
Dark Match Jobber
SO, i was watching monday night raw yesterday and when triple H was on the mat after his match with legacy, he said that he was pretty good in gang warfare. And he said maybe hed make a new group or maybe hed bring one back. Then we all saw tht hbk hung up on hhh later. So on about the 25th gi joe commerical it got me thinking, what if the wwe threw a huge curveball at us, and instead of the dx reunion, HHH made a new stable? What would ya call at and who wudd u put in it? wutta u guys think?:shrug:
SO, i was watching monday night raw yesterday and when triple H was on the mat after his match with legacy, he said that he was pretty good in gang warfare. And he said maybe hed make a new group or maybe hed bring one back. Then we all saw tht hbk hung up on hhh later. So on about the 25th gi joe commerical it got me thinking, what if the wwe threw a huge curveball at us, and instead of the dx reunion, HHH made a new stable? What would ya call at and who wudd u put in it? wutta u guys think?:shrug:

Well, it's not a foregone conclusion that Hunter was speaking to Michaels. Remember, this is the WWE, and plans can change in an instant. It very well may have been Sean Waltman, or anybody else for that matter.

On to topic, however. IF Trips started another faction, they'd probably still call it DX, or give it some name that fits the whole stable. For instance, say it turns out to be Undertaker on the phone, they'd probably call it something along the lines of UnHoly Alliance. From there, they could rehire that vampire fellow they had lined up to come in against UT, or Gangrel (if he could lose weight). Maybe toss in a roster member who hasn't got anything going. Keep it going for a few months between these two three-man factions, ending with the veterans putting over the young guys. Remember, though, this is a big if, as it seems apparent Vince and Company are intent on a DX reunion.
Well it wouldn't surprise me too much. I'm used to curve balls I've been watching WWE all my life. Hmm but my worry is other than Shawn who can Hunter really recruit at the moment? So I think there just gonna stick to the DX thing. Hopefully they do, 'coz HHH's new stable would just be shoved down our damn throats.
Here we go. What if it's Steph, right, and we start the McMahon/Helmsley reseigm back up? Or what if it wasn't HBK on the phone. What if it was Bad Ass, or Road Dogg or X-pac? He said something about a job and he also mentioned them saying that they would never come back. HBK wouldn't mention that and HBK wouldn't work little wrestling jobs here and there, so it doesn't add up to me.

If he started a new faction, I would like for it to be with like 'Taker, HBK, Jericho, or some other large name(that has been a large name for awhile) and call them the Legends. This would be awesome! "We are the Legends of the WWE." I know that Flair is retired, but have him come back and manage them and go to the ring with them or something. Man I am telling you, that would be great.
We're assuming that it was HBK Trips was on the phone with, though it could have been other members of DX. I doubt it though really because I believe he had a serious falling out with the Road Dogg and Billy Gunn as both of them talked a lot of shit about him after they left the WWE. Last I heard about X-Pac, he's working for AAA down in Mexico.

Either way it goes though, it looked as though Trips got turned down. This could potentially be something that leads Triple H going back to being a heel. If it was HBK, I'm thinking that it's possible that the WWE could wait until HBK does come back, have Trips welcome him back only to turn on him. I expect that Triple H is going to get the worst of a few more run ins with Legacy between now and the time HBK returns. The reason for the turn is simple: He calls HBK, his oldest friend in the business and closest ally, for help only to be turned down. HBK didn't have his back so, in Triple H's mind, HBK turned on him first.
What if? At Summerslam Triple H came out for a tag team match against Legacy. He comes down the ramp in a DX t-shirt with his DX music but with no partner. He announces that his partner is here but its not who you'd think. He rips off the DX t-shirt to reveal a NWO T-shirt then says I got three words for ya. We're taking over... Hollywood Hulk Hogan returns and Trips and Hogan whoop Legacys ass. The factions grows from there and lasts until Wrestlemania where Triple H retires Shawn Michaels. Because Triple H is smart and knows the NWO is where its at and is way better than D-Generation X.
I don't think Vince wants anything to do with Hogan at the moment. He doesn't even want him to host for a single night. The rest of the NWO probably ties in somewhere in Vince's mind also.
If he started a new faction, I would like for it to be with like 'Taker, HBK, Jericho, or some other large name(that has been a large name for awhile) and call them the Legends. This would be awesome! "We are the Legends of the WWE." I know that Flair is retired, but have him come back and manage them and go to the ring with them or something. Man I am telling you, that would be great.

I agree with your first thought, that it's not HBK, but. What you're talking about is the wwe's version of the main event mafia. That is one of the worst ideas that you have ever thrown out. That and it would never happen. Do you really seeing Vince following the route of his competitor's? With his ego the size it is. It doesn't make any sense for them to even go that route anyways. Besides Shawn Trips has never gotten along with either of the other men that you listed.

Back on point. I agree with Takerfan, that it wasn't HBK. The whole phone call just didn't fit a conversation between Shawn and Trips. Likely he was talking to one of the other members of DX, not Chyna. I would like to see Sean Waltman back, or the new age outlaws. Though what will most likely happen is Trips can't get a hold of anyone so Shawn comes in.....
Are you guys serious? You don't think it was Shawn Micheals on the phone? Lets look at some key points here... when he says make 1 phone call, yes it could be to many people but who would want Xpac or road dogg over Shawn Micheal. ANother, Shawn has been speculated to be back at summerslam, i know its not good evidence but goes helps build to the conclusoin. Since HBK has not been on the show since WM 25 the reason HHH said " i kow you said u didn't want to do it again" was to give HBK a reason to be out for the last 4 months. There is also a DX reunion planned for this falls which eliminates taker. And who do u really think about when you think about DX or should I say who would be the bigger draw or who do the kids think about or anyone who is not on forums and aren't diehard.
Wait was it just me or did Triple H not seem pleased at the end of his phone call I'm not so sure HBK is coming back to help him at all odds are he will and Vince is just detracting the IWC but still.

As for a new group no he's to old past his prime and is currently a face heels make for far better stables simply because a heel would resort to those chap tactics while a face doesn't need help.
how bout this summerslam after legacy runs in, and makes orton loose and all the sudden you here" everybody's got a price money money money" million dollar man comes out does the laugh and i bought legacy and hired a few other 2nd/3rd genaration guys out come carlito, sim snuka and primo (squash the brother feud no one cares) who then punt randy in the head and then the million dollar man paid john cena to win cause he paid him for ted jr to get a title shot! with dibiase jr in charge of legacy and ad these few guys they would be unstopable and could feud with all the "main eventers". also theyve paid batista to be there "enforcer" and has him drag orton to the back!
Are you guys serious?


You don't think it was Shawn Micheals on the phone?

Yeah, I am serious... Watch it again... It didn't sound like he was having a conversation with Shawn. He said that he knew he need some work. Since when did Shawn need work?

It doesn't automatically shift to Shawn... Will it be, most likely, but I don't think that ti was shawn that he was talking to...
firstly. ragebattles signiture is the funniest thing i have seen on this website ever.

i could pretty much almost garentee it will not be hbk. they make it to obvious that it is hbk. i like the idea of road dogg or xpac. i think it will be a huge curve ball and i like the idea of it actully being undertaker but then again he is needed on smackdown at this time with jeff having a holidays after summerslam. Im just going to throw it out there possibly ric flair? which would piss me off more then anythingg but still?? who knows
Haha score 3 for me. I knew people would like it.

What if it "wasn't" HBK, and when he actually did return he was upset with Trips for not choosing to partner with him? Could set up for a WM26 feud? Just throwing that around, probably not going to happen, and WM is still pretty far away.
u r all looking way too into it. it was shawn. well its wasnt because he was probably just talking to the phone. but it was meant to be shawn. we have what two more weeks till summerslam? HHH will get beaten down by legacy and will convince shawn to come back. it will be DX at summerslam. and legacy eventually wins the feud. HHH turns on michaels. and we have shawn v HHH at wrestlemania. keeps HHH out of the title picture and gives legacy a push they desperately need.
Not sure. Could be a curve but does anyone honestly see Road Dogg or X-Pac (fuck yeah if he did though) coming back? I don't.

It will be Shawn and Trips as DX v Legacy at SummerSlam but wether it was Shawn on the phone this past Raw or not is yet to be determined. I mean what els is Shawn going to do if he isn't in this match? Nothing....
It's most likely DX... but if it's not... here's my idea:

HHH called Vince to give Rhodes and DiBiase a raise to turn against Orton. It gives DiBiase a face turn, which he is apparently getting cus of his movie; and a change in character for Rhodes.
Right now I have no idea who could be HHH's partner. I don't think It'll be X-Pac or either of the Outlaws. The last time I checked both Road Dogg & Bad Ass were still on the T.N.A. roster. They're still listed. I really don't want to see it be HBK. I'm a huge DX fan since almost the start. But no matter how much they try. It's never going to be as good as the old days. Even more now that it's P.G.

Maybe Ted DiBiase turns on Ortan. Just think. Hunter & DiBiase vs Randy & Cody. We've seen that Ted can push Ortan. And just to throw this out there. With the resent heel turn of Carlito. What if he joins Legacy? He could take over DiBiase's spot. He is a third generation superstar.

Kevin Nash would be good, but that's never going to happen. Let not forget the tag team with HHH and Austin. And after everything Ortan did to the McMahon's what if we see the return of the Corporation. With Vince, who knows. We could see just about anything.
Damn I was just going to post somehting about this. I agree, just because HHH was on the phone with who were are assuming and lead to believe was Shawn Michaels, it would have been anybody, more specifically Sean Waltman. I was waiting for him to say Shawn (or Sean) but he never did so we dont know for sure. Im 99.9% sure its going to be HBK, were going to be lead to believe he isnt coming and HHH is going alone then he shows up at Summerslam, you can beat your ass he wont be on Raw monday night, with Raw being in Calgary...home of Bret Hart....if you catch my drift...
Speaking of Bret. That got me to thinking. With all the recent talk about the WWE possibly bringing in old WCW stars. That could open a new door. Sid Vicious, Buff Bagwell, DDP, the list goes on. Other names just of the top of my head. RVD, Kidman, Joey Mercury, Val Venis, Rikishi. But some of those guy are unlikely to be it. I will say this. I think one of the best guys to fight along side HHH. Would have been the late Test (Andrew Martin). Now that i would've paid to see. HHH & Test Vs Legacy. To Bad
What if? At Summerslam Triple H came out for a tag team match against Legacy. He comes down the ramp in a DX t-shirt with his DX music but with no partner. He announces that his partner is here but its not who you'd think. He rips off the DX t-shirt to reveal a NWO T-shirt then says I got three words for ya. We're taking over... Hollywood Hulk Hogan returns and Trips and Hogan whoop Legacys ass. The factions grows from there and lasts until Wrestlemania where Triple H retires Shawn Michaels. Because Triple H is smart and knows the NWO is where its at and is way better than D-Generation X.

Seeing as how Hulk Hogan can hardly brush his teeth without having to sit down and take a rest break. I hardly see this ever happening. Hogan has said many times over the past few months, he wouldn't mind returning to the ring. But for the most part, he just can't do it. Because hes unable to do it. Don't be selfish, nor greedy about Hulk Hogan and the legacy hes left behind. Its just like Ric Flair, the fans still cheer his name.

But what we don't realize, one more match, could litterally be the last day of his life. These men are in no physical shape to preform, and could kill themselves in the process of going through one more match. For the sake of Hulk Hogan, and every other retired wrestler, stop chanting one more match. I'd rather have Hulk Hogans last match agaisnt Shawn Michaels be his last, than one more match agaisnt Legacy, him hardly being able to preform. To be his last. Don't be greedy. Hulk allready gave everything he has to offer.
What if Triple H was on the phone with Stone Cold? He could bring back the Two-Man Power Trip. They were a very dominant, albeit heel, team back in the day. I realize that the chances are slim, but Austin has made it clear he's got one good match left in him, and it's fairly obvious that him and Hulk aren't going to be able to get it on at Wrestlemania, so what if Austin uses his last "good match" to put over Legacy at SummerSlam? I know it's a stretch, but it's a very exciting one! I'd love to see it happen.

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