What if....??


Dark Match Winner
First off if this has been done before my apologies. Ok so everybody out there thinks that the day that Vince McMahon dies that HHH will take over the reigns and take control of the WWE. So let's say Vince passes tommorrow and HHH does indeed take over how do you think the WWE landscape would change? Who would be the main eventers and do you think we would still see the PG era? :banghead:
I'm pretty sure it would be Stephanie and Shane who'll take over when Vince is gone, seeing as how they are his actual children. I'd guess that they're a lot like their father and would probably run things about the same way. As for HHH, I guess his title runs would directly correlate with how many children he makes with Stephanie, isn't that how it goes now?

The PG era would still be here, considering it isn't doing any real harm to the WWE and has probably widened their viewing audience. If Vince leaves I don't see any huge changes as a lot of people might expect, it'd be pretty much the same
First of all I dont think HHH will take over when vince dies. Most likely Shane will take over and HHH will remain the a top main eventer (if it happens anytime soon and i hope to god he doesnt) I also think if its not shane who gets the job there will be a long list of names who will be offered the job before HHH gets it.
I think Triple H will just be given a stronger role as far as the creative side of things goes, which could very well be an awesome thing in the sense that I've read its Triple H and Shawn Michaels who usually talk Vince out of a lot of the stupid skits that happen on RAW.

Obviously he'll be in the Main Event scene like mad, but really though, would that be much of a change?
Personally I would want Shane to take over and HHH put in charge of creative. As I think these 2 would be in touch with the audience. As long as HHH doesnt book himself a 10-year title reign. Lol
I see Steph taking over since Shane seems to be the one who is the more behind the scenes kinda guy. Triple H also doesn't seem to like being behind the scenes. He's more of a hands on guy. I don't know who has the edge in Steph vs Shane, but I'm not very confident right now.
I really don't think HHH nor Shane will be in charge. I think Stephanie is gonna take over when Vince is done and HHH and Shawn will be put in control of creative and developement. HHH will still be in the main event scene and I think little by little, the company will go out of the PG era as the kids today start growing up and wanna watch something better. They'll eventually go back to it though. Overall, I think the company will be in good hands of HHH and Stephanie. Shane will still be around behind the scenes but I think it'll mostly be HHH and Stephanie making all the decisions.
Shane will take over because a) he's the oldest, b) he's the one who actually runs part of the company c) he's a man and d) by all accounts, he's very good at his job. The company won't chage very much at all, because why change a winning formula. The only way the PG product will change is if TNA start garnering big 18-34 audiences, implying that wrestling is en vogue with the youth of today. Unless that happens, you better get used to Hornswoggle.
Honestly, if hhh were to gain more power in the creative process, i don't think he'd use it to book himself as undestructable. HHH was in line for a main event push before he got involved with steph. All that shit is old. Get over it. Truth is, at the time, he was the best all around performer wwe had working full time. A few injuries later, he sure can't go like he could before, but the guy isn't that bad. In the past he has put other talent over in an effort to build new stars. Shelton Benjamin? Jeff Hardy? Kinda helped Cena get pushed on smackdown too. He's terrible for the business though, right? WWE would shut down if he had any more control in creative. That's complete bullshit. Just because he married the bosses daughter, so many want to diminish what he's accomplished, or label him as a mediocre talent that would just look out for himself. He'd do whatever was best for the WWE. Period.
I agree but they need a "second string" face (not including cena-orton-hardy-etc) but people like Morrison Benjamin Matt Hardy R-truth to give these guys the push they deserve-Heres what i think-Move Christian to Snackdown put R-Truth on raw make him or give him a US title push have christian as IC or Tag champ then make HHH Cena RK0 take some time off like win tag belts and let the new guys get a good career
You will never see Triple H take control of WWE, for the simple fact that he is not an Executive and has no real business experience. However, unless Vince's health takes a turn for the worst, I don't see him giving up the Chairman/CEO title until he dies. There are company Chairman and CEO's who maintain that title well until they are in their 70's and 80's. Vince still probably has another 15-20 years left running the company, so this isn't going to happen for a very long time.

I would expect Shane to take over as Chairman of the Board and Stephanie to do the grunt work as CEO. Triple H would probably take over Creative, and possibly even become a SVP of Talent Relations.
I fully expect for Triple H to essentially book the entire company at some point, whether it be after VKM retires or passes away remains to be seen.

I could see Stephanie having a larger in-put in the "creative" like she has now, but with Trips being the official booker.

I could also imagine a situation where Trips always has a few "high ranking" lackeys that get canned as the product goes stale.
HOLY CRAP ITS THE END OF THE WORLD...Oh wait! Its just Triple H and the H.H.H.E.!!
LOL, sorry, just kidding, if he did take charge, I'm sure Steph and Shane, wont be far behind him to keep him in check (he cant dominate 3 brands you know), but, other than that it wouldn't change much, although still PG rated the tone would be more serious, Hornswaggle vs Chavo Guerrero would probably never be emulated again (Enjoy it now while it lasts), and Cena might learn more than 5 tricks (teaching us that old dogs CAN learn new tricks). Who knows, we just have to wait and see.

Side Note: What if Cena would take over...HOLY CRAP, NEVER MIND!!

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