What if Swagger actually wins?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I was thinking about it since the Monday night after Wrestlemania,

Let me do a parallel with Wyatt and DB, you know where I'm going with this.

I think Swagger is a great talent, I enjoyed him in the main event picture 4 years ago and with the right manager can be entertaining, he is with Zeb.

I enjoy his ring work lately and think he's better than he was a few years ago.

DB lost clean to Wyatt at RR but we don't care and for some don't even remember he lost.
What if the same thing would happen with Swagger, he needs the win much more than Cesaro if he wants to gain major momentum while a win by Cesaro would not mean a lot because we all expect it. I enjoy both guys and think they could both benefit from a Swagger win.
Cesaro could start his next feud right after and Swagger could move to a main event type program with another guy with ton of momentum and it wouldn't affect Cesaro's popularity, plus it would leave the door open for another feud between the 2 down the road that would be much more meaningful than the one going on right now.

What do you guys think? Do you all hate Swagger? Hate the idea? Or like me think it wouldn't hurt Cesaro and help Swagger a lot!
Personally, I think Swagger is quite good in the ring, but he messed up himself. Thus, I don't see a Face turn going forward at all unless a new member is added to reform the Real Americans, with the member becoming the new focus.
Swagger being a 'former World Champ' means that defeating him has some relevance at least like it does with the likes of Ziggler and the Miz...

I think Zeb at this point is more important than Swagger, as he is probably second in terms of top managers to Heyman. With Cesaro, he had a certain relevance, but now, that has been mostly taken away(face it, Cesaro is the very reason he still matters somewhat due to the feud).

I'd say that Zeb needs new client, even if it includes just being the new member of Real Americans.

As for Cesaro, he definitely has to win this match to move forward. This is the break-up feud for the Real Americans(Cesaro and Swagger)....what benefit is there in having the guy you are actually pushing lose his very first feud against a former teammate who he was clearly portrayed as being superior to in comparison??
If it was closer to Summerslam, I'd like the idea but I don't see how Swagger or Cesaro would benefit this.

I believe I saw on Zeb's Twitter how he wanted to recruit a new Real American. So back to the tag division for Swagger. Maybe if Cesaro feuds with RVD after he's done with Swagger, that idea could work
I've been a big fan of both Jack Swagger & Cesaro for awhile but I completely disagree with the "logic" that the win would mean everything for Swagger & virtually nothing for Cesaro just "because we all expect it". I think a big singles win over a former tag partner, especially if a second match takes place at the Extreme Rules PPV like is rumored (the first is apparently scheduled to take place on Smackdown this week) could mean a lot of either man if booked well.

But as much as I'm a fan of both, I think Swagger has had his chances to shine & was a pretty big letdown as a World Champion. & frankly the only reasons Swagger's still relevant are Zeb Colter & his tag team/feud with Cesaro. It's Cesaro's time now & he deserves to get a solid PPV singles win over Swagger at Extreme Rules (maybe a Strap Match to emphasize Cesaro's strength?) & start an even bigger push towards beating Barrett for the IC Title (once Barrett beats Big E) & eventually getting into the main event scene later in the year/the beginning of 2015.
I've always enjoyed watching Swagger inside the ring. Sometimes, I think a lot of people forget that he can definitely put on quality matches. He's not the best in the world on the mic, but I've most definitely heard worse. His pairing with Zeb Coulter, all in all, has been a lot of fun in my opinion, especially in the beginning when a lot of people were getting extremely uncomfortable with the gimmick, forgetting that it's all scripted entertainment.

Swagger's problem, however, is that he shot himself in the foot last year during WrestleMania season. On 2-19-13, after a SD! taping in Mississippi, Swagger was arrested for possession of Marijuana and a DUI. This went down right in the middle of Swagger's feud with Alberto Del Rio and, allegedly, Swagger was penciled to win the WHC at WrestleMania. Swagger was in the middle of a big angle, Vince & management were really behind his new persona with Coulter as his manager and the angle generated a lot of controversy that resulted in mainstream media attention. In the middle of all this, however, Swagger gets arrested, WWE gets embarrassed, Swagger's planned title run is nixed and management loses trust in him.

Swagger hasn't been buried as one would have expected and as he probably would have a few years back, but it's unlikely that he'll ever be in the main event again. IF that ever comes about, I think it'll be due to management regaining that trust, but it's something that'll take a very long time to rebuild.
Giving Swagger something going forward I see him really letting Zeb down over the next few weeks leading to a Big Swing on Zeb. Zeb then recruits two new RAs and the challenge for Swagger to remain the team captain.

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