What if TNA folds?

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Magic Mark

Former WCW TV Champion
As some of you may know, TNA is facing a financial crisis. Ever since doing tapings on the road, they have lost a serious amount of money. They responded by releasing a lot of their talent, including Crimson, Rayne, York, DOC, and countless others. And TNA doesn't seem like they're going back to Orlando, because the sound stage is already occupied.

So, What if the finances become a problem? What if the ratings slip? What if (dramatic pause) TNA FOLDS!?!?!?! The scary thing is that it CAN happen. It is in the realm of possibility. And if it is going happen, it will be anytime between the next 1-3 years. It's kind of like im talking about human extinction here.

So lets ponder, What if TNA actually sinks? Where will the wrestlers go? Will they get a shot at the big leagues, or will they headline a local Indie show and work for 20 bucks?

Here's my opinion on it. WWE has no competition wrestling-wise. The biggest challenge they have is Monday Night Football, which has been a ratings GIANT over the past couple decades. TNA, on the other hand, can't even compete with Friday Night Smackdown. Yeah, Vince buying WCW was bad for competition, but Time Warner was looking to sell the damn show anyways, and NOBODY wanted to buy WCW! And don't throw the whole "OMG SPIKE WON'T SELL TNA BECAUSE TNA=RATINGS!!!". No, Spike can draw an audience with or without wrestling. It's a man channel. Anyways, I think that Vince buying out TNA would be a great thing because we could have so much more talent to the roster! Look at all the stars we got out of WCW/ECW from 2001-2003. Booker T, Rob Van Dam, Goldberg, nWo, All those awesome cruiserweights, and so many more!!! We have always been DREAMING of having TNA originals like Samoa Joe, Aj Styles, and Christopher Daniels on the WWE roster.

Then again, maybe Vince won't buy TNA. Or maybe when the company folds, he will just simply pick some of the wrestlers from the company and all the others will go back to ROH, Chikara, AAA, etc.

So, what do you think/want to happen if TNA goes down?

(BTW, if I made a mistake, please don't harass me. I'm only 15, so I don't know EVERYTHING about pro wrestling)
Where's this "financial crisis" you speak of? Are you basing this rock solid information on the fact that TNA is trying to cut costs? In that case, you're going for a really long shot here. Companies release employees all the time. Sometimes it's because of financial issues, other times it's because it's the right thing to do. WWE does it every single year around this very period and post WrestleMania. Do we call it a financial crisis then? How come we didn't call it a financial crisis when TNA released Russo and a slew of other dead weight a couple of years ago? Jesus Christ, people, think for yourselves for once and stop following the Internet herd. You've got brains, use them.

As far as what will happen if TNA folds - nothing. TNA will fold, a bunch of WWE fanboys will cheer in joyful glee, the business would remain in the same stagnant position it is PURELY because of the disgustingly low level of quality delivered by the WWE and a lot of TNA fans would stop watching wrestling completely. I'm one of them, I'm quite sure I'm not the only one.

But it won't. As much as people want it to or think it might, it just won't. If TNA didn't fold in 2007 and prior, it won't fold now. People think that just because the ratings are some scrawny 0.05 or 0.5 less it means TNA will die. A lot of work is put into shutting down an entire company. TNA isn't just a TV show. These guys have revenue streams from almost every direction. They make more money out of those than they ever will out of ratings. Live events, merchandising and Internet related activity surely match or maybe even slightly outweigh a weekly rating which only gives you so much information about the show. TNA is not drawing 0.1's. The rating is still in their green zone and so are their money, I assume. WCW got taken down and out after huge staff changes and even without Bischoff it lived on for quite a while and would have continued to do so if McMahon didn't buy it. WCW was in a dreadful state, business wise, and it was still alive. 'Fuck makes you think TNA is anywhere near that?

It baffles me that fans think TNA is in some trouble right now. If recent developments are any indication, you'd think TNA has the most money it ever has. Going on the road on a full time basis, upping production values, hiring, keeping and paying huge stars for a long period of time. Those are all things that TNA would have to PAY for and they have been doing it for almost three years, minus the going on the road part.

How come no one was going ape when TNA was stuck in the Impact Zone or The Asylum, being headlined by people like Rhyno and Raven?

Also, I really REALLY don't think you're supposed to even mention ANYTHING about WCW or anything prior to 2008. As you said, you're 15. You didn't know jack shit about wrestling in 2008 and WCW was around in the late 90's. You were a toddler when those things were happening. Hell, you were in pre-school when Cena debuted. Moreover, you started a thread spewing opinions that have been spewed for AGES. I don't see the point of it. You're repeating the same bull I've heard in biased WWE DVDs and even more biased fan opinions which just sound cool so you rehash them time and time again in order to sound like you know something, because forming your OWN opinions through your OWN research is too much work. It's much easier to repeat what the last guy said and fill up the gap of knowledge you have with someone else's already flawed opinion, which HE took from someone even more messed up.

We can go back and forth with this and you've certainly opened a can of worms but for the sake of the argument, if TNA folds a lot of fans will be pissed and the world will move on within a few months. TNA is not big enough to impact the business in a positive or negative way. Try starting a thread asking what would happen if WWE folded, that's a much more interesting perspective.
Alright, Mark, let me educate you a little bit about how this page works.

Every once in a while, TNA tries to save money (like companies do) by cutting workers that they aren't using at the moment (like companies do). That doesn't mean that they're going under, it means that they are being somewhat financially responsible. However, everytime this happens for TNA, we get over 9,000 "The End Is Near" threads. They've been "about to go under" since 2002, yet 11 years later they're still here.

As much as I would like to see some of the originals have matches with some of the better WWE workers, I doubt Vince would buy out TNA simply because TNA isn't competition. Vince bought WCW because WCW (at one point) was legit competition. Hell, from '96 to '99 WCW was winning the Monday Night Wars. Because of this, Vince could buy out WCW and

1) Have their superstars that the WWE fans knew of (since back then a lot of people watched both WWE and WCW).

2) Have the footage of his superstars who started off in WCW (Stone Cold, Mick Foley, Chris Jericho, etc.), add those to their "Best Of" videos and DVDS, and sell more of them.

3) Wait a few years after all the WCW hoopla died down and sell "Best Of" DVDs strictly from WCW shows to WCW-nostalgiatards like me. :D

TNA, unfortunately, has none of these. The average, non-IWC, WWE fan doesn't know who ANY of these TNA guys are except for the fans who are old enough to remember when some of them were in the WWE. The average WWE fan MIGHT know who A.J. Styles or Bobby Roode is, but that's a big emphasis on "might".

Now, all this isn't to say that TNA can't go under. Keep in mind, everyone said that WCW couldn't go under also (they didn't say "won't", they said "can't"). But if it did, the ONLY reason why Vince might buy it would be to add more footage to "Best Of" DVDs of some of his superstars who did brief stints in TNA (Booker T, Mick Foley, Rob Van Dam, etc.).

Along those same lines, since Vince will have owned right to both WCW and TNA, he can finally make a "Best Of" DVD set for Sting and further convince him to come in for a big money Wrestlemania match. I mean, why not join the company who is making a metric fuck ton of money selling your "Best Of" DVDs so you can get a slice of that merchandising pie?

Either way, welcome to WrestleZone. Just remember, if you want to get a feel for how to make solid threads here, follow this basic Internet rule: lurk moar. If you have any questions, let me know. I'm not a hard guy to find here. :D

Also, I really REALLY don't think you're supposed to even mention ANYTHING about WCW or anything prior to 2008. As you said, you're 15. You didn't know jack shit about wrestling in 2008 and WCW was around in the late 90's. You were a toddler when those things were happening. Hell, you were in pre-school when Cena debuted.

Jesus Christ, bro, calm your tits. He admitted that he doesn't know everything about wrestling. Let's try to help educate our young friend here instead of bashing him. He even asked for you to take it easy on him. Sheesh, no wonder the IWC gets a bad reputation sometimes.
I wouldn't take much of what Zevon says into consideration. He's clearly an Impact mark and will bash anyone for even thinking they have any sort of crisis. Instead of being a dick to you, I will answer your hypothetical question.

If Impact does go under, I don't see Vince taking on and buying the company out. There wouldn't be any need to. Vince buying WCW was a triumph because he killed his biggest opponent. Impact isn't close in terms of competition. They have some talent, but their talent is nowhere near as big WCW had at the time of the purchase. Many of those guys had great use. Most of Impact's roster would flounder. If Impact folds, I see it simply disbanding. I don't even see their library being worth buying them out.

They will look at a few guys, some will try ROH, but I think most will be pay as you play indy guys.

Now that I said that, I am sure Zevon will bash me and this post as well with a good 4-5 paragraphs.
Damn, Zeven. You must be mad. Had I known that there were plenty of other threads like this, I wouldn't of posted this. My bad, guys. Maybe I should talk about Final Fantasy and stuff with Dagger Dias instead.
Oh Jesus Christ. This topic has been beaten beyond death, for what? 11 years? Think of something new, people.
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