What if WWE had a Main Event Mafia?


Hailing from his own planet its...
If wwe had a main event mafia who would the stable have attached to it? I would say as a manager just for previous m.e.m. experience Booker T would fit that spot. Wrestlers would be, big show, Jericho, punk, orton, Christian and rvd. I guess I kinda threw them together. Who would u put in? I may revise this line up after more thought.
If that were to happen... would they be a face or heel faction?

Nonetheless, if there was a m.e.m. wwe style... here are the members

John Cena
CM Punk
Mark Henry
Big Show
Booker T
Alberto Del Rio
The Miz

Now if there was a New Blood-style faction

The Shield
The Wyatt Family
Antonio Cesaro
Big E. Langston
AJ Lee
Curtis Axel
Dolph Ziggler
I recall being former World Champion was a requirement to join, so I'm using those rules.
Triple H- The Godfather
Randy Orton- Underboss
Alberto Del Rio- Capo
Chris Jericho- Capo
Batista(if he came back) Big Show (if he didn't)- Enforcer
Maybe throw Miz in as a lackey. Similar to how Mac from Always Sunny in Philadelphia was doing chores for the mafia, if any of you have seen it.
ooo MEM WWE style eh?

John Cena (the Heel turn everyone and their momma has been waiting for!) as the godfather.

CM Punk as his second (and not in a bad way either, maybe Cena saying for this mafia to work he needs the best to be a part of it so he goes to Punk)

I can see the Miz being a part of it base don his win VS Cena and WM27

Big Show and Mark Henry as the muscle of the Mafia.

One guy who could fit that Samoa Joe role of a young guy who works his way into it is Bryan.
I was thinking the same thing if Sting ever does come to WWE would he reunite MEM with Nash and Booker.
All hypothetically speaking, because WWE probably wouldn't steal this idea straight up. A WWE Main Event Mafia would have potential as a heel stable, but would be a dud as a face group.

Give this group guys like Cena, Orton, Sheamus, Christian, maybe Ryback or Henry, and have them go against some of the younger guys, like Daniel Bryan, the Shield, Cesaro, Ohno, Langston, etc. Put Punk as a tweener, not with the WWE version of the Frontline" but also apart from the main eventers.
It would probably have a less "Memphis" sounding name. Main Event Mafia? Come on.

A super group of main eventers would probably look like this... Cena, CM Punk, Randy Orton and Sheamus. It probably wouldn't last long either. There would have to be one hell of a threat to warrant such a group.
They wouldn't, because it's a terrible idea. 'Gee, lets have all of the people that people want to watch fight each other all in the same stable so they don't fight each other.'

It sort of worked the first time in TNA (though not really) because the idea was that the big named TNA guys could prove that they could hang with the WWE imports. Also it had people who had faced off with each other a billion times in it, and who weren't must see in the first place like Scott Steiner.
This would be a dumb angle for the WWE. Instead I would reform the horseman as a face group to battle the Wyatts and Shield groups.

Wyatts - add a 4th member (someone from NXT)
Shield - add Ryback - this would freshen them up a bit

New 4 Horseman
Manager - Ric Flair
Members - Randy Orton, Miz, Ted Dibiase, and Cody Rhodes.

Perfect 4
Orton goes for the WWE Title
Miz can continue to pursue I-C title
Dibiase and Rhodes go for tag titles.
How about just making a horseman group with Heyman as JJ Dillon. Have it be him stealing Drew Macintyre as an Enforcer and have him Tag with RVD as the Tag team, You have Curtis Axel, and Jericho, Ziggler, or Del Rio being flamboyant like Naitch. This would work. as a MEM, It would be all heels. Del Rio, Sheamus, Mark Henry, and Miz, they are all cocky and have swagger so they would work.
WWE already has a Main Event Mafia; it was standing in the ring a week ago playing Eeny, Meeny, Miney, Schmo while the rest of the roster had to stand on the stage like a bunch of goombas. Kidding aside, Tasty is on the mark. WWE wouldn't do it, especially not as currently constituted. If something along those lines were to be done in WWE, it'd work best by using legends/part-timers for a one-shot angle that would be used purely to put over a rising star or stars.

Take for instance back when Kevin Nash came back to Raw after screwing Punk at SummerSlam 2011. During their face-off, he'd get fed up with being insulted about his age. Nash would tell Punk that if he's got a problem with so-called "old guys" now, just wait. Then a week later he'd come back with small group of older guys that were available and able to go for a one-shot back in 2011 - Booker T, DDP, Sid, and Road Warrior Animal. These guys could have been given credit for collaborating to send Nash the text message, with the explanation that they were sick of "vanilla midgets" like Punk messing up the business. For the next few weeks these guys would go around calling themselves something akin to "Main Event Mafia" and bullying people like Zack Ryder. Punk would end up getting four successful independent guys (Nash insulted Punk for being "Joe Independent" if you'll recall) to counter Nash's mob. They'd go on to have a 5-on-5 elimination tag match at Night of Champions, Triple H would ref to prove his impartiality, and Punk would stand alone at the end. That scenario would give WWE a short-lived MEM-like stable, give some indy/FCW guys a big stage tryout match, and get Punk more over unlike that bullshit he did with Triple H.

There's a functional WWE MEM that doesn't hog spotlight or bury young talent, and once it's defeated, it is truly vanquished. Done and done.
A supergroup of the main event talent together? Eh, not interested.

I want to see that group wrestle each other, not join forces to dominate the rest of the card for a couple of months. What's the end game? Who is this going to benefit? And last but not least, how much TV time will this faction take up?

There is no positive answers to those questions. WWE is fine in the factions department right now.
There are already 4 different factions in the WWE right now, and all are heel!
3MB, Wyatt Family, Heymans Guy's and Shield. Having a group that combats them all, hmm?? I dont like the idea, Mainly because when you have person that defeats them, your crazy over!! Like when Sting beat Flair (Horsemen), Sting was CRAZY OVER, I was super stoked when he won! Goldberg beating Ravens Flock or NWO, Look at what that did for his career!!! I dont like the idea of a Face MEM and there are already too many heel factions
I thought they already tried this, and they kept losing to the Shield... But I digress

Oh, and they did it previously, and called it Evolution... But I digress...

Maybe we can institute the old "7-Year Rule". Maybe? All in all, I really can't think of a way the MEM could be duplicated in the WWE as is.
1. They're really aren't enough faces to make up a faction. Shield. Wyatt Family. Hell, 3MB. Heels.
2. The obvious - I don't see Cena teaming up with ANYBODY.
3. I'm appreciating Punk not being the leader of a faction right now. Nexus and Straight Edge Society are long gone, and he's better for it.
4. Orton is destined for a heel turn. He WANTS a heel turn. He's out.

Sheamus. Bryan. Show. Jericho. RVD. I like all but what they've turned Show into. Yawn.
Now, if we're talking about the heel incarnation of the Main Event Mafia, here would be my picks:

1. The Big Show- He's a 7-time World Champ, and a really big guy. He immediately adds credibility to the group.
2. Booker T- He's a 6-time World Champ, and a part-timer. I don't see him wrestling much, but he also adds some badass credibility to the group. Plus, he's great on the mic.
3. The Miz- Now Miz is only a 1-time champ, but I can see him leaning on that reign to add him credibility for a long time. And with Show and Booker behind him, he will be more cocky than ever before.
4. Alberto Del Rio- The group needs a money man. He'll fund the group while at the same time being it's unofficial leader. He's smarmy enough to get lots of heel heat.
5. Christian- Christian will mostly be there as the guy who wines and complains and gets beat up by the faces. It's an important role, and he'll do it greatly.

Just to humor you guys, here are the former World Champions in WWE right now:

Alberto Del Rio (2-time WWE, 2-time WHC, 1-time CMLL)
Antonio Cesaro (1-time PWG)
The Big Show (2-time WWE, 2-time WHC, 2-time WCW, 1-time ECW)
Booker T (5-time WCW, 1-time WHC)
Brock Lesnar (3-time WWE, 1-time IWGP)
Chris Jericho (1-time WWE, 2-time WCW, 3-time WHC)
Christian (2-time WHC, 2-time ECW, 2-time NWA)
CM Punk (2-time WWE, 3-time WHC, 1-time ECW, 1-time ROH)
Daniel Bryan (1-time WHC, 1-time ROH, 2-time PWG)
Dolph Ziggler (2-time WHC)
Dusty Rhodes (3-time NWA)
Ezekiel Jackson (1-time ECW)
The Great Khali (1-time WHC)
Jack Swagger (1-time WHC, 1-time ECW)
Jerry Lawler (1-time CWA, 1-time AWA, 3-time WCWA)
John "Bradshaw" Layfield (1-time WWE)
John Cena (332-time WWE, 2-time WHC)
Kane (1-time WWE, 1-time WHC)
Kassius Ohno (1-time PWG)
Kevin Nash (5-time WCW, 1-time WWE)
Mark Henry (1-time WHC)
Mick Foley (3-time WWE, 1-time TNA)
Mr. McMahon (1-time WWE, 1-time ECW)
The Miz (1-time WWE)
Norman Smiley (1-time CMLL)
Randy Orton (6-time WWE, 3-time WHC)
Rey Mysterio (1-time WWE, 2-time WHC)
Ricky Steamboat (1-time NWA)
Road Dogg (1-time WWA)
Rob Van Dam (1-time WWE, 1-time ECW, 1-time TNA)
The Rock (8-time WWE, 2-time WCW)
R-Truth (2-time NWA)
Seth Rollins (1-time ROH)
Sheamus (2-time WWE, 1-time WHC)
Triple H (8-time WWE, 5-time WHC)
The Undertaker (4-time WWE, 3-time WHC)

I ignored the part-timers, the announcers, the backstage guys and the indie world champions when choosing my Mafia, but I made this list just to be sure who I was dealing with.

I think a face Mafia could include Triple H, Chris Jericho, John Cena, Sheamus & Rob Van Dam.
There are too many people on the roster presented as "main eventers" in kayfabe to really have such a group in the WWE.

How would you book a Main Event Mafia storyline in WWE? I feel this is something that could've went on 2011/2012 (It can still go on today considering all the people I will name are still with the roster) and ended with the rise of the Shield to give the young ones the win. The whole feud would've started with the young ones enjoying success with CM Punk as WWE Champion with only HHH to come back, and spoil the party saying that it's time WWE goes back to the old days of true wrestlers and not primadonnas. The old era. The era of Attitude & Ruthless Aggression. People always complain WWE can't build new stars but they wouldn't be able to do that until the old guys beat the new guys which we haven't seen much of.

The Veterans (43 World Championships Between All of Them):

HHH: This man is a 13 time world champion and the heir of the WWE. He presents the pinnacle of success in the business. Would book him as the Leader who feels that the young guys just aren't good, hence the drop in ratings since he was headlining the company. Believes CM Punk mocks the Attitude Era in which he ushered in and is just a scrawny little tatooed kid who needs to recognize his place and where he stands, and should just shut up.

John Cena: The man is the face of the company and the biggest star that has lashed out of the fans, and feels its only because of him that the company is still alive. And that the young guys lack the passion he has. He would be the moral conscience of the group. The Sting to HHH's Angle, eventually causing tension between two.

Chris Jericho: The Mental Mastermind who is just so narcisstic and selfish, that he cares nothing less about the battle between the factions and only gold. Is only siding with the Mafia, because his intellect tells him that a group of legends could never lose to a bunch of green rookies.

Randy Orton: The psychopath and paranoid guy of the group, that feels karma may one day come after him for "killing" all those Legends, and joins the group, cowardly to protect his own hide from a young guy who might take his place.

Mark Henry: The hitman of the group, that feels even at 40 he can still beat out anyone on the roster. After enjoying his new found success as World Heavyweight Champion, he feels the young guys should allow someone like him who's gave their years to the company, to let him enjoy the fruit of his labor. That only when they get 20 years in the business can they then get their World Title shot.

Brock Lesnar: The man who's only in it for money. He doesn't like HHH, and he doesn't like Cena, but he knows if he's on the Mafia's side, he's sure to get alot of paychecks and power.


The Rookies:

CM Punk: The man who has an utter dislike for HHH believing he's a kiss-ass who sucked his way up to the top of the business. The current Voice of the Voiceless who believe it is talent and young guys that should be at the top of the business and not just veterans who for the most part only got to the top because they had muscles.

The Miz: A man who has a grudge against Cena, because while he was busting his ass on ECW, Cena was hogging the main-event. That Cena along with JBL was another one of those guys who just saw him as the kid from Tough Enough. But he's now a man who's ready to be a star, ready to be one of the legends.

Dolph Ziggler: A cocky young guy who like Jericho cares little about the true ethos of this debacle, and only cares about Championships. He believes the old guys are washed up and weak, and that its best to side with the winning side, for they will take over the company. Feels that if he wants to be the best, must beat the best. (May insert Flair as a manager to again show Ziggler's lack of caring for the feud).

Wade Barrett: The man who feels that the Frontline is the second coming of Nexus. Believes that he can once again call upon the winds of change to breeze over the WWE, and feels that its time for an Englishman to get the spotlight.

Sheamus: The man who loves to fight and feels that he didn't come all the way from Ireland to simply come here and be a lower-carder on the roster. Feels that Mark Henry is the guy that can bring out the best fight in him, and that by defeating him, he can prove himself as a brawler.

Daniel Bryan: The man who resents Lesnar. He feels Lesnar is a guy who came out of college with jacked up muscles, saw millions of dollars, won the WWE Championship through kissing ass, then left when things got tough. He believes that he is a purist, someone who truly loves professional wrestling as proven by his 10 years on the independent circuit and refuses to lose his spot and losing his dream of being a WWE Superstar to a man who is a slave to the highest bidder.

This would be a great feud and everyone entertwines together.
If WWE had a Main Event Mafia this is who should be in it

The Undertaker (Sting-like role)
Triple H (Kurt Angle role) (Godfather)
Sheamus (Samoa Joe role)
The Miz (Magnus role)
Mark Henry (Rampage Jackson role)

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