What is next for WWE


Pre-Show Stalwart
After the NYR PPV, it was reported that HHH will be out do to him tearing his quad again. My question is, what do you think is next for guys like HBK and Rated RKO.

I read in a headline that HHH was considered to face John Cena again at Wrestlemania prior to his injury. So who will John Cena now be facing at Wrestlemania?
No i believe it will be Randy Orton vs John cena at mania because it was either gonna be that or hhh vs cena so yer
At the very worst it will be Cena vs. Khali. That is the one that will kill Wrestlemania. Personally i can see Orten or Edge. But hopefully it comes out of leftfield like say HBK.
It'll probably be Randy Orton who will get a shot at the title at wrestlemania,

Or maybe the rumble winner.
ik think its going to be randy orton or edge. royal rumble this year is going to smackdown. i just have a feeling. either kenedy or taker. depends on whos world champ after the sprint. only way it isnt happening is if its sum kind of tie for the time.most likely taker wins sprint kennedy wins rumble. perfect main event. anywayz hopefully orton wins some kind of tournament, battle royal, or something. orton vs cena. need that belt off cena
I am thinking that if HHH was going to get the push, they might focus on HBK for Wrestlemania to get a shot. He is one of the few that can actually work the crowd and entertain.
its more than likely going to be umaga. I don't think that wwe was done pushing umaga or else why did wwe spend so much time and energy on him just to flush him. Doesn't make any sense.
I hope it's HBK in the main event at Wrestlemania. Some may say that he already has had his turn to shine but the last Wrestlemania he main evented was I believe WM 14. In comparison to Hogan who main evented every wrestlemania 1-9 (with the exception of 4 cause of the tournament) that is nothing.

HBK still works the crowd great and makes everyone he wrestles look better than they are. Plus I think having a face vs. face main event would be pretty entertaining, seeing who would get more pop's cena or hbk.


I'm new here, and it's my first post. Hello All.
OK first of all welcome to wrestlezone
2nd of all HBK was in the main event at Wrestlemania XX with HHH & Benoit.

To respond to HBK not getting in the main event enough, I have to say I disagree. Although he isn't in the championship match every year, he still faces a very worthy adversary.

Ever since he returned, he really did "steal the show" at every Wrestlemania (except 20, that was more Benoit's moment). He and Kurt Angle put on 1 of the greatest matches I'd ever seen, and the chemistry b/t him and McMahon was phenomonal.

My prediction: Orton vs. Cena
I really hope it's not Orton vs. Cena, Orton is quite boring in the ring as is Cena most of the time. I really think an HBK Cena main event would draw big because of older fans rooting for HBK and the new generation pulling for Cena.

It can't be edge/Cena that was done to death, but who knows they might do some type of four way match.

Only thing I ask is Umanga isn't in the main event.
I can see it being Orton. That is what makes sense, does WWE always do what makes sense...NO!! Now what I wish would happen is at The Royal Rumble some one new would show up.enter, and win!! A BIG SUPRISE, like WWE used to do. Say Jerico or Monty Brown but only if it was done right.
I'm a big fan of having HBK vs Cena at Wrestlemania. HBK after all these years can still be a top draw if he is pushed the right way. Orton has years to be in the maine vent and to be honest after his suspension last year I don't think he deserves the highest honor yet. If Umaga is in the main event you might as well all just save your money same if it is the Not so Great Khali.

For Smackdown I overheard they were thinking Taker vs Batista which will just get Batista booed. Hopefully they will rethink and have Batista vs Kennedy or I would love to see King Booker vs Taker
I wouldn't mind a Cena vs Taker main event at WM for the WWE Championship, but I'm just talking out my ass cause it won't happen and if it did, Taker's streak would die.
I wouldn't mind a Cena vs Taker main event at WM for the WWE Championship, but I'm just talking out my ass cause it won't happen and if it did, Taker's streak would die.

I agree with you because for some reason Vince thinks John Cena is the greatest thing since slice bread. Maybe it is me but I don't see it.:dark2:
My personal opinion i think WWE can go a few ways with a match for John Cena at Wrestlemania:
1) vs. HBK
2) vs. Orton
3) vs. HBK, Orton, Edge
4) vs. Undertaker
....they have to go big with the main event cause with HHH out the card as a whole will be a little weaker my personal opinion is a Cena vs. HBK match and have Rated RKO vs. Cryme Time cause they are way over iwth the crowd
Heres my ideas for Wrestlemania:
Cena vs Edge (WWE Title)
Orton vs HBK (they build the rivarly up and have a great match)
Kennedy vs Whoever is WHC by then.
Matt hardy wins money in the bank.
Dunno what else. maybe Stone cold bites off vinces nipple or something.
Lmao at nipple joke.
As to the RAW main event, that is going to be gay. Raw as of now has no superstar that would be able to really make an awesome PPV. HBK, Orton or Edge are ok PPV's, but they dont have that ring, or excitement that wrestlemania is all abt. E.g like Triple threat at Wrestlemania 20, or the possibilit that at wrestlemania 22, Cena would get his ass beat. So perhaps the Royal rumble will yield something. I have to say that bringing Jericho back would be the sweetest thing since DX's return. B ut really tink who would actually make u want to watch Wrestlrmania for the WWE championship match?
Also Umaga will not, he should have won a NYR because he beat the crap outta cena for tyhe entire match and lost. Plus his matches are sorta boring, and they probably wont give it to 3 minute warnings Jamal
Bringing jericho back would be real good , but very slim chance of that happening as when he got fired by mcmahon few years back he had a rock band and stuff , so maybe wwe is the past for him
As much as it sucks to see HHH get injured like he did... I think that for the first time in a while the direction the WWE is going to be moving towards is no longer predictable.

I have a couple thoughts as to what may happen in the near future:

1. Rated RKO have been using their various beatings of Ric Flair to get under the skin of DX... so while HHH is away they insert Flair as HBK's ally (not necessarily as a new member of DX) in the war against Orton & Edge. As far as what happens to the feud between Flair and Dykstra they might choose to have Kenny get in the mix for the Intercontinental picture with guys like Hardy, Nitro, and Carlito.

2. They do an angle in which Orton & Edge also injure HBK causing him to be absent from TV for a while... thus ending DX and letting Orton and Edge go their separate ways without starting a feud between the two of them. It was said a while back that HBK was needing/wanting some time off to rest his bad knee and possibly have some more surgery? The only problem I see with this is that with HHH already out there is little likelihood WWE will let another big name like Michaels be off of TV at this point in time.

3. Another thought I had would involve HBK bringing some younger guys on the roster as additions to DX. Doing so would definitely provide a boost to the careers of some young superstars (ie. Orton and Batista in the Evolution days). I would say that this is probably the least likely as I don't see DX lasting much longer... and more importantly there is really no one on the roster currently that comes to mind when thinking about who could be a possibility as an addition.

4. As far as the much anticipated and speculated Wrestlemania event goes I believe that the WWE will be smarter than to allow Umaga or The Great Khali in the main event. I would expect that Cena will win once again (much to my dismay), and I think that the opposition to Cena will perhaps not be the person they believe will be the biggest draw but rather the person they think will work best in the ring with him and be able to put him over the most (as if they aren't force-feeding him to us enough already). If this is the case I would have to think that Edge gets the nod as the guy who gets the title shot. I know they have already battled for a majority of this year, but I think that Edge brings out the best in Cena and does the best job at being a heel in the business currently.

These are just my opinions and thoughts... feel free to agree with me or tell me I'm an idiot. I can take compliments and criticisms... I would love to here what others think about my ideas.
PANIC is what's next for WWE. Weve allready seen it begin with the undeserved push of the Horrible Khali. Vince is so damn stubborn, Instead of pushing younger talent like Carlito,Shelton Benjamin,C.M Punk.He is still trying to push these so called monsters like Khali and Batista horrible ass. Its time to get rid of one of the Brands ECW, and Overhaul the Roster,and Creative Writers.
i read that it may be cena vs hbk vs edge vs orton
or was it cena vs edge vs orton.
its one of those

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