What is Matt Hardy's problem with Drew McIntyre?


The Goodwill Ambassador
Does Matt Hardy have a legit problem with Drew McIntyre? As some of Hardy's recent tweets have suggested this.

"Sorry I couldn't wrestle on Raw last night due to my head injury caused by that reckless bastard Drew McIntyre.. Looks like I'm gonna be out of the ring for a couple weeks. I apologize to my fans for that. I just hope I'm cleared & they allow me to get back in a WWE ring soon."


The reason I hate Drew is cuz he's been given everything without workin' for it.. While I've busted my ass for EVERYTHING I've ever earned! And to earn everything I that I've have, I've sacrificed & destroyed my body.. That's why I actually respect Edge-cuz he's done the same.

One must have to do something big to rank below Edge in Matt's mind.
But what exactly is his problem? If Drew gets offered the chance to shoot straight up and be called a future world champion by the chairman, then why shouldn't he take it?

Thought please?
I dont think matt has a proplem wit drew mac. If anything he could be startin a good fued wih mac when he returns.
He could just be talking to help that fued. As we all know the internet has made a big impact with the wwe these days. So why not, start talking trash threw through tweets or ***** whatever. It brings some more that realism back to the wwe that way as they use there real accounts threw the internet.
It's probably a work. I don't see Matt trying to bury someone without real good reason to. Also in Matt's tweet he implies the head injury was legit which I don't think it was.
I'm pretty sure that it's a work. After all, if you watch the matches between the two, McIntyre does nothing wrong. If Hardy suffered a legit injury due to recklessness on McIntyre's part, I'm sure there'd be some grumbling heard about it from hardy backstage. And that is something that always makes the rounds on the internet.

However, if you watch the matches, there doesn't seem to be any recklessness on his part. If Hardy was legitimately hurt, it'd be spread all over the place. Also, based on watching the matches, any injury sustained would be to him not protecting himself properly.
Matt's dislike for Drew Mac has to be a work. Matt Hardy, being a veteran, knows better than to badmouth Drew on tweets or whatever. This is nothing than just another program.

Matt and Drew come from different era's. Back in the 90's and early 2000's Matt among others were considered small and locked them up in tag teams. Plus, going through vicious TLC matches just to get some notoriety and respect out of the fans.

Now, we have kids like Swagger, Shaemus, and Drew winning titles within a year or less.
For me I think this could be real between them. Matt seems to not get on with many stars in WWE and from what i'v read from past interviews with former WWE stars he will say and do what he can if he feels he has been disrespected. Matt has never been IC champion and i feel that Matt would try and stop a guy that is getting a push by using the fans. Matt put his body on the line to become a big star and now feels like younger guys are being handed everything.
Matt should stop being Jelouse and be happy for the kid.
Well to say Drew hasn't earned it is pretty lame. He's worked his ass off just to get back on the main roster (this being his 3rd run) and being on SD, they're likely to try things with him because he's new and basically unheard of still.

Kennedy and MVP both got big pushes on SD in their rookie years, so Drew getting the same treatment isn't that shocking. I just don't see what everyone else sees in him. Sheamus i get, but Drew the lanky scotsman who mainly resorts to run ins over actual matches, just doesn't scream star material to me.

Plus just because he's the IC champ doesn't mean he's going to do anything else. Carlito won the US belt against Cena in his first match. He then won the IC title in his first match on Raw. What's he doing now?

'Drew McIntyre, hand chosen by Vince to be a future World champ.' Considering Vince never appears on TV in any meaningful capacity anymore, i'd say that doesn't mean shit. If you actually saw Drew alongside Vince on a regular basis, then i'd be inclined to believe that he'll get a World Title run. Since he isn't, i'd say they've just added that moniker to try and get him over.

As for Fat Hardy, this is probably a half shoot. He probably has no problem with Drew the individual, but does have a problem with near crippling himself for 10 years and getting no World Title reigns. But the difference is, Edge and Jeff are ridiculously over, Matt gets a fraction of the reaction they get. Hell, i'd say Christian is more over in modern WWE than Matt is.

I don't think Matt has a problem with Drew, just WWE's booking.
Reading the last tweet about this made me realize the whole thing is a work. He made comments about being out for a few weeks due to "that wreckless bastard Drew McIntyre". Hardy wasn't injured or else WrestleZone would have reported it so the whole thing is a work. Again, I do believe Matt is upset with the booking team (what does that tell you when one of his biggest supporters is a writer and can't get him to get pushed) and is using it productively (finally!) and using it to add feul to his feud with McIntyre.

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