TNA Impact/Indy


Pre-Show Stalwart
ok bear with me im not always good at articulating my ideas. i noticed a thread earlier talking about bringing the NWA belt back to TNA so heres an idea. instead of NWA what if TNA worked out some sort of deal with some regional indy promotions theres enough of em. say TNA goes on the road with impact and uses some of these regional promotions guys. they can showcase their own talent giving them more mainstream tv time and also TNA would get a better foothold and more recognition. say have one indy match for every tv taping using the indy guys biggest stars. i see it as a win win. more merchandise sales and some of these indy promos use some decent size venues. plz feel free to add on if u think this is a good idea if not dont hate me too much cuz like i said im not good at puttin my ideas to type lol.
It sounds more like stagnation for me rather than pushing onwards. First of all some TNA talent will find they have nothing to do which is never good, it will only breed a certain degree of resentment for taking their TV time. Secondly, if TNA was to go down this route it would just destroy their credibility as people will immediately go "Hey look at TNA they have to take help from the indys now, they certainly have gone to a new low."

And a TV taping is not good for the national audience because you are just going to get a match a week where you have no idea who any of them are. That's ok for the indys but for a mass audience who are more interested in stories then it isn't good at all.
idk..i can def see your argument. i was just kinda seein it as getting their name out there more and maybe strike a deal use the indy promos venue and give em a match on tv in exchange for using their venue. it would save tna money by not having to find a bigger place and not filling it which i think is why they havent gone on the road much. idk i think there are pros and cons.
Why would they want to do that? You honestly think those indy stars they bring in for one match/one appearance.. whatever.. would draw more than the roster they got right now?

If anything TNA would be getting the indy promotion they are working with more attention than they'd be getting themselves from that.

They could try out indy wrestlers similar to how they did the X-Divison Showcase.
im not saying an indy start would draw more. not once in the post did i even bring that up. im seein it as a u pat my back i pat yours kinda deal. having a big promotion come in i think would be a big deal for the small guys. i think it would be a good way to stick it to WWE kinda banding together. its not like TNA has to worry about them as competition but its a beneficial goodwill gesture. no diff really than when u use to see wwe guys show up in OVW occasionally. kinda like the big show in town idea. idk maybe im just talkin out my ass but i think it would be a good idea.
This wouldn't work. As somebody said, taking guys from the indys and expecting to draw more for 1 show is like saying your own guys can't draw. TNA wouldn't be that stupid, it would create lockeroom revolt. Another thing, you bring attention to the indy feds wich isn't smart if you want to be the big dog. If the guys on the indies wan't to get TV time, then they should sign on with TNA or the lame ass WWE.
at the last TNA ppv ... Jack Evans, Austin Aries, Low Ki, and Shiima Xion tore it up .. Jack Evans was instantly more over with the crowd than 90% of "TNA's Stars" ... that's not saying something?
It kind of sounds like you are thinking of a "territory based system" bringing in random indy stars into TNA for a random taping here and there.

Personally I don't hate the idea but only if you do it opening match or something and give them 5 minutes to see who works and who doesn't, or better yet I would just give them a dark match and see how they do instead of wasting TV time on some random wrestler. You could achieve the same results from crowd reaction and see how the wrestlers fare.

TV time should be used to build the stars they already have. In the long run it doesn't really help the indy promotion, it pretty much gives TNA a chance to poach any talent that those indy promotions have. That's good for TNA but I don't see it helping the indy promotion much, the indy promotion is more at risk losing their big stars to TNA. Besides, there is no reason for TNA to bring in random indy wrestlers they have no interest in signing, they have plenty of talent in their own locker room they can work on.

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