What if WCW won the Monday Night award!?

King Patrick Star

K. O. T. R. 2007 -€“ Team Undisputed

After 15 years, I will finally admit...I never once thought that the Federation would have ever lost the War to the Alliance. I believe, that even if the Alliance was composed of the Legends and SuperStars of WCW and the Champions of ECW, instead of the Champions of WCW and the Legends and SuperStars of ECW, they still would have lost. Not Ric Flair, not Sting, not Lex Luger, not Hollywood Hulk Hogan, not the Outsiders, not the Steiner Brothers, not Danny Doring and Amish Roadkill, not Even Ted Turner and Tod Gordon as kayfabe on-air owners could have help the Alliance defeat the Empire...I mean Federation.

Seriously, WCW didn't stand a chance once Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Rock, and the New Age Outlaws to the lead in merchandise sales for both companies. It kind of brings a tear to my eye.

It actually kind makes me sick at the thought of WCW winning the Monday Night Wars. I wouldn't have all of the Championship Title Belts I own right now.
I don't think the point of this video is if the Alliance bettered the WWE in kayfabe. It questions if WCW had won the War(s). What would WCW had been like after acquiring WWE talents? It is a semi interesting question. I think names like HBK and Triple H would've been save in the political scene. Stone Cold might had gone the route of Sting and avoid WCW due to their history. Rock would've possibly been in Booker T's shoes.
The leadership structure in WCW was such that they NEVER would have won the Monday Night War; even when they were on top it was basically a miracle, Eric wasn't an effective enough leader for the long run success of WCW.
I think WWE would have always won the "Monday Night Wars" WWE was getting away with things that WCW wasnt able or willing to do and just seemed to be a step ahead by 1999. That's not say WCW couldn't have survived. Quite honestly as soon as WWE started consistently beating them by 2 or more points every week I would have moved Nitro to another night. Probably would have gotten the numbers up since they wouldn't be directly competing with WWE(not that their numbers were that great the few times they ran unopposed) bought them enough time to start turning things around to where AOL was willing to keep airing the product or atleast been able to find another network. One things for sure though, When it comes to professional wrestling there's never a shortage of "what if"
From the moment the Screwjob hit - there was little to no doubt that WWE would come out on top. Sure WCW scored some points with the Rick Rude episode and made it look like WWE was having an exodus, but the truth is the moment Foley stayed then it halted the damage. Had Foley, Taker or any of the other major talents walked, then there might have been a serious problem.

As it stood they lost Davey Boy, who was sadly on the decline due to his substance use and Neidhart, who was well passed his best. Vince knew he needed rid of Bret to take things where they needed to go. The by-product was that they then got that killer heel they needed in Vince himself. Eric tried to be that with the NWO turn but ultimately it rang hollow because fans knew WCW was Ted Turner's not his... Vince worked (and still does) as it's his sandpit they all play in.

If the most shocking had happened, then it would have happened far sooner, if Vince had made a financial mistake for example in late 95 or 96, then we'd have a different landscape today - but there'd still have been two companies. Someone would have stepped in to compete.
If WCW won the wars, I think the landscape would've been much better for the fans of today. I don't see WCW going on an ego trip and burying WWF stars like how WWE did to WCW main eventers. I see WCW making a big deal out of a returning Steve Austin, The Rock, Undertaker, HHH and Foley and giving those guys a fair run against DDP, Steiner, Booker, Goldberg, Sting, Nash, Flair and more. I believe if WCW won the war, they would've given fans the dream matches that fans expected WWE to give us but didn't give us.

The one thing that WCW knows how to do right in terms of storylines were invasion factions. An actual WWF invasion angle in WCW would work. They made a kayfabe one like Hall/Nash work, so no way would they mess this up. WCW with the right opportunity would know how to build an angle to make it draw money and extend it like how they did with the NWO whereas Vince and WWE only cared about stroking their ego and burying on the corpse of WCW any chance they get. Look how they treated Sting for crying out loud. WCW's been gone for about 15 years yet Sting lost his WWE debut match and hasn't won any major match in WWE.
I think if WCW had of won the monday night wars we would be in a similar situation that we are in just now, I would have prefered no winnner overall.
I wish the WWE hadn't bought WCW I beleive it was one of the worst things to have happened in wrestling, at the start of 2001 we had 3 major wrestling companies and a couple of months later we only had one I knew at that point wrestling would never be the same again, I had heard rumours Eric Bischoff had originally planned on buying WCW but that fell through for whatever reason but if WCW had of stuck around they could of had their choice of newly unemployed ECW talent like RVD, Sabu, Dreamer, Rhino, Little Guido, Tajiri, Justin Credible, Jerry Lynn for example, There was also loads of new talent just starting at that time they could have signed in that year like Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Randy Orton, Batista, AJ Styles, James Storm, Bobby Roode, Eric Young or available talent at the time like Eddie Guerrero or Jerry Lawler all those names combined with the talent they already had like Bill Goldberg, Sting, Ric Flair, DDP, Booker T, Steiners, Rey Mysterio, Jeff Jarrett. I think if everything worked out this way it could have made for one of the greatest all time rosters.
WCW never had a chance to win the Monday Night Wars. They spent all their money on aging stars like Nash, Hall, Hogan and Savage. They gave out guaranteed contracts when that was something that was unheard of in the business.

In the end, it really wasn't the show that killed WCW. It was behind the scenes. Guys like Hogan, Nash and Hall ruined the company. Goldberg got too big of a head and wouldn't feud with Jericho. They didn't want to put over new talent, just rehash the old guys. It wasn't until the company was going under that they started pushing young talent. Booker T and Jarrett got their pushes too little too late.

WCW lost too much money investing in stars that Vince was ok letting walk away. Vince isn't stupid. He may have an ego bigger than MSG, but he's a smart businessman. He didn't throw money away that he didn't need to. He struggled for a couple of years after Hall and Nash left, but picked up business tremendously after that by capitalizing on WCW's mistakes, namely letting go of Steve Austin.
If WCW was going to win the war they would have won around 1995 or 1996.

I reckon that WCW would of had a few changes in ownership over the years, Time Warner management would have ventrally convinced Ted Turner to sell the company and it probably would of been brought by some concert promoter company or some other form of entertainment company more likely a distribution company than a TV one.

Eric Bischoff would of been brought along as the president as he did a fine job as president.

Hogan Nash and Halls contracts would have threatened to swallow WCW, I think Hogan was contracted for something ridiculous like 10 years or something so that would of been a pickle to get out of.

WCW would probably be owned by Disney or something by now if there business was going well if that was the case we would have a better current product but their is no way to predict that.
Contracts CAN be gotten out of... perhaps some of Hiogan's later faux pas happen earlier and give them "Moral Terpitude" grounds to end the deal... or suddenly Scott's "manslaughter/murder" becomes a "public story" and they "have" to release him...Corporations can find dirt on anyone if they want to, just as Gawker did.

The Safe Harbour clause killed WCW - nothing else... once you tell any talent that whoever else comes in cannot make more than you and if they do, you get it too then you struggle... 3 or 4 guys on those deals means that the lower guys want the same for their "tier" and before you know it, everyone is on the same stupidly high deal... That's why Benoit, Eddie, Jericho etc really walked... they wanted Safe Harbour and didn't get it.

WCW would have eventually been sold on but I think they missed a trick by not actually buying ECW from Paul E. or offering the deal that Vince did... That was the other deciding factor... Vince was willing to tolerate, if not fully embrace the style ECW fostered as he knew it would pop... it was when rather than if... When it did of course he had access to guys experienced in the harder edged stuff and a proving ground for those who weren't
If WCW was going to win the war they would have won around 1995 or 1996.

I reckon that WCW would of had a few changes in ownership over the years, Time Warner management would have ventrally convinced Ted Turner to sell the company and it probably would of been brought by some concert promoter company or some other form of entertainment company more likely a distribution company than a TV one.

Eric Bischoff would of been brought along as the president as he did a fine job as president.

Hogan Nash and Halls contracts would have threatened to swallow WCW, I think Hogan was contracted for something ridiculous like 10 years or something so that would of been a pickle to get out of.

WCW would probably be owned by Disney or something by now if there business was going well if that was the case we would have a better current product but their is no way to predict that.

If wcw was Sold, it would have been Sold to vince.
If wcw was Sold, it would have been Sold to vince.

Not true, WCW was very close to being sold to Eric Bischoff but Bischoff could not a find a TV deal for the promotion.

I don't understand why Bischoff didn't just but it anyway.
If Bischoff just did PPVS with WCW they would of ventrally landed the TV deal with Spike that TNA got after WWE dropped Spike.
WCW never had a chance to win the Monday Night Wars. They spent all their money on aging stars like Nash, Hall, Hogan and Savage. They gave out guaranteed contracts when that was something that was unheard of in the business.

In the end, it really wasn't the show that killed WCW. It was behind the scenes. Guys like Hogan, Nash and Hall ruined the company. Goldberg got too big of a head and wouldn't feud with Jericho. They didn't want to put over new talent, just rehash the old guys. It wasn't until the company was going under that they started pushing young talent. Booker T and Jarrett got their pushes too little too late.

WCW lost too much money investing in stars that Vince was ok letting walk away. Vince isn't stupid. He may have an ego bigger than MSG, but he's a smart businessman. He didn't throw money away that he didn't need to. He struggled for a couple of years after Hall and Nash left, but picked up business tremendously after that by capitalizing on WCW's mistakes, namely letting go of Steve Austin.


It wasn't guys like Hogan, Nash and Hall that ruined WCW. It was Time Warner network executives putting the creative handcuffs on Eric Bischoff, Vince Russo and Kevin Sullivan by preventing Bischoff from taking WCW to a full Attitude Era on their own, so he was stuck making WCW a family friendly program once Ted Turner's influence was limited by '98.

Even in 2001 (their dying days), WCW was starting to be finally allowed to go sort of Attitude Era-esque when John Laurinaitis (lesser known brother of Road Warrior Animal) took charge of the WCW management front office. You had guys like Ric Flair, Lex Luger and Dusty Rhodes being phased out to make way for Sting, Kevin Nash, DDP, Scott Steiner and Dustin Rhodes as the top guys, so they were doing a good to okay job until Time Warner executives finally cut WCW off for good.
WCW's best chance at putting WWE out of business was when the NWO storyline was hot which shelf life wasn't even 2 years (got stale by 98). What people don't realize that was when WCW had their hot period WWE still had storylines that made sense most of the time and the right people were getting pushed. WCW in 1999-2000 was a complete mess all around.

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