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What if.........Jerry Jarrett ran WWE?


Getting Noticed By Management
I read a few years ago that Vince's back up plan if he went to jail over the steriod scandal of the early 90's was to let Jerry Jarrett run the company until he returned.

Jerry Jarrett later in life help found TNA with Jarrett, how do you think Jerry would have done if he had to run WWE in place of Vince during his jail time?

I also read here, and see that Vince and Jerry still pretty good relationship. At least that is how I took it. Not a very good relationship with his son and TNA though.

by Dave Scherer @ 11:47 AM on 12/29/2008

Do you wonder if Jerry Jarrett is bitter about the way he left TNA? Well, check out a few of these responses he gave during a Q and A that he did with Slam Wrestling.
MJ: When you look at TNA right now, do you take pride in what "your baby" has grown into, or are you frustrated the direction of the company and missed opportunities?

MJ: What was the story on you no longer being a part of the creative side of TNA? How did the situation unfold?

JJ: I grew exhausted of putting my name to a product that I did not approve. I simply walked away from that aspect of the business. My entire career has been spent trying to create reality based matches. Others involved in the creative side of the business thought reality based matches was old fashioned. I felt the company could never be successful without an effort toward reality.

MJ: There has been a lot of rumors and speculation as to the story of you leaving TNA. What is the real story on your departure from the company?

JJ: To answer this question truthfully becomes a personal matter. I had attempted to leave the company much earlier, but deferred because of personal concerns and issues. Those personal concerns and issues still remain. Therefore, I'll leave the answer to the pundits.

JJ: This question is kind of like asking a parent if they still love their child in spite of it being so ugly. I hope and pray that TNA prospers. I have three beautiful grandchildren that depend on the survival of the company.
Ouch. I also liked this question.

MJ: Are there people in TNA that you still keep in contact with?

JJ: No. There are many who are no longer at TNA that stay in touch.

MJ: When Vince Russo was brought back to TNA in 2006, it was reported that Jeff may not have supported the idea. To your knowledge, what is Jeff’s feeling toward Russo currently?

JJ: I have no idea how Jeff feels now about Russo. I have spent years trying to figure out that relationship.

MJ: Did you watch any of the Hulk Hogan’s Celebrity Championship Wrestling on CMT? What were your thoughts?

JJ: I have little opportunity to watch any wrestling because of the schedule of my construction work. I get up at 4:30 a.m. and seldom get home before dark. By the time I have dinner, I'm ready for a good night's sleep. My friend Jimmy Hart called and advised me about the new show. I recorded the show and was less than impressed. I loved the Hogan reality show, but this show could stand to be improved in my opinion.

MJ: On a related note, Eric Bischoff suggested that the reality show was the first step towards himself and Hogan getting back in the wrestling business. What do you think the potential of a new wrestling promotion headed by Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan would be?

JJ: I think there is a great opportunity for anyone who knows this business and has the financial resources to succeed. I do know that the Hogan name is a brand that could launch many shows.

MJ: Do you currently watch any of the WWE product? What do you like and dislike about the product?

JJ: The answer is the same as my answer (regarding Hogan’s show). My schedule simply doesn't permit much television time.

MJ: Essentially, you played a strong role in getting Vladimir Kozlov hired by WWE. What is your impression of his performance thus far? He is pushed as one of the top guys on Smackdown. Can the traditional foreign heel work in 2008?

JJ: I am very proud of Oleg and grateful to Vince McMahon and WWE for giving him the opportunity. I think a good talent, a great promotion, and proper exposure are the important factors in box office success. I think the most successful roles are when someone plays themselves. Oleg is a Russian and a national champion in the real world. His role in WWE is reality based.
Translation: I could have given him to TNA but I didn't, so there! All kidding aside, Jarrett obvious harbors ill feelings towards the company he co-founded and it's pretty clear when you read the interview that he is still holding a grudge. You can read the whole piece by clicking here.
Instead of Bret Hart and The Undertaker in the spotlight you would have had Jeff Jarrett as champ the entire time Vince was in jail.

Personally I don't think it would have ended well. The only 2 companies that I can really recall the Jarrett's owning were USWA and TNA and both time Jeff was a main focal point of both shows and a main eventer in both shows. I will say it now, Jeff was NEVER a true main eventer, Jeff was NEVER a draw anywhere, he was at best a mid card talent that got to the top of the mountain because of who he knew, not because he was any good. Say what you will about guys like Shawn, Hogan and Nash politicing but at least they could draw money, Jeff can't never has, never will.

I was never a big fan of USWA, a lot of time the wrong guys were pushed (not always but much of the time) and although sometimes they had good stories and rivalries I never found the product that exciting, too old school, too boring for the most part. If Jerry Jarrett took over for Vince there would be no WWE today. Often you hear that was the worst time in WWE history, well it would have been a 1000 times worse if Jerry Jarrett was running it, the main event's would constantly be Jerry Lawler vs. Jeff Jarrett (I love Lawler but he was never a main eventer in the north), just imagine that as the main event of Wrestlemania, its not a pretty picture.

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