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What is it About Impact Wrestling That Makes You Want to Watch it Every Week?

I watch as it is different than WWE and ROH. I like the style of wrestling they do as in the X Division is awesome. I like it as it has a different feel to it then WWE and I hope day in and day out this company finally gets what it needs to break the ice of the 1.1 ratings it gets. I also watch it as I am a fan of wrestling as I will now be watching ROH regularly. Also, I will check out the new USA Lucha Libre thing MTV2 is putting out there. It looks a lot like TNA back in the day with the oh so missed 6 sided ring.

I watch it as WWE is interesting, then it flops like a fish out of water. I think I am just tired of the WWE in general so I am glad I came across TNA on FSN back in the day. I don't care what anyone says as I say TNA, TNA, TNA!
Back when it was iMPACT! I watched to see just how badly they could fuck up each week. It turns out, pretty badly. However, now that the product is a bit better, I don't watch every week. It's not particularly good (although it does have it's moments) and its not very bad (although, again, it does have it's moments). Its just rather boring.

The things that do get me to glance at the latest episode of IW on YouTube is the talent of the roster. Although there are some weak parts, it is a very good roster (woefully misused by management). I read the reviews and perhaps catch a match or two as a result. It saves me from having to watch the boring, time-wasting promos and horrible attempts to appear "edgy".
Baaahahaha are you serious bro? Lol. If you really think ROH can get anywhere near TNA's level in the near future you are clearly deluded. TNA has a huge overseas following and gets higher ratings than the WWE in places like the UK. ROH is ridiculously far from doing this right now if ever. If you only look at American ratings as your only source for success then you're just ignorant.

Apparently you didn't comprehend my entire post before you quoted it. I said one day I could see ROH overtaking TNA as becoming the number two fed. And I did concede that ROH would have to make major improvements both in production and getting on a better, more popular network. Whether you want to admit it or not, for all of the supposed success TNA has had, they still haven't been able to get to WWE level. If you believe that then I'd say you are the deluded one, not me. And you want to know why that is? It's b/c TNA hasn't done anything to make themselves stand out from WWE. At one time they did have certain concepts going for them, like the six sided ring and the X Division, but Hogan and Bischoff saw to it that both concepts were killed off. Instead, they wanna concentrate on TNA becoming WWE or WCW 2.0, which quite frankly is a flawed comparison by any means.

ROH is a more talented, yet smaller promotion than TNA. However, things can change in a few years, so I wouldn't rule out ROH becoming bigger in the future. Gaining a TV deal was a step in the right direction, now if they can become more popular and get on a more commercial TV network, then they'll be one step closer to competing with TNA. Maybe getting on WWE's level isn't possible for ROH, but if TNA continues to have bad management and used as a wrestling graveyard, there may not be a TNA if drastic changes aren't made...
I watch Impact Wrestling each week. The show is often plagued by booking that makes absolutely no sense.... however I keep watching and coming back for more because there are a lot of guys on the roster who I want to see in matches or giving promos. It also helps TNA to have more people watching. As for how they could become legit competition? Fire Russo. Stop booking angles or results that make no sense. Then we'll talk. Even though it often leaves me scratching my head, I find things about it that I enjoy enough to watch another episode the following week. They know how to put on a show, that's for sure.
I watch Impact Wrestling every week because as bad as it can get, it's nowhere near as bad as WWE is right now.

Why bother with Triple H squashing upcoming talent even though he's not an active wrestler anymore, when instead I could be watching AJ Styles and Bobby Roode put on a masterclass and get each other over.
1.) Why do I watch TNA?

I don't watch TNA every week, just like I don't watch WWE every week. I have too much going on to be able to set aside time for wrestling shows every single week, but if you ask me why I CONTINUE to watch TNA when I can, and haven't given up on the company, then I will be able to answer you.

I tend to find the match more entertaining than most WWE matches. Wrestlers such as Kurt Angle (the best in the world), AJ Styles, Bobby Roode, Christopher Daniels, Kazarian, Samoa Joe, The MCMG, Pope etc are more athletic, skilled and are allowed to push themselves more than pretty much every WWE wrestler. You see the wrestlers hitting more spectacular moves, in bloodier more violent brawls and generally keeping you on the edge of your seat more than the WWE does these days. Plus, old favourites like Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Kid Kash, Scott Steiner and Sting appear too, which makes the 1990s wrestling fan in me very happy.

Also, people on this forum know my absolute obsession with Tara, so if I want to see her on a weekly basis, I have to watch TNA, and that's another big reason why I check it out when I can. Not to mention the other gorgeous KO's like Velvet Sky, Tessmacher, Mickie James and Madison Rayne!

2. What can TNA do to challenge the WWE?

I honestly don't think they can ever get to a level to compete on a level playing field with Vince McMahon. WWE is far too big now and it would take an incredible investment for TNA to even challenge them. BUT, the world is big enough for 2 major promotions, so TNA can become an even bigger alternative to WWE, by focusing on different things to its rival.

More violent matches, pushing its own stars rather than relying on WWE cast-offs (making it look a second rate production), getting rid of Vince Russo and Hulk Hogan and allowing new, fresh ideas to come through etc.

TNA needs to look at itself as a 2011 wrestling company, not trying to re-create 1995 or 1999. They have an unbelievable roster of talent, comparable to WWE's, they just do not use it as well as they could do.
Apparently you didn't comprehend my entire post before you quoted it. I said one day I could see ROH overtaking TNA as becoming the number two fed. And I did concede that ROH would have to make major improvements both in production and getting on a better, more popular network. Whether you want to admit it or not, for all of the supposed success TNA has had, they still haven't been able to get to WWE level. If you believe that then I'd say you are the deluded one, not me. And you want to know why that is? It's b/c TNA hasn't done anything to make themselves stand out from WWE. At one time they did have certain concepts going for them, like the six sided ring and the X Division, but Hogan and Bischoff saw to it that both concepts were killed off. Instead, they wanna concentrate on TNA becoming WWE or WCW 2.0, which quite frankly is a flawed comparison by any means.

ROH is a more talented, yet smaller promotion than TNA. However, things can change in a few years, so I wouldn't rule out ROH becoming bigger in the future. Gaining a TV deal was a step in the right direction, now if they can become more popular and get on a more commercial TV network, then they'll be one step closer to competing with TNA. Maybe getting on WWE's level isn't possible for ROH, but if TNA continues to have bad management and used as a wrestling graveyard, there may not be a TNA if drastic changes aren't made...
I'm sorry you're just ******ed. Where the hell did I say Tna was on WWE's level? I said they get higher ratings than them in places like the UK which is true. Go look it up and learn something. TNA are a global company now that are well known around the world and proven to be popular and on the rise. They can sell out arenas over the world and have tons of deals in place that make them a mainstream wrestling company. ROH is so far off from this it's not even funny. You probably look at the ratings in America alone and go oh yeah well TNA aren't getting huge ratings so ROH might be able to overtake them. Use your brain for a minute and just think would you. There is so much more than that and ROH won't come close to TNA's level for a long long time if ever. putting on wrestling clinics in the ring is good for some hardcore fans but is never going to draw the mainstream in. ROH won't ever have the starpower that TNA has right now because that's not what they're about, but beleive it or not star power matters and without it they don' have a chance of coming close to TNA.
I watch TNA simply because I believe the business is better with many hands in the pie. I watch it because I am a professional wrestling fan, and appreciate all companies and talent. I am a WWE fan, a WCW fan, an ECW fan, an ROH fan, a CMLL fan, an AAA fan, NJPW fan, and AJPW fan. I watch WWE and TNA more for the story building and character establishment, though I certainly enjoy the "classic" matches that happen every so often. I watch Lucha Libre for the aerial manuevers and athleticism and differences such as 3 man tag team matches. I watch Japanese wrestling for the emphasis on psychology and the addition of martial arts and submissions. I love hardcore styles, technical styles, high-flying, everything. I appreciate what every company brings to the table. I admit that I am much harsher with my personal critique of WWE than anyone else, but I think they deserve that. If you're the top dog in the world, then you can't be graded on the same scale as the significantly less successful companies. I'll always believe the Monday Night Wars was the greatest time in wrestling history. Not because of the Attitude Era or WCW's more adult oriented themes, but because it was quality storylines and mostly good matches on a weekly basis. Ken Shamrock vs Stone Cold for the WWF championship for no reason other than to have a PPV caliber event on RAW. Ric Flair vs Sting for no other reason than to further their longstanding rivalry and get ratings. These days, the quality and "big match atmosphere" is rare on a weekly basis. I just don't think as wrestling fans who were treated to prime entertainment every week, that we should be pleased with 20 minute promos and the lack of a solid Divas division (in WWE) and tag teams (in WWE) or a recycled nWo (Immortal) in TNA. We deserve more, and as long as we bitch and bitch yet continue to watch, it will NEVER change. The only way to affect the business is to not watch and not buy anything. If we yell and scream yet still tune in at 9pm on Mondays and on Thursdays, we're the real losers.
I'm sorry you're just ******ed. Where the hell did I say Tna was on WWE's level? I said they get higher ratings than them in places like the UK which is true. Go look it up and learn something. TNA are a global company now that are well known around the world and proven to be popular and on the rise. They can sell out arenas over the world and have tons of deals in place that make them a mainstream wrestling company. ROH is so far off from this it's not even funny. You probably look at the ratings in America alone and go oh yeah well TNA aren't getting huge ratings so ROH might be able to overtake them. Use your brain for a minute and just think would you. There is so much more than that and ROH won't come close to TNA's level for a long long time if ever. putting on wrestling clinics in the ring is good for some hardcore fans but is never going to draw the mainstream in. ROH won't ever have the starpower that TNA has right now because that's not what they're about, but beleive it or not star power matters and without it they don' have a chance of coming close to TNA.

It's ironic you say I'm ******ed and that I don't use my brain. First, you did say TNA was outdrawing WWE in the UK. While that may be true, TNA is still a hell of a long way from reaching WWE status. They are 2 full points away from RAW in the ratings, and are almost a full point away from reaching SD(although reaching them is more likely). I also find your argument that TNA can "sell out arenas all over the world" to be a ridiculous and laughable statement. I find it hilarious for a couple of reasons. One being TNA doesn't travel nearly as much as WWE, and when they do travel, their attendance figures are very poor. The same can be said for any house shows they put on(as I personally have been to three, two that barely sold any tickets, and one that was cancelled due to bad sales). Wanna know why their house shows and live events sell so bad? Cause their biggest drawing audience at the Impact Zone are ppl who aren't paid customers. Which is my second reason why your argument lacks merit. If TNA's loyalest fans are at the Impact Zone watching for free, then why would they travel and attend shows where they have to pay? Thus proving that them selling out arenas is very unlikely and they are lucky to make any profit.

As far as ROH, try reading what I said before you respond. ROH is a long way from overtaking TNA as the second fed. They have improvements to make in both production and finding a more commercial and well known TV channel. Then, they'd have to establish their own stars to the viewing audience. All of which take time and money, but still goals that are very achievable IMO. With TNA not capitalizing on their unique concepts and just settling for being a WWE ripoff, I could see ROH becoming more popular in a few years. And more popularity would lead to better exposure and ultimately a more loyal fanbase. Two things TNA also is lacking at the current moment. So, it's not hard to grasp why I think ROH in a few years could be major competition for TNA/IW.
You know what your right about the selling arenas all around the world that doesn't happen often but I meant to say they can do it and have a decent following around the world. You say I should read before I respond but you clearly haven't read what I've said and it was in the first sentence. I am not comparing TNA to WWE's level and you keep comparing their ratings for some reason. I said ROH are no where near TNA's level and have a hell of a lot of work to do before they could even think about it. You are just looking at ratings and nothing else. TNA are making spending and still making profits while globally expanding. ROH will not get anywhere near TNA by doing what you said. They will not gain the casual fans the way they are set up and as they won't understand what's so great about it if it's just pure wrestling.

Again you keep arguing that TNA are not on WWE's level which everybody knows and I already stated that. Your point was ROH could beat TNA if they just make a few improvements which is totally dismissing everything TNA has done because your only looking at ratings.
THIS IS NOT A DISS/HATE thread, this is a serious thread, WHY do you watch TNA, is it for a certain wrestler, a former wwe wrestler (name him or her), the knockouts, the tag division, story lines, or maybe your related to dixie carter or an employee of panda energy and its required watching at all factory sites (I couldn't help it) but seriously why do you watch.

I know what had me watching at the beginning (say a month before hogan came) was the story lines, i felt TNA storyline blew wwe's out of the water, I also love their tag team division and oddly enough my girl like there knockout more than anything in WWE, so why DO YOU watch?
I watch TNA for a variety of things. One of the first things is that it's an alternative to WWE. It's something different and makes me appreciate the WWE a little more too all the while giving something besides the WWE to appreciate. Admittedly I like to be able to still see Kurt Angle, Jeff Jarrett, Eric Bischoff, Hulk Hogan, and Ric Flair as well. I just don't really get tired of them and I'm glad they are still around to some extent. I also like that IW is kind of unpredictable. I don't read the spoilers so I go into every show just waiting to see what happens next and they keep you guessing whether you like or don't like what they do. On top of everything else, they do have a lot of good wrestlers and put on great matches most of the time so I like that too. IW has a lot to offer if you don't get overly critical.
When i first started watching TNA it was because i honestly wanted to see how bad it could get before there was a change. And, it got pretty damn bad for a while. But, other than irrationally moving the belt from angle/storm/roode instead of giving bobby the title at BFG, the product has really improved. So now i guess im watching to see how good the product will get.
I was waiting for an idiot saying "who is watching TNA anyway"

I used to watch it because it was on air in Australia. Then they took it off TV. Not a good sign I guess. Then I had to start streaming from the internet but less regularly. I was watching it because it was an alternative to WWE's so called PG product. I am not saying one is inferior than the other, but if you don't like one you could always watch the other. Obviously, TNA has it's flaws, but it will stay where it is if you don't watch it, so if they make one right you give them one chance, they make another right you give them another chance. Hopefully the rights will increase continuously as this is the major problem with TNA, not giving a consistently good show.
I watch TNA to be entertained. not just by wrestling, but also storylines and promos.
I started watching TNA in January of 2010 when Hogan and Bischoff first got there. I used to watch WCW when they were there and found it always exciting and entertaining. the early days of nWo is when I think wrestling was at it's peak. when life long babyface Hulk Hogan dropped the leg on Randy Savage and then formed the nWo with Hall and Nash, that was EPIC! that was lightning in a bottle.

I also watch TNA for the Knockouts. I think Velvet is the hottest women's wrestler in history. she was so hot tonight in red! when she bends over the 2nd rope to get in the ring, best ring entrance ever!
I do not watch the women wrestling for their wrestling ability, I watch them just for how they look. don't care at all how the wrestle. if they're hot, I'll watch.

I don't think TNA will ever be real competition for WWE, and I don't think there is anything they could do to get there. I think that's unfortunate. I think there are too many WWE fans out there that wont even give TNA a chance, just because it's not WWE. I've seen plenty of people on twitter talk shit about how much TNA sucks, but don't even watch TNA. "TNA sucks" spreads from word of mouth and it effects other WWE fans who then also don't even want to give TNA a chance.

I've only read some of what's been said here.
if TNA was to "get rid of" all the veterans (Hogan/Bischoff/Flair/Sting/Hardy/Angle//RVD/Anderson/Bully/Steiner/ect) then I bet my left nut that ratings would drop dramatically. if viewers watching TV don't know the names of the wrestlers, they aren't going to watch. wrestling is entertainment. wrestling is a TV show FIRST.
TNA should definitely push the younger talent (as they are now with Roode/Storm/Styles/Joe/Crimson/ect) but you still need well known names mixed in.
I suppose years ago WWE should have "got rid of" Michaels/Undertaker/HHH/ect? WWE would take back most of these TNA veterans in a heartbeat. as they did with Nash.

there is definitely room for improvement in TNA. the writing/booking needs to be cleaned up.

the 6 sided ring was one of the most stupidest things I've ever seen. professional wrestling is done inside a 4 sided ring. I'm OK with using the 6 sided ring specifically for ONE PPV, as they do with Destination X. that's it.
I watch Impact Wrestling every week 'cause I love pro wrestling. Whether it's mainstream or indy, I feel it's my responsibility to keep track with as much pro wrestling so I can brag about being a "tr00 fan".

On to the original topic, I love their wrestlers (but not The Pope, I don't get the appeal), Knockouts, their style of wrestling, their unpredictability, and Mickie James. Oh and the fact that they utilize wrestlers from other promotions every now and then and not have 'em get squashed.
Personally my reason for watching TNA is because it's refreshing, and I use that word not because I dislike the WWE(because I've been a fan since I was little) but it's something different that I can enjoy. The best way I can think of to describe it is just because I love one doesn't mean I can't also enjoy the other, and I love watching WWE but it's also nice to throw in Impact to mix things up. Also I love that on Impact I have the guys that I grew up watching in the WWE and then I have the guys who got big in TNA that I love just as much. I love still being able to watch guys like Anderson, Rob Van Dam, Devon & Bully, and Angle who were all favorites of mine in the WWE and see them mix it up with the likes of Styles, James Storm, Robert Roode, etc... I don't look at it as going from WWE to TNA as a fan, I love both and enjoy them both for different reasons but to me it's getting to watch more wrestling, and as someone who loves wrestling almost too much I am always up for more.
Everything. The way they film their TV shows, to the production. The roster is fucking awesome. I don't know why that roster doesn't get praised more. I don't give a fuck if they have old guys, take a look at just a few names on the TNA roster.

Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Jeff Jarrett
A.J, Styles
Samoa Joe
Mr. Anderson
Bully Ray (Shut it, he's really come into his own)
Sting - People still love him
Ric Flair - Same
Hulk Hogan- Same
Rob Van Dam

Yeah, just basically everything about TNA is why I tune in, it's refreshing, and it's always a fun time. I enjoy each episode.
I have a few reason why I watch Impact.

One, Velvet Sky. Do I need to explain this one??

Two, Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair. The Superman and Lex Luthor of Professional Sports Wrestling Entertainment. They might not be number one and number two on my personal top 5 list, but they are the Greatest of all time.

Three, the Alternative. I watch TNA IW because they are the only alternative to the WWE on Television right now. I didn’t start watching TNA till they were on the primetime slot. This is the same reason why I don’t currently watch ROH. More Wrestling on TV, the better.

Four, The TNA Superstars. The talent is there. A. J. Styles has become one of my favorites in the few years I’ve been watching Orlando Championship Wrestling. Homegrown talent mixed with Legendary Superstars is just very appealing to me. To me, TNA is a combination of WCW and ECW all wrapped into one.

Five, Velvet Sky. Top and Bottom of the list, just like where I would like to make an Impact.

There are more reasons, but this is enough for now.
I watch TNA or Impact Wrestling because it is something different. WWE has always had their formulas and style of wrestling that can easily be associated with them, but so does TNA. Whilst WWE puts on more or less the same protocol shows week after week (regardless of that I think it is a good product) TNA likes to mix it up a bit for more shock and awe. Like others have said it is an alternative for WWE. Is it a good alternative? That depends on you and you likes and dislikes to judge TNA. Every wrestling shows have their signatures such as TNA does. The backstage promos, the camera angle of them, the atmosphere it just contrast from WWE a lot. Enough me comparing to WWE, there are other things that I also love, one is the X division. Even if it is such a small does of them every week in short matches at least we get to see some good action that differs from the rest of the show like the main events and such. Plus the more wrestling that is on TV the better it is for me so I take advantage for that. IW isn't perfect but nothing is so I do what most wrestling fans do: enjoy it for what it is at the current moment, and support so a better product can soon emerge from it.
Yes, I would like to hear it.

TNA!! T&A!! TNA!! T&A!!

Come on NHF, Top and Bottom of “the List”. Okay, it’s also because she’s a former Knockouts Champion and won on TNA IW’s Grandest Stage Of Them All. She has more than 5 moves, great mic skills, and is the Face of TNA (and the T of TNA and the A of TNA). Here are some visual aids for you.

Everything. The way they film their TV shows, to the production. The roster is fucking awesome. I don't know why that roster doesn't get praised more. I don't give a fuck if they have old guys, take a look at just a few names on the TNA roster.

Jeff Hardy
Kurt Angle
Jeff Jarrett
A.J, Styles
Samoa Joe
Mr. Anderson
Bully Ray (Shut it, he's really come into his own)
Sting - People still love him
Ric Flair - Same
Hulk Hogan- Same
Rob Van Dam

Yeah, just basically everything about TNA is why I tune in, it's refreshing, and it's always a fun time. I enjoy each episode.

Half those names were household WWE/Jim Crockett/WCW names. Hardy, Angle, Hogan, RVD(even though he was an established ECW star first), Sting, Flair. I watch the product to see those guys, especially Stingand Flair. They both go down as my personal favorites. However, TNA just uses these guys with the same character they had in previous promotions and thats only part i dislike.
Maybe it's a lame reason, but I watch because I like the idea of rooting for the underdog.

A bit of backstory on me to give some perspective here.

I rarely missed an episode of Raw or Nitro (and later Smackdown and Thunder) between 1995 and 2002ish, even when WCW got really, really bad. For one reason or another, I pretty much quit watching wrestling cold turkey after the Invasion angle. I actually didn't quit watching as a reaction to the Invasion angle believe it or not. The timing was purely coincidental.

More recently, I've found myself queuing up more wrestling DVDs on Netflix and watching tons of clips on YouTube. Suddenly, I find myself interested in it again.

The moral of the story here is that I remember how great wrestling was from 1996 to 1998 when both companies were hitting on something really big. The two companies would have been great in a vacuum situation, but what put them over the top was how the two promotions pushed each other to greater heights each week. That alone won't propel wrestling to the heights seen in the late-90s, but I think it would go a long way toward getting there. Ergo, I root for TNA to do well and do my part by tuning in.
With of the eventual and inevitable collapse of WC-- er, I mean Tits 'n' A-- oh, right, TNA drawing ever nearer, and with the fall of everything that was good about it (X Division, Knockouts) due to a bunch of rotting and rotted corpses, why am I still watching?

Two reasons:

Bully Ray (yes, he's a good talker and wrestler, but I never expected this... fire... from him)

Ric Flair (or his still-golden mouth; that's all he is now, but thank God he still has that)

That is all.

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