What if

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Dark Match Winner
So i've been watching impact recently and thought to myself.
Where would RVD be right now if he didn't leave/get fired from WWE?

I think at the time RVD became WWE champ he was getting a mega push,
he's always been over with fans but it was the time where it think he was the most over. If he hadn't had left I see at least 2 or 3 more title runs.
Maybe a heel turn to feud with Cena again. Than Maybe helping some of the
new guys get over.

What do you guys think about it?
RVD is the man but i don't think he would've gotten another titile shot in WWE because of the whole pro weed thing RVD does on youtube.

I don't know if you remember this but the whole reason RVD had the title taken off him was because of a drugs bust with Sabu after a WWE show. RVD was off the TV for a month and stripped of both titiles (at the start of WWECW he was both the World Heavyweight Champ and ECW world champ). I believe he asked for his release from WWE as well because his wife had cancer, which has gone into remission because of medical weed, he also showed up as a surprise guest on the Royal Rumble.

RVD is better off in TNA, if he was still with the E, he would be jobbing to Swagger
It's hard to say what would have happened with RVD if he'd been allowed to stick with the WWE. He'd probably have been in heavy competition with Jeff Hardy over who would be the "party animal" champion. I think he'd have had a few more title runs, maybe even turning heel and being the one to battle it out with Jeff Hardy.

Thing is, for RVD to stay, I'd also have to assume that the WWE would be willing to greatly relax their wellness policy to the point where RVD was able to be known to be a pot user and advocate. Even before things got really serious with the wellness policy, he was openly acknowledging (although in slang terms and references) his drug use. I remember a particular exchange with Kane shortly after they won the tag team titles:

(All of this is paraphrased a bit)
RVD: So how did you celebrate our big win?
Kane: Well I went out and found this skunk and took it to my basement...
RVD: You found that skunk* too? Man, that was good stuff!
*Skunk being, to RVD's mind, a slang term for pot.

The best place for him to be, if he were still in the WWE would be a very intense and personal feud with CM Punk. It'd be a natural given both their views on substance use.
Tough call. He was one of those guys, kinda like Ryder is now, where he was SO OVER and almost like Vince just wouldn't let it happen to be spiteful. The crowds were getting so vocal though it was like there was practically no choice, so Vince finally puts the faith of the company on his shoulders, gives him the strap at a PPV almost made for him, and less than a month later RVD blows it in a big way.

If the bust never happens, and they could have kept him in some quality feuds I think he could have had a run similar to Jeff Hardy's (before he also blew it in a big way). I think he would've sold tons of merch, the kids would've loved his high-flying style and flashly ring gear. He likely would've headlined a Mania, and probably would've had a few respectable runs as champ. Unfortunately his love of pot outweighs his love of being a top draw in pro-wrestling. That kinda shit flys in places like ECW and TNA but not in a very media-conscious, publicly traded, entertainment company like WWE.
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