What if TNA was RAW?


Getting Noticed By Management
For the first time in a while I've been watching TNA Impact. I've watched every episode since Bound for Glory and I dont thinks its too bad at all. I always hear people bash the hell out of TNA on these forums, but for the most part I thought the shows have been pretty good. Obvioulsy, as with any show, there where things I didnt like, but thats not the point of this thread. Take last week for example. I thought the huge promo Fortune and the Immortals cut with Hardys new belt (gotta say I dont like it) was fantastic. It was Hogan and Flair at their best with Hardy giving one of the better promos of his career. However, the damn Impact Zone just completly killed it for me. I was screaming at my TV that this needed to be in front of 20,000 people. You had all of these great and talented stars doing there thing and it looked like they were in a damn high school gym. The second my eyes pan off the ring and into the crowd, it kills it for me. With a few exceptions, I really think the main things making TNA second rate is the Impact Zone.

Watching RAW the Monday before really got me thinking. The promos and storylines they were doing werent a whole lot better than TNA's, but it looked a million times better. Heres my question. If TNA had RAWs crowd and production, would TNA be viewed as real competion. I'm not trying to debat what TNA needs to do to get there, I'm saying if you magically turned on your TV this Thursday and heard "ladies and gentlemen, welcome to TNA Impact live from Los Angeles!" and saw fireworks and 15000 people screaming, would you feel that TNA was every bit as good as the WWE (or at least a hell of a lot better) ?

Personally, I think it would. In this world, perception is everything. Look at it this way, do you think WCW would have ever beaten the WWF if they kept doing all there shows on the soundstage where they taped Saturday Nights Main Event. Of course not. How ridculous would it of looked to see the NWO come out in front of 700 people and cut there promos. They would of been laughed at. Or Scott Hall doing his survey says with 50 people responding? Even when WWE started to beat them soundly, they were still considered rivales because they still looked like rivales on TV. Heres another take. Would Randy Orton, Jericho, or the Miz look nearly as good if they were doing there thing in the Impact Zone. TNA has a lot of talent, but the only way the are ever going to be precieved as competion is if they look like competion.

So what do you guys think. If TNA somehow had the huge crowds and great look of Monday Night RAW, would everyone view them as serious competion, or would they feel the same way about them.

NOTE: Please dont make this thread about bashing TNA/WWE. Its not about storylines or if you think some certain people in either group suck. Its simply about whether looking more professional would make them more professional.
This is assuming TNA stops being such chicken shit *****es and get the fuck out of the Impact Zone. Seriously. Yeah, they might be viewed as competition is they had the big crowds but they are too damn scared to risk taking impact on the road. They are satisfied with performing in front on the same 900 marks week in and week out. TNA is probably never going to be competition because they are never going to get out of that shit hole little sound stage because they are too pussy to risk losing the little audience that they have. Yeah, you are not going to draw big crowds right away because it takes time but running impact in different cities can increase interest in your product. I dont give a fuck about TNA because I hate how shitty the show looks in the impact zone. I know they are probably never going to have impact in Chicago so why should I give a shit about a them. TNA suck but not because of its wrestlers. It sucks because it has people in charge that are too fucking pussy to take risks and therefore they are in the same place they have been in for the last 5 years.
I do think you have a point tna doesn't look really professional or as a rivial to the wwe on tv, it would at least look,seem,and feel better than it does now. However the real reason I do think they got rid of the tna championship to seperate themselves from wwe since the whc and tna whc look a little to similiar from the tv. Anyway I think you are right it might actually make the wwe that tna is a real threat. Could you image how pissed vince would be when someone told him that tna is a threat to his company, it would be priceless. Good thread by the way.
I totally agree with you. I think that a larger crowd, and the atmosphere that comes along with it, would make a world of diffrence for the show. That's why I loved the Lockdown and BFG crowds this year. They were such a better atmosphere than the ppvs in the impact zone. I would love to see impact filmed with the size of crowd that Lockdown had. I mean take some of the greatest moments in pro wrestling TV history, for example when the roof went off the place when Hogan summited from Lex Luger's torture rack on Nitro in 1997, put that in front of the impact zone, and would have it have been so awsome? Probably not.

Of course, that's all a money issue, but I would like to see TNA find a new place that would be able to hold alot more people to film iMPACT! in once their Orlando Studio deals runs out if they are not ready to take the show on the road.
I swear sometimes when if I turn on impact, I feel like I'm watching Wrestling Society X. Honestly, there's very little difference in the arena haha
So true. WSX was just a bit smaller.


That's exactly the reason why I believe people feel somewhat obligated to shit on EVERY thing TNA does, and when WWE does them they kind of let it slide. WWE looks great, the production is flawless, even the stupid things LOOK good, and for the weak brained that means they ARE good.

Here's what I want everyone to imagine, and not be biased please. Imagine Monday Night RAW with everything they do in the Impact Zone, and imagine TNA iMPACT at a jam packed arena.

It's known that the TNA fans are rowdier and more active than the WWE ones [ the crowds ]. Honestly, I think that the only reason why we even notice the random shouts durin iMPACT is because the crowd is small. WWE has idiots in their arena too who yell shit every now and then, but the buzz from the rest of the arena kills it and we don't h ear it -- again because of good production.

Honestly, I feel like TNA can do the BEST storylines in the world, the BEST matches on the planet, have flawless booking and awesome star power, and they'll STILL never go above the 1.3 mark because they just don't satisfy the cosmetic demands of fans around the world. A LOT of people turn it off as soon as they see how small the arena is. I know I did the first time I saw it. It killed it for me, but then I gave it a chance and liked it.

I'd love to see TNA in a big(ger) arena soon with bigger crowds and everything. It would be so much better and would make a lot of fans consider giving it a chance.

I'm biased, I love TNA more than WWE, but the general consensus is that WWE is a bit better than TNA. Well "a bit" means at least 2.0 each week. Hell, a 1.5 each week. Which makes you wonder. Why is it not happening? Is it their lack of advertising prowess or are the fans too judgemental?
To be honest I think TNA would really be competition if it had the same budget as RAW. They could gtfo out of the Impact zone which has some of the most annoying fans in wrestling today, yes I really hate chanting (USA USA gets annoying on RAW too). The audio wouldn't be awful so that you could hear a theme song, plus they could get off of Spike to go to another bigger company that doesn't seem to reset the volume levels after every comercial break. those are my only complaints with TNA right now.

To your point would Orton or the Miz look as good at what they do in the Impact zone. Hell no they wouldn't. Randy Orton wouldn't be able to cut a promo without an RKO chant and I just can't picture the Miz in the Impact zone if I tried.

I also will say I love Hardy's belt, and that promo was great. The belt definatly symbolizes the power that Immortal has. I wish the belt will stay around for the rest of Hardy's reign, and possibly like a million dollar belt when he loses it and they go back to the original. Then when he goes back to being a face ( Not for a long long time I hope, He is cutting watchable promo's as a heel), he dumps the belt. Back to the main topic.

So the Impact zone is really hurting TNA more than it is helping. I've said it before, they could easily fill a small arena, (If they came to Ottawa, They could probaly fill the 5000 seater we have). They don't need the full budget they just spend a little to get some more back.
Thanks for the great responses guys. Reading them has got me thinking. Will we ever have a historic wrestling moment in the Impact Zone? Look at the biggest moments in wrestling TV history. Austin stunning McMahon, Foley winning the title, Jerhicos debut, Goldberg pinning Hogan. These were made great by the crowd. At the end of the day, any stunner is just a guy grabing someone and falling to the ground with them. Any victory is just being on top of someone for 3 seconds. Its the crowd. If Foley had 100 people clapping for him when he one the belt, or if it had been a few scattered cheers to start the Austin McMahon war, those moments would have been lost to history with no one remembering them. Its said to think of all the great moments TNA has had that nobody remembers of talks about because the crowds energy didnt blow the roof off the place.

I do agree that lockdown and bound for glory are my favourite TNA ppv's because it feels special and diffrent from the same places and faces we see every week of the year.

Something I didnt really touch on orginally that is huge is the live aspect of it all. Going live might make enough of a diffrence that they could stay in the Impact Zone for a while longer. Imagine if after Nexus first attacked, they taped a month of TV the next day and everyone read what was going to happen. It would of killed the angel completely. TNA should go live at least twice a month, before and after each ppv. That would help a lot.
That is kind of true though. ANd thats 1 thing that you can say that WWE beats TNA in. Location. WWE is always on the move. NYC, Long Island, PA, LA, Vegas, France, China, England, etc. Where is TNA? In Florida, Florida, the next week Florida. I think only house shows are in different places. So if you don't live in Florida(Or Nashville, TN) sorry, TNA is not coming to a arena near you. :(
IMO TNA has better storylines and in some regards better talent. The tag team division blows WWE's away. The knockouts division destroys the Diva's. The only thing i think WWE beats TNA at is the heavyweights. I agree with you though. If TNA had the same budget as WWE and the same arena's as WWE Vince my go off and shit his pants again cuz he would be scared of losing. IF TNA gets off their asses and moves Impact to bigger arena's they would be a lot better. So as for WWE being better than TNA like people wanna say, Your all wrong. WWE is only better because of their budget. TNA has better divisions but no funding.
it would be a major upgrade i would have to say...I think they could possibly be competetion but you also have to think, would people be paying for their tickets or would they be handed out for free like WCW...so if they were paying for their tickets and selling out most nights, then yes I could see that happening..but isnt the traveling a main reason why some of the older wrestlers went to TNA because of a lighter travel schedule? just saying if they start traveling more, then more of the wrestlers would probably try to go back to WWE, where they will be doing the same thing but for alot more money
it would be a major upgrade i would have to say...I think they could possibly be competetion but you also have to think, would people be paying for their tickets or would they be handed out for free like WCW...so if they were paying for their tickets and selling out most nights, then yes I could see that happening..but isnt the traveling a main reason why some of the older wrestlers went to TNA because of a lighter travel schedule? just saying if they start traveling more, then more of the wrestlers would probably try to go back to WWE, where they will be doing the same thing but for alot more money

Good point, I've been thinking about that myself. I know Kurt and Hardy came to TNA mainly because of the lighter traveling schedule. Kurt had an issue with the fact that Vince treated him as a piece of meat, and that is something TNA won't do. Hardy on the other hand I absolutely see jumping ship back to WWE. He's done it before and I believe he'll probably do it again unless either Matt joins TNA or TNA just becomes a lot bigger and doesn't have the backstage bullshit that WWE has.

Still, if TNA starts traveling, gets bigger and fills big arenas and has a lot of money, I'm sorry but WWE's days are numbered. Unlike WWE, TNA is very, very creative and what you're seeing these days is done with a tiny budget, imagine what they could do with a lot of money. These guys have the potential to knock the WWE off its feet, and the only thing stopping them are the money. WWE will have no choice but to lose the PG Rating, all the sponsors who tie their hands and all the other factors that chain the product and make it as rigid and stale as it is at the drop of a dime because I'm a firm believer that WWE cannot possibly compete with a financially strong, TV-14 TNA, led creatively by Russo and Bischoff who are not afraid to risk, experiment and come up with new things. WWE will have to change and adjust to TNA's style in order to keep it alive. You've got yourself another war and the wrestling fan will be happy.

My point about TNA all along on these forums is that -- yes, they do stupid crap, yes we don't agree with their decisions all the time, it's hard to please a million fans at a time, yes they have flaws, but the product is by NO means horrible, it is by no means bad, it is by no means unwatchable. if ANYTHING it's just a notch below WWE, and the only reason why is purely financial. Product wise -- they're as good or maybe better. Marketing Wise they're blown away by WWE. TNA without Money is just a glorified indy company which is good, but never considered competition, because it's a business, and a business without money is like a guitar without strings. TNA with money means WWE in big trouble. Twist it any way you want, it's how it is.
Ok so this is my first post in these forums, but I'm a long time reader of WZ, and I really liked all the responses and such but I wanted to add some tidbits.

1. Marketing - I know they just hired a new guy relatively not so long ago and things are picking up slowly, but right now it's just not there yet. TNA was forced to cancel some live events in Indiana due to poor ticket sales and attendance normally stays in the 500-1000 for most venues. What's their main source of marketing house shows? Their main site and a couple of insider /dirt sheet sites, that's it, no commercials, nothing in the papers, you shouldn't have to go out and find tna, they should be going out to find YOU.

2. Contracts - this is another biggie, tna is so bound by some ridiculous contracts out there that in essence prevent some media and somewhat needed attention. I went to a live event where a local news company wanted to give them press after the show ended and everyone cleared out, and Don West had to ask JB if it was ok by our contract with such and such station...Jarrett then cut in and said it was cool, but I still was like for real?
Universal Studios is by far the most important as it's the thing keeping them in that damn Impact Zone. Until it expires were stuck. If they moved their asses to the northeast, preferably in the ny/pa/nj area in bigger arenas that would be a step up, taking the impact zone on the road every week would be too but that's costly.

I agree with a lot of people on here, you gotta spend the money to make it, but I believe they're getting there, it takes time. They need to continue to cut costs and market their house shows better so that when TNA decides to pump it's game up the fans are ready
Ok, yes, if somehow TNA found arenas full of fans, they would look just as big-time as WWE. The product would still have many of the flaws it has, but take a look at Smackdown.

Smackdown is bad. Cody Rhodes' grooming tips, Jack Swagger and Chavo in an Eagle outfit. Edge and Kane are running a kidnapping angle that we would never stop shitting on TNA for. Thankfully, there is some justice in the world and Smackdown is suffering in the ratings.

All that said, though, this is intellectual *********ion. (More than usual for internet forums.) Because those crowds aren't coming. TNA can't fill sub-NBA sized arenas for Bound For Glory.

TNA needs to create a strategy for having the crowds they can get make the product look good. Getting out of the Impact Zone is part of it, but another part of it has to be carefully planning where they go. If they tape Impact in a half-empty 14,000 seat arena, that's going to be a different flavor of fail.

I'd take the Impact taping on the road. Manhattan Center, The Arena in Philadelphia. Find 1000 seat wrestling-friendly venues in Toronto, Chicago, Detroit, Nashville, Memphis, somewhere in North Carolina--big metro areas that are historic wrestling hotbeds. (They should have been taping an Impact or two a year at the old Asylum.) Woo those crowds with a great live experience with the intention of getting those fans to come back in six months or a year for the next taping.

If they can do that, and create a TV product with 1000 fans marking out for TNA even 8 times a year on Impact, then you can start getting bigger crowds. Push the live events on Impact. Get Bischoff's Reaction gnomes to create videos hyping the fan experience at TNA events. This is how you can really use the over-the-hill gang. Maybe we don't need to see Sting or Nash or Foley or Flair or Raven or Dreamer or Booker or Scott Steiner or Scott Hall or Sid Vicious or DDP ever wrestle another match on TV, but shaking their hand and getting their autograph is maybe something different. Sign them for a month of house shows, post-show autograph session included. (Yes, this was influenced by Jeff Hardy blowing off autograph seekers). As an added bonus, if something goes wrong and your PPV main event falls apart, (*cough* Scott Hall no-show *cough* Kevin Nash staph *cough* Jeff Hardy drugs *cough* Kurt Angle gets arrested) you can throw them in as a big suprise substitution.
I really hate the Impact Zone. I hate the stupid fans that chant. I hate everything about it. But more than anything it is those damn fans man. They just bug the shit out of me. They chant for everything and anything. Most of the time they are just dumb ass sayings. "Thank you both" among other things.

I get what you are saying too. In a sense it is like comparing what WWE and WCW were doing in the late 90s, compared to ECW. While WWE and WCW were in arenas and huge stadiums, ECW was in a bingo hall or a gym or some shit.

It does give it a generic feel to be honest. I like watching TNA and would really like to see them expand into some big ass arenas and leave those chanting assholes in Orlando.

Kind of ironic though huh? WWE is PG and TNA has made numerous references about that being lame and what have you. But then TNA, holds their show every week, at Universal Studios. lol
Let me answer your blog considering i work for TNA and have a very big point of view on current storylines and how things are run here. yes if the roles were reversed TNA Live from JAPAN or TNA live from NEW YORK would be outstanding but who is to say Welcome to TNA IMPACT LIVE FROM TENESSEE is not just as good? or Welcome to TNA IMPACT LIVE IN ORLANDO is better than being live in California TNA's heart lives in the south. The Impact Zone setting is the reason why tna has had much success compared to the wwe we are on another level. we have the biggest heels in wrestling today despite the crowds throwing garbage at the end of jeff hardys matches that is only because he is a Monster HEEL. As we speak ROBBIE E is the current Xdivision champ he is selling out the impact zone by him self and gets the loudest pop of the night he is the future. We sell out arenas wherever we go and in 2012 we will host the big PPV and Bound For Glory in Madison Square Garden
Wow MegaStar, I dont want to call you a liar, but if you work for TNA they need to fire you quickly. The fact is, you will NOT be holding Bound for Glory 2012 in Maddison Square Garden because WWE has a contract with them saying they are the only wrestling promotion that can run shows there.

As far as the Impact Zone being the reason for all there succsess. Well thats just a hell of statement to make any way you look at it. Last I checked Robbie E wasnt the hottest thing in TNA. In closing, for the record NOBODY IS RESPONSIBLE FOR SELLING OUT THE IMPACT ZONE BECAUSE THEY ARENT ALLOWED TO CHARGE TO TICKETS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another big problem I have is with the whole "southern based company" theory. Now Im a southerner myself so Im certainly no knocking its location, but that is just a cheap excuss. The WWE is always reffered to as up North and New York. Hell their headquarters are in New York and Conneticute. Yet they managed to come to Orlando, Florida, the heart of TNA's southern roots, and sell out a 70000 set arena for Wrestlemania.

Bottom line: The Impact Zone is poison. It devalues a good product and keeps a company full of talented, hardworking guys from getting the respect they deserve.
The worst thing about the Impact Zone is that the crowd hurts the show more than helps. For instance, Hogan is a heel but he comes out and gets a pop from tourists who don't even watch wrestling. Tourists make up most of TNA's crowd, and they don't follow the product so TNA would be wise to book the show as basic as possible with clear heels and faces. Instead they make Hardy and Hogan the heels so when the original TNA belt is tossed in the trash, only about 4 guys in the crowd actually understand the significance, they boo and that's it. That moment should have got massive heat and it got nothing at all. TNA has taken their show out to big arenas before and failed to adequately fill them, what makes you think more fans would attend an impact taping than a pay-per-view? Even if TNA got out into a real arena and got a decent crowd, would that crowd know enough about TNA's talent to give them real reactions? What crap storyline will Russo write up for these live shows? I think TNA has plenty of problems to work out before they ever leave the Impact Zone, but there's no telling that they ever will.
My friend worked at Universal Studios on a placement for a year, with free entry to the park for him and guests one of the perks, and I took the chance to see TNA when I was there (I was a fan of TNA before then). I honestly thought that most of the people in the seating tiers, the ones reserved for tourists, were legitimate fans of TNA seeing how many of them seemed to know what to chant and how many of them were getting into the show. If someone doesn't love wrestling chances are they don't understand it/see it as uncool/are embarrassed by it. That's the sad truth...but I don't think a tourist with no interest in TNA or in wrestling is going to be going to the taping. It just won't hold any interest for them in the way other shows held in the park might. Not to mention, TNA is taped pretty much at the very end of the park day when most tourists have been in the park all day, are tired and fatigued and ready to be going back to the hotel.

I think you'd be surprised how many tourists are legit fans of TNA. Granted, this is just me going on the one show I managed to see there, before Hogan/Bischoff came in, but it is possible to be both a tourist and a fan of TNA.
Absolutely. If TNA had Raw's level of crowds and production then it would be a legit threat to Raw. I'm assuming you meant that TNA would also be doing shows outside of the Impact Zone for every Impact and every PPV, correct? That is TNA's biggest problem. They would know who to push as a face or not when they know who gets what kind of reaction everywhere else. The Impact Zone fans are not going to like the same guys that everyone else does. TNA having Raw's crowd sizes and the same type of production equipment would make them be taken more seriously because then it would be a legit alternative that offers the same quality of a show, whereas now TNA is still an alternative but the quality of Raw is currently at a higher level.
This is assuming TNA stops being such chicken shit *****es and get the fuck out of the Impact Zone. Seriously. Yeah, they might be viewed as competition is they had the big crowds but they are too damn scared to risk taking impact on the road. .

No they are not. They are under a contract with Universal Studios that prevents them from doing any weekly shows out of the Impact Zone besides PPVs.

Besides, TNA wouldn't be able to book shows in the same areas that WWE provides since most areas would turn them down for WWE which they are more familiar with.
I think a bigger venue would help TNA to some extent but let us not be blind here. It is not just the Zone that is an issue and remember its No Charge aka FREE to go to a taping. You also have TNA dropping the ball left and right. Story lines that make no sence or fanish as if they never existed.

You have the EGO boys of Hogan, Bish and Russo telling Dipsie what to do and who to hire and she just nods her head like a bobble head doll cause she has no idea she is just a wrestling fan who said as Varuca Salt would say " DADDY BUY IT FOR ME" and he did.

YES Moving out to a bigger place would work...Hell it looks smaller than the ECW Arena in Philly....But there is so much more wrong.

As for the "Fans" being all into TNA on TV~well remember they have been caught PLANTING people in the audience to rile things up or throw stuff at the ring. I dont really recall WWE/WCW or ECW ever having to plant people in the audience to get people going.

Just remember all those Fans there are there for a free show question is if there was a charge for the show at the IZ would they pay for it? Im still not sure about that one considering they drew like 600 people their last trip out of the IZ.
Good point, I've been thinking about that myself. I know Kurt and Hardy came to TNA mainly because of the lighter traveling schedule. Kurt had an issue with the fact that Vince treated him as a piece of meat, and that is something TNA won't do. Hardy on the other hand I absolutely see jumping ship back to WWE. He's done it before and I believe he'll probably do it again unless either Matt joins TNA or TNA just becomes a lot bigger and doesn't have the backstage bullshit that WWE has.

Still, if TNA starts traveling, gets bigger and fills big arenas and has a lot of money, I'm sorry but WWE's days are numbered. Unlike WWE, TNA is very, very creative and what you're seeing these days is done with a tiny budget, imagine what they could do with a lot of money. These guys have the potential to knock the WWE off its feet, and the only thing stopping them are the money. WWE will have no choice but to lose the PG Rating, all the sponsors who tie their hands and all the other factors that chain the product and make it as rigid and stale as it is at the drop of a dime because I'm a firm believer that WWE cannot possibly compete with a financially strong, TV-14 TNA, led creatively by Russo and Bischoff who are not afraid to risk, experiment and come up with new things. WWE will have to change and adjust to TNA's style in order to keep it alive. You've got yourself another war and the wrestling fan will be happy.

My point about TNA all along on these forums is that -- yes, they do stupid crap, yes we don't agree with their decisions all the time, it's hard to please a million fans at a time, yes they have flaws, but the product is by NO means horrible, it is by no means bad, it is by no means unwatchable. if ANYTHING it's just a notch below WWE, and the only reason why is purely financial. Product wise -- they're as good or maybe better. Marketing Wise they're blown away by WWE. TNA without Money is just a glorified indy company which is good, but never considered competition, because it's a business, and a business without money is like a guitar without strings. TNA with money means WWE in big trouble. Twist it any way you want, it's how it is.

Dude are you forgetting that TNA is OWNED by Panda Energy one of the largest Energy corporations? Its not owned by Jerry Jarrett anymore its owned by a Multi Billion dollar corporation Dixie's daddy bought it for her to make her happy. IMHO it was a much better product when Jerry and Jeff owned it and ran it even tho Jerry made TNA for Jeff so he could continue to do what he loved to do after leaving the WWE.
TNA sucks, there was a time when I thought it had a shred of hope to become good but they blew it. Hogan+Bischoff+Flair = sleepy time. Tragically TNA has tons of great talent on their roster but they screw it up week after week. I will stop talking Trash about TNA when it stops sucking.

Furthermore, to you question, what if TNA was RAW, I would stop watching wrestling because TNA sucks.
I think a bigger venue would help TNA to some extent but let us not be blind here. It is not just the Zone that is an issue and remember its No Charge aka FREE to go to a taping. You also have TNA dropping the ball left and right. Story lines that make no sence or fanish as if they never existed.

You have the EGO boys of Hogan, Bish and Russo telling Dipsie what to do and who to hire and she just nods her head like a bobble head doll cause she has no idea she is just a wrestling fan who said as Varuca Salt would say " DADDY BUY IT FOR ME" and he did.

Aside from Joe's kidnapping, what OTHER storyline made no "sence" and "fanished" as if it never existed. You make this out to be a weekly thing in TNA, and I'm expecting at least 30 Storylines. Bring it on.

Also, give me some proof that Hogan, Bischoff and Russo tell "Dipsie" who to hire and she nods along. Are you secretly a TNA employee? I hope you are. Otherwise you're some nutjob on a wrestling forum, acting like he's a part of the business, commenting on employer-employee relations as if you're one of them. I'm just saying.

Dixie is by no means stupid. She never claimed she's a wrestling encyclopedia -- she's got people to do that for her. Dixie Carter is a business woman who kept TNA alive for 8 years, something Jeff Jarret couldn't do. TNA was dead in its second year, then Panda Energy came along and saved the company. If you have a problem with businessmen/women running a business such as pro wrestling, then you must be furious with Vince McMahon because he's THE businessman in pro wrestling, yet again cringes whenever he hears the word "wrestling".

Ignorance is a bliss.
Dude are you forgetting that TNA is OWNED by Panda Energy one of the largest Energy corporations? Its not owned by Jerry Jarrett anymore its owned by a Multi Billion dollar corporation Dixie's daddy bought it for her to make her happy. IMHO it was a much better product when Jerry and Jeff owned it and ran it even tho Jerry made TNA for Jeff so he could continue to do what he loved to do after leaving the WWE.

I'm quite aware of that. I also know that if Bob and Janice Carter felt like pouring millions of dollars in TNA -- they would. But [and this might not be true] from what I've heard, Bob Carter is wating to see if TNA can grow some legs and start walking on its own before he invests a lot of money in it. It's a good decision if true. We don't want another Ted Turner.

I also liked the product back in the day. Granted, I didn't watch it weekly, I follow what I can on the Internet right now. The wrestling was excellent, the talent was off the hook, but I also enjoy today's product as well. A product like TNA's in 2002, up until 2007-8 would've never even had a shot at being a big time company. Me and you -- we love the rasslin'. Hell, I'd watch them flippy stuff and spot monkeys all day long. I find it great and I truly believe that right now wrestling is all about athleticism, but unfortunately the rest of the wrestling fans want more. They want the segments, the storylines, the sets, the cool themes, the cool gimmicks, the flashiness, something TNA didn't have in 2002. It's just how it goes. I don't want it to be that way, I'm fine with small-time companies as long as their product is good, but they'll never, EVER, amount to anything. I'm just saying, TNA is the fastest growing company to come along in a long time. Maybe ever in pro wrestling. A lot of people want it to become WWE-sized in a day. It can't and will not happen. It's been alive for 10 years. Same goes for Ring of Honor, yet they're still stuck in the same place. I'm sure WWWF wasn't broadcasted in over 100 countries in their 8th year. Same goes for AWA, NWA, WCW. It took WCW alone a lot more than 8 years to even compete with WWE.

Contrary to what a lot of people believe, TNA is on the right track. Compared to WWE - it's in a pile of shit. Alone -- it's just fine and isn't going down, only up.

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