What is the value of your life?


Simple enough of a question. I don't really need a big long explination to the question. But, what is the value of your life, in your eyes? Are you willing to give it up, for anothers benefit?

Personally, I find my life to be rather worthless. I'm going in the military as a way to put my life on the line, for the benefit of others. I find that only helping myself, would be a waste of my life. Whereas if I can do something, to help and change someone elses life. My entire life would be worth the long haul. To sacrafice my life, for my people and my country. Would also make me a very happy man, in that I wouldn't have simply done nothing. To only prosper myself, yet I would benefit the 300 million people inside my country, the men beside me, and know that I took my worthless life, and made it mean something. To someone.
Quiet simply, I don't value my life. It's just a passing phase. However, there aren't many people I give it up for. If, by chance, those four or five people came to fight somebody who I knew to be armed, I'd totally take that bullet or knife for them, no questions asked. Would I be selfless, and put my life in line for a bunch of people I don't know? If I had the balls, maybe. But I'm not that brave, so I'll never know. Hope that answered your question Milky.
I find this thread to be sort of out there, however, I am going to give it a shot.

My life, to me, is very valuable. I find that I do a lot of things in my life that make me and the people around me very happy. Am I saving lives or risking my life for others? No. I just do what any good family member or friend would do and that's be there. I find that I am surrounded by very loving people who I love and who love me and, call me selfish, but I don't ever want to leave them. I would never want to put my family or friends through the tragedy of losing someone close to them. Why would I want them to go through that pain? I am going to graduate from college in about a year and half and I am going to start my career. When I do that, I will be able to do something that is worth while to me and I will be able to help out my family or friends whenever they need it.

I am a very happy man.

That is all!
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I find my life as being built toward helping the greater good. In that respect I greatly value it.

My field of work, Biomedical Engineering, has promises of multiplying the general human lifespan of 70+ years into the hundreds of years. I can perfect medicine delivery to make it much more efficient than it is now, I can engineer prosthetic limbs that read electrical signals from the brain so as to move like a limb, I can make replacement organs from someone's stem cells, I can program nanobots to search the body and proactively repair any damages to the body they see, effectively halting the aging process. Essentially, my life will be one of thousands that are spent looking for the key to making life much, much longer and happier.

Now, if I were asked to sacrifice my life for someone I loved, I'd like to think that I would do it. There are only a select few I would do so for though. I'd be able to count them on one hand, I'd suppose.

While I value my life in that I wouldn't readily sacrifice it, I realize that I am only one person in a sea of millions upon millions. When I die, I don't want people lamenting my death or crying for days. I'm only one person, and they have an entire life to lead. No need to cry or work themselves up over me. I'm dead. No need to worry about me at all anymore, in fact. I'm either in Heaven, in Hell, or there is no afterlife and I'm rotting in the ground. Either way, worrying can't help me.
I certainly didn't want to reply to this post at first. As I felt I would be insulting your choice in career. But here goes.

I find my life as being built toward helping the greater good. In that respect I greatly value it.

No offense, as I allready said. But I find that sooner rather than later that Biomedical Engineering will screw over the worlds population. Allow me to explain Earth has allready reached its max compacity. And we're continuing to ascend that rate daily. With each passing day, we are one step closer to our doom. As death rates decline as you have said, the birth rate will simply increase more and more. With each passing generation, we will begin to starve more. We will begin to run out of energy. The worlds population will die out. You may be helping for a short amount of time, but in the long run. You're laying the foundations for all of our demise.

Now, if I were asked to sacrifice my life for someone I loved, I'd like to think that I would do it. There are only a select few I would do so for though. I'd be able to count them on one hand, I'd suppose

I'm willing to do it, for the 300 million people back home, and thats why I'm going in the military.

While I value my life in that I wouldn't readily sacrifice it, I realize that I am only one person in a sea of millions upon millions. When I die, I don't want people lamenting my death or crying for days. I'm only one person, and they have an entire life to lead. No need to cry or work themselves up over me. I'm dead. No need to worry about me at all anymore, in fact. I'm either in Heaven, in Hell, or there is no afterlife and I'm rotting in the ground. Either way, worrying can't help me.

I certainly didn't want to reply to this post at first. As I felt I would be insulting your choice in career. But here goes.

But you fell to the siren that is that extra post to your post count. I understand. I'm a post count ****e as well. :lmao:

No offense, as I allready said.

I learned something in AGS from my Area 2 teacher. Don't use qualifiers such as "No offense." Because they don't do anything. The person is still going to be offended, and if you didn't mean to offend you wouldn't say what you're about to say. Just a thought. Not that I'm insulted.

But I find that sooner rather than later that Biomedical Engineering will screw over the worlds population.

Yeah, keeping us alive. Fuck.

Allow me to explain Earth has allready reached its max compacity. And we're continuing to ascend that rate daily. With each passing day, we are one step closer to our doom. As death rates decline as you have said, the birth rate will simply increase more and more. With each passing generation, we will begin to starve more. We will begin to run out of energy. The worlds population will die out. You may be helping for a short amount of time, but in the long run. You're laying the foundations for all of our demise.

Not at all. If you paid attention in your Biology class, you'd know that three things cull population growth. Disease, Famine, and War. Are you to tell me wars will stop because I can cure cancer or grow a liver in a vat? That gang violence and just plain murder will all of the sudden cease?

As far as the birth rate, that's an easy solution. Teach abstinence and sexual education earlier in schools. Either that, or pull a China and limit the amount of children a couple can have. I'm not saying forced abortions, but a mandatory tax on anyone with more than a set amount of children would be a fine step. Condom stocks will rise so high that they will become a new cornerstone of the economy. :lmao:

And no matter how much I can cure cancer, cure the next new disease, or fix the latest syndrome, Nature will keep throwing new mutations at me to fix. Trust me. I may be able to cure E-bola infections, but Nature will send me a new mutation in 2 months that will kill millions before I can find a cure.

One more point to make. If you take this argument, then you're essentially arguing that medicine should stop treating people. That it's against the natural law or something to that sort. That's a silly position to take.

I'm willing to do it, for the 300 million people back home, and thats why I'm going in the military.

Well. I've never been in that position as to sacrifice my own life, so I couldn't answer. I'm not Norcal. :lmao:

...Norcal :(
I value my life just because it’s my life and because in the future I want to help people solve their problems (I plan on becoming a lawyer). But I wouldn’t consider my life to be very valuable because anyone that gets the right education and would love being a lawyer could probably do the same thing as me, whether they do it worse, just as good, or better than me.

As far as giving up my life for another person’s benefits, would I do it? It depends how many people would benefit from me sacrificing my life. If it’s millions and millions and people who would benefit in a good way, then I would probably give up my life to make other people happy and to benefit them. But if it’s just a few people that would benefit, it would depend on who the people are. If it’s a really close family member then I would consider it, but if it’s someone else then the chances of me sacrificing my life are slim to none. It may sound selfish, but I honestly wouldn’t do it.
I am a heartless bitch, but I value my life alot. It's a bitchy thing for me to say but helping others is secondary to me. I try to do things that benefits me, and if that helps people then hey sweet, but if not, well that sucks for everyone else.

I'd only give up my life for either my mother or my nephew and neice. I love alot of people but deep down there the only one's that I'd risk my own life for. I love life too much to risk it for others. I'm selfish, but at the end of the day I'm happy and alive I guess(watch god fuck me over because I said this).

Not to say I don't think it's great and amazing that people(like Norcal)are willing to risk their own lives for people like me, it's just I don't think I could ever truly risk ending my life(here on earth)to benefit others. I'm very vain, materialistic, and greedy :( But that's me!
I value my life. Not because I think it means anything too much for me or anything else, because there is no one outside my family who truly loves me. I value my life because God gave this life to me so I could live it, and that's what I want to do. Even thouigh sometimes it'd be easier to just lay down and give up. Life sucks, but God put me here to live it. But I can honestly say that there are about 5-6 I would take that bullet for if push cam to shove. One of them doesn't know it, and she probably never will, but that's okay, I guess. So I can say that I value my life, but only because God gave it to me. Other than that, I don't think it will affect anyone.

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