What if?

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I have no idea if this has been done or talked about it. If so move, delet, merge or do whatever needs to be done to it.

Now, before I get bashed for this as many people on here tend to not like the infamous what if??? Now I'm sure everyone remember's Hogan leaving the WWF at the time to go join WCW. This was heard as a huge move and a huge deal as having your biggest star of the time leaving your company and going to the competition. It has also been talked about that this leap from Hogan helped put WCW on the map because he had major star power at this time. I am not sure if it did or didn't for I didn't watch wrestling at this period of time. But I state this as from what I've read on this site from all of you guys who post on these threads.

So now here comes my what if question. What if John Cena the so called Hogan of this era jumped ship to TNA?? Now take away loyalty and this and that and just think of the mere question. John Cena is a selling machine and is basically the face of the WWE. He could jump to TNA and were he can face a recovering Hardy who at one point out sold Cena.

So my questions are these- What if John Cena jumped to TNA would it draw viewers?

Would John Cena have his well needed Heel turn in TNA?

Would Cena even consider this IF TNA was becoming a threat to the WWE?

No I am not a Cena fan and I am just curious to read some answers. So bash away and write. An if this has been done before, then merge away or delet away.
it would probably draw some more fans in but i dont see him turning heel. the guy LOVES being the good guy that overcomes all odds. im sure he would get creative control to an extent, so he would surely be pretty much the same cena, probably just expanding his moveset some to fit the smaller tna wrestlers.
would probably just feud with the top guys like kennedy and angle (been there seen that lol) and squash everyone else. i doubt it would have even close to the same impact (no pun intended) that hogan going to wcw ultimately had. he is much better off where he is now.
There would probably be a moderate increase in TNA viewership, but one guy can't can't carry the whole show. TNA is pretty under the radar as far as mainstream TV goes, so alot of people wouldn't even know where Cena went. There are many factors that cause people to watch RAW every week instead of TNA and John Cena is only one of them.

Wrestlers in TNA tend to turn heel/face quite frequently so I have no doubt Cena would also.

I can't imagine John Cena considering going to TNA unless he had serious problems with WWE. TNA is a smaller company, with less opportunity for a guy like Cena. Even if TNA could afford what WWE pays Cena, there is less job security, as TNA is not as solid a company as WWE.
What if John Cena jumped to TNA would it draw viewers?

Maybe a few here and there, but TNA did not get that big of a jump in viewers when Hogan came and he is still a bigger name than Cena. A few Cena fans might tune in to see what happens, but chances are they will all flock back to WWE to see who their next top face would be that takes Cena's place as the top guy.

Would John Cena have his well needed Heel turn in TNA?

Yes. Without a shadow of a doubt we would see a heel Cena in TNA but only because they turn their guys constantly. It's nearly impossible to keep up with who is a heel and who is a face over there these days, that's obviously why they used to have those heel/face tunnels. They came in handy.

Would Cena even consider this IF TNA was becoming a threat to the WWE?

No he wouldn't. He makes good money in WWE as the top guy there and is far too passionate about his own fandom of the company. Cena is a WWE guy through and through. Now, assuming Cena DID go to TNA.... It would be bad for both him as well as TNA. Why? Cena would get a few new viewers to watch, but they would probably turn him heel too soon, and the complicated booking that plagues TNA combined with the curiosity behind who WWE's next top face would be, would get most of the new fans to head right back to WWE again. WWE makes a ton of money off their new top face (probably Miz or Orton) while Cena is stuck in TNA who would make roughly the same ratings and PPV buys that they do now. He's too smart to do that, so it will never happen.
If Ric Flair showed up in WWE in 1991 and Hulk Hogan showed up in WCW in 1994, then I believe anything is possible. If Flair led a Face version of the Four Horsemen and Hogan led a Heel New World Order, then I believe anything is possible. With that being said…

John Cena going to TNA Impact Wrestling and turning Heel is impossible. There is no way John Cena would ever go to TNA and turn heel for any reason whatsoever. There really isn’t a reason for Cena to turn or jump ship. I’m sure he’s made enough money to retire right now in the WWE. I’m sure he gets enough boos as a Face that there is no need to turn or change his character. He’s a Face for the Kids, a Heel for the Adults, and a money maker machine for the WWE. I think you would have a better chance of seeing Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock at the ECW Arena or the Hammerstein Ballroom. Exactly.

I would like to see it though. Cena vs. Styles for the TNA Impact Wrestling World Heavyweight Championship at Bound For Glory X.

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