What If? The Non MITB Case winner Cashed In!


The D.G.A.F.F.O.O.O. Champion
Ok hear me I'm taking Current Case Holder Sheamus as example as he won the 2015 MITB Match. Let's say Seth Rollins & Sheamus are teaming up against Cena and Orton and Sheamus leaves his Case aside and someone else grabs it like Kofi Kingston and while Seth is knocked out and Sheamus is as well Kofi Annouces he wants to Cash In and they confusingly Let him and Kofi Becomes World Champ even though he wasn't the Case winner. Would WWE let something like this Happen? That anybody whom has the Case Cash In Legally or does it have to be The Current Case Holder?
This would never happen.

It was practically a storyline in 2013 when Cody Rhodes stole Damien Sandow's briefcase. I imagine it would have prevented Sandow from cashing in his briefcase as it was stolen, but since it wasn't claimed in a match stipulation ala Kennedy/Edge, Rhodes couldn't cash it in himself, even if he wanted to.

The closest possible scenario I could see is someone stealing the briefcase, the MITB winner (currently not in possession of the briefcase, and let's say Sheamus) uses his clause to cash in and win the title, only to have the thief (let's say Ambrose) demand that he has the briefcase and that Sheamus couldn't become champion. This could directly lead into a triple threat match between Ambrose, Sheamus and the current champion.
The logic behind the move isn't exactly there. The scenario would be like El Torito stealing the WHC only to defend and lose it Xavier Woods. Just b/c someone takes the case it doesn't entitle them to use it. With that being said I can see WWE Creative pulling this move.
The logic behind the move isn't exactly there. The scenario would be like El Torito stealing the WHC only to defend and lose it Xavier Woods. Just b/c someone takes the case it doesn't entitle them to use it. With that being said I can see WWE Creative pulling this move.

Since when does pro wrestling contain logic? And it would be someone more important than El Torito.
That idea makes no sense and it would never happen because that is not how Money In the Bank works. Only the Money In the Bank winner can use the briefcase to cash in. If it were to get used by anyone else it could not be recognized as only Sheamus can cash it in, and only for the World Heavyweight Championship. It's a really bad idea and I would hate to see WWE do something like this. If they need to change up Money In the Bank they either need to bring in briefcases for other belts or have Sheamus win the World Heavyweight Championship BEFORE using the briefcase so he can use it to immediately get a rematch if he loses.
Yea like Dagger said that isn't the concept of the MITB. You have to enter the tournament and win it. Then it's your's for a year to cash in whenever you feel you have the best shot at winning the title.

If someone could just grab it and go for gold, then that means that almost anything could be taken and used by the person holding it. So Sting would be our new WHC considering he had the belt at the end of RAW last week. The IC title changed hands about 10 times last year in the space of a week, when it kept getting stolen.

Once something like a belt or the MITB briefcase is won by someone it's their's until they either lose it or cash in. The whole idea of someone being able to just take it and use it when Sheamus' back is turned is ridiculous.
it wouldn't work, the briefcase is supposed to hold a contract signed by the winner of the match, so no one else would be able to cash in since their name isnt on the contract.
I could see something along the lines of Sheamus cashes in the case and wins the title on a PPV then next night on Raw he comes out for his celebration and then in the middle of it, let's say Dean Ambrose comes out and says Sheamus isn't the champion. He isn't the champion because the contract was not in the case, because he stole it. So, the match wasn't official, the title goes back to the champion and then Sheamus and Ambrose feud over the actual contract.
While it is an interesting idea, the whole idea of the MITB match is that the winner gets a title match whenever they want. All you need to say is "he didn't win the match so he can't use the contract" and it all ends (although in today's wwe, that might never happen). The title in the briefcase is more ceremony - it isn't even signed by the champ before the match starts and since you don't know when he is going to cash in, you don't know who the champ will be so unless the holder writes in the champs name before he goes to the ring, it won't have his name on it. It is just for show. It is the gesture of handing over the briefcase that counts, not the contract within it.
You could write ANYTHING into wrestling. You could say that the 75 year old woman in the front row is the #1 contender for the Divas Championship and then she walks out, pins the champ and under the woman is actually just a mask and it is really a current WWE Diva.
it wouldn't work, the briefcase is supposed to hold a contract signed by the winner of the match, so no one else would be able to cash in since their name isnt on the contract.

Exactly this.

You can take the case all you want. But the contract inside is the winner's.

The exception which was already mentioned was Kennedy because he agreed to put the contract up like a title.

What I want to see is a heel put the contract up in a match and then lose his cool and hit the face with the case thus getting himself disqualified and losing the contract in the process. Then the realization that he just lost the contract because he lost his temper and focus for a minute.

That would be a great way to transfer the contract over to someone like Orton for example.

Then JBL could talk about how Orton manipulated Sheamus and Michael Cole could argue with him.
If they need to change up Money In the Bank they either need to bring in briefcases for other belts or have Sheamus win the World Heavyweight Championship BEFORE using the briefcase so he can use it to immediately get a rematch if he loses.

I support both of these ideas. They need a mid-card case, usable only for the US or IC belts. The tag division isn't as deep as some would want you to believe, but there could always be one down the line. For the Divas, I'd like to see this "Revolution" pan out a little better than it has, before adding anything else.

You could write ANYTHING into wrestling. You could say that the 75 year old woman in the front row is the #1 contender for the Divas Championship and then she walks out, pins the champ and under the woman is actually just a mask and it is really a current WWE Diva.

Moolah already did this.
Interesting thought, but it won't happen.

Although, during the Attiude Era when bizarre things were happening like Austin counting his own pinfall in a match and non-referees were able to do the 3-count in other matches, had the MITB briefcase existed then, I'm sure Vince Russo and Ed Ferrara would have found some way to swerve us.

The original posters idea sounds exactly like something they would do!
Forget stealing it and using it. If you stole it you could prevent the actual holder of the case from ever using it as the "contract" for the match is inside.

Ambrose steals the case and throws it into the Hudson, bye bye Sheamus' shot at the title.
You can take the case all you want. But the contract inside is the winner's.

That makes sense. After all, stealing the briefcase is the easiest thing in the world; the holder leaves it in the corner of the ring every time he has a match.....it wouldn't even take a person involved in that contest to steal it. One of the divas could come to the ring and take it.....would she then be considered the MITB holder? That sounds too much like the old Hardcore title, doesn't it?

At any rate, there's no provision I know of that states the MITB holder even has to bring the case down to the ring when he has a scheduled match; he does it mostly for bragging rights......plus, of course, the chance that the world champion will show up and be ripe for the picking.

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