Cutting a Trade: If WWE and TNA/IW were in Fantasyland


Sally Section
We've all seen the "such and such a performer should go to this company" thread so many times that I think many of us are about to vomit if we see another one along those lines. So let's change it up and play a little game here. The following scenario is entirely unrealistic, but let's pretend it isn't for the sake of the discussion.

Vince and Dixie get together and realize that each one has performers under contract that the other one desires. They decide to trade performers like baseball players (the really unrealistic part, which would be like UPS selling their drivers to FedEx.) You get to play God of the Mind with both Vince and Dixie; which performers switch companies?

This isn't 'Nam; there are rules.

1) Trades have to be considered even- to both sides. You could send Santino Marella to TNA/IW for James Storm, but you're going to look like an ass and defeat the entire purpose of the thread. If you feel you have made an uneven trade, and can't resolve the difference, you may choose to add "cash consideration". If you go this route, you should say if it's minor or significant.
1a) Trades do not have to be one-for-one. You could send a multitude of prospects to TNA/IW in exchange for Bobby Roode, provided that you feel that TNA/IW would get enough from those prospects to offset the loss of Roode.
2) Current contract status is not to be considered. Asking people to take into consideration when a performer is coming out of contract is way too much work to ask. Assume that all performers are signed on their current deals to terms that make waiting for expiration unrealistic.
3) Performers do not have the option to refuse a trade. It doesn't matter if someone thinks that TNA/IW is a better spot for them to perform; if they're traded, they're moving.
4) If you know enough about ROH to work out a 3-way trade, more power to you.
5) Explain your choices! I can't make you do this, but it always makes a post look better when you explain your thought process, rather then spit a bunch of information at people.

For the purposes of discussion, Alex Shelley shall be considered a WWE performer. Matt Morgan shall be considered a TNA/IW performer. This decision is somewhat arbitrary, but it's been made now, so it's that much easier.

Let's make some deals.
Bubba Ray for Sin Cara straight up. Sin Cara would thrive far better in TNA. And he's not going to make it big in WWE anyways. Bully Ray has worked so hard at becoming fresh and reinventing himself. I'd like to see him in the WWE again.
There's a Russian saying- horribly paraphrased- that goes, "if your trading partner walks away from a deal happy, you've probably been screwed." With that in mind, here goes:

AJ Styles for Christian and Heath Slater

Let's start this thread off by saying something that's sure to infuriate some people. AJ Styles has done all he's going to do in TNA/IW. They can count on him as a reliable performer, but he's not going to be any kind of focal point that will get new people interested in the product. Christian is of similar age, but had one of the more fondly remembered title runs of TNA/IW's history. He brings recent exposure as a world champion in the WWE, and he's at a current exposure level that leaves him affordable in a trade. The WWE, meanwhile, could take or leave Christian. He's good at what he does, but he is by no means a necessary part of the engine. You can swap him out for AJ Styles, and AJ might well catch on. Heath Slater is added in as a throw-in; I don't feel that Christian is quite worth AJ Styles at this point, but it's somewhat close.

Bobby Roode for The Miz, Alberto del Rio, and Evan Bourne

At first glance, this looks like trading away TNA/IW's crown jewels for the WWE's hand-me-downs. I assure you this is not the intention. For those of you who's expect a Cena/Roode deal, that's unreasonable. John Cena draws more asses to seats than anyone in the business right now, and the WWE wouldn't let him go. I think TNA/IW would be just as loathe to lose Bobby Roode, unless they could get significant compensation back in return. Each guy I mentioned hasn't become huge in the WWE, but I think they could flower in TNA/IW.

First, The Miz. If there's one thing I've noticed, it's that TNA/IW fans fucking hate him. I think that's the good kind of hate, however, the kind of hate where people would pay money to see him left bloody in the ring. He represents everything about the WWE that the diehard TNA/IW fans hate. That's money, right there. Alberto del Rio has bombed in the WWE, but people don't remember him as Dos Caras, Jr., where he performed a style that would fit in much better with TNA/IW. As well, TNA/IW is awfully low on Hispanic performers, which is somewhat surprising being a Florida-based promotion. Evan Bourne- the WWE doesn't want him anymore. He won't get another chance after his recent Wellness Policy violation. TNA/IW could easily slot him into the X, Tag, or Television divisions, and I think TNA/IW would be able to squeeze balls enough in this trade to get him.

Why would the WWE want Roode at this cost? You're trading away guys who likely won't get over in a lasting way- as long as they're in your company- and trading them for someone who has real potential to carry a company. Right now, the WWE has desperate need for guys that can run an audience the way Roode can; CM Punk can do it, and that's about it.

These are far from the only trades I've considered, and I've got other stuff to do- sadly, I can't spend more time wheeling and dealing right now. A lot of performers I look at, and would like to make a trade, but I can't see their company willing to let them go at a price the other company could agree with. Let's see what you folks have to offer.
Bubba Ray for Sin Cara straight up. Sin Cara would thrive far better in TNA. And he's not going to make it big in WWE anyways. Bully Ray has worked so hard at becoming fresh and reinventing himself. I'd like to see him in the WWE again.

Why would TNA do this? I hardly think they will be overcome with desire to trade Bully Ray because you would like to see him in WWE again.

AJ Styles for Christian and Heath Slater

Let's start this thread off by saying something that's sure to infuriate some people. AJ Styles has done all he's going to do in TNA/IW. They can count on him as a reliable performer, but he's not going to be any kind of focal point that will get new people interested in the product. Christian is of similar age, but had one of the more fondly remembered title runs of TNA/IW's history. He brings recent exposure as a world champion in the WWE, and he's at a current exposure level that leaves him affordable in a trade. The WWE, meanwhile, could take or leave Christian. He's good at what he does, but he is by no means a necessary part of the engine. You can swap him out for AJ Styles, and AJ might well catch on. Heath Slater is added in as a throw-in; I don't feel that Christian is quite worth AJ Styles at this point, but it's somewhat close.

This is a terrible trade. Similar age? AJ just turned 35 and Christian will be 39 in 6 months. That is far from inconsequential IMO. Heath Slater adds no meaningful value. TNA could get the same thing for less from one of a countless number of indy guys. AJ is certainly worth more than Christian so a fair trade would include something beyond just a throw in. AJ's history with TNA has a lot of value to the company from a branding perspective. The possible benefit from adding Christian is mitigated from him having been in the company before.

Bobby Roode for The Miz, Alberto del Rio, and Evan Bourne

At first glance, this looks like trading away TNA/IW's crown jewels for the WWE's hand-me-downs. I assure you this is not the intention. For those of you who's expect a Cena/Roode deal, that's unreasonable. John Cena draws more asses to seats than anyone in the business right now, and the WWE wouldn't let him go. I think TNA/IW would be just as loathe to lose Bobby Roode, unless they could get significant compensation back in return. Each guy I mentioned hasn't become huge in the WWE, but I think they could flower in TNA/IW.

First, The Miz. If there's one thing I've noticed, it's that TNA/IW fans fucking hate him. I think that's the good kind of hate, however, the kind of hate where people would pay money to see him left bloody in the ring. He represents everything about the WWE that the diehard TNA/IW fans hate. That's money, right there. Alberto del Rio has bombed in the WWE, but people don't remember him as Dos Caras, Jr., where he performed a style that would fit in much better with TNA/IW. As well, TNA/IW is awfully low on Hispanic performers, which is somewhat surprising being a Florida-based promotion. Evan Bourne- the WWE doesn't want him anymore. He won't get another chance after his recent Wellness Policy violation. TNA/IW could easily slot him into the X, Tag, or Television divisions, and I think TNA/IW would be able to squeeze balls enough in this trade to get him.

Why would the WWE want Roode at this cost? You're trading away guys who likely won't get over in a lasting way- as long as they're in your company- and trading them for someone who has real potential to carry a company. Right now, the WWE has desperate need for guys that can run an audience the way Roode can; CM Punk can do it, and that's about it.

I don't really understand these deals for either company. WWE needs more depth of talent while TNA already has more than they can push in their tv time. The types of trades that would make sense would be some guys that have stalled out in TNA for one bigish name that WWE could part with, not vice versa.

It is true that you could get TNA fans to hate Miz but would it be good heat or go away heat? TNA fans seem to be obsessed with how deserving people are of spots and wrestling ability. Something tells me they would not be too happy about Miz in those regards. No arguments on Dos Caras. Could be a good guy for TNA to target the Hispanic audience with. Evan Bourne isn't worth anything. WWE would be trading him from a position of weakness and their are plenty of guys like that out there. I don't see why TNA would trade someone that they successfully built for 3 guys WWE failed to.
6) You aren't allowed to shit on other people's ideas without coming up with some of your own. The exercise is harder than it appears. The world would be a better place if this was a rule people were raised to believe, but I guess it needs to be made explicit here.

3 and a half years in your late-30's is pretty much the same age. It's different then 3 and a half years in your early 20's, and even then, people are still going to lump you together as being 'of similar age'. As for the rest, you're a die-hard TNA/IW guy, so I'm not surprised in the least you disagree with my conclusions. Guys that have stalled out in TNA/IW would have zero interest from the WWE; you still think of the two promotions as being remotely equal. If a guy can't get interest in Orlando, he's not going to get it in Madison Square Garden. TNA/IW is a smaller promotion than the WWE, which can do more with the "WWE rejects" than the WWE can. Conversely, the WWE is star-deprived right now. Bobby Roode is one of the few TNA/IW guys who'd have a real shot at leaping up that WWE ladder.

I fully expect some of the WWE forum lurkers to tear me a new one over giving up both Miz and ADR for Bobby Roode. I'm pretty confident it's an even trade, if not a trade I expect people to like.
How about this one:

Chris Sabin and Velvet Sky for Tyson Kidd and Natalya

Chris Sabin can join his former tag team partner Alex Shelley, with Velvet Sky as their valet, in WWE. This way they can reunite the MCMG, likely under a new name, to utilize their talents as part of a revamping of the tag team division in the WWE. They could also function to a lesser degree as Cruiserweights as part of a revamped Cruiserweight division. And Velvet Sky gets to fully utilize her talents on a stage large enough as what she deserves. Sure, she can wrestle occasionally in the divas division, but she would function primarily as a manager, focusing more on her superb looks and less upon her skills (or lack thereof) as a wrestler.

Meanwhile, Tyson Kidd and Natalya, both criminally underused in the WWE, can showcase their wrestling abilities in TNA. Kidd can compete in the X-division, rather than floundering on NXT. And Natalya can compete in the Knockouts Division, rather than wasting her time farting on WWE television.
6) You aren't allowed to shit on other people's ideas without coming up with some of your own. The exercise is harder than it appears. The world would be a better place if this was a rule people were raised to believe, but I guess it needs to be made explicit here.

I just didn't want to do them at the time because the post was getting long but I have some ideas. I disagree though that you have to present different ideas to say that something isn't a good one, especially in a situation where you don't actually have to do anything. I do agree that in real life there isn't enough focus on what we should do in situations that require action though.

3 and a half years in your late-30's is pretty much the same age. It's different then 3 and a half years in your early 20's, and even then, people are still going to lump you together as being 'of similar age'. As for the rest, you're a die-hard TNA/IW guy, so I'm not surprised in the least you disagree with my conclusions. Guys that have stalled out in TNA/IW would have zero interest from the WWE; you still think of the two promotions as being remotely equal. TNA/IW is a smaller promotion than the WWE, which can do more with the "WWE rejects" than the WWE can. Conversely, the WWE is star-deprived right now. Bobby Roode is one of the few TNA/IW guys who'd have a real shot at leaping up that WWE ladder.

I think your age analogy is actually the opposite. When someone is older they are closer to retiring and those years matter. Let us say both Christian and AJ retire at 42 years old. Even if they were of similar value you get twice as many years of AJ. If they were in their 20s then I would be inclined to agree with you because there is still a lot left in the careers of both so age doesn't matter much.

Shelley had stalled in TNA and WWE seems to be interested :shrug:. I don't think of the companies as remotely equal but that doesn't mean the wrestlers' talent can't be judged on an equivalent scale. Just being in WWE doesn't get someone much of an audience if they aren't successful. That is the point. If TNA is going to trade for someone instead of just developing their own person from the indies then that talent should have something significant to build on.

Just being a reject in WWE doesn't do much unless they had a real following or some actual talent. WWE has more opportunities to showcase these guys than impact does. Unless they have a talent that isn't as easily used in a WWE environment or didn't make it for reasons beyond talent then there is no reason for TNA to want them. It is actually a mark against an undeveloped talent if they started in WWE when it comes to branding for TNA. There is no reason for TNA to go quantity over quality while it is a defensible strategy in WWE as they both seek to develop stars.

I fully expect some of the WWE forum lurkers to tear me a new one over giving up both Miz and ADR for Bobby Roode. I'm pretty confident it's an even trade, if not a trade I expect people to like.

I don't think it makes much sense for either company. It may not be grossly uneven from a value perspective but it makes no sense from a practical perspective. That is mostly what I was getting at.
I just didn't want to do them at the time because the post was getting long but I have some ideas. I disagree though that you have to present different ideas to say that something isn't a good one, especially in a situation where you don't actually have to do anything.
The world is full of critics. For the purposes of this thread,if you're going to engage in crapping on other people's ideas, you have to expose your ideas to being crapped on.

This is a good rule for life in general, because while you are by no means required to demonstrate the value of your own opinions, people think far less of someone that criticizes and has no ideas of their own when compared to someone who criticizes, but offers his own ideas up for criticism as well.

TL;DR- Money talks, bullshit walks.
RVD for Mysterio. We have two aging high fliers with built in audiences and a unique style that could each be a little more interesting with a change of scenery. I imagine Mysterio moves a little more merch so maybe throw in a little cash or a cruiserweight lottery ticket but then again it is also true that RVD is a little more likely to stay healthy. TNA could use the boost to get their foot in the door with the Hispanic audience and maybe appeal to some more of the younger audience. WWE could use a boost with the attitude era nostalgia audience. AJ-Mysterio could be huge for TNA. RVD could revive some history with Cena or Kane, have a match with CM Punk with Heyman lurking or get the internets' panties wet going against DB.

More to come.
Kane for Sting.. anyone anyone? okay just kidding

If i could do one trade i would do Crimson & RVD/ Stiener for Cash and Cody Rhodes and maybe a prospect outside the top 3 in the WWE system

I would want a unbeaten Crimson first of all, i think WWE would be able to focus on it better then Impact and i do believe he can explode given enough time in the wwe and i think he has a good look that will get him over with the fans as a face, rvd or stiener would be for the name value.. for Impact i think Cody is enough but just to make sure it is fair i threw in some money and a prospect who might not be able to make the roster for WWE, someone who has been in the 'minors' for a while
Here's another:

Daniel Bryan for AJ Styles

An exchange of Internet darlings. AJ has pretty much achieved everything he can accomplish in TNA Wrestling. He's been there for years, but I don't see him anywhere near the Heavyweight Championship scene anytime soon. If he is going to languish in the mid card, better to do so in the WWE rather than TNA. Plus, what a career challenge for him. This would give him the opportunity that he is worthy of all of the hype, and to prove it to the world on the grandest stage of them all, as the guy headed in the other direction has done.

Danielson has been thriving in the WWE. But TNA is allegedly a more technical style of wrestling, so it would probably be more conducive to a technical wrestler like Danielson. And if Danielson has been good enough to reach the main event in WWE, the sky should be the limit for him in TNA.
Daniel Bryan for AJ Styles

I considered this but decided it didn't really make sense. There are two people possibly available in WWE that I would consider trading AJ in an attempt to get, Bryan and Orton. Why I decided it didn't make sense is the combination of AJs history in TNA vs what WWE has already built up with DB that they would have to redo to an extent with AJ. In short, they are each worth more to their current employer than they would be to the new one. The only way I could see this happening is at least plausible though. That would be if AJ had become discontent in TNA and if, SAT style, WWE:Bryan as Broncos:Tebow.
If I'm going to make some fantasy wrestling trades, I'm at least picking up my favorite guys from TNA..

Mark Henry, Hunico and Camacho in exchange for Jeff Hardy
Okay, Jeff and the wellness policy. Put it to the side. Look at Jeff's current state. He's as healthy as ever and could have one last main event run for the next 6-12 months and could then be done. Of course, this would mean giving up a perrenial upper mid-card in Henry. I see Henry thriving on Impact and could honestly dominate that roster. As for Hunico and Camacho, it sounds like a throw in, but a smart nab for TNA, while an easy loss for WWE. Hunico and Camacho do not work in the WWE because they don't take much heat from the crowd. In a smaller capacity crowd, I believe their characters would thrive better, take more heat, and enter into the tag division.

Bobby Roode in exchange for Wade Barrett, Tensai, and Christian
WWE gets a main event talent that can work a mic and draw serious heat and from the fans he put in the seats. In exchange, Impact receives a talent that they can easily put on their own card as a main eventer in Wade Barrett who is younger than Roode. TNA also gets a complimentary piece in Tensai who's gimmick could actually get over in the Impact zone. And then to top it off.. the return of Christian Cage zOMG!!

Earl Hebner in exchange for Jinder Mahal
My boy Hebner can ref one last Wrestlemania main event and walk off into the sun shine with the WWE and Impact can gain a solid lower-mid card talent that has no real purpose in the WWE.

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