What Is The Single Worst WWF/E Title Run Of All Time?

Well done.

Worst Title Reign
Big Show in 2002 and not even close in my opinion. He made Kane's 24 hour reign look like Cena's year-long one. He was probably at the worst point of his WWE career and that's saying a lot. He injures Brock Lesnar because he was too fat yet gets the title at Survivor Series and then loses it to Angle at Armageddon. I don't remember him doing anything during that reign.

The 2002 Big Show Title Reign was great because of everything that came from it. Read me out for a minute as I break this down:

1)Big Show beats a never been pinned Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 02, in MSG. This allowed Lesnar to officially turn face (which had been brewing all the way back to Summer Slam with his crowd reactions), and put Heyman with Show. There is no way Heyman could of turned faced with Lesnar.

2)Big Show loses the title to Kurt Angle at Armageddon 02.

3)Kurt Angle turns heel on the following Smackdown. This is the official beginning of Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar at WM19.

4)The World's Greatest Tag Team debuts as "Team Angle".

5)Lesnar beats the Big Show and wins the 2003 Royal Rumble all in the same night.

So while at the time to decision seemed crazy (and I was at Survivor Series 02, we didnt know what the hell to think), in hind sight without the Big Show Title reign, a lot of history would probably be different.
The 2002 Big Show Title Reign was great because of everything that came from it. Read me out for a minute as I break this down:

1)Big Show beats a never been pinned Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series 02, in MSG. This allowed Lesnar to officially turn face (which had been brewing all the way back to Summer Slam with his crowd reactions), and put Heyman with Show. There is no way Heyman could of turned faced with Lesnar.

2)Big Show loses the title to Kurt Angle at Armageddon 02.

3)Kurt Angle turns heel on the following Smackdown. This is the official beginning of Kurt Angle vs. Brock Lesnar at WM19.

4)The World's Greatest Tag Team debuts as "Team Angle".

5)Lesnar beats the Big Show and wins the 2003 Royal Rumble all in the same night.

So while at the time to decision seemed crazy (and I was at Survivor Series 02, we didnt know what the hell to think), in hind sight without the Big Show Title reign, a lot of history would probably be different.

I would argue that it really wouldn't. They could have done the same thing you're talking but instead have Angle face Lesnar at Survivor Series. Heyman could claim that Lesnar couldn't beat one of the greatest wrestlers alive today. Angle still could have turned heel and align himself with Heyman which he did after Armageddon and everything else would be fine including Benoit facing Angle for the title at the Royal Rumble.
I haven't seen any good title reign for awhile now, the last great one that I could remember is JBL. Maybe I'm biased because I haven't been impressed with any current title holders with the likes of cena, sheamus, orton, swagger. I don't remember any of their title reigns since there was no memorable storylines and they are just pointlessly wrestling each other. But I do like the Miz's current push and I hope that when he does win the title, he holds on to it for more than 6 months.
I would say Chris Benoit's only run as WHC. He had the belt yet remained a mid carder/curtain puller whilst Triple H was in the main event. I dont recall him having a decent feud once the feud with Trip and Michaels ended.

A close second would be Hulk Hogan reign number 4. I cannot recall seeing him on wwe tv from Mania to K.O.T.R where he dropped the belt after he needlessly won it in the 1st place.
Jeff 's First WWE Title run.

The way he won it sucked.He was in a long time rivalry with HHH but his first reign which is the big one especially for someone like him who had a +10 year career behind him at that point , began in a triple threat at Armageddon , one of throw away PPVs of year.

They way he was booked while being champ sucked.I even don't remember him having a decent match or promo and as long as I remember , he didn't even defend the title successfully once , I mean what the hell even Swagger got one clean title defence.

The way he lost it sucked.Matt Hardy attacked him out of no where and one of the most meaningless feuds of all time started.

His first reign to me was such a huge disappointment.He really deserved the title but the reign was pure crap.
I would argue that it really wouldn't. They could have done the same thing you're talking but instead have Angle face Lesnar at Survivor Series. Heyman could claim that Lesnar couldn't beat one of the greatest wrestlers alive today. Angle still could have turned heel and align himself with Heyman which he did after Armageddon and everything else would be fine including Benoit facing Angle for the title at the Royal Rumble.

While I can see where you are coming from, I do disagree. And tell me this, if that was to be the case, what would WM 19 have been? The path of Lesnar to Angle was good, and part of it came from the fact that Lesnar had to go through Big Show to get to Angle. Heck Lesnar even helped Angle beat Big Show at Armageddon 02. There are deffinitly worse reign's that Show's. Like I said in my earlier post, Khali's was horrid, someone mentioned Jeff's 1st one which was indeed bad, because nothing came out of his feud with Matt. I'll even add Edge's WHT reign in 2007. Before he got hurt, I cant even tell you where that run was headed to. So thats 3 that can be looked at as worse than Big Show in 02.
Goldberg, Chris Benoit, Great Khali, & Rey Mysterio have never been WWE Champion. Why are these posts not deleted? People dont even stick to the topic here, things that are incorrect should be deleted. Not tryin to be a dick but why allow all these wrong posts?

I'd go with the Kane fluke of a WWE Championship in that first blood match when he "beat" Stone Cold. UT helped win it and the very next night on Raw Kane lost it right back to SCSA. He didnt even hold the title for 24 hours.

This McMahon reign should have never happened but then again, Vince does what he wants.

Mr. McMahon
Sept. 16, 1999 - Sept. 20, 1999
On Sept. 16, 1999, Mr. McMahon was not only the owner of WWE, he was also the champion. In an unscheduled match that saw Shane McMahon officiate, Triple H defended his newly-won WWE Championship against the boss. During the match, Stone Cold delivered a Stunner to the champ, allowing McMahon to get the shocking win. McMahon was not WWE Champion for long, however, as he vacated the title on Sept. 20, 1999. (wwe.com)
I honestly think that the worst period for the WWE title was that span that started in March of 2002 until August of 2002 when Triple H won the Undisputed Championship, only to lose it to Hogan who would quickly lose it to the Undertaker, who dropped it to the Rock only to lose it to Brock Lesnar. All of those title changes were unnecessary.
Nobody should judge a reign on the quantity of the run. It's easy to pick out any short reign and say it was the worst cause they never did much or anything at all, it should be judged on the quality of the reign.

My pick though is gonna be a bit of a contradiction, The Undertaker's first title reign in 1991. But I pick his run because he was not ready to hold the title at the time, the WWF Title on a pale as fuck Undertaker who was just 1 year in WWF, was a horrible decision and I believe WWE realized this when they took it off him 2 days later. I never actually saw the matches in which he won & lost the title from & to Hulk Hogan but I've seen clips of em and I know my wrestling history to know putting it on Taker was the wrong decision.
Rey Mysterio.. This guy holding the WWE Heavyweight title was awkward covering from his chest to stomach.. It looked like a paper weight on a paper.. LOL :lmao: :lol: His second title run was pathetic.. Jus to end Swagger unsuccessful reign, he was thrown in..
Andre winning the title and giving it to Dibiasi.... Andre deserved to have a reign

I'd agree this was the worst run for any WWE Champion. Why would they do that to Andre? They basically said hey Andre, go out there win and then give up the title. WTF? This man deserved to hold the title for a little bit. After all that he did for Vince/WWE in the 80s, early 90s.:banghead:
I think I had already posted in one very similar to this thread.

My pick is when the Championship was vacated after Cena got injured I think. I can't remember who it was, but I remember HHH beating Umaga early on the PPV to win the title and then he had to defend it on the same night to Randy Orton only to lose it. I saw this reign as nothing more than one more title reign for HHH. I think it sparked a feud between them, but the reign itself was crap.
I think I had already posted in one very similar to this thread.

My pick is when the Championship was vacated after Cena got injured I think. I can't remember who it was, but I remember HHH beating Umaga early on the PPV to win the title and then he had to defend it on the same night to Randy Orton only to lose it. I saw this reign as nothing more than one more title reign for HHH. I think it sparked a feud between them, but the reign itself was crap.

Actually Orton was awarded the title Trip challenged him for it and beat him (kind of reminds me of Mania 9 Hulk Hogan/Yokozuna), Trip defended against Umaga (R.I.P) then lost it back to Orton.

So 2 pointless short reigns in 1 night.

In my opinion any 24hr wwe title reigns (Bret Hart, Kane, Mankind) were pointless. But 1 I have thought of is

The Iron Sheik

He could have held the title a lot longer establishing himself as the number 1 anti American heel in wwf and perhaps even dropped the belt to Hogan at the 1st Wrestlemania after Hogan had been built up even more. Whilst it all worked out in the end I cant help feeling that the Sheik as champion was a waste of time as he was just a "filler" between Bob Backlund and Hulk Hogan.
the worst WWE title run i can think of was triple h's at no mercy 07, where orton was awarded the title, triple h won it from him and then lost it back to orton in the same night.. he didnt even have the title for more then 3 hours!

Am I the only person that thought that that night was good for the fued that would follow from it?

I have to think that Swaggers reign was the worse. The guy was awesome and would of made a mid class title look good but he was way to green for the main title. He didn't do anything at all worth mentioning then he lost it to rey. wich mean't that the money in the bank was wasted and he had a shitty run with the belt.
CM Punk's first title run was screwed up. They did that whole entire injury angle to the wannabe Legacy before the Championship Scramble match. Then Chris Jericho subbed and won the title. Ever since then, every CM Punk title reign was handled improperly by the WWE and his talent was mishandled greatly on Smack Down. I hope with him now on Raw that his fate is better.
Goldberg, Chris Benoit, Great Khali, & Rey Mysterio have never been WWE Champion. Why are these posts not deleted? People dont even stick to the topic here, things that are incorrect should be deleted. Not tryin to be a dick but why allow all these wrong posts?

Okay dude, i think that when the thread says WWE/F Title, i could just mean A WWE/F title ( IC, Cruiserweight)...
so in my eyes, the worst Title Reign was Jack Swagger this year. He Won The title Via MITB, which is a respected way to win (Edge, CM Punk) but the way he was portrayed when champion was horrible, Beaten nearly every week by Morrison and Mysterio like he was some jobber. It wasnt a great way to give Swagger a push to the top. Instead they made him look like David Arquette...I'm Just Sayin...
THTRobTaylor Warrior feuded with Randy Savage in the autumn of 90 and winter of 91 as world champ. Mr. Perfect and Ric Rude were two of the greatest to never win the world title. Those were three pretty awesome feuds for the Warrior. He feuded with a lot of better guys in 9 months than Hulk Hogan did perhaps in his entire first 4 year run!!

I would have to say that the worst WWE title reign in history would have to be any time Triple H held the World Title after 2001. He won the title 11 times too many!!

At Survivor Series 1990 - Warrior's team was against "The Perfect Team" of Perfect and Demolition and Warrior was in a mini-feud with Perfect. Warrior and Savage's feud didn't start till nearer the Rumble. By then, Warrior was bombing badly as champion and Vince needed to change it up so he went with Slaughter and the Savage fued was the only way to appease Warrior.

Warrior was not the driving force of any feud he was in, he was put with Rude to help build him, but refused to lose the belt which would have helped him long term... WWE was high on Perfect at the time and he was made to look relatively strong against Warrior, but in reality these fueds were there to cover Warrior's deficiencies rather than make money.
The worst WWE Title run of all time has to be the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase's run with the title. He bought it from Andre the Giant and didn't even keep it all that long...dropping it to Macho Man at Wrestlemania. Ted Dibiase is a great wrestler and deserved better than that mini title run, but it was very uneventful and just a slap in the face to the title scene at the time.

Back then, titles were sacred. The WWE title was prestigious, along with the NWA title. For Dibiase to buy it from someone instead of winning it ruined a once stellar reputation for older wrestling fans. That kind of thing can make or break careers and it didn't do MDM's any favors.

So to me, that's the worst WWE title reign of all time.
The worst WWE Title run of all time has to be the Million Dollar Man Ted Dibiase's run with the title. He bought it from Andre the Giant and didn't even keep it all that long...dropping it to Macho Man at Wrestlemania. Ted Dibiase is a great wrestler and deserved better than that mini title run, but it was very uneventful and just a slap in the face to the title scene at the time.

Back then, titles were sacred. The WWE title was prestigious, along with the NWA title. For Dibiase to buy it from someone instead of winning it ruined a once stellar reputation for older wrestling fans. That kind of thing can make or break careers and it didn't do MDM's any favors.

So to me, that's the worst WWE title reign of all time.

Ted Dibiase was never champ. Andre held the belt for about 30 seconds and relinquished it when he gave it to the Million Dollar Man. The belt was vacated until WrestleMania IV when Macho Man beat Dibiase in the finals.

My vote for worst WWF/E title reign goes to Sgt. Slaughter. There is no way he should have ever been near the title. Vince decided to milk the war and take advantage of the war which is beyond abhorrent. Slaughter was a lower-card jobber and then he got a push and had that horrible title run culminating with Hogan winning the title back from him at WM VII. After SummerSlam 91, he went back to being a lower-card jobber once again. Epic title failure.

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