How long do you give TNA before the company folds?

Oh yay — just what I wanted — more Apocalyptic conjecture from jaded fans trying to draw unjust correlations between a product that failed over a decade ago with a product they currently don't like, despite the fact the connections, as few as their are, are few and far between! Man, I really hit the jackpot this morning – this is almost better than winning the real lottery (relax, I said almost).

TNA isn't going out of business, genius, and I have no idea what gave you the absurd notion it did.

1. They are backed by an energy company that is in no way shape or form in danger of going out of business.

2. They are hiring, which means they are making money, despite what your precious dirt sheets and jaded Mark Maddens have to say.

3. They are signing new contracts with new sponsors and partnerships – like their latest deal with Jakks.

Do I really need to go on?

This prophetic posturing has got to fucking stop – it's bad enough having to listen to the monotheistic preachers and pulpits chime off about how the world is going to end, I don't need to hear it from wrestling fans, too — especially wrestling fans who haven't an inkling of how this business actually works, or have ever worked in an industry even remotely comparable to it.
I dont know what I love more about these threads, the morons that start them with little to no knowledge whatsoever, or the more knowledgeable posters putting them in place.

TNA is gonna be around for quite some time, dont you worry about that, as the company and product evolve over the next couple of years, I see them doing bigger and better things. But unfortunately..we'll always have fanboys like Savion and JenksIX who swing lips-first from John Cena's nutsack, constantly playing doomsayer with no credible information backing them up. I guess they read Mark Maddens ******ed column and take that as truth

I love this forum!!
TNA isn't going out of business, genius, and I have no idea what gave you the absurd notion it did.

"1. They are backed by an energy company that is in no way shape or form in danger of going out of business."

And the WCW was backed by Turner Broadcasting and Time Warner.

"2. They are hiring, which means they are making money, despite what your precious dirt sheets and jaded Mark Maddens have to say."

That doesn't mean anything. WCW was constantly hiring and they lost money every year but for a two year stretch.

"3. They are signing new contracts with new sponsors and partnerships – like their latest deal with Jakks."

Once again,so did the WCW. And you know what those sponsors did? They headed for the hills the moment the WCW's tv ratings dropped below a certain point.
And the WCW was backed by Turner Broadcasting and Time Warner.

Who went through a major merger in 2000 and subsequently cut funding for Nitro and WCW severely because the AOL-side of the merger wanted nothing to do with pro-wrestling — hence, their funding failed them.

That doesn't mean anything. WCW was constantly hiring and they lost money every year but for a two year stretch.

Bullshit, they were a multi-million dollar company operating in the black for years before a slew of issues subsequently destroyed them from the inside out, none of which apply to TNA.

Once again,so did the WCW. And you know what those sponsors did? They headed for the hills the moment the WCW's tv ratings dropped below a certain point.

TNA has been around for 8 years, and in any actual measurable way other than the IWC's opinion, which accounts for nothing, they are better off now than they have ever been. Why people think TNA is on the verge of failing anytime soon is astonishing to me. The ratings may not have gone up quite as much as TNA had hoped with Hogan and Bischoff, but they have stayed consistent, and Spike TV seems to be happy with them, If they weren't, they would not have given them the Reaction show right after impact. Anyone who claims to know what the PPV buy-rates are is full of it, as TNA is a private company, and does not release that info, so any claim that buy-rates are down is pure speculation, and I think if they were down nearly as much as some claims, TNA would have done something drastic by now about it, and they haven't.

And a quick side note, everyone saying Bischoff is a poison to TNA, WCW was loosing a ton of money before Bischoff took over, he turned it around, and made WCW profitable. It was only after WCW became one of Time warner's most profitable branches that some of the exec's there quit thinking of it as Ted Turners pet project, and started trying to control it, which is when they started loosing money again. And had it not been for a financial backer dropping out at the very last second, WCW would be owned by Eric Bischoff, not Vince McMahon, and would more than likely still be around today in TNA's place. So unless Panda Energy decides to try selling it off anytime soon, I dont think TNA will go anywhere, and even then, who's to say the the WWE would be the buyer. I could see Hogan and Bischoff trying to buy it, or Jeff Jarrett trying to buy it back, or who knows who could be trying to buy it.
Bullshit, they were a multi-million dollar company operating in the black for years before a slew of issues subsequently destroyed them from the inside out, none of which apply to TNA.

Dude,WCW didn't start making money until 1995. So I don't know where you're getting they were always operating in the black
Dude,WCW didn't start making money until 1995. So I don't know where you're getting they were always operating in the black

1. Will you please learn how to properly quote?

2. Who said they were "always" operating in the black? I said they were a multi-million dollar company that operated in the black for numerous years before the AOL-merger and subsequent shunning by the execs at Time Warner forced them to start losing money hand-over-fist, which contributed most to their demise.
To quote Raven from last year...."That is your target people....Aim well! It's a wonder you are not banned, although when/if IDR sees this you just might be. It's people like you that give WWE fans a bad name. It's also fans like you that give forums a bad rap. If you believe ANY of what you said is true you are just as moronic as the op in thinking TNA is ANYWHERE near folding. And like someone else mentioned,if you are jonesing for the attitude era, it's called youtube
Can you please stop the hate?! It's all about having a third eye in wrestling. Didn't you even read my thread, all of it anyways? TNA is going down the toilet right now and the sad thing about is that Dixie Carter knows it too but she's letting her pride get in the way of her somewhat good business sence. No second place is not as bad as last place. But Carter needs to decided where she is going to have her head at, in the clouds or up her ass. Where is your head at right now Schizophrenic??

Because you seem like your a cheerleader for TNA wrestling. In the famous words of rap group Public Enemy, Don't believe the hype!
Can you please stop the hate?! It's all about having a third eye in wrestling. Didn't you even read my thread, all of it anyways? TNA is going down the toilet right now and the sad thing about is that Dixie Carter knows it too but she's letting her pride get in the way of her somewhat good business sence. No second place is not as bad as last place. But Carter needs to decided where she is going to have her head at, in the clouds or up her ass. Where is your head at right now Schizophrenic??

Because you seem like your a cheerleader for TNA wrestling. In the famous words of rap group Public Enemy, Don't believe the hype!
Clearly I am not in the minority in my way of thinking. This thread is moronic and short sided at best. It's the typical "I don't like it so it must die" mentality that to many people seem to have these days. Just because you don't like their product tat in o shape or form means it's "going down the toliet". It just means it's not your cup of tea. It would be like me saying that I don't care to watch Baseball so it must be a dying sport and will cease within months....which clearly is not going to happen. It's all been said before that Dixe may b a bit of a mark and she belives (god or not) that guys like Bischoff and Hogan, who happened to be involved with a company when it got bigger and bigger and became #1 would be right in their way of thinking and maybe that's not the way to be, but that's a thread for another time. My head is perfectlyon my shoulders on a steady base, thanks for asking. I am not a cheerleder simply for TNA. I am for all of wrestling. Someone goes off about WWE I will stand up for them as well, but with the constant criticism of TNA it's obviously gonna make people out to be "TNA Marks" as the simple minded like to brand people. Don't be upset with me because your thread got ripped to shreads by TNA fans and non-fans alike. Just realize that the ideas that TNA is 6 and a half months (see I did ready all of it) away from it's demie are just moronic and short sided froma guy who doens't like (or probably even watch) the product.
All you need to know about where TNA is headed is to take a look at this year. There's no reason to list everything they've tried and failed at. I know TNApologists love to roll out their regular excuses in defending them, but the facts are that if anything TNA has tried since hiring the Hogan/Bischoff combo had worked even a little bit, we wouldn't be seeing a Main Event storyline centered around the fucking ECW losers right now. And shut up with your "they're just there to get so and so over." Nobody gets "over" by beating guys who were never good to begin with, let alone 15 years later. Nobody "gets over" by beating a 60 year old Ric Flair in 2010 either.

All excuses aside, TNA's ratings are worse than they were years ago before Hogan, Bischoff, the nWo, all Hogan's buddies, and all the ECW slugs showed up. Nobody pays to see TNA. They bomb at buys for their PPVs and they bomb at house shows. Shit, didn't last week's impact get below a 1.0 rating...?

If you are IDR or Reddirritation or someone else who clearly bleeds TNA, good for you. That's it awesome. Don't let anyone tell you what to like. If you like it, that's all that matters. Hell, even Weird Al Yankovich still has some die hard fans. Just don't go around bullshitting yourself that TNA is doing good, or growing or any of that bullshit.

Simply put, TNA will be around until panda energy or Spike is sick of losing money and pulls out. That could be sooner than later or it could be years from now. But it will happen if TNA continues down the road they are on. TNA can only survive for so long by scooping up ex-WWE rejects and pushing them to the top of their card. They can only survive for so long gripping nostalgia's hand like a child latches on to their mom.

I'm actually super excited to see whatever broken branch they try to cling to next after this whole ECW abortion. What else is left...? TNA is becoming the leper of the wrestling business. Heyman doesn't want anything to do with them. Lance Storm said no thanks...Haas and Benjamin turned them down for ROH. Even a couple ROH guys turned them down for try-out matches. TNA has long become the graveyard of pro wres. It's where you go when you still want to wrestle for a few bucks and no one wants you. Hence the whole ECW bullshit.

Pretty soon they are going to run out of things from the past to try and re-create (which doesn't work for them anyways but still). When that happens, we'll really see what Russo and TNA is made of, because all they'll be left with is what got them on the map to begin with - their home grown talent. They'll be forced to push them, make them well known stars or die trying. Problem is, I really don't think any of the fed-heads in charge care about the future of TNA. Hogan, Bischoff, Russo...they just care about their own pay checks for the time being.

So again, TNA will survive for as long as Panda and Spike allow it. And if this things continue like they have in 2010, that could be a lot sooner than a lot of people want to believe.
Clearly I am not in the minority in my way of thinking. This thread is moronic and short sided at best. It's the typical "I don't like it so it must die" mentality that to many people seem to have these days. Just because you don't like their product tat in o shape or form means it's "going down the toliet". It just means it's not your cup of tea. It would be like me saying that I don't care to watch Baseball so it must be a dying sport and will cease within months....which clearly is not going to happen. It's all been said before that Dixe may b a bit of a mark and she belives (god or not) that guys like Bischoff and Hogan, who happened to be involved with a company when it got bigger and bigger and became #1 would be right in their way of thinking and maybe that's not the way to be, but that's a thread for another time. My head is perfectlyon my shoulders on a steady base, thanks for asking. I am not a cheerleder simply for TNA. I am for all of wrestling. Someone goes off about WWE I will stand up for them as well, but with the constant criticism of TNA it's obviously gonna make people out to be "TNA Marks" as the simple minded like to brand people. Don't be upset with me because your thread got ripped to shreads by TNA fans and non-fans alike. Just realize that the ideas that TNA is 6 and a half months (see I did ready all of it) away from it's demie are just moronic and short sided froma guy who doens't like (or probably even watch) the product.
It's "Dixie" not "Dixe".

Do you think that you can do better? Do you think I'm selling out my love for pro wrestling worldwide? Because if you do, did you got another thing coming homegirl. And whenever TNA wrestling DOES get up to where the WWE is in apects of competition? I want you to call me. Because I'll be right there at the frontline of the new Monday Night Wars internet media showing you "WWE Marks" how it's done!

So in the mean time Schizophrenic, you need to shut the hell up while grown folks are talking! (Big up to JenksIX) When I say this, okay maybe TNA won't fold by Wrestlemania 27 next year. But TNA is going down the toilet. So I guess TNA is really "number two" when it comes to organizing a wrestling company are they now??
We've been told by WWE fanboys for 8 years TNA is about to go out of business, Yawn, it get's really boring. Stick to your leprechaun midgets and the 5 move golden boy.
Bullshit, they were a multi-million dollar company operating in the black for years before a slew of issues subsequently destroyed them from the inside out, none of which apply to TNA.

Dude,WCW didn't start making money until 1995. So I don't know where you're getting they were always operating in the black
Use the quote button. Save some time and coherence. If WCW didn't make money until 1995, just what exactly were they using to produce their PPV's, Clash Of Champions and TV tapings? Pixie dust? WCW was a very profitable company long before Time Warner invested in them in 1988. Boy were you off field. Funded by one of the largest and most profitable media companies in the world, it's no surprise they eventually rose to the top. But notice how it took them about a decade to do so.
All you need to know about where TNA is headed is to take a look at this year. There's no reason to list everything they've tried and failed at. I know TNApologists love to roll out their regular excuses in defending them, but the facts are that if anything TNA has tried since hiring the Hogan/Bischoff combo had worked even a little bit, we wouldn't be seeing a Main Event storyline centered around the fucking ECW losers right now. And shut up with your "they're just there to get so and so over." Nobody gets "over" by beating guys who were never good to begin with, let alone 15 years later. Nobody "gets over" by beating a 60 year old Ric Flair in 2010 either.
Jay Lethal begs to differ. As far as "failing", I don't see it. They have sanctioned 3 new programs (Xplosion-rebranded, ReACTiON, Before The Bell) since Hulk Hogan and Eric Bishoff have arrived. 2 already has a US outlets. The third is doing great internationally. 2 years ago, iMPACT! wasn't even an hour long. Look now. Steping back? I don't think so.

All excuses aside, TNA's ratings are worse than they were years ago before Hogan, Bischoff, the nWo, all Hogan's buddies, and all the ECW slugs showed up. Nobody pays to see TNA. They bomb at buys for their PPVs and they bomb at house shows. Shit, didn't last week's impact get below a 1.0 rating...?
1.2 is less than 1.0? Fuck my math teacher!

If you are IDR or Reddirritation or someone else who clearly bleeds TNA, good for you. That's it awesome. Don't let anyone tell you what to like. If you like it, that's all that matters. Hell, even Weird Al Yankovich still has some die hard fans. Just don't go around bullshitting yourself that TNA is doing good, or growing or any of that bullshit.
Don't bullshit yourself about TNA "failing" then, because if it is WWE ain't doing too well either.

Simply put, TNA will be around until panda energy or Spike is sick of losing money and pulls out. That could be sooner than later or it could be years from now. But it will happen if TNA continues down the road they are on. TNA can only survive for so long by scooping up ex-WWE rejects and pushing them to the top of their card. They can only survive for so long gripping nostalgia's hand like a child latches on to their mom.
What money are they losing? Their tapings are cheaper than a trip to the grocery shop. House shows sell out. They get some money from Universal Studios. Those 6 Hour Power drinks sell great (Pope should plug those again). Just are you getting at here? They take the revenue, burn it up and sing "Kum ba yah" around a bonfire of money?

I'm actually super excited to see whatever broken branch they try to cling to next after this whole ECW abortion. What else is left...? TNA is becoming the leper of the wrestling business. Heyman doesn't want anything to do with them. Lance Storm said no thanks...Haas and Benjamin turned them down for ROH. Even a couple ROH guys turned them down for try-out matches. TNA has long become the graveyard of pro wres. It's where you go when you still want to wrestle for a few bucks and no one wants you. Hence the whole ECW bullshit.
The 1.2 mil who watched iMPACT! and ReACTiOn last week beg to differ. A hell of a lot more viewers than ROH, WWE Superstars and buts heads with NXT oftenly.
Pretty soon they are going to run out of things from the past to try and re-create (which doesn't work for them anyways but still). When that happens, we'll really see what Russo and TNA is made of, because all they'll be left with is what got them on the map to begin with - their home grown talent. They'll be forced to push them, make them well known stars or die trying. Problem is, I really don't think any of the fed-heads in charge care about the future of TNA. Hogan, Bischoff, Russo...they just care about their own pay checks for the time being.
Glad you 'em. Could you ask them for some autographs?

So again, TNA will survive for as long as Panda and Spike allow it. And if this things continue like they have in 2010, that could be a lot sooner than a lot of people want to believe.
Geez how many of TNA's financial groups sign in here anyway? How come we never hear from WWE's or ROH's?
Who truly knows.

One storyline or wrestler could change things. One guy's popularity could make fans tune in to see what he is doing next!

TNA's big "breakthrough" could be starring on WWE's roster. Or doing NOTHING right now on WWE's roster. Or could be an up and coming guy waiting to take the world by storm!

Anything can happen, and also anything could come along to grab the attention of fans. I am not making a comparison between WCW and TNA. But, look how WCW sort of came out of nowhere. They were always there, but was basically irrelevant compared to WWF. Sure they had SOME talent that was relevant to the world of Pro Wrestling. But as a whole, they weren't on WWF's level.

The BOOM! The NWO storyline hit. All eyes moved to WCW. They had other things go on that helped keep fan's attention. But it was Hogan turning Heel, and joining Hall & Nash to form The NWO, that snatched viewers! Other things fell into place as time went along. Goldberg, Sting's darker side, Etc...

According to rumors and opinion, TNA is supposedly ALWAYS on the verge of closing down.

I honestly, even with the horrid booking, don't see them closing down anytime soon. Regardless if Hogan is there or not. The fact of the matter is TNA, besides The UFC is the BEST thing going on Spike TV. UFC doesn't have a weekly show on Spike with all new material. They do have The Ultimate Fighter reality show a few times a year and also have some "Live" events that air throughout the year.

But, TNA is the only thing on Spike, that every week, has new episodes to watch. So, I think as long as they have Spike TV, they will be alright.

If you really think about it, without TNA, Spike TV is just a cable network with reruns of shows and occasionally movies (Mostly The Star Wars Saga). You factor in some UFC programming, and that's all they would have.

So as much as we love to hate TNA, and compare it to WWE. Saying it will fold soon, just probably isn't accurate. As long as they have Spike TV, they will continue to keep their foot in the door, I think.
It's "Dixie" not "Dixe".
God forbid my keyboard be a bit messed up and miss letter. And attacking me for spelling? Mark of a desperate man

Do you think that you can do better? Do you think I'm selling out my love for pro wrestling worldwide? Because if you do, did you got another thing coming homegirl. And whenever TNA wrestling DOES get up to where the WWE is in apects of competition? I want you to call me. Because I'll be right there at the frontline of the new Monday Night Wars internet media showing you "WWE Marks" how it's done!
This makes no fucking sense at all, and I'm starting to see that neither do you. "Homegirl"? Ow wow, yet another sign of no one with valid reasons, attacking sexuality things of that nature. Real cool.

So in the mean time Schizophrenic, you need to shut the hell up while grown folks are talking! (Big up to JenksIX) When I say this, okay maybe TNA won't fold by Wrestlemania 27 next year. But TNA is going down the toilet. So I guess TNA is really "number two" when it comes to organizing a wrestling company are they now??
Aren't you clever. Once again making personal attacks with no valid points to back up your dumb ass posts. I think you just need to tuck your tail between your legs, hike your skirt up and walk away little boy. Keep thinking you are cool behind the keyboard acting tough when in reality you are a punk who wouldn't say half the shit you do in real life.

As everyone as sad (unless they had a lobatomy) there are plenty of reasons why TNA will not be folding in the likely future. Too many to really count unless you have that time on your hands.
The question of how long it could take for TNA to fold really depends on a lot of things such as the morale backstage (if it really is low or the internet reports are just a load of shit), the creative team, Dixie's refusal to get rid of anyone, and how well the wrestlers get themselves over. The morale and Dixie could possibly hurt the company a great amount, without a good morale more people such as Homicide could start requesting their releases (midcarder at best but still valid, you need a good midcard to build up your card afterall) and if more people such as Samoa Joe get suspended over little bitch fits, if it wasn't a work. Now Dixie could be hurting this company because there is a good chance that there is a lot of dead weight backstage that is holding the company back and her refusal to get rid of anyone has the possibility to keep the company from reaching its potential. I'm not talking about the Hogan's and Russo's and Bischoff's but moreso the people that are anonymous to us that make decisions backstage. The creative team sort of goes hand in hand with that but if they don't come up with something that shows a spark of greatness that the right wrestler could build off of and create TNA's Stone Cold Steve Austin then they might as well just get comfy in the #2 spot because there is a very slim chance they'd ever become a WCW quality opponent to the WWE in that case. Now the wrestlers themselves are the most important part because without their hard work and blah blah blah there wouldn't be much of a company. These guys need to work hard and get themselves over, not just in the bs Impact crowds that would cheer for fucking anything but they need to elevate their game to the casual fans in order to truly take off. I'm no TNA fan but I do realize that they have great potential if they work on some of these things but if things just stay the way they are with a bunch of hasbeens running the show and taking over tv time then it could just be a matter of years before the company folds.
I'm not even gotta get into it with you anymore. Everyone including some of the most critical of TNA have said it isn't going nowhere and you have no decided to try to change it to "TNA is shit" which honestly are the most annoying threads so it makes sense you are going that route as well. Get a life. If you don't like TNA then don't post in this section. Common fucking sense. By the way, cute that you try to attack me personally calling me gay through pm's. You know the most people who attack with that are often hiding something themselves.

Enterkey you are right on what you said. TNA has got the poetnetial to be doing some great things but the stuff holding it back are what's driving people like me and other fans nuts. It's always the little things too. Dixie's stubborness not to not let people go when they are doing nothing to help the show (Jordan, Young, Okada and others) is just irritating.
The only thing that will cause TNA to go out of business is losing their deal with SpikeTV, and I don't see that happening. Spike and TNA need each other. TNA is Spike's highest rated show (although the competition in that regard is pretty limp- reruns of Married With Children and UFC compilation shows.) If Spike decided to pull the plug (which I don't see happening), TNA would have a very difficult time finding another network, because there simply aren't many networks interested in airing professional wrestling. (Do you think Smackdown! is moving from MyNetworkTV to SyFy because they turned down a better offer from NBC?)

This isn't to say that TNA won't change owners. You can only lose so much money before you get out of the game. (And, yes, TNA is losing money, but still considering the capital they're spending to be a future investment. Just because a company puts shows on TV and hires people to staff them doesn't mean they're profitable, see: WCW, 1998-2000.) To be fair, they seem to be a lot more responsible about losing money than WCW was; I haven't noticed any barely-used midcarders getting entrances that cost more than the gate receipts. Yet. But if Panda Energy decides to get out of the pro wrestling business, there will be another buyer lined up behind them.

The only thing that kills TNA is the loss of their TV deal. Without that, there's no point in buying TNA, when you could start your own promotion without having to honor old contracts, purchase intellectual property as part of the deal, and so forth.
We're debating a topic for which we don't have enough information to make a determination. We don't know (in dollars and cents) what it takes to run TNA, yet we make general assumptions based on factors that have little to do with anything.

For example, I've seen it suggested that if WWE's rating falls below 3.0, they're out of business within the week, which is a ridiculous premise because even if a wrestling company's rating falls, they have the option of operating their business more efficiently (cutting costs). They could wind up making even more money while gathering lower ratings. In fact, WWE is a good example of this.

In the case of TNA, there's too much we don't know to guess how they're doing. Logic dictates that if they're selling individual PPV's to only 8000 people, they're losing money in that aspect of business...... and if they sell a PPV for $35, we don't know how much of that goes to TNA, so how can we reasonably determine their break-even point? Logic also suggests they aren't making much money on their TV shows since the crowds aren't very large. We also don't know how they do with merchandise sales, which is something WWE uses as a big moneymaker. Further, we don't know what kind of money TNA makes from television rights. And there are tons of other cost and revenue factors we don't have knowledge of.

Personally, all of the above suggests to me that TNA must be losing money hand over fist.....but I have no way of truly knowing.

What seems apparent is that TNA might have the same problem as WCW in their last years; the wrestling company will hold out only as long as their financial backer is willing to keep pouring money into an unprofitable venture. Of course, if TNA is already paying for itself, the investor is happy since they're getting a return on their investment. With WCW, we saw that the investor (Time-Warner) kept it going for a long time, but they eventually packed it in......and when they did, WCW folded quickly.

Given the "We're Gonna Be #1" effort conducted by TNA at the beginning of this year, it would seem that their personnel costs have risen tremendously. Have they attracted higher ratings because of it? Have their merchandise sales risen because of it?

Folks don't seem to understand that if TNA was gathering 1.0 ratings before guys like Hogan, Bischoff, RVD & Jeff Hardy came in......and now they're getting the same ratings today....... that the company is less profitable than before these guys came in because they're paying more in personnel costs just to achieve the same rating.

Unless someone has inside information, I say TNA's future existence depends on their investor's whims, not their ratings or operating expenses. If Panda says goodbye, so does TNA.
I see TNA hanging on to dear life as long as they come up with original storylines with TNA grown Talent rather than WWE Castoffs. I admit, I stopped watching TNA when Hogan and Bishoff came to the company and I can say that I am glad I did. While I am a vivid WWE Fan, TNA came to my hometown and attendence was beyond horrible and merchandise didn't really catch on. As far as TNA being the second best company, I invite anybody to watch DragonGate USA or Chikara Pro since they have better wrestling than TNA will ever have. Fortune and EV 2.0 are possibly the worst factions ever formed in professional wrestling, even Three Count was better and they were a very sad faction.

Bottom Line.....5 more years and TNA will belong to Vinnie Mac

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