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What is TNA/IW to the WWE Really?

CM Steel

A REAL American
TNA/Impact Wrestling has been like a seed growing into a flower for the past 5 years some would say. More names, more legends (Hogan, Flair, Sting), and more reconigtion from the media. Many viewers see TNA/IW as a alternate of the WWE product. In a good way, and in a bad way.

TNA/IW still ti'l this day has it's critics, who are fans & wrestler's. But nobody more harder than wrestler Lance Storm. Who went as far as calling TNA wrestling "******ed". Now that had to hurt a few ego's. I'm sure that WWE chairman Vince McMahon isn't losing any sleep about TNA/IW like how he did during the times of the "Monday Night Wars". He just doesn't see TNA/Impact Wrestling as a real threat.

But could TNA/IW be more than just the WWE's ******ed step-brother? What does TNA/IW need to do to be on that number 1 spot in wrestling? But competition wise, what is TNA/IW really to the WWE?
In my view, TNA/IW is to WWE what WCW was to them prior to the Monday Night Wars but without Ted Turners pocket book. WCW had it's big name stars like Flair, Hogan, Savage & Luger but was always considered minor league compared to the Federation. That's not to say WCW sucked but it's how it was precieved by most back then. TNA/IW can still become #1 but they're gonna have to work harder to accomplish that task than WCW had to & stop relying on ex-WWE talent and start pushing their home grown stars at the veterans expense because unlike with WCW where you had major talent raids like Luger returning from a 3yr absence, Hall & Nash coming in etc.., TNA/IW won't be signing WWE's top tier talent away like Cena, Punk or Orton away from them. They need to do what WCW failed to do with the likes of Guerrero, Jericho and "He who should not be named". With James Storm going over Kurt Angle, I feel they could be on the right track in doing so.
I can't compare TNA to WcW. WcW was real competition for the WWE at a special time for wrestling fans. Then you had ECW which was your alternative to the "corporate" wrestling from WcW and WWE. I would think that with the business landscape what it is today though, I would have to say TNA is an alternative more than real competition. Could they grow into that position, sure. Anything could potentially happen. I would say TNA is legitimately the number 2 company. They have a bit more exposure than ROH but I think that if ROH had the exposure behind it that TNA has, there would be some real competition and it is possible that watching them fighting it out would be far more interesting than anything in WWE.
Vince has people watching TNA for 2 reasons.
1. Lawyers, if Vince can sue over any little thing, he'll do so to smite competition, EV2.0 is a good example, EV2.0 was stupid, and once the ECW reunion lost ECW, it became a bad joke, rather than a storyline, similarly it's obvious that TNA has been warned not to use BuhBuh Ray Dudley's name, you notice that they were super careful about it except for Tazz who's pretty good at screwing up.

2. In case TNA actually makes a name for itself, You know WWE is ready to snipe wrestlers, imagine them picking up AJ or Beer Money in between a contract, even if they were development hell'd in FCW, they'd be blows to TNA which keep them from being true competition.

Right now, Dixie Carter running TNA has no chance of being a true competitor to WWE, she really has proven to not know wrestling, and they've lost stock in the last 2 years from stagnation. TNA in 2008ish was so much better of a niche product than it is now, trying to be a WWE clone. Having Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair wrestling matches in 2011? hahaha.
TNA is competition. Just because it isn't butting heads with WWE's ratings doesn't mean it's not competing. They've pulled wrestlers in. Despite being of similar styles, TNA holds a different atmosphere than WWE. It still retains it's unique elements to make it stand out as an alternative while still having the stock to be seen as "the smaller competitor".

Right now, Dixie Carter running TNA has no chance of being a true competitor to WWE, she really has proven to not know wrestling, and they've lost stock in the last 2 years from stagnation. TNA in 2008ish was so much better of a niche product than it is now, trying to be a WWE clone. Having Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair wrestling matches in 2011? hahaha.

Lost stock? Right. That's why wrestlers are getting extended contracts, pay-raises and TNA is doing international tours.
TNA aren't competition...yet.

They're nipping at Vince's heels, but they won't truly bother the WWE for a fair few years yet.

I mean, TNA's biggest PPV of the year drew a measely 2,500 fans. Where as WWE could pull in 70 - 80,000 with the right show. Bit of a difference.
Personally I only watch TNA/Impact and it is an alternative to WWE for me and I enjoy it, but until TNA/IW goes live and gets out of the Impact Zone every week the ratings wont improve in my opinion. They are doing a lot more house shows it seems and they are now taping about half their shows on the road but as long as they're taping and not live it's not going to be as good.

As for Lance Storm, who really cares what he thinks.
TNA is what ECW was to WWE back when it was close to the end except ECW got more viewers in their warehouse than TNA gets in the impact zone. TNA will never be up to what WCW was since WCW had weeks they had more viewers than RAW and if TNA went head to head with WWE on Mondays like WCW did they would be lucky to pull a 1.0
I've only watched TNA since the beginning of 2010 when Hogan first came to TNA, so I can't really comment much on what TNA did before then.

the first thing I want to throw out is that TNA is much more competition since Hogan/Bischoff came in and changed that awful 6 sided ring to a regular professional wrestling 4 sided ring.

I think TNA is what has been said. comparable to WCW before Turner was able to use his money and bring in established WWE stars. even then I don't think the likes of Hogan/Savage at that time are what made WCW better than WWE. it wasn't until the arrival of Hall/Nash and the formation of the nWo that WCW was real competition and got better ratings than the WWE.
I would have to say that ROH is more of competition to WWE then TNA/IW. I mean look at who they have signed away from ROH and given WWE developmental contracts to. WWE signed Tyler Black Claudio & there's talk that there going to sign Chris Hero I just see ROH as the more of a threat then TNA at this point.
To me TNA is just TNA, I dont see them as the competition I just see them as a different show. I don't want them to try to "compete" or even categorize themselves as the alternative...they are TNA...they should continue to make themselves better.

If TNA was head to head with WWE they would be dividing the viewers market and divide the market share...but since there on a whole other day what there actually doing is adding more wrestling content on tv...

I watch raw then watch impact then watch smackdown if you love wrestling chances are you will give impact a chance and if you like what you see you will keep watching,

if they continue to feature there own stars that they made and come in with cutting edge concepts and cool ideas they can easily make wwe seem outdated and appear as a company living off its brand name.

As for Lance Storm calling tna ******ed...i want to hear why he said that ...i would call tna ******ed for pushing hogan the way they did like he is a credible wrestler in 2011...or call wwe ******ed for having jim ross wrestle matches... though i must say the way they are burying samoa joe is kind of ******ed he should be protected.
To the people at WWE, I think that TNA is nothing more than a dot on their radar, nothing more, nothing less. This is not a TNA bash, but I think it's merely a statement of reality. Fans, marks, whatever aside, all WWE likely cares about is the numbers, and regardless of how you spin it, TNA's numbers are nowhere near WWE's. Even those of you who prefer TNA's product cannot deny this.

I would imagine WWE takes the occasional glance in their direction, but that's about it. They certainly aren't threatened by any potential threat, or concerned when their released talent heads there. In some ways, they probably see TNA as a breeding ground for potential new talent, because if someone develops in TNA and WWE were to be interested in them, WWE could throw a load of money at them to try to snag them once their available. Which I would love to see happen with AJ Styles, Velvet Sky, and MCMG.
What's TNA to WWE? Nothing to be worried about; no wrestling promotion will EVER be able to compete with WWE on the level that they are on bc THEY ARE MORE THAN A WRESTLING PROMOTION NOW! Ppl need to open their eyes and see this. WWE is involved with WAAAY more than just wrestling, and every other wrestling promotion is involved ONLY with wrestling.

If you're gonna rate it by just the Wrestling, Impact has fallen behind over the last two to three years; but ROH, CHIKARA, an PWG are all better WRESTLING promotions than both WWE and TNA. But WWE doesn't have to worry about that; TNA does. TNA's problem (and the reason ppl feel they can compare TNA and WWE) is that they are trying to compete with WWE, instead of competing with the top Indy promotions; the guys who could take TNA's spot.

No One will take WWE's spot; they'll have it til THEY fall apart. Plain and simple.
Man, it seems like this is one thread topic that's been done to death.

As far as Lance Storm goes, I dunno. I mean, the man is entitled to his opinion of course but I find it to take the criticism of a man in which the vast majority of the highlights of his career came in ECW. Kinda hard to call another company "******ed" when you work for a company that's most famous for blood baths in every other match, barbed wire, thumbtacks, flaming tables, countless chairshots to the head, etc. Also, to me, Storm is just another guy that ultimately just didn't make it and is probably a little bitter about it. He was very good inside the ring but the man had the charisma of an expired box of tampons.

As for what TNA is to WWE, they're just another wrestling company. I'm sure WWE keeps track of the basic goings on just as I'm sure TNA does with WWE. TNA is competition in the sense that they're a rival wrestling company. But they're not competition in terms of a rival company that's a threat to replace WWE as the biggest wrestling company in the world. People can debate who is better, who has the better roster, puts on better matches, etc. That stuff is all subjective but numbers aren't. In terms of television ratings, Raw usually draws anywhere between 4.5 to 5.5 million viewers at any given time over the course of the year whereas TNA generally draws in the 1.4-1.6 million range on average, with the occassional ratings pop like we saw this past Thursday. SmackDown! generally draws around 3 million people, sometimes a little less and simtimes a little more, year round. An average WWE B level ppv, not one of the big four, seems to draw buys in the 150,000 to 180,000 range. We don't ultimately know what the TNA ppvs draw but we've constantly heard rumors or reports that TNA ppvs draw in the 7,000 to 10,000 range. If that's true, you've got most WWE ppvs drawing $6.75 million to $8.1 million vs. TNA's $245,000 to $350,000. WWE house shows usually draw anywhere from 4,000 to 10,000 people whereas most reports I read put TNA house shows, usually, in the 500 to 700 range. So no, TNA is not a threat to WWE when it comes to revenue or audience size. I'm not saying this to slam TNA or anything but most of us all read the same internet stories and reports. It's just obvious that, in sheer monetary & viewer numbers, TNA can't touch WWE.

Is there anything TNA can do to change that? Probably not, at least not at this time. TNA has done everything from blatantly copying well known, sometimes outright classic storylines, they've brought in some of the biggest stars in the history of pro wrestling, they've sometimes tried to paint themselves as an Attitude Era type of company to WWE's PG rating and nothing's ultimately worked in terms of audience size. The only thing TNA can do is hang in there and keep on trying. WWE is a legit brand. It's a brand that generations of fans have grown up watching and it's a brand that literally owns and controls the names & tape libraries of most of the greatest promotions in the history of North American wrestling. One reason why WCW was able to be a legitimate threat to WWE is that WCW already had a solid, large fanbase when Turner took control of Crockett Promotions. Turner eventually used his practically limitless funds to hire some of the biggest stars of the day to come work for him and it worked. TNA has tried to do the same thing and it hasn't worked.

So yeah, TNA is just gonna have to keep chug-a-lugin' along and keep trying. If they do surpass WWE, it's going to take a loooooong time.
TNA is like a hybrid of OVW and ECW. Part farm, part territory. Like ECW from 1995 - 1999 TNA is a small pond that was able to nurture the growth of humongus fish. Eventhough TNA is small time its stars like A.J. Styles, Samoa Joe, Bobby Roode, and MCMG if alowed to jump ship with their characters intact, names, music,they could make a smooth transition to WWE's mainevent scene and sell out arenas. Even to hardcore WWE-ites them comin over what cause alot of fireworks and attention. TNA is rich in star power. Their inability to utilize it does not change that fact.

As far as Storm is concerned I do feel like he could had been a major heel World champion in WCW if it had lasted longer. I do feel as an ECW guy who was able to rise through the ranks of WCW based obln his ECW guy, and someone who witnessed ECW hold its own for a half decade, and as someone privy to the inner workings of a struggling company his input here as a hell of alot of merit.

As far as WCW and Mr. Ted Turner's wallet get ur facts straight already. WCW GOT HIS INTEREST FOR TWO FUCKING REASONS, THE FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT WAS THE HIGH RATINGS JIM CROCKET PROMOTIONS HAD ON TBS. The second and tipping point towards his intervention was his fondness of "rasslin".
TNA fans need to remember that THE FORERUNNER TO WCW i.e. Mid Atlantic/JCP/"NWA" were in a better position then TNA. That predatez the modern WCW as we knew it and Turner's money injections. Not only that but Mid Atlantic could hold its own directly against the WWF. They also could make their own stars and give them a large enough forum to shine bright.
TNA is the second-best wrestling promotion in North America, plain and simple. TNA's focus shouldn't be on WWE in my opinion, but on ROH instead. ROH just got a TV show, they have a solid foundation of fans who appreciate the product, and are on the verge of taking that #2 spot.

TNA has a lot of potential, but unfortunately they don't have high quality storylines. Credible and entertaining stories keep viewers interested and engaged. To me, and speaking for myself only, I don't feel TNA has that knowledge of the consumer that Vince & Co does. I'm interested in the Kurt Angle character, in Hogan, in Sting. I'm interested in rising stars like Roode and Storm. But I have to be convinced that investing my time in their product will be worth my while. I really don't care about the ownership struggle, it doesn't interest me. A Sting-Hogan match doesn't interest me, but I would be interested if they did promos putting over the young lions and exciting angles as opposed to themselves.

I went to No Surrender 2008 in Oshawa, Ontario and I was very entertained. Unfortunately, I had to put up with a fake MMA match as the second-last match and the final match was a championship match where most action was outside the ring and unwatchable from my vantage point. It also had Jeff Jarrett doing a run-in. I didn't go to see the culmination of the storylines, I didn't know what they were and I didn't care. I just wanted to see high quality wrestling.

That was three years ago and from occasional match I've seen on Impact, storylines have not been interesting enough to draw my attention. Which brings me to the original question - what is TNA to WWE? As I said above, its a second-best wrestling promotion, but the gap between 1st and 2nd is miles apart, while the gap between 2nd and 3rd is not too far. IMO if TNA goes after ROH (preferably with a working agreement, I'm tired of promotions fighting other promotions), it will bring more viewers to both, and, hopefully, bring better storylines.
IMO if TNA goes after ROH (preferably with a working agreement, I'm tired of promotions fighting other promotions), it will bring more viewers to both, and, hopefully, bring better storylines.
how does TNA go on offense against ROH while seeking an alliance at the same time..!? They may have to fight others because the number of general fans of wrestling might not be able to be spread any thinner. And there are so many days in a week, tv time slots, and so many ppvs u can buy a month or a year.

The partnership would be doomed anyways because of conflictibg viewpoints of how wrestling should be. ROH is on some Bruno Sammartino shit, TNA is on some Vince McMahon shit..
Right now? The #2 wrestling company. Let's be honest with ourselves, the likelyhood of TNA/IW being even competition with the WWE within the next five years is pretty slim. (Of course, stranger things have happened, and professional wrestling is a notoriously streaky business.) They aren't trying to be the WWE's competition anymore; they are focused (hopefully) on becoming a business which can turn over a profit every quarter. (Although just because Jeff Jarrett said, once, in an interview that TNA turned a profit five years ago does not mean they are profitable today.... but for pointing out that bit of logic, I'm sure I've got some "10%er 10%er!" headed my way.)

Talent is pretty much heading one way when it leaves. The WWE isn't exactly heartbroken about losing Gail Kim. For wrestlers that don't already have a huge bank account, and also have the option of going to the WWE, it's a no-brainer. (On the other hand, if you don't want to worry about drug testing, TNA/IW has a notoriously lax program.)

TNA/IW is the WWE's possible competition in the future, but right now they're a drawing pool for the talent the WWE thinks could go places. (Not that they're always right- hi, Braden Walker!)
I would have to say that ROH is more of competition to WWE then TNA/IW. I mean look at who they have signed away from ROH and given WWE developmental contracts to. WWE signed Tyler Black Claudio & there's talk that there going to sign Chris Hero I just see ROH as the more of a threat then TNA at this point.

This has got to be a fucking joke. I love all wrestling, especially TNA right now, and I know they aren't REAL competition yet, but things are looking good with their recent creative changes. ROH is pretty much an indy promotion still. there's like five places in the us where you can actually watch their show on tv, which although they have great wrestling, the actual production quality is about as good as the original ECW.

neither ROH or TNA is real competition, but TNA is definitely way beyond ROH at this point. And just so you know, where people are being signed from is not an indication that company is more wwe's competition. TNA also has signed a ton of ROH talent, like Styles, Joe, Daniels, Punk (before WWE), Aries, etc.

ROH just doesn't have the exposure of TNA and WWE. Also, whether it be true or not, Gail Kim said WWE pays more attention to TNA than they admit to.
Right now? The #2 wrestling company. Let's be honest with ourselves, the likelyhood of TNA/IW being even competition with the WWE within the next five years is pretty slim. (Of course, stranger things have happened, and professional wrestling is a notoriously streaky business.) They aren't trying to be the WWE's competition anymore; they are focused (hopefully) on becoming a business which can turn over a profit every quarter. (Although just because Jeff Jarrett said, once, in an interview that TNA turned a profit five years ago does not mean they are profitable today.... but for pointing out that bit of logic, I'm sure I've got some "10%er 10%er!" headed my way.)

1. They aren't challenging WWE like you said. They are letting that happen naturally. Growing and doing business to takeover territories like Mexico and India. That's how you takeover a company by outshining them in every city and country.

2. You really think they would be touring at full speed each and every day and week without making a profit?

Explain to me how the hell would they go for 5 years without a profit? The NBA is losing money and in a lockout currently and they claim to have been losing money since 2005. How would TNA continue if they are smaller than a league like the NBA by making no profit or revenue?

3. WWE doesn't have to be heartbroken about Gail Kim. I worked at an art center where the owner was a female Vince McMahon and believed being a student and working there was a privilege despite the fact she didn't pay out of pocket to keep the place running and relied on school grants for her money. Long story short, she had tons of students and loyal employees and eventually she was fire people because they didn't see things her way and she destroyed her own business. She fired one of the most popular and good hearted coordinators for the students and all the students pretty much dropped out and the place was totally empty and I left due to being a waste of time and lack of pay.

The point here is, WWE sees everyone as a privilege and they won't ever been heartbroken (Unless Cena/Orton leaves) but when a talent of a high standard and caliber leaves (man or woman) that will Impact the feeling of the other wrestlers to view if it's a good fit for them or not.

The way you win a "competitive' war is to make your company look great, put on quality matches and shows for fans and eventually allow WWE to continue to do what they have been doing and that is screwing around with their wrestlers. One day, a certain wrestler may get fired and a guy like Orton may take offense (like Batista) and leave. Which causes a domino effect.

Each WAR has different ways of battle. Back in the 90s, you had it directly head to head. This isn't a war but if TNA continues to product the quality shows they have been doing the last 3 weeks then they will make enough buzz on their own to get wrestlers.
Just would like to say be it competition to the WWE or not I am really enjoying TNA as of late. I would not say at this present moment in time it is challenging the WWE but the possibility of that happening is not out of the question. I have been entertained by TNA more and more recently and once again can view it as an alternative to WWE or just as another entertaining pro wrestling show. I hope it continues to grow and gets to a point in which it does push the WWE. Competition can only be a good thing and would force even more creativity. WWE has also entertained me more over the last year than it has for many years... both TNA and WWE are far from perfect but I am enjoying the state of pro wrestling right now and look foward to seeing both shows carry on in the right direction (I hope).
Right now? Nothing but desperately trying to get Vince McMahon's attention.

They have been trying to get his attention of a decade now, but have failed time and time again. Right now, their not a dot on Vince's radar, their just a obscure company in Orlando that holds a bunch of druggies and irrelevant men. They've failed miserably at the "Monday Night Wars" and the whole Wrestling Matter's campaign and having billboards in front of WWE Headquarters just to get Vince's attention. Their first PPV they have a fake Vince and Triple H running around trying to take over TNA.

Their desperately trying to compete with WWE, trying to be known, trying to be the number 1 wrestling company in the world when their not even close to having the care of the owner of the number 1 wrestling company in the world.
Right now? Nothing but desperately trying to get Vince McMahon's attention.

They have been trying to get his attention of a decade now, but have failed time and time again. Right now, their not a dot on Vince's radar, their just a obscure company in Orlando that holds a bunch of druggies and irrelevant men. They've failed miserably at the "Monday Night Wars" and the whole Wrestling Matter's campaign and having billboards in front of WWE Headquarters just to get Vince's attention. Their first PPV they have a fake Vince and Triple H running around trying to take over TNA.

Their desperately trying to compete with WWE, trying to be known, trying to be the number 1 wrestling company in the world when their not even close to having the care of the owner of the number 1 wrestling company in the world.
I can see your username is a reference to your simple-mindedness. Basically, it's wrong for any company to try and aim to be successful because WWE is already lightyears ahead. The only real claim people have about TNA's perceived lack of success is that WWE is obviously ahead. If WWE wasn't around, TNA would be seen as highly successful. And even so, who really gives a shit if WWE notices? It doesn't change the fact that despite your dumb claims, TNA is indeed growing and that people do indeed enjoy it's product. Is it perfect? Far from it. But there's no wrong in aiming high. Like many wrestlers say "if your goal in wrestling isn't to be World Heavyweight Champion, then why did you even get in the business"?
1. They aren't challenging WWE like you said. They are letting that happen naturally. Growing and doing business to takeover territories like Mexico and India. That's how you takeover a company by outshining them in every city and country.
Great, they toured Mexico and India? How were the gate receipts there? ROH has done international tours too. If you don't do something with it, it's all show and no blow.
Dizzy said:
2. You really think they would be touring at full speed each and every day and week without making a profit?

Explain to me how the hell would they go for 5 years without a profit? The NBA is losing money and in a lockout currently and they claim to have been losing money since 2005. How would TNA continue if they are smaller than a league like the NBA by making no profit or revenue?
That's an easy one to answer. A company doesn't grow without spending money. You don't spend out of your profit if you're trying to grow quickly, you spend a large amount of money upfront (the hiring spree last year, set upgrades, HD camera upgrades, expanded touring) in order to recoup it in years future. A business trying to expand would be far more likely to spend money outside of their profit, because you aren't going to grow without a strong capital investment. Grats on you and your art center, I've been running a business for the past three years.
Dizzy said:
3. WWE doesn't have to be heartbroken about Gail Kim. I worked at an art center where the owner was a female Vince McMahon and believed being a student and working there was a privilege despite the fact she didn't pay out of pocket to keep the place running and relied on school grants for her money. Long story short, she had tons of students and loyal employees and eventually she was fire people because they didn't see things her way and she destroyed her own business. She fired one of the most popular and good hearted coordinators for the students and all the students pretty much dropped out and the place was totally empty and I left due to being a waste of time and lack of pay.

The point here is, WWE sees everyone as a privilege and they won't ever been heartbroken (Unless Cena/Orton leaves) but when a talent of a high standard and caliber leaves (man or woman) that will Impact the feeling of the other wrestlers to view if it's a good fit for them or not.
Cool story, but you base that entirely on your personal opinion of how the WWE treats their employees (based on dirt sheet rumors which you love to slam when they don't suit you), with no factual information whatsoever. Getting past that, it's an anecdote about how you hate your old boss.
Dizzy said:
The way you win a "competitive' war is to make your company look great, put on quality matches and shows for fans and eventually allow WWE to continue to do what they have been doing and that is screwing around with their wrestlers. One day, a certain wrestler may get fired and a guy like Orton may take offense (like Batista) and leave. Which causes a domino effect.
Which causes a domino effect based on what evidence, that you say so? The end is coming, because Dizzy insists it must, with no historical precedent? This is why I like your posts, you never actually support any of your arguments, but it always comes down to "the WWE is like this because I say, and this has to happen because I say". What's your theory behind why there will be a domino effect of people leaving the WWE, because professional wrestlers will stop liking higher paychecks, bigger exposure, the possibility of movie deals and street recognition because their boss is mean to them? Or is it that suddenly TNA/IW will be able to offer this mass exodus of wrestlers shitloads of money, like a chicken and egg type deal?

Learn to get beyond first-order consequences. You do better for yourself when you pretend you can't see my responses.
Wow, how nice of you to be a dick. All you did was shoot down Dizzy's arguments with your opinions, something which you called him out on. I feel like defending this guy cuz there's so many of you out on the internet, acting like you're hot shit cuz you have a computer and an opinion, or you're just a troll with nothing better to do.

Dizzy brings up some good points and you shoot them down as if they're being made towards you personally. It even sounds like you're basically stalking him if you respond to his posts a lot.

Wrestling is entertainment, and I really don't know why everyone has to be so hostile to others who have a difference of opinion. I hate people who come on here and just bitch about how terrible TNA is for things that they don't even do. like "oh, its all old guys give the originals a shot." Then, TNA shocks everyone by having James Storm win it all in a really cool moment (although the match sucked) and everyone is now bitching, and the guy's been in TNA since day one. People are on here to just troll and it's annoying as fuck and old as fuck. Get a life and have a real fucking discussion with opinions and arguments that aren't out to get someone specifically and are at least a little thought out.

"This is why I like your posts, you never actually support any of your arguments." Where is your support of your arguments? I didn't see anywhere where you supported your comments any more than Dizzy did. Sure you gave opinions, but none were backed up with any kind of support or facts. Stop pretending like you're gods gift to the IWC and stop bothering people.

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