. When you look at where Orton has come in his career, it was right on the numbers.

As Orton got older and became a main eventer who won multiple World Championships, he couldn't simply be this cocky young upstart anymore. I also NEVER saw him as being something of the playful, immature heel like we saw with Shawn Michaels & Triple H when they were in their late 20s to early 30s. I couldn't see him going about as a materialistic playboy wearing $2,000 suits and $15,000 watches like Ric Flair. I could never really see him as a badass, take no prisoners brawling heel because, frankly, the guy's just too damn pretty to pull that off effectively.

However, I can EASILY buy into Orton as this immoral, ruthless, cold hearted prick without a shred of humanity. In all honesty, The Viper really is the ultimate sociopath. He's the ultimate sociopath because he has the kind of looks that could make most women swoon but he's as ugly on the inside as he is handsome on the outside. If The Viper was a heartless serial killer, Orton is the kind of guy that most people would look at and say "I'd have never thought him capable of doing that in a million years" because of his looks.

Everything from Orton's mannerisms to his body language to how he does promos is a big part of what's made him one of WWE's biggest stars in the past 10 years. His character isn't especially dynamic or energizing but, then again, it's not supposed to be. He's a cold, calculating predator that'll stop at nothing to get what he wants. It's what's brought Orton to the dance, after all, so why would WWE want to change something that's still working? As I said, I'm certain some are bored with it. I'm also certain that some people were bored with watching Ric Flair run around like a 21 year old frat boy on a meth binge when he was 45 years old, but most people still enjoyed it and nobody tried to change it.

Interesting comparison with Flair. I actually thought a take on the Flair persona WOULD work for Orton. The difference being that if Ric Flair's playboy is like Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack; spend big, live big, and just be the dirtiest player in the game with a band of buddies riding the coattails -- everyone living large. Orton, to me, feels more like a narcissistic wealthy athlete. If he has an entourage, he certainly wouldn't care about them (i.e. Legacy). He'd be more loathed for his wealth because frankly, the attitude wouldn't be near as charming. Like you said, a sociopath. I think that would work right now for Orton, but I think the problem is that such a character shouldn't be a puppet. He should be controlling his own destiny.
The problem goes all the way back to Summerslam. Triple H's turn overshadowed Orton's. It's really that simple.

I couldn't agree more. This is to say nothing of his character, in-ring work, mic work or anything of the sort. This is solely about the problem he's had getting over with his most recent heel turn - a problem that absolutely started at Summerslam and has continued ever since. Even with the title, Orton has been nothing more than the third-wheel in The Authority story arc - nothing more than a henchman to do Triple H's bidding. Triple H had a problem with Daniel Bryan so he sent Randy Orton after him. Triple H has a problem with The Big Show so he sends Randy Orton after him. If Randy Orton fails, he's replaceable in the story arc. Triple H could merely find another guy to put in the way of Bryan or Big Show.

So what's the reason we wanted Bryan to beat Orton - or to see The Big Show beat Orton? Admittedly, some of it has to with us wanting to see them win the WWE Title - especially with Bryan. But the real fan investment in this story arc comes from wanting to see Triple H get what he has coming to him - to see him pay for his "evil deeds" and be taken down a notch.

And that's what has been wrong with Orton throughout this program. The reason we invest in a heel is because we want to see them get what's coming to them. We want to see someone take them down. We want that final payoff that makes it all worth it. Well, because he hasn't been anything but a henchman, I don't see Randy Orton as the end-game to this story arc. To me, he's merely a footnote in the bigger picture, which is Triple H getting his comeuppance.
He should be controlling his own destiny.

Exactly. Orton should be the one pulling the strings, not the one being used.

But you can look at it from this perspective. From the outside looking in, it does look like he is HHH's pawn to promote HHH's agenda. Orton has made out well too. He has HHH ordering The Sheild around. Orton has carte blanche to do what he wants. Whose to say Orton is not using HHH like HHH is using him?

Both characters have sociopathic tendencies. HHH is on his powertrip, Orton being the beneficiary of the power trip. Orton said leading into MITB he was hungry, he would do anything to to become Champion again. This is what he feels he needs to do to keep the title. Benefit from HHH's power trip.

The way its booked, seems, it seems like Orton is the pawn. Thats what most people think, there is a less obvious aspect to the sociopathic personality, the one most fans probably don't pick up on, maybe, just maybe, Orton is using HHH, that Orton saw an opportunity, took it; is willing to be overshaowed, a narcissist needs the attention. A sociopath is content working in the shadows or being overshadowed, that is how they do their best work.

Does HHH overshadow Orton, sure, maybe that is the way he wants it.
Nothing. He is one of the top heels the company has. He really has it all. Not outstanding in any one aspect, but not just ok or above average but good at everything. People rag on his mic skills but I'm not sure what they expect. His character is that of a cold methodical person so that's what he portrays. Now I don't think he has much range outside of that, but so what. That's his character and he plays it well.
Well, yes. He never was much of a talker.....and no matter what type of gimmick they gave him, he was always essentially the same character: the loner, the guy who doesn't need anyone but himself. Unlike most performers who have someone run to the ring to help if they get into trouble, Randy usually handles it by himself. That's been his M.O. as long as I can remember.

What Randy Orton have you been watching? His M.O> is that he tries to act like a hard ass when in reality he relies on others while he weasles his way to success. He needed Evolution, Edge, Legecy, a handful of others and now the Authority. His charter has been that of a user and a manipulator.

There is no denying the guys potential in-ring ability if they would only allow him to open it up a bit. His major flaw is his complete lack of charisma. The guy is like a robot going through the motions with his bland sense of delivery.
Ortons deal is simple. He got completed overshadowed by Trips heel turn at summerslam plain and simple. Yes Orton is never been that much of a talker at all and is rather bland on the Mic. But as the Genius Mustang Sally said,is this the guy that is the corporate model? No i dont think he is,he marches to his own drummer always has handled his in-ring work all by himself. That is his Motive always has been.

Remember when DB said he was the weak link? Randy Orton showed the right amount of patience and facial expressions with that whole ordeal. We all knew Orton was gonna go heel we just didnt think it would be the same night when HHH went heel as well. Orton is a fantastic Heel much better than he is a face. But he does need to seperate himself from the Authority,he is much better on his own. Orton is like a hunter,stalks his pray slowly and mentally. He doesnt need anyone to help him out
I'm not a big Orton fan, but I think he gets a lot of undeserved heat on forums like these for his personality. He has personality. He's that quiet rage loner type that you expect to shoot up the locker room. That's who he is and he plays it to a fucking T even with restrictions on television ratings. He talks slow and meticulous as you'd expect a sociopath with the world watching would. He wrestles with tactical precision and expertise.

So my question to anyone dissing him is simply "What IS wrong with Orton?"

Should we expect him to sound like a Joker ripoff on the mic? Should he RKO the Bella chick to get the point across in front of the kiddies? What would you have him do?

He's a corporate sellout who still manages to hold onto his ruthless persona. I think he is still believable.
Well, yes. He never was much of a talker.....and no matter what type of gimmick they gave him, he was always essentially the same character: the loner, the guy who doesn't need anyone but himself. Unlike most performers who have someone run to the ring to help if they get into trouble, Randy usually handles it by himself. That's been his M.O. as long as I can remember.

Honestly, I thought he did a better job than expected in his loose alliance with Daniel Bryan and Kane, during Daniel's "weak link" phase. Randy showed the right amount of exasperation and patience in dealing with Daniel's troubles, without becoming a sentimental mess by catering to it.

However, he's not the guy I expected to go corporate; it implies a willingness to work with other people that is totally foreign to Randy Orton. So far, so good; he's been working for the Authority without kowtowing to them. That he's working on the same side as the Shield while letting them know he's not really "joining" them is a good thing; it's more like the Randy we know.

Nothing's wrong with Randy Orton. More than anything, he's still about excellence in the ring; the guy has always been about precision and near flawless ring work; nothing has changed in that. Eventually, he'll break away from the Authority, whether he's still champion or not.....which is what we expect of him.

This is why I honestly think that John Cena would've been a much better fit than Randy in this whole 'face of the wwe' story that's being told, obviously not possible due to his injury & the seemingly eternal unwillingness (on whomever's part, not pointing fingers here) to change up his persona.

With Randy the story rings hollow & feels like our intelligence is being insulted.

''Randy Orton is the face of this company'' There's just no real, fundamental truth in that statement. I mean really? We're expected to suspend disbelief & pretend that John Cena never existed then?

However if Cena comes out and utters those words, It's much easier for him to draw heat from it, because we the audience know full well that he is, but the moment he actually says those words on screen, he instantly sounds like a pompous arse.

It's like the popular guy at school telling everyone how popular he is, good bad guys can take the truth and make it annoying.
They need to let him be himself and drop the scripted promos and let him cut loose on the mic w/ out scripts. Anyone whos ever heard his media interviews knows hes hilarious,outspoken and say what he thinks. If they did that he'd be regarded as one of the best promo guys going today.

In a funny note in a recent WWE mag they said he's their fave interview subject but half the stuff he says is unprintable. Just let him he him.
Orton is one of the best, if not the best pure wrestler in the wwe for the last decade. He is so smooth in the ring that he makes it look so easy. The only problem I see with Orton right now is that he is not the same heel that he was in 2008-2010. He tends to smile more as a heel then he has ever done before as a heel. As soon as he made his character transition in 2007 by using the punt kick, you never saw him smile ever. He always had that sick sadistic look on his face. I just feel now that he is not as sadistic and twisted as he was before.
They need to let him be himself and drop the scripted promos and let him cut loose on the mic w/ out scripts. Anyone whos ever heard his media interviews knows hes hilarious,outspoken and say what he thinks. If they did that he'd be regarded as one of the best promo guys going today.

In a funny note in a recent WWE mag they said he's their fave interview subject but half the stuff he says is unprintable. Just let him he him.

I'm going to try to post a video of Randy Orton talking about WWE 12 it's so awful it's hilarious and I don't think he needs to do that on live TV. I couldn't find the original version but I find a version of The Whole F'N Show doing commentary and it makes it that much more hilarious.

I've come to a conclusion - Orton's just wrestling in the wrong era.

Fans today have a less-than ten second attention span. If a superstar isn't jumping around or screaming, he's boring. Blame yourselves, not Orton.

Randall would've entertained 99.99% of the crowd at any point between 1985 and, oh, 2001. His subtle approach and methodical style would've been far more popular.

Not today. True talent is tossed aside in favor of mindless mopes, like Dolph Ziggler, or Zack Ryder, or Kofi Kingston.

Again, blame yourselves, not Orton.

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