What if WCW won the war?


Dark Match Winner
What if WCW won the ratings war?
Who Ted Turner be as active still like Vince McMahon is?
How many titles would there be?
What competiton would they have?
Would Thunder be like Smackdown!?
Would The Rock be forgotten and went full on actor?
Would there be any John Cena or Brock Lesnar?
Where would HHH be and HBK?
Would Starrcade be as big a WrestleMania is?
Would Bischoff be around?

But the big question is........would it be PG?
Would we have to sit through pointless Santino bullshit week in and week out and would we get to see Long Island Iced Z WWWYKI Zack Ryder?

THE BIG QUESTION IS JUST..............What if...............
If WCW had won the war, WWE would have went under. Then the time warner merger would have put WCW down and we'd be left with neither one. Who knows what would have happened after that?
I don't think WWE would have went under, but I don't think that Vince would have had the money to buy WCW when Time Warner decided they no longer wanted wrestling in the TV programming. However if WCW had won the ratings war and not gotten so bad towards the end of it's run TW may not have dropped it. Then we probably could have a had a few more really good years of Monday Night Wars going back and forth between the two companies.
Are you serious, bro?

Thing is, there was not a single possibility WCW was to win in the long run. It's infrastructure was horrible, described accurately by Chris Jericho who got $0 paychecks and empty delivery boxes.

However, let us forget all of that. WCW in this hypothetical situation has a sound infrastructure (no doubt Ted Turner ordered a renovation) and Eric Bischoff was still there and was working with a creative team of former WWF Creative writers and WCW originals that don't have the name "Vince Russo." WWF's 1997 problems got the better of them, and the Attitude Era did not take off, but it was out there long enough to give Turner and Bischoff the idea. WWF has now been bought out by WCW, and Raw is War merges with Monday Nitro.

I can't comment on Ted Turner's personality as I don't know it too well, but he wouldn't be as active as Vince McMahon. More likely he would hire VKM and perhaps fire Bischoff to put him in his place. Both of them are vicious capitalists, they'd get along. :p The Attitude Era would take off in a different form, and the nWo would have ended at Starrcade 1997 with Sting winning the WCW World Heavyweight Championship.

There would be a similar amount of titles, maybe a few more, and divided amongst the shows.

The competition would arise with TNA, Dixie and Bischoff would have met and teamed up, and the whole shebang would begin again.

Thunder would be Smackdown WCW edition.

The Rock wouldn't have been forgotten, his legacy would have lived on and he'd have a similarly successful career.

John Cena? Definitely. Vince is in charge, so Hell, he'd love to introduce John Cena. However, there would be differences to his career which I shall happily describe later.

Starrcade, Summerslam, Halloween Havoc, Royal Rumble, Elimination Chamber, and Wrestlemania would exist. Starrcade would become Wrestling's world series, and the product would be more international than it is with McMahon purely controlling everything.

Bischoff would have been fired.

Also, shut up about Ryder, you don't know shit. The PG era wouldn't exist, the combination of WCW-WWF would have brought out a quasi-Attitude Era, like in 2002-2004 and would have continued to this day. Cena would have to deal with McMahon AND Turner to change it around, but would fail because Turner knows he has to keep a core base happy, and silence McMahon about it.

Hulk Hogan vs Stone Cold would have occured. Actually, I could see Stone Cold taking the place of Sting as the destroyer of the nWo.

Hulk Hogan wouldn't have retired, and his injuries would have been taken care of.

Benoit would've hit the industry today.

Cruiserweight division would still be around.

What if WCW won the ratings war?
Who Ted Turner be as active still like Vince McMahon is?
How many titles would there be?
What competiton would they have?
Would Thunder be like Smackdown!?
Would The Rock be forgotten and went full on actor?
Would there be any John Cena or Brock Lesnar?
Where would HHH be and HBK?
Would Starrcade be as big a WrestleMania is?
Would Bischoff be around?

THE BIG QUESTION IS JUST..............What if...............
well in all honesty, WCW had no chance of winning in the long run, but anyways, Ted Turner would be semi-active, but the President would be the active guy in other words Bischoff would be around likely. the competition would've been a smaller company that some other wrestler's family built and they would be good competition for WCW. Thunder would be kinda like SD, Rock would've gotten hired, same with Lesnar, not sure on Cena, likely would've went to the smaller company. HHH would've been signed on by someone, HBK, likely not. Starrcade would be their big ppv, but not as big as Mania is.

but really as much as i love WCW, from what the reports were, the company had no chance of surviving, too much money to people who didnt deserve it, no leadership and lots of corporate issues.
I actually wanna say that WCW would eventually run out of ideas for their show....Ted Turner probably would get bored with the company and could care less if something happened. If something bad happened he would just scrap it and move on.

But as others have said and we have witnessed, the behind the scenes issue was horrible....

I miss WCW
This could go in a thousand different directions, but I'll just play story writer here and take a jab at how it might have been cool...

1. Taking play on AOL/Time Warner actually selling the company to Bischoff and his investors, they come to an agreement to keep broadcasting WCW, Bischoff now owns WCW.

WCW comes back to win the ratings war and thanks to the savvy partners of Bischoff, this puts WWF in a bad downward spiral of hefty debts, etc. Bischoff and company buy out WWF, its debts, wrestlers, and contracts.

2. There would be various titles at different times, the ill fated Cruiser Weight Tag titles would eventually be put to rest.

3. No direct competition, after Bischoff buys out WWF, Bischoff and company are aware of the WWF brand recognition, and a story line is put in place for the renegade uprising of the WWF. With a story line in place of NWO having some ownership due to whatever contrasct obligations of merchandisig, etc. (fill in blank to help that make sense), The NWO, mainly Nash, Hogan, and Waltman, put into play bringing back their "Kliq" where DX is reformed, invades WCW along side the helping hand of the NWO, and in story line Bischoff loses Thunder to these guys, and as revenge against WCW they tear down Thunder their first night of owning it, and at the end of the show it is now rebranded Thursday night WWF RAW.

This would ensure Bischoff and company the brand recognition of WWF and hopefully keeping its loyal fans who refuse to come to WCW TV. Re-employing many of the production/writing team, sans Vince and family of course.

So it would have kept the war going, but more like war games (no pun intended).

(this is just me writing off the cuff here, no thought put into it, so you can probably come up with a better NWO/DX bringing back WWF RAW easily. I'm not trying to be all creative here)

4. The Rock would not be forgotten but would eventually move on to Hollywood just as he did.

5. Would there be a John Cena? More than likely, but not the same Cena we know. I have no doubt he would still be a star on either show.

B. Would there be a Brock Lesnar? I have no doubt if Good Ol' JR got to keep his job at RAW or moved to Nitro after the Bischoff buy out, yes, we would have seen Brock Lesnar wise to fame. Would there have been Heyman there to help and guide? Well, that's a whole other topic. But if Heyman would have stuck around after the buy out, then yes, Brock would have Brock... but either way pretty much on any account.

6. I honestly think Bischoff and company would have kept Wrestlemania going after the buy out. Why? Once again, brand recognition. Even if Bischoff would not have seen this, one of his partners or Superstars he had put stock into their word would have made sure he realized this. I honestly believe Wrestlemania would have continued.

I know alot of you are ready to throw rocks at me, but come on, this topic can be answered so many different ways. I'm just giving my take on a "What If?" question. I wrote all of this off the cuff, so anyone who wants to improve up on this please feel free to. We're all fans.
Well, Austin probably would have quit much sooner because he couldnt stand Bischoff, Flair never would have gotten his legends push and retirement, HBK might not have come back at which point there never would have been a HBK-Hart make up, we would have gotten Hogan being pushed over Undertaker, Triple H, etc. There would have been more Goldberg, maybe no Lesnar - I doubt Sting would have been a player, he wanted out of WCW at the end, was tired of the industry,

Bischoff was not a good manager of people - would he have done a better job second time around in keeping all the egos in check, etc - who knows. Plus would Guerrero, Benoit, and Jericho all wanted to work for him after their bad relationnship and for that matter, would EZ E have wanted them - One thing about Vince, he can forgive a lot and move past a lot if he thinks he can make money with you. Just ask HBK, Hart, Hogan, Nash, etc - It takes a special level of hate rarely seen for Vince to walk away from a money maker. Would Bischoff have been the same, would he have seen money in those guys the second time around after he clearly felt they had little value when the worked for him ?
That is a monstrous "What if" scenario. WCW never stood a chance once their mistakes caught up to them. However, let's pretend they did win the ratings war. What would have happened? To answer the questions of the thread starter, here is what I think might have happened regarding each question. Ted Turner would probably still be active in the business and Vince would somehow have climbed up in the ranks until he was in a position to where he could feed his own ideas to Turner. Ted knows that Vince understands the business far better than him, so he would likely take him up on his suggestions. Vince would essentially have ended up running WCW by pulling the strings in the back.

He would have brought some of his titles into WCW. The WWF Championship would have still been merged with the WCW Championship to become the Undisputed Championship. The Tag Team Championships from both federations would likely have been unified as well. The Intercontinental Championship would probably have been the sole survivor of Vince's titles to not get unified or deactivated. There would have been no competition until TNA became a bigger name, and they might stand a bigger chance if WWE had not buried all of their competition. WCW VS TNA would have been an interesting rivalry for sure. Thunder could have become the new home for the WWF guys, and Vince would somehow have gotten his guys to win the inevitable Invasion angle.

Starrcade would have gotten more star power and I'm certain that Wrestlemania would have been added to the WCW PPV lineup, giving two supershows per year. The Rock would still have been a big name, as would Trips and Michaels. They all would have had some memorable feuds with WCW guys. Cena would have followed the exact same path only under the WCW brand. Lesnar might have seen a smaller push, but would still have shown up and participated. Bischoff would still have been an onscreen authority figure on Nitro, while they might have had Vince run Thunder once it became a home for the WWF guys.

Finally.... yes the PG rating would still have happened. WCW was always closer to PG than WWF was during the Attitude Era. The fans would likely have less negativity toward today's product and we would still have antics of guys like Santino or Ryder. You know what, maybe things would have worked out for the better if WCW won, come to think of it. WCW as a brand would not have gotten buried, and if Vince had been signed on then he would have done everything he could to prevent WWF from also getting buried. Then again, things happen for a reason and we will never know.

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