What If..Sting Goes To WWE...But?!?!


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Ok, so it seems the Sting-to-WWE rumour mill has started turning again and it had me thinking. With all that recent talk, and the talk of TNA being interested in a cross promotional show with WWE, and Stings known dedication to TNA heres an interesting "what if" scenario. What if Sting said OK on going to WWE but under one condition. WWE has to send a top tier talent to TNA to work for a bit? Evidently Taker would be the logical choice but say TNA had their choice of who to take? I think Cena/Rock/Punk would be out of the picture entirely as the payoff would not be in WWE's favor IMO but not out of the realm of possibility entirely. I think it would make the most sense however if Taker was to go over to TNA as it would make for a very interesting scenario in both companies.
I know i'm living in a fantasy world here by saying if Sting were to come to WWE and face Taker, the logical thing to happen would be losing to Taker @ WM to keep the streak in tact. On the other hand wouldnt it be interesting if we seen Taker vs Sting in TNA at their biggest ppv of the year where Sting goes over in the match? Total dream scenario but I think it makes sense on all fronts.
So what do you think? would WWE consider this as an option? is the payoff not big enough? I don't see it happening but the possibilities sure are fun to think about.
I don't really think the WWE has that much to gain from recruiting Sting. I think it's just more a matter of catching the "one that got away" than anything else. The kiddo's don't know who this Sting-guy is and they won't care, either - it'd be like having 'Taker, only with none of the WWE history, but wrestling three times more matches a year (making it six).

Apart from the money, Sting doesn't have much to gain from the deal, either. The biggest part of his legacy is his refusal to work for the WWE. He'll have some good matches, but when Sting v 'Taker in a REAL ambulance match takes place, that'd hurt both of their images.

Also, Sting has two years TOPS to go in the ring. He retired quite a few times now, so two years is highballing it. I don't think he's in a position to negotiate with the WWE.

So, let's move on to the actual question...

Not going with Cena still leaves a few options:

Orton - Not having Orton on the wellness-policy will be fun. He'd get a push, because he's talented and SOMEBODY will utilize him. However rumour has it that the TNA roster doesn't like him.

Kane - If Undertaker is unable to get out of bed for half the year, Kane is the next best thing. He can have a few monster matches with Abyss, even be fake Abyss aginst Joseph Park, if needs be. Fuck it, just for laughs they could have a Doc-Kane and Kane-Abyss reunion against Joseph Park.

This is a IWC pipe-dream, but Daniel Bryan would have fantastic matches with Angle.

From TNA's perspective, Christian would also make sense. He could have a legitemate return and have that "return" pop. R-Truth would make even more sense, because he's doing fuck-all right now and wasn't he TNA champ for a while?
There's zero chance of this happening.

For one reason, and this is simply based on what I've read in the past, Vince is sort of indifferent to Sting and it's Triple H that's really the guy who'd be pushing for Sting to join up. A few years back, when Sting was said to be close to signing, Vince was reportedly excited but that was then. To some degree, if this is all true, I see where Vince is coming from because he's made offers to Sting several times and he's gotten turned down. So he's simply washed his hands of it.

Another reason is that Vince generally isn't the kind of guy in which terms like that can be applied. As I said, allegedly, Vince is more of the idea of not caring whether Sting come to WWE or not these days; so he's definitely not going to be given an ultimatum in which he has to bring in a top TNA talent to WWE programming for greater exposure. For one thing, it makes no sense whatsoever and I'm not sure it can even legally happen anyhow unless both sides agree on pretty much everything. Nothing wrong with fantasizing but, frankly, I can't see ANY sort of arrangement being made between them that wouldn't be of VASTLY greater worth to TNA than WWE.

A month or so back, maybe a little longer, Dixie Carter said that she'd be open to discussing a joint event between WWE and TNA. Paul Heyman's response to this was:

"I'm sure that Dixie Carter would love to do a WWE versus TNA pay-per-view. Why wouldn't she? A friend of mine who has way too much time on his hands just started a new beverage company here in the United States. It's called Shmuley's Soda Company and he's now distributed in three stores in the Bronx and two in Brooklyn. He would like to do a global promotion with Coca-Cola. I don't suggest that Coca-Cola would be profitable having to do a global co-promotion with Shmuley's Soda Company. In the same way it would make no sense for WWE with 95% global share to do an event with TNA with its 5% global market share!"

What Heyman said is, basically, there's nothing for WWE to gain. IF Vince did agree to this and it ultimately did happen, what you'd have amounts to nothing more than TNA using WWE television and stars to promote their brand and WWE, essentially, paying for TNA to do it. It simply will not happen; it's beyond ludicrous. If Sting did make this offer then, from a business standpoint, he simply wouldn't be worth it no matter what the hardest of hardcore Sting marks would say otherwise.

It'd be great to see Sting in WWE but, generally speaking, he doesn't have that much to offer in the long run at this stage of his life and career. A match between Sting & Taker at WM could be epic and people would pay to see it. After that, there's not much else. For instance, if WWE wants to put out a DVD compilation on Sting, they can because they every piece of relevant wrestling footage of Sting while he was in UWF and WCW. They don't even have to have him signed to any sort of deal to do it.
I don't even think as a viewer I'd want to see it? The WWF vs WCW vs ECW was a dream come true and worked near perfectly.

I just don't think TNA has the loyal support, the hardcore support that WCW and ECW had. They were rival shows which nearly pipped WWF in the ratings. TNA on the other hand falls flat, and only gets the fans it does in my opinion from the fans who like to see hogan, sting and the old WWF faces still at it.

Sting would be epic, but I don't think they could build it well enough so that the kiddies even understand the magnitude of the man put in front of them.

Sting vs Taker is to be the WrestleMania match of all time - that never was.
I just don't see the possibility of a trade working. Firstly, I don't see Sting being worth it. I'm sure he will be a good draw but he is hardly Lesnar or The Rock. The WWE can do without Sting. Secondly, which serious WWE talent would want to go to TNA. Guys like Orton, Bryan, Kane are in good positions at the number one company. I'm not sure what they would achieve working for a lesser company. If it was someone younger: Cody Rhodes, Barrett, Swagger, then they could go over, become world champ; really evolve as a superstar and then return to the WWE. TNA would get very little out of that deal other than being a feeder company to WWE.

If Sting wants to go to the WWE he will. I honestly think that TNA can't/won't stop him doing so. While I am not convinced or think it is necessary, it will be a enjoyable thing to see.
First of all, I hope Sting does not go to WWE. That he never worked there will be the jewel in his crown someday. He was the top guy in WCW and a top guy in TNA after a lot of people assumed he was done. Amazingly, he's done his best promo work in the last 2-3 years or so and since he was never great in the ring to start with, he hasn't lost that much in that sense at 54.

I don't know how much TNA is invested in keeping Sting away from WWE. He was their first inductee into their hall of fame, but the rumor I've read has it that Sting is thinking of moving on because he feels TNA is phasing him out. Well, I hope so, he is 54 and it's past time that TNA focus largely on its own stars. I never thought Sting was the kind of guy who couldn't pass the torch, but if he is, then another company can have him.

Finally, Jack G, you couldn't be more wrong about the loyal, hard core TNA fans. We put up with Hogan et al because we understand that's the price of having two hours of national TV a week. Either Dixie or Spike or both are convinced the company is not viable without Hogan and co. But the actual TNA fans are all about Roode, Storm, Magnus, AJ, Joe, Bad Influence, et al.

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