What If...Hulk Hogan Had Turned Heel In The WWE Before He Left FOr WCW?


Former WZCW Tag Team Champion
Thread speaks for itself.

What kind of impact on professional wrestling would we see today? Seen as Hogan's heel turn was one of the reasons WCW shot up in the ratings war, if he had done it in the WWE, would it have had the same response. Would the WWE have put WCW out before they even got started, or would WCW have had a contingency plan?

I really doubt Vince would have made him heel.

At the time of his leaving, Hogan was still mega over as a babyface. Therefore it wouldnt have made sense to turn him heel while he still had face value :)

Same when he went to WCW, he was a face and was mega over there. It wasnt until the mid nineties, when Hogan had spent the past 10 years as a face, that his popularity began to wane and people booed him(similar to the Flair thing, people cheer him even when he is playing a heel) that he HAD to change or get left by the wayside.

And with that turn, Hogan became redhot again, people were tuning in who used to watch in the 80s just to see why such Hogan did such a dastardly deed.
It would have been easy to pull off from a fan's point of view. In fact they could have used the real life heat from Hogan thinking Bret's too small to beat him. If I had been booking that feud. I would have held it of until Wrestlemania X. I would keep the belt on Hogan for the full year, but in the process push Bret really hard against everybody he faced (Including having him beat yokozuna with the sharpshooter) . With the biggest push coming at the royal rumble which i would have him win FROM THE NUMBER 1 POSTION!!. At that point he would be the no 1 contender for the title at wrestlemania. that's were I turn hogan. I have hogan come out and flat out refuse to wrestle him not because he's scared (Even though the fans would think he is) but because at the tenth anniversary of wrestlemania at the world's most famous arena he's not gonna lower the standard of Hulkamania by wrestling some vanilla midget like Bret. And with the crowd booing hopefully he will be smart enough to pull out his famous line."FIRST THING YOU NEED TO DO MEAN GENE IS TO TELL THESE PEOPLE TO SHUT UP IF THEY WANNA HEAR WHAT I GOT TO SAY". I would have all the announcers play it up that the match was cancelled for the rest of January and in to the middle of february. That's were I would have Jack Tunney try and make hogan forfeit the title due to the 30 day no compete clause. Hogan teases coming back around because in the end he can't let down his hulkamaniacs by being a poor sport. Vince arranges a in-ring sit down interview with the both of them. With Hogan being ultra-cool and respectful towards Bret and his accomplishments in wrestling. At the end of the interview when they both go to shake hands Hogan completely cheap shots him and proceeds to try an destroy his Knee. Then with Bret down and looking to be hurt Badly I have hogan grab the Mic and say "Bret you may be getting your little title shot at mania BUT KNOW THAT IT'S GOING TO BE AGINST THE BEST THERE IS THE BEST THERE WAS AND THE BEST THERE EVER WILL BE HULK HOGAN!!" and then just have him drop the mic and leave the arena never to be seen again til Wrestlemania. Were (of course in my imaginary booking head) he drops the title to a man who will carry the ball better than the warrior ever could. (but of course in reality none of this stuff would ever happen due to vince's stupidity and hogan's selfishness. They had a chance to book this feud and they just plain didn't do it. :banghead:
I dont think a Hogan heal turn would have worked in WWE as when it was done in WCW, Hogan had his own creative control. in WCW, Hogan could do probably anything to make the heel turn a complete success, and seem like it was totally against the company.....and in WWE, Vince would have more control over what would have been done, because I dont see Vince wanting fans to through garbage in the ring after every Raw! I think the Hogan heel turn, and the original growth of the NWO was great in WCW and really could not be done anywhere else, but it got out of control after the first year or so and Mcmahon seems to keep a tight watch on his storylines.
Ok, I kinda understand that Vince would have had far more control over Hogan than Bischoff ever did.

But would an nWo storyline have worked for the WWE? Sure the angle got stale and everyone and their mothers were a member, but could Vince have controlled that? Going on what the WWE likes, they would have probably kept the nWo down to maybe 4-6 people as we all know, Vince doesn't like going beyond that. I guess in a weird way it does all come back round to the fact of creative control over characters.
If Hogan had turned heel in WWE before leaving for WCW he would have lost all his momentum. In WCW, the Hogan heel turn worked so well because it was so unexpected. No one ever though Hogan would come out and side with Nash and Hall, WCW was Hogan at the time, and the last thing people expected was for this to happen, thus giving Hogan a ton of momentum and made him into a great heel. If he were to turn heel in WWE, what would have happened? There was no real storyline to tie it into it. Hogan was the uber face, the man who could never be bad. Since there was no real storyline for it, I think it would have been a bad move. If Hogan went heel before WCW I'd say Hulkamania would have gone down the drain.
Hollywood Hogan and the NWO worked in WCW but not the WWE. Whether WWE created it WCW did doesn't matter because the fans will always cheer for Hogan. Look at when Vince tried to bring the NWO on Raw back in 2002. Hogan was so over that even the Rock was booed. The NWO stayed together for a little while until it all fell apart. No one was interested in the NWO on Raw. Who did they have? Nash who was injured, X-Pac, Big Show, and Booker T for about a week. HBK was there but only towards the end.

Wow these guys really took the WWE by storm. It would of been cool to see the kliq form but with Hall's alcohol problems, and Nash's injuries it was disbanded by Vince. I think the same could of happen in the WWF back in 96. Nash and Hogan would want to run the show and Vince wouldn't allow it, so he would of probably broken up the group. WCW succeeded because Hall, Nash, and Hogan were given the freedom to do what they wanted. It also caused WCW's demise. Bret Hart turned heel before going to WCW. It didn't really help him in the long run. People wouldn't buy Hogan as a heel in WWE, just like they didn't buy Austin as a heel in WWE either.
I believe the results of McMahon turning Hogan heel would have been similar to when McMahon turned Austin heel. I believe it wouldn't have impacted wrestling at all and the only reason why Hogan's heel turn was successful was because WCW put 100% of their efforts into keeping nWo strong.

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