What is the real reason?


Getting Noticed By Management
I was casually reading toward the comments section in wrestleZone and there are a lot of just rude and ignorant people on both yes- reigns and no-reigns sides. I see a lot of people talking about how the reason they don't want reigns or do want reigns as next top guy is and a lot of times you can see people just clamor ing or making up something to reach their cause... Me personally I don't hate reigns I like reigns a lot and appreciate qwe at least trying to make new stars... What I am is terrified, terrified of possibly waking up in 10 years and hearing lets go roman/roman sucks chants... I am scared that vince will push reigns just like cena 2.0 coming out smiling saying jokes and seeing all his coolness going away... Thats what I think most people are... I don't think people hate reigns I think people are scared that as soon as WM 31 is over for the next 10 years all you will be hearing is let's go roman/roman sucks until the next guy comes. So am I right or crazy what is the real reason that people seem to be scared of wwe making new stars and worried about reigns being pushed?
As a guy who definitely isn't happy about Reigns' booking I will admit the RAW segments helped him greatly. They are going to fall back on the same shit that got the Rock over initially. Family ties. 3rd generation. Etc etc.
As a guy who definitely isn't happy about Reigns' booking I will admit the RAW segments helped him greatly. They are going to fall back on the same shit that got the Rock over initially. Family ties. 3rd generation. Etc etc.

Yeah God forbid the WWE attempt to get one of their superstars over. The sour grapes with you smarks is so pathetic. Reporting my post as spam? Upset because subscriptions and raw got a post-Rumble, post-CancelWWENetwork boost thanks (in part) to Roman Reigns win?

The seething bitterness is eating this forum alive. Someone else made a real astute observation and that is Daniel Bryan fans are a very vocal minority.They don't speak for everyone. He isn't polarizing but his fans are well on their way to becoming that way.

I don't like Cena and I chant Cena sucks because I hate his stale character and how he buries talent (my opinion) but the treatment Roman Reigns is getting is prejudice plain and simple.

Roman Reigns hasn't done anything in his career yet except win the Royal Rumble.

I'm sorry Daniel Bryan but "that's the way pop wanted it"

"That ain't the way I wanted it!! I got skipped ovah!!" "I can draw..not like everybody says" "I can draw and I want respect!"

Yep Reigns is Michael Corleone and Daniel Bryan is Fredo.

I'm isn't that the party of OWNING the wwe is, is picking the next star and pushing them?? I don't like reigns but I'd rather see Lesnar/Reigns instead of Lesnar/Bryan.....I can't see those two working good together...
I don't think people are scared of WWE making new stars...they just want more of a say in who those stars are. They have gotten behind Bray Wyatt, Dolph Ziggler, Seth Rollins, Daniel Bryan, among others. Rusev is coming along nicely as a good heel. What most people don't want is for WWE to force who they want upon us when we reject it.
Whether they listen or not, WWE is unlike sports and entertainment in that their fans can affect how things go to some degree. If you hate the Patriots in football, your boos will not keep them out of the Super Bowl. If you hate the direction your favorite character on a tv show is going, you cant stop it...those episodes are made and ready for air. With wrestling, we get the chance to change it. Last year, the Daniel Bryan scenario is the perfect example.
Back to newer stars, we have let WWE know who we like, we want new stars, but when we see what the card for Mania looks like, I don't see Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, or Daniel Bryan on there. I don't mind Reigns in the main event. In fact with how strong they have booked Lesnar lately, we need another monster to take him down. Im more upset that I see established names vs established names instead of putting over the younger talent. Sting vs HHH does not help build new stars unless you have those new stars in other high profile matches. Watching 20 superstars compete in the Andre the Giant rumble will not help, ask Cesaro, or anybody else n it. They could have spent the last few years building the future instead of giving us The Rock, Brock, Taker, HHH, etc facing each other. They have enough main event talent right now without bringing back part timers to put on a great WrestleManina. Maybe what they need is WCW to come and take them all away so they are forced to use more of them.
I was casually reading toward the comments section in wrestleZone and there are a lot of just rude and ignorant people on both yes- reigns and no-reigns sides. I see a lot of people talking about how the reason they don't want reigns or do want reigns as next top guy is and a lot of times you can see people just clamor ing or making up something to reach their cause... Me personally I don't hate reigns I like reigns a lot and appreciate qwe at least trying to make new stars... What I am is terrified, terrified of possibly waking up in 10 years and hearing lets go roman/roman sucks chants... I am scared that vince will push reigns just like cena 2.0 coming out smiling saying jokes and seeing all his coolness going away... Thats what I think most people are... I don't think people hate reigns I think people are scared that as soon as WM 31 is over for the next 10 years all you will be hearing is let's go roman/roman sucks until the next guy comes. So am I right or crazy what is the real reason that people seem to be scared of wwe making new stars and worried about reigns being pushed?

Wow finally got a good OP to reply with.

Certainly I was worrying about the next 10 years after Wrestlemania 31! Okay before saying that I would admit that I hate Roman Reigns but that isn't the prior reason why I hated this Year's Royal Rumble. I hate it coz of the way it got booked and the way it ended!

So WWE announced 15 participants in Rumble prior to the Event. So I finally figured out that the last 3 is gonna be Cesaro, Big Show and Dolph. I expected Big show to come in sooner rather than at #29 and have a good brawl with Roman Reigns.

Fine let's come to the other side. The crowd didn't really want Daniel Bryan to win this Rumble because they had other favorites too. I heard LET'S GO ZIGGLER and LET'S GO AMBROSE chants all around when they stepped in the ring. I knew Roman's gonna win but I wanted Dolph and Dean to be in the final four.

Okay at least I wanted them to put up some good fights but the way they got eliminated it was a total crap. Kane and Big show picked up everyone like a dead meat and tossed them out. I didn't want Bray Wyatt to win the Rumble but the way he got eliminated is bullshit!!

And we finally had Roman Reigns, Big show and Kane in the ring (Let's not talk about Rusev). At least there should've been Ryback. What about all his hard work and his Firing angle and his greatest Promo of his life??

So everyone obviously know the result of the match like 10 minutes before it could end. So all this heat and the fact that Roman reigns is overrated and The Great One is passing the torch to someone who doesn't deserve got into a terrible hate on Roman Reigns. And his interviews prior to the Royal Rumble had no respect to anyone or whatsoever!!

Bottom line is I will never like Roman Reigns anymore irrespective of his gimmick or new style or whatever. no offense just my opinion..

As a guy who definitely isn't happy about Reigns' booking I will admit the RAW segments helped him greatly. They are going to fall back on the same shit that got the Rock over initially. Family ties. 3rd generation. Etc etc.

Yeah Reigns is going to be okay. He's young, humble and hard working. He'll only get better. Now if he changes from that, he'll have a problem but for now everybody should be thankful WWE wants to change things up.
The thing is we have seen the cookie cutter role being over exposed with iconic superstars like John Cena and Hulk Hogan. They are more of charisma than wrestling.

Now, fans want a bit of both. Because when the charisma is pre-planned, it has less of an impact on the hardcore fans. And as the years go by, it becomes painfully obvious.

We see stars like Ziggler and Ambrose having a sense of authenticity in their gimmicks, even though the gimmick is pre-planned. Stars like Sandow and Bryan have taken idiotic gimmicks and turned them into gold. When people see more of that, they crave for more of that. When they see Reigns, they see a football player who is being force fed lines no one would say in today's scenario. For example, when I think someone's being idiotic, I call him an idiot. I don't say sufferin' succotash or anything as ridiculous.

While Roman isn't in charge of what he says, that works against him. When John Cena keeps telling everyone it's about respect, people consider him to be a broken record. And no one wants a broken record.

So are the fans right in not wanting Reigns to win? Yeah. But they didn't do a good job of being fans and crapped on the match. Chanting "We want Rusev" was just appalling. But the match deserved to be crapped on, it wasn't even half as good as the rumble match in 2012, which featured Sheamus winning it. The 2015 Rumble match made the outcome too obvious, which was a major fail on the WWE's part.

The WWE is to be blamed for this. To an extent , the crowd deserves some negative feedback, but that's like comparing a housefly to an elephant.

Final note : Roman is doing his best. As a guy surviving all of this backlash, I can't empathise with him any more than I can. Let's hope the Road to Wrestlemania features his best work to date.
OP hit the nail on the head. I am terrified of Roman Reigns becoming Cena 2.0. I can't do that again. The last 10 years were REALLY hard to watch when the entire show/storyline revolved around 1 guy winning every match.

If WWE could promise to NOT just push 1 guy all the time, I think a lot of fans would be happy. In the old days, we had multiple storylines/feuds going on with effort being put into them. Look at WrestleMania 17 and 19 as prime examples. They are praised as the best because every match from top to bottom was great and they were all built up with storylines and feuds. THAT is how you are supposed to do it.

WrestleMania the last 10 years has basically been Cena Vs ____ and UnderTaker Vs _____ while the rest of the card was largely forgettable and the matches were made in the last 2 weeks before the event.... which meant no one cared.

I don't want to see Roman in the main event for the next 10 years. But sadly, I can easily see him fighting The Rock, HHH and Cena for the next 3 years after Brock.
I just don't want to hear in 10 years... There where other talent but they never reached for the brass ring like roman... I don't want to hear talent turning heel because vince is afraid of them getting bigger pops than cena... I don't want to hear that talent like rollins, ambrose, bryan, wyatt, rusev never could be THE guy because vince and triple h doesn't want them to be better than roman... People want change yes but they don't want same gimmick and same backstage politics just with a different guy
I was casually reading toward the comments section in wrestleZone

if I had a nickel for every time someone was frustrated by that...

and there are a lot of just rude and ignorant people on both yes- reigns and no-reigns sides. I see a lot of people talking about how the reason they don't want reigns or do want reigns as next top guy is and a lot of times you can see people just clamor ing or making up something to reach their cause... Me personally I don't hate reigns I like reigns a lot and appreciate qwe at least trying to make new stars... What I am is terrified, terrified of possibly waking up in 10 years and hearing lets go roman/roman sucks chants... I am scared that vince will push reigns just like cena 2.0 coming out smiling saying jokes and seeing all his coolness going away...

His push was clearly coming as he was getting all those pins with The Shield, especially Survivor Series '13, and the elimination record at Royal Rumble '14.

Once The Shield broke up the first thing I remember about him was his poisoning either Steph or Vicki's drink. Here he had just been turned on and beaten with a chair by Rollins (although not as badly as Rollins beat Ambrose) and Reigns was smiling and playing pranks. It was a sign that your fears were coming true.

Thats what I think most people are... I don't think people hate reigns I think people are scared that as soon as WM 31 is over for the next 10 years all you will be hearing is let's go roman/roman sucks until the next guy comes. So am I right or crazy what is the real reason that people seem to be scared of wwe making new stars and worried about reigns being pushed?

They are not scared of WWE making new stars, everyone loves new stars, the problem is that the new stars appear to not be what these vocal fans want.

Since Reigns breaking away he hasn't really done much until he won The Rumble. He has been booked strong. He has won a lot of matches but I don't really remember enjoying anything he has done besides the Superman Punch and the occasional apron drop kick. His promos don't just bore me like most everyone else, they make me feel like he shouldn't be allowed to cut a promo.

But yes, I don't hate Reigns, I don't think many people hate Reigns. They hate that he has been given a spot. They hated that Rumble. They would prefer someone else get his spot. Some my have the Cena 2.0 fear over the next 10 years but i don't think most think that far ahead. Some are too emotional, some are just stupid, others have to take an extreme stance to feel like they are winning a discussion.
It could be a blessing in disguise Bryan didn't make it to the final four in the RR. Although it would have added to the suspense, having Reigns eliminate him gets more heat than Bryan's early elimination. Bryan being eliminated early made it blatantly obvious Reigns was the winner. Bryan being eliminated in general was the deal; you don't see anybody crediting Wyatt for the takeout. Having Reigns eliminate Bryan with the amount of fans who don't invest in him would make matters worse.
Daniel Bryan is a pretty stealth politician, but I'm not sure why WWE is continuing to allow him to force himself into the conversation. Kudos to WWE for addressing the vocal minority but they can't continue to allow his cult to hijack shows. I'm really interested in seeing what the response will be on Thursday, I also wonder how long or if ever those who were maybe on the fence about Bryan will turn.

One of the proudest moments I had watching NXT is when some of your typical iwc smark douchenozzles tried to get a CM Punk chant started and the NXT crowd booed them out of the building. I absolutely love that crowd.

I don't think it'll be too long before Daniel Bryan becomes the next Cena i.e. split fanbase, polarizing crowds etc. etc.

It really has nothing to do with Reigns and to try and shit on his moment is just lacking in class. Absolutely no class and no respect for the business. The guys been here for a cup of coffee and if you consider yourself a wrestling fan you should be rooting for his success. They're all on the same team.

I'm not a Daniel Bryan fan, I'm not a fan of his in ring work or his style, but I ordered Wrestlemania 30 and supported the business that I grew up with. My most anticipated Mania since 14 or 17. I think if fans took a more diplomatic approach Daniel Bryan would be in a better place today. Obviously barring his ill-timed injury - what a setback.

But yeah, I'm just not a fan of these east coast crowds. You don't have to be jackasses to provide a great environment for wrestling. I just hateto see people get online after a WWE event and talk about themselves "the crowd". I'm old-school.

Smarks have ruined wrestling, there's a top-rated comment on WWE's youtube page that caught my attention and it said "daniel bryan and his fans are ruining wrestling". And I absolutely agree.
The bookers get all the heel heat instead of Bray Wyatt who eliminated the guy. At this point it feels like Daniel Bryan fans have ruined Daniel Bryan. He's in such a limbo meta-state that it's difficult to book him in a program. You don't keep your heel heat for beating Daniel Bryan. It all goes back on WWE decision makers from whiny fans and hashtags.

If Reigns can bring back crowds that were just fans, I'd be so happy.

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