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Jerry Jarrett To TNA: "Cut The Cancer Out"

TNA isn't as bad as you people think and if you people truely loved wrestling you would tune your tv to TNA every week even if you dont watch it. Leave the room, let them get ratings and make money and then the product ends up getting better because they make more money.

Why don't most of you fans on here understand that two wrestling shows is better than one? And it is OK to support both companies.
Are you serious? Like any show people are gonna watch if it's good , and with Vince Russo booking and the show being built around 80's and 90's stars it's very tough to watch. I'm a big fan of the talent TNA has but between Hogan and Bischoff hogging all the tv time and Russo's idiotic and nonsensical crap you just gotta throw up your hands. The overbooked matches the nonsensical turns, the swerves it's all just too hard to watch and believe me I try. I've been watching TNA since '03 and the last two years have been the two worst years in TNA history and that covers a ton of ground.
Russo a cancer in the past? Of course. 2011? Hell no. 80% of TNA was created by him, people seemly want to post shit on Russo without knowing the true facts on why Jarrett never fired him and why Dixie never fired him.

TNA has been around for 9 years. Isn't that longer than WCW was around with Russo? I don't think anyone carries such a "cancer" that long without dying and actually getting better considering TNA has signed more sponsorship deals in 2011 than they ever have in 8 years.

WCW lost the ratings war and LOST sponsorship deals on top of lack of creative direction. TNA and WCW are on opposite terms which again, leads me to think...Who is it to say Russo is a problem?

His booking sucks. Okay, so we should forget about all of the classic matches and angles he wrote for the company like Joe/Angle, Styles/Angle, etc.

He should be criticized but people need to own up when he does do good or great things. Everyone around this forum loved Impact for the last 3 months. Why can't Russo get credit for that?

Nobody likes the Crimson streak, when quite honestly, Russo made the Attitude Era stars, so he does know what he's doing.

My point here is this: He sucks when he sucks.But when something good happens like matches or storylines or the show in general, admit when he's good.

I can tell you right now, I hate the typical "ref bump" booking but besides that, I haven't see anything cancerous about anything he's done in the 9 years.
More rhetoric. Still no viable solution provided. You can put any arbitrary adjective you want before "alternative", but until you provide one, your responses are no different or any better than Jarrett's or anyone else who whines about TNA needing "change".

Yes, an already progressing regime. Ratings are consistently posting around the 1.1/1.2 range, they have a deal with DirectTV to offset the cost of producing live PPV events, etc. Things are on the uptick. I'll take 1.1's and 1.2's over Jeff Jarrett as champion with Dutch Mantel booking everything in an "on a pole" match to score a 0.8 any day of the week.

Minimal progress is still progress. I'm curious though... how would your "reasonable" alternative change that any? Ah, that's right... you don't have one.

Yes, I am, because yes, it was. The X Division was never the focus of TNA. It was a[/] focus, but never the focus, even when it was at it's greatest of heights (according to fans). The NWA World Heavyweight Championship was always the main focus, and the guys wrestling for it — Raven, Jarrett, Cage, Hall, etc.

The second half of your post is more rhetoric considering not a single one of Hogan's "friends" are with TNA any longer. I suggest you find a new argument... one that actually has relevance in the TNA of today. Nasty Boyz, Morley, Jordan, Hall, Nash, Waltman, etc. are all gone, and they've been gone for a while now. I strongly suggest you actually watch the program you love to chastise for the things it did that you quite obviously think it's still doing.

No, it isn't, as I already explained that sports teams and wrestling companies do not function on the same platform. What sells in wrestling is names. What sells in professional sports is success, regardless of name value. Your Boston Bruins are a prime example of that. I wonder how many Alex Ovechkin or Sidney Crosby jerseys are sold compared to David Krejci, eh?

Right, but the guys who are 49 and younger are A-OK, right? :rolleyes: Age is a number. All that matters is the drawing ability of the veteran as well as his/her ability to put younger talent over. Period.

Ratings are exactly where they've been since '07 with a lot more money spent on the older stars now. oh and stuff on a poll is a Russo thing. Oh and Joe, AJ and Daniels were in the main event a couple of times in '05 while battling for the X Division. Joe was a unbeatable badass until Russo came in and fubar'd his career so bad that the guy is now a fat jobber.
Russo a cancer in the past? Of course. 2011? Hell no. 80% of TNA was created by him, people seemly want to post shit on Russo without knowing the true facts on why Jarrett never fired him and why Dixie never fired him.

TNA has been around for 9 years. Isn't that longer than WCW was around with Russo? I don't think anyone carries such a "cancer" that long without dying and actually getting better considering TNA has signed more sponsorship deals in 2011 than they ever have in 8 years.

WCW lost the ratings war and LOST sponsorship deals on top of lack of creative direction. TNA and WCW are on opposite terms which again, leads me to think...Who is it to say Russo is a problem?

His booking sucks. Okay, so we should forget about all of the classic matches and angles he wrote for the company like Joe/Angle, Styles/Angle, etc.

He should be criticized but people need to own up when he does do good or great things. Everyone around this forum loved Impact for the last 3 months. Why can't Russo get credit for that?

Nobody likes the Crimson streak, when quite honestly, Russo made the Attitude Era stars, so he does know what he's doing.

My point here is this: He sucks when he sucks.But when something good happens like matches or storylines or the show in general, admit when he's good.

I can tell you right now, I hate the typical "ref bump" booking but besides that, I haven't see anything cancerous about anything he's done in the 9 years.

Dixie is that you?Seriously the guy has had zero success since 1999 and is the reason why TNA is not improving at all. They went from an average of 24 thousands buys in 2007 for their ppvs to an average of nine thousand buys in 2011. Wow he made the attitude era guys stars, and who has he made since then? He's wrecked far, far more careers than he's made. If Dixie had a brain he would have been fired years ago. Please put down the kool aid thanks.
TNA is a business---just like IBM, Microsoft, etc, and when the company needs to go another direction, or wants to start trying to make another attempt at making a profit because "their" ideas aren't working anymore--what happens? The old guys running with stale ideas get shown the door and new blood comes in. WHICH---I'm implying that they find some new writers under the age of 35 for one. Russo ....as much as I credit him with changing the face of wrestling in regards to backstage segments, borderline storylines that sometimes crossed the line or seemed taboo, or five minute TV matches in order to get other parts of the show across....he did start something. However, it's been known to man that whoever starts the "revolution" means that other men must carry it on. So,....FE him (future endeavor him) and hire guys--first--WITH SOME WRESTLING EXPERIENCE. No Hollywood, no TV show (i.e. sitcom) writing experience. Hire guys who "get it". Guys who are willing to expand storylines, keep them at a reasonable pace, expand characters, and KNOW how to end the story and have the wrestler/character move on. If it means spending a little more in salary, so be it. However, do NOT hire one JUST because he's wrestled. Like any interview, they want to see the resume', they want ideas then and there in the interview (and maybe TNA won't screw up the interview). Don't get me wrong, I love TNA to death, and would like nothing more than to see it succeed AND exceed, but it has to start at some place, and then move outwards.

Second, GET the wrestlers opinion. They're the one acting, they're the one putting the bodies on the line, ASK them what they think, ask them for input. Don't just assume that the guy/girl will be okay with what's written for them all the time. Even Brando asked for re-writes (and you sir....are no Brando). Doesn't mean that what they say will follow suit, but it's at least a guidline for the story, and then they can expand it and move onward.

Third--REMIND the older guys---several times over if you have to (because apparently they don't hear very well), REMIND THEM that some of the things they HAVE to do is for the good of the company....NOT the good of themselves. Maybe we could get Angle to teach that mantra....have it tattooed on everyone...something. Which means, IT DOESN'T mean you'll be on TV every week IN the ring...you may have a two minute segment backstage that can further a storyline. Sometimes....like strippers....less is more...it leaves more to the imagination.

Fourth, KEEP distractions to a minimum (speaking to you, Hardy Boys). If you choose to screw up your career...so be it....but TNA MUST cut the tie immediately. If they're in rehab, it's because they're there on the outside looking in. WE (tna) didn't wait for you to finish rehab before we cut you loose. The reason being...it's called Tough Love..and sometimes...you have to hit rock bottom in order to move up. NO exceptions. Don't care if you're champion or not. Give the fans THE TRUTH. Scratch the storylines. If it ---IF it means being blunt, then so be it. Of course, first and foremost...use tact, but if they're slandering the company on tweets.....say your feelings in the ring. It worked for Heyman. Reason being is because, fans sometimes actually like the reality storyline than the fake ones, and you KNOW someone in the audience will already be hip to the reality side of it and know what was tweeted, facebooked, foursquared, etc.

This is my humble opinion ....but I strongly feel it's at least a start.
Impact's biggest problem is pure and simple the booking, they Don't know what to do when. Its annoying because they HAVE so much. They have some of the best wrestlers in the world and some of the biggest Drawing Legends, but they do nothing good with them. I Don't want Hogan/Sting to main event for the same reason I never wanted to see Vince vs Bret. Both people have nothing left to push. They are either too old or too over to need it. Use them as a hook to put over the new people. Instead we get Twist and Turn after Twist and Turn week after week. None of it means anything, angles aren't explained or given time to grow, Wrestlers are different week after week. Its Hard for new people to follow and harder for fans to care about.

Its a shame but all signs point to Russo and Immortal.

Oh well, Time to find out if RoH will ever get a UK play.
Everybody always say the same thing...................get rid of Russo,Hogan & Bischoff.

The fact is when they do that ppl gonna bring up something else.
@sdaniel1977 and I quote " the vampires in the organization namely Russo,Hogan,Bischoff. Let's not forget WCW was beating Vince until these 3 geniuses took over in Atlanta and ran it into the ground." Uhhhh..... Last I checked WCW was getting their ass handed to them UNTIL 2 of those 3 (Bischoff/Hogan) got there, they were in no way beating WWE before than. WTF are you taking cause I want some if you think WCW was beating WWE pre-bisch/hogan! You sir are a dumbass.
To the op, it's only a matter of time b4 Russo is gone, after reading of hogan/Bischoff/ and even jeff jarret saying he was the problem a couple months ago, and the blowup backstage at hardcore justice between hogan & Russo, his political power in the back seems to be falling lower and lower.
I really don't see hogan/bischoff leaving, I'd be shocked if they didn't sign new deals.
Regardless of what the morons on here think in their pea-sized brains, IW has made giant leaps since they got there(multi-million $ sponsorship from directauto, seen in more countries than ever b4, higher ratings in those countries than wwe •u can make twice as much selling same footage ocerseas than here yet people don't seem to understand that on here•, much better production, going on the road more in one year than their entire history as a company, sponsored limited commercial shows etc.)
All anyone ever wants to say is "but der ratings ain't growin" or "hogan/bischoff suck and be takin up all the tv time for their egos" (funny seeing as how they really are hardly on but maybe one, two segments tops.) there is so much more to it than just the ratings they get here, you can make SOOOO much more overseas selling the same footage, especially when they are #1 overseas.(don't forget, that was bischoffs plan to make WCW a profitable company b4 turner cut him off to talk about starting Monday nitro)

it's not JUST about the U.S. ratings, everyone makes that out to be the only deciding factor on if a company is makin money or not, and really they're ratings aren't that bad, especially being on a smaller network, ask someone at SpikeTV if they're bad, they just happen to be they're top ranked show.... I can't wait to hear the IWC/ROH marks when they get on tv and you start seeing the .02 and .04 ratings they will be getting with the shitty ass Sinclair group that reaches a fraction of the people SpikeTV reaches, which only reach a fraction of the households that USA reaches.
I still can't believe Hogan and Russo are working together after Bash At The Beach 2000 when Russo went out and fired Hogan to this day no one knows if it was a work or legit but back to the topic at hand TNA does need to get rid of Russo he thinks he's a great booker he's the worse booker in the history of wrestling hell he's worse then Kevin Nash Ole Anderson and Jim Herd all combined yes he did good in WWF because of McMahon told him what can and can not go on his program, and sense he was let go from The WWF and went to WCW and now TNA the product just sucks I remember watching TNA on Fox Sports Net It was awesome when they moved to Spike TV it was awesome but now it has gotten dumb the whole Eric Young thing is just down right stupid and another thing that TNA did and I don't know if it was Vince Russo or not but when Adam '' Pac Man '' Jones won the TNA Tag Team Titles that is almost worse then David Arquette winning the WCW World Heavyweight Belt they just need to get rid of Russo he's one of the Cancers of TNA 85 % is Vince Russo's booking I hope they just get rid of him soon or it will be WCW All over again.
Not only would I heed the advice of Jerry Jarrett, but all the other ex and current wrestlers that have detracted Russo as well. They all follow the same theme: Russo doesn't know anything about the business, he think the world title is a prop etc...
Every single time one of these guys say anything bad about TNA, you hardcore TNA fans always attack the person saying it instead of taking ownership of the criticism. I'm a fan of all wrestling and I certainly don't think any of the "big 3" are perfect, yet there are a handful of you here that think TNA can do no wrong. Are you blind?
The only people that watch TNA consistantly are the hardcore fanbase. TNA doesn't care about getting you to tune in because they know you will tune in no matter how bad the show is. It's getting the casual fan to tune in, that's the obstacle... one that TNA has failed to overcome.
I don't buy the "they need a youth movement" arguement because I think it's being done now and it's not working. Look at everything they've tried:

Bringing in and showcasing legends (Hogan, Bischoff, Steiner, Outsiders, Sting)

Signing and showcasing current hot talent (Jeff Hardy, Ken Anderson, Christian)

Pushing homegrown talent (AJ Styles, Joe, Beer Money)

Pushing up and comers (Gunner, Crimson, Matt Morgan, Hernandez)

Bringing in new and different titles (TV/Global/Legends, Women's tag)

Emphasizing the X-Division

Emphasizing the women's division

Trying controversial characters like Orlando Jordan

Bringing in celebrities from other sports (Pacman Jones etc...)

Bringing in ECW

Trying to be edgier by using blood and mild cursing often

Moving to Monday nights and back again

Rebranding the show

Yet they've consistantly been pulling the same numbers for years and they undoubtedly spend more money than ever. You can use all the excuses you want, but fact is if it's a good show, they would be able to pull in new viewers.

Lastly, you don't have to provide an alternative solution to be "allowed" to critisize something you're passionate about... and frankly that's not our jobs, that's creative's job. But, if you're pulling lower 1s with guys like Hogan and company... and you were pulling similar numbers without them, then shitcan them. Nothing changes, but at least you'll have a lot more money.
I'm ignoring what everyone else has said so far and chiming in with my own. If anyone else has said this, you're smart.

Big surprise, Jerry Jarrett blasting Vince Russo. How is this shocking at all, considering he's been doing it for years? Russo even talked about it in his book which was released early this year/late last year (don't remember which). Now Russo's a cancer? Based on what, what knowledge does he have of this?

Jerry is just a bitter old man, because he got pushed out of the company he founded because his own son didn't think Jerry could do anything but ruin TNA. Jerry was pushed out because he's still living in the 1970s, thinking what would draw then would draw now. Cancer...my ass. He's just pissed Russo is more in touch with today's fan than he'll ever be.

What a sad and pathetic man Jerry Jarrett is. How many times does he have to keep bringing up his feelings on Russo? We get it, you don't like him, you haven't for over a decade. Move on already. Even Bret Hart buried the hatchet with Shawn Michaels and he had far more reason to be pissed at Shawn than you do at Russo. Move on already, and quit bitching.
Interesting. Is this just another bitter old man who wishes he was in the other guys spot? Or, is Jerry speaking the truth?

I have been watching wrestling for well over twenty years. I've seen what I would classify as great programming, average programming, and awful programming. In my opinion, TNA falls somewhere between average and awful.

I understand it's all subjective, and blah, blah, blah. Yes, I understand. However, that doesn't stop me from staring at my television screen, thinking how in the hell can anyone call this a good wrestling show? How? It boggles my mind. But, hey, enjoy what you enjoy, even if it's shit.

It's hard to declare Jerry Jarrett completely full of shit. He hates Russo... fine. Why is that such an issue? Maybe he hates Russo because he thinks Russo's awful at what he does. I don't know if he's hating just to hate. I guess I can't make that call, seeing I don't know the man. However, I know I'm not hating just to hate. I have serious issues with the program, and what Vince Russo has done throughout his career. I want to fully enjoy TNA. I want Russo to do well. Just because I don't think he's doing well doesn't mean I'm blindly hating.
It matters that the guy has something against Russo because it leads to him saying ridiculous things that essentially mean you have no reason to put any stock in what he is saying. 15 years of failure? Russo was failing during 1996-1999? Could have fooled me. He was part of a failing company on and off for less than two years about ten years ago. Apparently that means a lot. When has he failed in TNA? Why is TNA failing? They are actually experiencing small growth at a time when the industry is in decline.

So called wrestling purists hate Russo. That ceased to be a shocking development a long time ago so I have no idea why people get excited every time it comes up again. "Pure" prowrestling died at least 15 years ago. Blaming Russo for the inevitable is just dumb. The masses don't give a shit about the way you did it in the territories.
@ECW Sandman - periods are not just for post-pubescent ladies.

To the issue at hand. It is hard to know for certain the genesis of Jarrett's anger toward Russo. On one hand he mentions that his son basically choose Russo against his father's wishes. This would be hard for any father to handle. On the other hand there is no denying that Russo's storylines, segments and dialogue are tough to stomach for many people. It is probably a mixture of both.

I think Russo has his place in wrestling as someone who comes up with and develops ideas when given direction. He can be very creative, funny and current. Unfortunately, he also seems to have had a very big ego based on some of his work with WCW and his falling out with WWE.

I enjoyed TNA back in 2009. It's hard to tell who has the power in TNA when it comes to creative now. Most of the stuff that makes me shake my head feels like it came straight from Bischoff and Hogan. I think Jarrett's anger may be guided towards the wrong person/people.
While Jerry Jarrett may be right, there's one problem to implementing his idea.

Who would take up the new creative positions if his advice was heeded?

And could do so while keeping the boys in the back happy while at the same time increasing revenue?
@ George Steele And I think you are simply a Hogan/Bischoff hater who bashes them at every opportunity regardless of whether it's warranted or not. Much like the point some have said of Jerrys view towards Russo, which I dont necessarily believe, the same could be said of you in regards to Hogan/Bischoff.
@George Steele

What do you base that on? You said it yourself, it's hard to tell who it's coming from in TNA, well why would you lean towards Hogan and/or Bischoff especially when Russo is still head of creative... you know... the people that do the storylines.

Yeah Russo can be creative and funny and current... but it's only about 5-10% of the time. According to the testimonial of many people that worked with him, he needs to be surrounded by smart wrestling minds to filter out the garbage. In the WWF, Russo had guys like VKM who have the final say and that were in charge of him to pick out and use the good ideas and throw away the bads ones. In WCW, he had free reign to put it all on screen. Looks the same in TNA. So now, 1 or 2 good ideas are used, along with 10 or 20 bad ones.
@Bigrog - I am a broken record when it comes to my feelings regarding Bischoff/Hogan's impact on the program. They have made it almost unwatchable for me. They are to TNA what celebrity guest host/GMs were to WWE. You support Bischoff/Hogan consistently. To each their own.
@Rip - is your name a reference to No Holds Barred?

Good question and my answer is purely a subjective feeling. Certain things that started in 2010 just feel like Bischoff/Hogan ideas:

- the marginalization of the X-Division followed by the defining of the X-Division
- factions
- power struggles
- hiring Jeff Hardy even though his problems are well documented
- Nasty Boys
- Orlando Jordan
- the beautification of the Knockouts
- the move to Mondays
- longer promos
- swerve after swerve after face turn after swerve after heel turn

Russo may be the head of creative but that title may not have the power that you think it does. There may be others that are giving him direction and making the final call. We don't know who made the final call in the Russo-Hogan recent blow up but clearly Hogan had his say in the matter.

Not sure if I agree with 5-10% but regardless it would be really hard to write consistent creative dialogue and stories for a bunch of athletes (not actors) who only get together once a week for two hours. I would love the opportunity but I am sure that I would be a miserable failure at it. I don't have the patience or creativity to put together a Book This post on this website. I don't envy the difficult position Russo is in and in pro wrestling 10% may be the best you are going to get.
Jeff hardy was already in IW once b4 hogan/bischoff got there, many say was the biggest name in all of wrestling in 09, of course they took a chance on him. Power struggles, factions, swerves were happening on a consistent basis long b4 hogan/bischoff got there (some would say these are all that Russo does, so idk why you put that on just hogan/bischoff. The nasty boys? Are you kidding me? They were there for what, like a month when hogan/bischoff first got there?
JBL has now spoke up on Russo :
Courtesy prowrestling.net
Former WWE star JBL appeared on The Honky Tonk Man's radio show last week and questioned why TNA continues to employ Vince Russo as its head writer. "I don't get why they keep Russo," JBL said. "Russo, when he left WWE and went to WCW, they went bankrupt and got bought by WWE.*

"That tells you what kind of job he did. And he still has a job in wrestling and Dutch Mantell doesn't? It blows me away."

Powell's POV: JBL stated that he is friends with people in the company, including talent relations head Bruce Prichard, and hopes it does well. Honky and JBL recalled Russo not wanting to use them or Jim Ross because they have Southern accents. In one comical story, he recalled Russo having Ed Ferarra attempt to teach him how to speak without the Southern accent.

Is there anyone who doesn't somehow benefit directly from Russo being in this position who actually believes he's the right person for the job? Sadly, the only person I can think of is Dixie Carter, who is responsible for the hiring and firing in her company. I'll never understand Carter's logic for not making a creative change, and I believe that TNA will just keep spinning its wheels until the right change is made
JBL has now spoke up on Russo :
Courtesy prowrestling.net
Former WWE star JBL appeared on The Honky Tonk Man's radio show last week and questioned why TNA continues to employ Vince Russo as its head writer. "I don't get why they keep Russo," JBL said. "Russo, when he left WWE and went to WCW, they went bankrupt and got bought by WWE.*

"That tells you what kind of job he did. And he still has a job in wrestling and Dutch Mantell doesn't? It blows me away."

Powell's POV: JBL stated that he is friends with people in the company, including talent relations head Bruce Prichard, and hopes it does well. Honky and JBL recalled Russo not wanting to use them or Jim Ross because they have Southern accents. In one comical story, he recalled Russo having Ed Ferarra attempt to teach him how to speak without the Southern accent.

Is there anyone who doesn't somehow benefit directly from Russo being in this position who actually believes he's the right person for the job? Sadly, the only person I can think of is Dixie Carter, who is responsible for the hiring and firing in her company. I'll never understand Carter's logic for not making a creative change, and I believe that TNA will just keep spinning its wheels until the right change is made

Do you know how stupid it is to take those comments as meaningful? Was I the only one alive back in 1999 when Russo got there? Vince Russo was in WCW for THREE months, until he was brought back later with Bischoff. Three months! Are people so stupid they can't see that WCW was in the shithole long before Russo got there, and that if one person can kill a company in three months, the company obviously wasn't doing well to begin with?

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with some of you people? Is deep and rational thinking this far beyond you all? Or did you all not actually pay attention when all this stuff was going on back in the late 90s and early 00s?

JBL is talking out of his ass, as pro wrestlers are to do. The fact Internet fans continue to buy this garbage makes those of us with at least half a brain look bad.
Well if you got a guy like Jerry Jarrett and few others in the business who know how Russo operates then that should tell Dixie Carter something. I think the blame can also be put on Hogan & Bischoff who promised everyone in January 2010 that TNA would reach that magical 3.0 Rating. Now its August going into September 2011 and have the Ratings gone up at all? Nope they have been in the 1.0-1.1 range since then and have gone down for about 5 weeks in a row now.

How anyone can say TNA has made alot of progress is in denile or deluisonal or both. If you have the same guys who ran WCW during its latter years (yes Bischoff had sucess from 1996-1998 with the nWo,Hogan,and others help) but after awhile people got tired of it,Bischoff was forced out,Russo came in and made it worse.

Those who don't learn from history are doomed to repeat it. Im talking to you TNA/Dixie Carter.
Some ppl expect "true wrestling fans" to support TNA and it will improve. I call bullshit. U want ratings, produce tv that ppl wanna watch. Territory storylines from 80's & 90's is far more entertaining

Jerry Jarrett is right about Russo. TNA would be better with Jerry, Dutch Mantell & Jim Cornette...guys who know wrestling

Unfortunately Sly there are few things that fall on deaf ears more than true Russo in WCW timelines around here. JBL is a McMahon crony and supposedly old school. Of course he is going to say stupid things about Russo.

If I recall correctly Jerry didn't even think it was much of an idea to start the company in the first place. Jeff did. Jeff 2, Jerry 0.

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