What is Shawn Michaels Greatest Match?


Too Sweet To Be Sour
Okay first off I'm not sure wether this belongs here or in WWE, so if it needs moved then move it please.

So I saw this idea involving TNA, and thought it would be fun to use it with a wrestler who has had so many great matches it's hard to keep track.

Anyway here is what you do. Rank your top ten matches of HBK, with your number one match worth ten poitns and your number ten match worth one point, and post the list in an order of some type in this thread. After awhile I will annouce that the voting has stopped, and I will tally the points for each match and rank the top matches from everyone's vote. Please make sure you include reasons why you think the match deserves what spot it gets on your list and what made the match so great.

You can also feel free to debate other people's list, agree with them on choices, disagree with them, etc, etc, etc. Here is my list.

HBK vs.Undertaker-Wrestlemania 25:#1
One of the best matches in not only Wrestlemania history, but one of the greatest matches in the history of the business. I sat watching it live thinking nothing could top last year's match, but I was wrong. These two Wrestlemania icons put it all on the line, kicked out of finisher after finisher, stole the entire show, and made the fans realize that they were watching something special indeed. Match of the yera no doubt, an truly amazing match, and number 1 in HBK's career for me.

HBK vs. Bret Hart-Wrestlemania XII Iron Man Match:#2
It was a very hard choice to put this at number two, but it did have it's certain boring spots (it went over an hour) where as Taker/HBK had none. Two of the technical greats put on a show to remember, especially on the mat. One of the greatest technical matches of all time, and also gave HBK his first World Title and really elevated him above and beyond, it help made him the Icon he has turned out to be.

HBK vs. Ric Flair-Wrestlemania 24:#3
This was a match that certainly qualifies as one of Wrestlemania's greatest. I think everyone figured this would be Flair's final match, and Shawn helped him put on one heck of a show for it. It was truly one of the best matches in each man's career, and gave Ric the final match he deserved, and let someone who was worthy of the honor retire Flair.

HBK vs. Mankind-In Your House:Mind Games:#4
It was a great match, with all kinds of variety. It had high flying moves, had good technical aspects, and had some brawling mixed in. It had it's boring spots, most matches do, but truly a great match. It was kind of sad it had to end with the interference and DQ, but it was still an aweosme match.

HBK vs. Undertaker-Hell In A Cell at Badd Blood 1997:#5
It was the first match of it's kind in the WWE. It featured the two men who would 12 years later put on the number one match on this list, and it was a very interesting encounter. The spot with Michaels falling through the table was innovative, and was copied by Foley the next year, only higher and it looked more brutal. The King of the Ring match set the standard for future HIAC matches, but without HBK the first one would probally never have been the success it was, and was an overall good match. And it featured the debut of another great wrestler, Kane.

HBK vs. Kurt Angle-Wrestlemania 21:#6
A truly awesome match between two of the technical and athletic greats. Featured some of the best wrestling of the year, and stole the show at a Mania card whch also fetaured Batista and Cena winning their first World Titles. it showed that HBK really still has it after all these years and is in as good of shape as ever. Plus the moonsault into the table was a pretty good spot.

HBK vs. Chris Jericho-Wrestlemania 19:#7
An exciting and interesting match with a great story behind it between two of the most athletic wrestlers in the WWE at Wrestlemania. What more can you ask for? It was one of the best matches on the card, and showed Chris Jericho had what it take to hang in there with the Show stopper Shawn Michaels.

HBK vs. Razor Ramon-Ladder Match at Wrestlemania 10:#8
There had only been like one ladder match before this in WWE and that was at a house show. This match brought it mainstream and gave the fans stuff they had never seen before, with HBK stealing the show in this match. He was and still is one of the best in ladder matches, and this match just gave him the destinction of being "king of the ladder match" so to say. it was a great match, and even though the one with Ramon at Summerslam was just as good, maybe better (it's been awhile so I don't remember them that well), this was the first one and deserves recognition.

HBK vs. Triple H-Hell in a Cell at Bad Blood 2004:#9
It certainly wasn't the first match between these two, but it featured a very brutal and violent match that shouwed the endurance of these two men by stretching 45 minutes. Had some good spots, and took place between one of the men who introduced the match type to the E and a man who has the second-most experience in these types of matches. And it was part of a fued that didn't seem to wear out, at least not on me.

HBK vs. Triple H-Unsactioned Match at SummerSlam 2002:#10
The match that started the fued. it had a good backstory behind it and was well anticipated. It showed HBK was back and as good as ever, and gave us a chance to see what these to men could do with each other. it also featured some very good spots, and sparked a memorable fued which was very entertaining and featured many great matches.

Honorable Mentions- HBK vs Triple H vs. Chris Benoit for the World Championship at Wrestlemania 20
HBK vs. Triple H 2 out of 3 falls at Armageddon 2003
HBK vs. Razor Ramon- Ladder Match at Summerslam 1994/1995 (i forget which)

So, without further ado, let the posting and debating begin!
Shawn Michaels' match against Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 19 is without a doubt my favorite match from him, and in my opinion, in the top three of greatest matches in WWE history (Hart/Austin from 'Mania 13 and Hart/Perfect from Summerslam 1991 being the other two). It was just a flawless match. The build-up to it was great, but the story those two were able to tell because of that build-up was one of the greatest in-ring stories ever told in the history of professional wrestling, if you ask me, and that's why I ultimately feel it was his greatest match. HBK was always a tremendous performer, but most of his matches didn't tell stories.. but that one did, and it was a wonderful one at that and one I'll never forget.

Shawn Michaels vs. 'Taker HITC comes in at second, but nothing will ever pass that Jericho match from 'Mania 19.
Shawn Michaels vs. Kurt Angle Wrestlemania 21

These two had the longest match of the night at just under half an hour, and they put on the best match of the night with it. Not only is this my favourite Shawn Michaels match of all time, it's my favourite match in the history of the WWE/F. This match proved that Shawn had returned just as good as he was before his back injury, and that he really was the showstopper.

In a match that could easily have ended the show (as so many of Shawn's Wrestlemania matches could), the 2 men put on a phenomenal showing, with everything you could possibly want from a match at Wrestlemania. Great build, stemming from The Royal Rumble, and lasting to Wrestlemania, with many events leading to the ultimate match, Angle attacking Shawn at least twice, accepting Shawn's match request.

The feud was made more interesting by the fact Angle was a star on Smackdown, Shawn one on Raw. Inter-brand feuds are often more exciting, as the 2 can't generally face off until a PPV. Shock appearances from Angle on Raw made fans more excited to see this.

The match itself was intense, it was payback for everything that had happened, with Angle defeating Shawn as pay back for Shawn eliminating him from the Royal Rumble match up. This is a feud which made me truely believe Angle could be the future of the company, one where the winner didn't even matter, because both had been shown to be excellent athletes. Angle won the match without making Shawn look like a horrible wrestler - we could plainly see the atleticism and skill both of the men had.
I enjoy all of his matches but the one that's my fav that i can watch over and over again is Summerslam 02'

Great storyline-These guys started off as friends but egos got in the way.
expectaions-The big deal was can shawn michaels still perform at the same level that he left 4 years prior.
The match had Mat wrestling, tables, ladders, chairs, blood, match length was about 32mins, Shawn Michaels won not by his finisher move but by a school boy rollup. Most likley the only big match that was not won by a finisher move.

In my opinion the greatest inspirational match of all-time. because HBK had a broken back and missed 4 years of the WWE. When he came back in 2002 he could of hurt himself again and not even walk let-alone wrestle. and during the time and that match you could feel the pain and passion the HBK displayed.
Shawn Michaels' match against Chris Jericho at Wrestlemania 19 is without a doubt my favorite match from him, and in my opinion, in the top three of greatest matches in WWE history (Hart/Austin from 'Mania 13 and Hart/Perfect from Summerslam 1991 being the other two).

I agree 100% with this post and, strangely those are my exact same three favorite WWE matches. Anyway...here goes.

1.) HBK v. Y2J at Mania 19
2.) HBK v. Bret Hart at Mania 12
3.) HBK v. Kurt Angle at Mania 21
4.) HBK v. Taker Hell in a Cell at Bad Blood
5.) HBK v. Taker at Mania 25
6.) HBK v. Razor Ramon Ladder Match at Mania 10
7.) HBK v. Hunter Unsanctioned at Summerslam 02
8.) HBK v. Jericho Ladder Match at No Mercy 2008 (Underrated. Best match of last year.)
9.) HBK v. Cena Raw the night after Mania 23 (Tremendous, tremendous match. Istrumental in getting Cena over with us mean-spirited smart fans. Ultimate display of Shawn right now - just putting on killer matches and
getting young guys over.)
10.) HBK v. Flair at Mania 24 (I think this match is a little overrated, personally but it's an important match with a great performance from HBK)

Interesting that a majority of Shawn's best moments came after his injury. Anyway, that's it. That's the list.
My favorite match of his is at Wrestlemania 23 against John Cena. It was the match, that like the match against Hogan that proved to me HBK still has a major ego. From yelling at John over the selling of his leg during the match, to the next night on RAW where in classic egotistical HBK fashion he dismissed the match the night before, once again like the Hogan match, killing the kayfabe element of the match, and then took cheap shots at other wrestlers that don't even work for the company anymore.
Not sure if you guys remember this match or not. It was In Your House: Ground Zero.
It was the first meeting between the Undertaker and Shawn right after he screwed taker out of his title at summerslam. Anyways this was one of the funniest matches I've seen with him. The match was a pure beat down...I think there was a good 15 minutes of scrapping taking place outside the ring before they finally made it inside and finally you hear the bell to start the match. (not sure if DX was formed at this time, but I recall Hunter and Chyna being there to try and provide the assist.)
1. HBK Vs. Bret Hart Wrestlemania XII The Ironman Match

This was the perfect match at the perfect time. Shawn was at his peak and was finally being acknowledged as a real threat to the Hitman's legacy, as the best in the biz. I love the matches ending and was shocked to discover in his autobiography that HBK himself came up with it. I would have bet the farm that Bret was looking for an excuse as to why he jobbed to HBK. Not the case. Shawn thought it up to build suspense in the match....then Bret ran with it an used it as an excuse to justify losing. This was the original Bret Hart screw job.

2. HBK Vs. Mankind @ Mind Games

Stellar match and in my opinion Foley's best. HBK went Hardcore which was a treat to see since he was such the ultra babyface at this point in his career.

3. HBK Vs. Owen Hart IYH prior to Wrestlemania XII

This match holds a special place in my heart as it was a great match between my two all time favorites. The Psychology was amazing in the match and there was great back story. It was the first confrontation between HBK and Owen after the Insiguri incident on Raw. On top of that HBK put up his Wrestlemania XII title shot to get his hands on Owen and there was that looming threat of another Insiguri to HBK's susceptible cranium. There was alot of innovation from both guys doing things that they didn't usually do, always a plus.

4. HBK Vs. Razor Ramon Wrestlemania X The Ladder Match

How could this not be on everyones list? Little fun fact about this match I WAS THERE @ MSG. I could've cared less about the world title matches. I kept telling my friends that it was all about this match, boy was I right. Every Ladder Match to this date has been inspired by this match. Many have surpassed it, but this was one that started it all. As well as the one that put HBK on the map.

5. HBK Vs. Y2J Wrestlemania XIX

Chris Jericho is the only Wrestler who could 100% keep up with HBK. Everything Shawn can do Jericho can do too (some of it even better). Being a jerichoholic, I was excited for Y2J since he is admittedly the biggest HBK mark in the world. Everybody won with this match. HBK won the match, Jericho lived his dream and we bore witness to a very even and well paced match between two of the all time greats.

6. HBK Vs. HHH Summerslam 2002

I've never been more nervous for a wrestling match in my life. Four years away from the ring (give or take a match in his TWA promotion) and a whole bunch of questions on what was and wasn't possible for HBK at that point. Could he still go? At what level? How limiting will the injury make him? I was scared for him...seriously. I could not have been happier when it looked like he never left. This was a stand up and cheer moment if there ever was one.

7. HBK Vs. Diesel IYH Good Friends Better Enemies

Alot of people put down Kevin Nash and sure he deserves some of it. He can be lazy, uninspired, injury prone and a politicker, but when he's on he's one of the best big men ever. On this April PPV of 96' he was on. These two beat the hell out of each other and just kept coming back for more. It was something special. If you don't own it, pick up the HBK: From the Vault DVD and watch the commentary with Michaels and Nash its really funny and honest.

8. HBK Vs. The Undertaker Wrestlemania XXV

This was amazing. It was everything I expected and then some. The two elder statesman of the WWE turned it out and proved why they are where they are in the business. I'm not a big Undetaker guy, but I have even more respect for him after this match. Especially for continuing after the worst bothched spot since Benoit broke Sabu's neck in 93'/94'. Hats off gentleman.

9. HBK Vs. Ric Flair Wrestlemania XXIV

This was poetic justice as it was HBK retiring his hero. A guy who he self admittedly stole his gimmick and updated it (to have it stolen by every pretty boy heel since). The best of two generations. The match was decent enough, but it was more about the implications and relevance.

10. HBK Vs. Rick Martel Summerslam 92'

This is a great and unrecognized match. It was the first heel vs. heel match that I'd ever seen and it was funny and entertaining. It was all about the affections of Sherri and it had the hilarious, unofficial stipulation of no punching in the face. The whole time you're just waiting to see who hits first. I think it ends up a double DQ or countout. Sherri fakes fainting after she sees the guys punching each other in the face HA HA....Hillarity.

Honorable Mentions

HBK Vs. Jarrett IYH 2 (IC Title)

HBK Vs. Undertaker (Hell in A Cell)

HBK Vs. Angle (Any Time)
I'm not going to post ten "great" matches from HBK because honestly, I think the guy has always been golden in the ring and IMO, all of his matches are great !!!

But I will list a few matches that I have personally enjoyed in recent years.

April 23rd, 2007, Monday Night Raw, London, England
Shawn Michaels -vs- John Cena : Iron Man Match

January 12th, 2009, Monday Night Raw, Sioux City, Iowa
Shawn Michaels w/ JBL -vs- John Cena : HBK's Wrestlemania

May 2nd, 2005, Monday Night Raw, Boston, Massachusetts
Shawn Michaels -vs- Shelton Benjamin : Gold Rush Tournament

March 31, 1996, Wrestlemania 12, Anaheim, California
Shawn Michaels -vs- Bret Hart : Iron Man Match
Hi guys, I really like the first poster's list and agree for the most part with it but I would change the order and say the Angle match is number 1 and the Flair match is number 10. The Angle match was the first time I finally understood what people mean when they say "telling a story throughout the match" and I strongly believe it was simply perfect but maybe it deserves lower marks due to having a slapped together build-up.

Also I don't want us to forget HBK's first major title defense series against the British Bulldog (including IYH: Beware of Dog) as those matches were amazing!
I almost feel like I'm picking between my children when I'm asked to pick Shawn Michael's absolute greatest match. They are all a work of art.

Shawn Michaels vs Marty Jannetty (Royal Rumble 93)
This was one of the first times we got to see what Shawn was made of in a high profile singles feud. This match was'nt the best, but it was a great precursor for what was to come in HBK's great career.

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart (Iron Man Match, WM12)
Probably my favorite or second favorite match ever. I remember being so torn in this one as a kid, and it was such a rollercoaster of emotion.

Shawn Michaels vs Razor Ramon (Ladder Match, WM10)
I remember seeing Bret Hart and HBK go at it in a ladder match on a coliseum video tape I had and didnt really understand it. Then I got to see Razor and Shawn just flat out bring the house down with this one. I was blown away and I still think its a top 3 ladder match ever after all this time.

Shawn Michaels vs Diesel (Good Friends, Better Enemies)
I was never a big ECW guy. Even living in Philly, and all my friends always going to the shows, I just never got into that hardcore style. I remember thinking it was innovative, but just not for me. So when Shawn and Diesel had this match, some would say they just stole the extreme style and it was nothing special, but I love this match. I always thought seeing those two in the ring together was magical. Whether it was promos, tag teaming or against each other. This one was fun to watch.

Shawn Michaels vs Bret Hart (Survivor Series 97)
I won't be a fool and sit here and tell you that this was some kind of technical classic. The actual wrestling wasn't even that good considering the chemistry these two have always had together. The reason this match is on my list is because of the pure electricity in the air that night. The crowd was blood thirsty. The whole back story made it so intense and you just never seen anything like it. Its on my list because of the way I was glued to the screen when I was watching it. It was just so surreal.

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker (Hell in a Cell, Bad Blood 97)
What a great war. Such an amazing story was told in the ring that night. It was the first, best and probably most violent Hell in a Cell ever.

Shawn Michaels vs Triple H (SummerSlam 02)
I remember thinking it was a one shot deal when HBK came back for this. I was cringing every time he bumped. Not only did he exceed my expectations, he brought out emotion in me that I had'nt felt in such a long time before that as far as watching a wrestling match is concerned. Amazing.

Shawn Michaels vs Edge (Street Fight, RAW 1/28/05)
These guys had two street fights on Raw, but this was the better of the two. When I was watching it, I couldnt believe they didnt save this masterpiece for PPV instead of giving it away on free tv. Watch it if you never have. The finish is awesome. The was Edge sold the Sweet Chin Music was so cool.

Shawn Michales vs Shelton Benjamin (RAW-Gold Rush, 2005)
I'll be honest, the finish made this match memorable. However, if you go back and watch, the whole thing was really flawless, crisp work from both guys. It just go's to show that HBK can take any match, any time and make it feel prestigious. This was good stuff.

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Jericho (WM19)
This really might be my favorite HBK match ever next to his work with Bret Hart. This match was Shawn's first Wrestlemania since he left in 98. He came back, and him and Y2J stole the show in a technical classic.

Shawn Michaels vs Chris Benoit vs Triple H (WM20)
This whole match was all about Benoit and him winning the strap and I was cool with that. Point is, if it were'nt for Shawn being in this, we would have had a Triple H/Benoit main event and even though they are both great. We all know how HHH's one on one WM main events turn out. Thank you Shawn for spicing this one up and making it an amazing contest to witness. I was there live, not to mention. Great memories.

Shawn Michaels vs Undertaker (WM25)
The two ageless wonders tore the house down with this one. Its fresh in our minds, so I dont ned to remind you all just how great this was.

This list could go on forever and Im not even counting the matches that I dont really remember where or when I seen them, but all Shawns 1 on 1 matches with Benoit, his stuff with Angle was amazing, against Cena was pretty good too. Even his stuff with Mankind and Vader was great. Lets face it...to narrow it down to just 1 is impossible. Who knows, he may have not even had his greatest match ever yet.

How scary is that?
Thats how amazing this guy is
one of my favorites is hbk vs cena on raw april 27 i dont think it was an ironman match it was a really long match. but my favorite hbk match in history is hbk vs undertaker at wm 25 they went all out and hbk was the closeest person ever to beat the undertaker. honorable mentions would be hbk vs austin wm 14 great match but almost ended his career. hbk vs angle at wm 21 really good match . hbk vs jericho at wm 19 and the unsaction match at unforgiven both matches were great.
The first three that immediately came to my mind were:

HBK v Bret Hart the Iron Man match - the two best technically sound wrestlers of that time
HBK v Shelton Benjamin the Gold Rush Tournament - probably one of the top five free tv matches of all time, both men were gold in the ring
HBK v Undertaker WM 25 - two legends who brought it all as they always do

Also, when HBK and Taker were the final two in the Rumble in '07, they were amazing during those few minutes as well.
WrestleMania 20 - Triple H vs. Chris Benoit vs. Shawn Michaels

I have the event on DVD and it's probably my favorite DVD that I have mostly due to this match. The match had so many awesome spots from Triple H and Michaels suplexing Benoit to the table to Michaels landing a huge moonsault out of the ring onto Triple H and Benoit to Michaels landing a NASTY Sweet Chin Music to Benoit who had the Sharpshooter locked in on Triple H. I swear I get chills every time I see this match.

Not to mention the huge celebration at the end which brought tears to my eyes. lol
Michaels vs. Mankind at Mind Games was class from bell to bell. Shawn bringing a little more crazy than usual and stomping on Mankind while he was under the mat, Mankind using a pencil to get feeling back in his leg.. Just an absolutely top notch bout and probably one of the top ten in WWE history. Very unique but also not going overboard or becoming spotting for the sake of it.

jmt225 is spot on in saying Jericho-Michaels (Mania XIX) and Taker-Michaels (Bad Blood) are worth a shout. In addition, Michaels-Cena (WM23 and London Raw) and Jarrett-Michaels (In Your House) are up there for me, the first two telling great stories and the last one being very energetic and well executed.

Matches that are overratd and deserve no mention, but will be all over this thread anyway, included his matches at WM10, WM12, and WM21. Hey, when people have it drilled into their heads by the hype machine how different and exciting and greatest of all time worthy those matches are, they tend to have a hard time identifying how much they might not hold up today (WM10), how boring they are (WM12), or how ordinary and pandering they are (WM21).

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