What if John Cena gets injured heading into Wrestlemania 28?

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If Cena gets injured its bad, but what if Cena and The Rock both get injured what would Mcmahon do? Don't tell me Rock is only wrestling now, he probably has movies to do so he is more likely to get injured than Cena. If both of them are out and it happens right before wrestlemania, call CNN quick because Vince will have a gun to his head and will shoot himself Ben laden style. Why in the hell did they book that match 1year in advance is beyond me, there is so much that can happen between now and next wrestlemania that i would think Vince wouldn't be crazy enough to book a match i year in advance. But hey he gave Cena his title back and is willing to have him defend the belt for 1 year, so i guess Vince is crazier than we thought.

I back the decision to book a year early. It only adds to the anticipation fgor the biggest match fo recent times. Hey if you book a match 4/5 weeks early there is always a chance of injury! Obviously more chance given a year, but also more time to rebook. I am pretty sure WWE will have a back up plan in place. I see them wrapping Cena in cotton wool anywhere from the Rumble onwards.

Maybe WWE might do an 'injury angle' in order to keep Cena fresh for the big match so he doesnt have to perform in the ring. Get people talking to...'will be make it'.
I back the decision to book a year early. It only adds to the anticipation fgor the biggest match fo recent times. Hey if you book a match 4/5 weeks early there is always a chance of injury! Obviously more chance given a year, but also more time to rebook. I am pretty sure WWE will have a back up plan in place. I see them wrapping Cena in cotton wool anywhere from the Rumble onwards.

Maybe WWE might do an 'injury angle' in order to keep Cena fresh for the big match so he doesnt have to perform in the ring. Get people talking to...'will be make it'.

True, if Mcmahon is smart and i hope he is he thought about that in advance. But you never know anyways anything can happen in real life to get those plans derail. Also i don't think they would run an "injury" angle for Cena to protect him. Its not that it couldn't work, but the ratings would drop to 0 the moment Cena wasn't on TV wrestling and i don't think people could stand him talking all the time with no action in the ring. Also keep in mind that supposedly they want him to have the belt for his match against The Rock, you can't have that if he is "injured".
Cena getting injured before his epic encounter with the Rock would be terrible. You'd think that WWE are prepared for that ahead of time though. While it may seem a bit unfair, they will probably book Cena in a way that "protects" him and ensures that he will make it to Wrestlemania. Now, if worse comes to worse and he does get injured then I think someone else would have to be built up a bit just in case of such an emergency. Probably Orton or Miz. As much as I hate he guy, Miz had almost as much interaction with Rock as Cena did during Wrestlemania season. Orton is another top guy, so either would probably fill in if they had to. It would be an unfortunate turn of events and would ruin the hyped buildup for the most epic encounter in YEARS in wrestling. Hopefully WWE are smart enough to not put Cena through anything that could ruin the chance of the match happening because no one else on the roster would be able to take his place at the moment in such an important match.
This is a touchy subject indeed. But like some have said earlier The Rock has just as much of a chance getting injured filming action scenes as Cena does wrestling. Sure Cena getting injured you may have a good replacement to still keep fans interested but if The Rock gets injured and can't make mania then the biggest reason you built the ppv essentially goes away. So WM28 needs to be booked to the 9's with stellar matches in case something this serious happens.

As who I would have replace Cena if he gets injured....Probably Orton seeing as he is pretty much a close 2nd to being the most popular face in the WWE right now and would still contribute to an interesting feud. Jericho sounds great too But trying to break Taker's streak would definitely be a huge Main Event for The Rock.

Now if The Rock gets injured or for some reason can't do the match anymore then houston we have a problem. Who could possibly replace The Rock to face Cena that would mean as much? Yeah I heard that pin drop myself cause off the top of my head I can't think of any other returns that would make facing Cena as viable. Here's hoping both men(mostly The Rock) can stay healthy and safe by Wrestlemania 28.
I'd find out how long the injury was for. If Cena was going to be out past Wrestlemania I'd check with Rock and see if he was on board for another match at Mania with someone else. So the fans still get to see Rock's in ring return at Wrestlemania in Miami. Then as soon as Cena is medically cleared you get that match booked for the next available show. If it happened close enough to Wrestlemania that a number of people already bought tickets or bought the ppv then you offer a refund first. With the promise that when Cena/Rock does happen they will get to view the show for free. Or give it away on free tv. But you have to make it right for the fans. I firmly believe WWE would do the same thing.
I think depending on the severity of the injury Cena would wrestle despite the injury. As much flak as he gets about how cheesy his gimmick he is and how Vince has shoved him down our throats, the man is dedicated 110% to the WWE.

He would take a pain needle and run out and do his job. Rock being the professional he is would protect Cena the best he could and hopefully much like the Hogan/Rock encounter it would consist of 25 minutes of stare dowbs a few punches, kick out of finishers and then the go home to Cena with the AA.

As I said it would depend on the injury, but Cena is so dedicated he would risk putting himself out for months just to do his 20 mins at WM 28.
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