What If...Sting Came To WWE Way Back.


Dark Match Jobber
*Sorry if this has been done but I didnt see anything of the sort about Sting*
Ok so this is a very basic question...What If Sting came to WWE when WCW was bought by WWE. Would he have become huge and be kind of like The Undertaker or would he have been forgotten by Vince and eventually let go.How many titles would he have? Who would he have feuded with? Would it have made WWE better or Worse to have Sting?

In my opinion Sting would be 100% over with the crowd he would be like the Undertaker, He might not always be in the Title Hunt but everyone respects him and in the locker room everyone fears him.I could see him being a World Champ 2-4 times.I could easily see him being the catalyst of Smackdown along with The Undertaker and see them tag up and win a bit...Maybe a faction with Him Taker and Kane. I could see great feuds with Triple H, Randy Orton, Y2J, HBK etc etc..

I think his Career would have been better if he came to WWE he would have been more well known but I understand his decision not to.

Your Thoughts?
No one that came from WCW to the WWE during the invasion really did anything memorable. He would probably have gone the way of Booker T and not really accomplish much.
I disagree rockfan, people in the invasion angle didnt go far because fans wanted to see Sting, Goldberg, Hogan, Nash, the top of the top name guys in WCW, and instead Booker was the biggest name they really got. It would be like if WWE was bought by WCW and The Rock, Stone Cold, HHH, HBK, and Undertaker didn't go, people would be disappointed. I think Sting could have been a great addition to the invasion and add the star power the angle was clearly missing.
I believe Sting would have play Austin's role with Alliance and Austin wouldn't have turned on WWE. They needed a top draw and that's why they did it. I think with Sting the angle would have been better and he would have held the title quickly.

There is a lot the could have done with Sting.
Sting vs Austin, Sting vs Rock, Sting vs Triple H, Sting vs Shawn Michaels, Sting vs Undertaker. They could and would have relived the Sting - Cactus Jack feud from WCW much like TNA has just done. He would have made WWE money and they known that.

However, I understand why he didnt' go.
I think Sting would have been a good addition to the WWE, he would have some great matches with Shawn Michaels, The Rock, and even a good feud with the Undertaker ending at WrestleMania. But you see, Sting didn't go because he knows Vince McMahon would of destroyed his character and make a joke out of him. There is an interview with Sting talking about why he didn't jump ship to the WWE when they bought WCW. Here is the interview:

sting would have been their at the "E" for a shorter amount of time than goldberg was,back then during the attitude era sting just wouldnt have fit in.i think he would go along great with the whole gay pg crap the "E" is putting out these days.im very shocked even to this day that sting has been in tna this long especially with some of the shit they do down there.
Sting would have been great but the problem would have been the pecking order of the wwe. Wcw wrestlers weren't treated the same as wwe superstars and most were buried. Sting would have been probably the only exception since he was wcws hulk hogan and would have drew. People mention undertaker vs sting and that would have been awesome but I would want sting vs hbk more. Icon vs icon would of headline wrestlemania. That would have been a match no one would know the winner of because they would both be over.
I agree that Sting was sorely missed in the WCW invasion angle. And Vince probably would have tried to bury him in some way. The audience would have seen some great matchups -- dream matches actually -- but at the time I could only see Sting on the losing end. HHH vs. Sting back then would have meant that HHH would have had to have won.

Although Sting has done well in TNA, I do hope that he has one short WWE run. Sign a one year contract, work a limited status, build some great stories. I only say this because I think Sting deserves to be in the Hall of Fame. He will be inducted long after he retires because of his contribution to wrestling. But Vince will hold that off as long as he can because he refused to work in WWE. I think in this day he can, do it before he retires.

Its nice to think of the matches we could get: Sting vs. HHH, Sting vs. Orton, Sting vs. HBK (!), Sting vs. Cena...and my personal dream match would be Sting vs. Undertaker at Wrestlemania. Those will probably never happen, but its nice to think about it.
STING hates McMoron he would never come to the WWE and it will never ever happen thats what I call real sportsmanship unlike other wrestlers who went for profitship STING proved us he is not which is great thats why I like him just look at Ric Flabby Flair he ll be heading to TNA very soon since WWE ended the ties between both parties they don t want him to go to ROH or any independant bookings besides STING has another 3-4 years in him and Dixie Carter will keep renewing his contract until Ric Flair enters TNA for a last showdown between these 2 and it will happen now TNA needs RIC FLAIR more than ever !!!!:flair:
no matter how much you pay STING he will never go to World wide entertainment he ll stick with Total NONSTOP WRESTLING cause they are wrestling action
One more thing Image1986 HBK and Batista have one more year in their contract you can bet HBK Shawn Michaels will be bought again by his close best friend KEVIN NASH who is in TNA and Bastista most likely will end up there as for underfaker its his last wrestlemania good riddance but expect STING vs HBK in TNA next year and with Batista as well besides vince mcmoron has ruined WWE wrestling into a glorified soap opera pleeez McMoron would of destroyed STINGs character and make a joke out of him like he did to GOLDBERG ,Lex Luger ,Giant Gonzales and more .In TNA they revived a WCW feud he had with Mick Foley now if they can only bring in Abdullah the butcher it can help and VAMPIRO for crying out loud!
Now TNA needs RIC FLAIR to revive the feud between STING and FLAIR woooo since FLAIR is now free

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