What if "they" are... Hogan and Bischoff?


SORRY! About you damn luck!

I've been thinking about this since the beggining of the angle and it seems to me to be the most logical path for the storyline with Abyss.

So if you didn't notice yet, Abyss has, for the last month or so, walking around and destroying everyone on his path, and when asked why he did it he always say that "they" told him to.

Lot of people tought Abyss was refering to the coming ECW Invasion storyline, but after the past edition of Thursday Night iMPACT! that tought seems to be wrong, so who is Abyss refering to?

I guess it makes sense for TNA to turn Bischoff and Hogan, and what better way to do it than using Abyss's storyline? Okay, I know that Hulk Hogan was attacked by Abyss but that doesn't mean anything, it happened several times in the past that someone gets jumped by someone else and they were just throwing it out to don't make it suspicious...

Abyss could have the role that Hogan was hoping he would have with this storyline, he could indeed become the most relevant heel on the roster feuding with RVD, Kurt Angle, Jeff Hardy and even AJ Styles.

So do you think it's possible that "they" are Hogan and Bischoff? And that Sting was "right" all along? And if they are do you think this storyline could bring good things to TNA just like Hogan first heel turn did to WCW?

Your toughts?
I'd agree with you, if it werent for abyss attacking hogan already. that would be a great swerve, but im thinking that the attack on hogan kinda made creative write themselves into a corner on this one.

no telling who "they" are going to be, maybe james mitchell and a couple of his cronies
With Abyss' psychotic episodes of the past and with his character being built as someone with mental instability, I still believe it possible that "they" are simply voices in Abyss' head rather than actual personas. Although that would be very anti-climactic, especially to the IWC because of how much time and effort is put into speculation and debate.
Its not Hogan and Bischoff. Abyss keeps saying when "They" arrive and "They" will take over. The most logical explanation has to be the ECW guys. Most likely Stevie and Raven. Unless you have the attention span of a fish, you should remember the Dr. Stevie and Abyss thing that happened a while ago. Who else has power of Abyss like that? Perhaps its James Mitchell and someone else. Those seem to be the most logical to me at least.
I think thats a good speculation...hmmm. I'm not sure who they are but It's probably just a few guys repackaged as heels. Maybe I t could be EY and nash or suicide and someone, who knows but I hope it ain't disappointing. I'd like the whole hollywood hogan turn, it might be good TV if written correctly. YODEL
Its not Hogan and Bischoff. Abyss keeps saying when "They" arrive and "They" will take over. The most logical explanation has to be the ECW guys. Most likely Stevie and Raven. Unless you have the attention span of a fish, you should remember the Dr. Stevie and Abyss thing that happened a while ago. Who else has power of Abyss like that? Perhaps its James Mitchell and someone else. Those seem to be the most logical to me at least.

That would be logical but let's remember this is TNA, logical doesn't always mean that is what will happen.

Personally I think it will be a group of ex WWE guys. Group will most likely be led by Shelton Benjamin, and be joined by Gregory Helms (remember he is dating Velvet Sky), Paul Burchill, Charlie Haas, and Mike Knox. Other than these guys, who is out there right now with name relevance (not saying that these names are very relevant).

Most of the other names out there would be guys who I think would go with the ECW crowd. Then there is Daniel Bryant and Batista, both of who they would have to drag this angle out for quite a bit longer to let their 90 day no compete run out.
I think the ECW guys are out of the picture on this story. I think Abyss is either talking about "they" as in voices in his head or "they" might be the return of James Mitchell.
I am thinking Hogan and Bischoff too. Abyss is wearing nWo colors now, right? And when Dixie was talking to Sting, Bischoff jumped in when Sting was about to tell Dixie something.
Wow i'd never thought about that that would actually make alot of sense. Since they have been of TV for the past couple of weeks and Abyss has been saying when they arrive and all that. Also as the poster above me said when Dixie was talking to Sting Bischoff jumped in right befor he was gonne tell Dixie what this was all about, hey maybe Dixie is part of "they" too.
This is a decent theory, except for the fact that Abyss is implying that "they" haven't arrived at TNA yet. In my opinion, Abyss is referring to a person (or people) that either haven't ever been a part of TNA, or haven't been there for a long time. I think that leaves Eric & Hulk out of the equation. Again, this is all speculation, I do like your idea for Abyss' "them". In my opinion, I think the ECW guys seem more likely to be Abyss' "them" than Hulk & Eric do...even though I don't think "they" are either of those groups.

The promos that Abyss has been doing about "them"/"they" remind me a lot of the ones that Scott Hall did when he first arrived in WCW (Hall kept saying that there were others, or whatever it was that he said). To me, Abyss' "them" does point to a new stable/group, but I think it will involve wrestlers that we haven't seen in TNA before (or at least for a few years).
Its not Hogan and Bischoff. Abyss keeps saying when "They" arrive and "They" will take over. The most logical explanation has to be the ECW guys. Most likely Stevie and Raven. Unless you have the attention span of a fish, you should remember the Dr. Stevie and Abyss thing that happened a while ago. Who else has power of Abyss like that? Perhaps its James Mitchell and someone else. Those seem to be the most logical to me at least.

Obviously you've got a pretty terrible attention span yourself. Last week's iMPACT Abyss spent the whole time talking about "Them" wanting the title off RVD. Then Raven, Stevie, Dreamer and Rhyno beat the shit out of Abyss to protect Van Dam. How is it at all logical to have those two being the ones pulling the strings of Abyss?

That would be logical but let's remember this is TNA, logical doesn't always mean that is what will happen.
Having ECW guys be behind it woul be illogical because they beat the shit out of him last week.

Personally I think it will be a group of ex WWE guys. Group will most likely be led by Shelton Benjamin, and be joined by Gregory Helms (remember he is dating Velvet Sky), Paul Burchill, Charlie Haas, and Mike Knox. Other than these guys, who is out there right now with name relevance (not saying that these names are very relevant).
Not a single one of those guys can talk, save for Helms and if Helms shows up you have a better chance of 3 Count reforming before having The Hurricane control Abyss. Benjamin and Hass can't play the leader, Paul Burchill can't play the leader and Mike Knox has even less of a chance getting into TNA now that Dreamer is on the creative team.

Most of the other names out there would be guys who I think would go with the ECW crowd. Then there is Daniel Bryant and Batista, both of who they would have to drag this angle out for quite a bit longer to let their 90 day no compete run out.

Or you know, it could be just about anyone. It sure as hell isn't Bryan Danielson or Bore-tista.

Seriously I've seen people criticize TNA for being illogical and yet every suggestion that isn't James Mitchell is completely illogical. James Mitchell was the man responsible for The Monster Abyss. James Mitchell is linked to ECW but so far hasn't been seen with the ECW 4 that have shown up at iMPACT. Another thing that is quite obvious is Mick Foley's involvement. Do people think it's a coincedence that Abyss stopped his attack on Van Dam when Foley showed up? Of course not, as it currently stands the most logical storyline is that Mitchell and Foley are "Them" it's also possible that Jarrett is involved.

To put this into perspective for people who haven't been following TNA, prior to Hogan and Bischoff's arrival Foley was outspoken and against it. Once they took over Jarrett was forced into doing odd jobs and Foley was made to dress like a corporate man. Bischoff forced Foley and Jarrett to face off in a loser leaves TNA match.

Now since then, Jarrett has seemingly come into Hogan's good graces. However, anyone who saw Kevin Nash on iMPACT will note that Nash pointed out the inconsistencies in Jarrett going from whipping boy to best friends with Bischoff and Hogan.

So actually go over that in your mind for a second, prior to being "fired" Foley and Jarrett were planning to take out Bischoff. Foley returns and shocks Abyss, former members of ECW are showing up and RVD who was brought in by Hogan is Abyss' main target. From where I'm standing it's obvious that Foley and someone else (whether that be Jarret, the Sinister Minister or both) is behind Abyss' turn. It makes sense seeing as Foley was Abyss' mentor, Mitchell was his manager and Jarrett was his boss. Who else would have that much pull over Abyss? No one.

If the people behind Abyss' turn aren't Foley and one of those two, than whoever it his had better be awesome.
I really do hope it is Mitchell returning- he is the best mouthpiece and manager in wrestling today, and it is sad that he is not in the either of the 2 big companies at present.

Dixie, Russo, Hogan and Bisch being in on it together would majorly suck imo, infact Russo being on TV as a character at all would make me change the channel, the bloke is an ass
This is a decent theory, except for the fact that Abyss is implying that "they" haven't arrived at TNA yet. In my opinion, Abyss is referring to a person (or people) that either haven't ever been a part of TNA, or haven't been there for a long time. I think that leaves Eric & Hulk out of the equation.

They're not out of the equation at all. Remember the "Higher Power" angle from the Corporate Ministry days? It ended up being a big swerve and it was Vince all along, despite the fact that he'd been actively on TV in a semi-face role. With Hogan and Bichoff, you really could make a case that even though the men/names are already in TNA they haven't really "arrived" yet in the way that everyone expected (heels trying to take over).

Honestly, this makes way more sense than anything involving James Mitchell. Do you really think they'd invest this much hype into someone as inconsequential as Mitchell? Not saying he isn't a good manager, but that'd be like the "Higher Power" being revealed as Jim Cornette. TNA may do some weird and ill-advised stuff sometimes, but I don't think they're that stupid.
There is also a possibility of Sting getting involved with this scenario. He was abruptly suspended just as he was finally gonna reveal the meaning behind "Deception". He was suspended indefinitely. He's gonna have to sneak back into TV, just like Foley just did. Being revealed as one of "them" would really make everything come to an understanding.
I don't think it's Hogan. It might be Bischoff, though. It could be him along with like Nash and/or Sting or Flair, and maybe some other WCW talents like DDP, Scott Steiner, Luger, or possibly Goldberg. They could do like a WCW vs. ECW feud.
They're not out of the equation at all. Remember the "Higher Power" angle from the Corporate Ministry days?
Sure do it sucked.

With Hogan and Bichoff, you really could make a case that even though the men/names are already in TNA they haven't really "arrived" yet in the way that everyone expected (heels trying to take over).
Actually Bischoff did arrive that way.

Honestly, this makes way more sense than anything involving James Mitchell. Do you really think they'd invest this much hype into someone as inconsequential as Mitchell?
Aside from the fact that "They" is plural and it more than likely implies Foley and Mitchell, how is the guy who introduced Abyss as the chaotic monster inconsequential?

Not saying he isn't a good manager, but that'd be like the "Higher Power" being revealed as Jim Cornette.
Seriously you need to get off the "higher power" deal. Although if it had been Cornette it would've been nice to break up the monotony that was constant "Austin vs. McMahon".

TNA may do some weird and ill-advised stuff sometimes, but I don't think they're that stupid.

Wait a minute, you think it's stupid for TNA to reveal James Mitchell as on of Abyss' puppet masters and just recap here; James Mitchell was responsible for the monster Abyss, you think that's stupid but that it being Hogan and Bischoff isn't? Okay then. :rolleyes:
That scenario has actually crossed my mind on several different occasions. Now here is a thought that is way out there if Hogan and Bischoff could stand to be in the same room as him, The Ultimate Warrior. The reformation of the OWN to take out the Hogan/Bischoff regime along with Sting and Mitchell, but I couldn't see Sting and Mitchell working together as they had that long battle over Abyss's soul a few years ago. (don't beat me up to much now)

Another thought what if it was Jimmy Hart....the best heel manager ever bringing Abyss to his full Potential.

A diamond upside down is a pussy.---Sean (Ready to Rumble)
The more i think about it I think it has to be Hogan and Bischoff. That is the only way this angle can have any big payoff. It appears that "they" arent the ECW guys and as much as we all want it to be James Mitchell he just dosent have the "Oh My God Its James Mitchell" factor to him outside of the people who were with TNA for a long time.
I'm going to keep this short and sweet. Abyss said that "they" are taking over and there's nothing Hogan, Bischoff, or Dixie could do about it. Look it up, he actually used their names. Forget all the other arguments. He SAID they can't stop the "they". Thus, if they are the "they", it is the worst written storyline perhaps ever, because that would take shortsightedness to an entirely new level. Come on, how did everyone else miss this?
It's hard for me to believe it could be anyone who is already there. Abyss keeps spitting, I mean talking, about "They." But, he keeps saying "They are Coming!" Doesn't that mean they are NOT there already? If I'm not mistaken, Hogan and Bischoff are already there.

But, before I go any further in my destruction of this idea, I have to say...this is TNA. In WWE, a plot hole that big wouldn't be ignored by creative. But..this is TNA. They might go with Hogan and Bischoff, and just not care about the obvious hole in their plot. So, even though this would be absolutely terrible, it is possible...in TNA.
Yes maybe you are right they could be hulk and eric. Good thinking because hulk and eric have been staying out of it lately.

Also who else could it be because obviously the ECW people aint on his side because they jumped him and not Mick Foley cause he kind of led the ECW people to jump him.

The storyline might be that Mick planned to get fired to bring back the old TNA stars with him to take out Hogan and Eric. I dont know who they are be cause there really isnt anyone else. Maybe they were the old tna stars and mick foley but they tricked abbyss.

But in my opinion i dont think they are Hulk and Eric, but hay maybe im wrong. I cant wait to see the next episode of Impact. I got feelings its gonna be a good 1.
Did you all see this week Impact witht he video package of Abyss and "they" and they had ECW guys in it whenever Abyss would refer to "they." So i assume "they" are the ECW guys? But didnt "they" beat up Abyss when they first came in? So wtf!? I guess I shouldnt be suprised it makes no sense, this is TNA nothing they do makes any sense. Like how many people have control in the company now!? I dont even know why I watch anymore...

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