What if...HHH was the 3rd man for the NWO?


Pre-Show Stalwart
I know its unreal and i wouldnt even give the spot to hbk because he was the hottest thing in wwe at the time so lets go with a good old what if...

When wcw announcers were hyping who is the 3rd man people were looking for another outsider from wwf at the time. I actually thought it was hbk...

What if hulk hogan wasnt the 3rd man...and that 3rd man spot went to HHH...in a shocking ppv moment hhh walks through the crowd to help his friends hall and nash to victory in a wwf betrayal. Then later on hogan was the 4th man...

with a soon to be injured hbk no hhh, meaning the game never stepped up and never gave the rock his earlier feuds would wcw be more over and would they have continued to crush wwe?

All wwe wouldve had was stone cold, the rock and undertaker no D-X army...with only one break out star which was the rock.
It was no secret that eric bichoff wanted to sign hhh around that time and bichoff always believed hhh was that peice of the puzzle that wouldve left wwf with no 2nd go to new generation break out star after the rock.

What if hhh got an offer he couldnt refuse?

HHH wouldn't be the third man for the simple fact that he hadn't done anything yet. No choice would have worked better than Hogan because he was the biggest babyface ever and decided to join the dark side. Any discussion about what if the third man was this guy or that guy will ultimately lead to the same conclusion...he wouldn't fit the bill.
Triple H being the third member of the nwo would have been completely meaningless. He would have made zero impact. Triple H was a nobody when the nwo formed. It would have been the biggest disappointment in wrestling history. You may as well be asking what if Salvatore Sincere was the third man.

Mate, I just lost my shit reading that! Too funny! You're absolutely right but. Hogan being the 3rd member of the NWO was one of the most shocking moments in wrestling history (my opinion, of course). I'm sure the WCW audience would have been sitting there, scratching their heads, half of them not knowing who this guy even was.
OP your bpicture lead me to believe you were talkimg about the nwo of 2002.. that might had worked.. in 1996 trips wasnt even Trips in 1998. He was hunter hurst helmsley a guy from New England who rode Horses. The kliq was still mythical to most fans so he had no back story to work with. Hogan, maybe savage, maybe even steamboat are the only guys that could had filled that slot. If you were talking about the 2002 NWO I would rather had seen them betray Hogan to both join a revamped DX with HHH and HBK. I think X Pac was a workable employee around this time too.
Nothing at all if this was 1996, he wasn't even hardly HHH at that point yet. The angle would have been a bust, and nobody would have ever heard of D-X. As far as 2002? It might have worked, and it's a possibility that's where it was going to lead to if Kevin Nash hadn't gotten injured and the NWO just disbanded. It would have been interesting for sure. It also could've taken the HHH-HBK rivalry to a different level. But in all honesty, I don't think HHH would've worked out very well with the NWO at all.
If Triple H had been the 3rd man instead of Hogan then nothing significant would have happened. Part of why the original nWo was such a big deal was because Hogan's shocking heel turn came with it. Trips was a nobody at the time and having it be him instead of Hogan would have made the nWo far less interesting, thus WWE might have won the ratings war sooner than they did.
All Triple H's claim to fame at this time was the MSG incident. All people would have cared about is that they hugged each other one day and got into shit for it. Woulda been one of the biggest disappointments in history.
Do you remember the reaction WWF got when they replaced Shawn Michaels with Savio Vega at No Way Out 1998? That would be considered a monster reaction compared to Triple H being used in 96 instead of Hogan.

Hell, even Sting being the third man wouldn't have been as jaw-dropping as Hogan being the third man.

Now, what if Ric Flair had been revealed as Stacey Keiblers babys dad...that's a real question!
The real question is what if the third man was shawn michaels. Would the wwf have gone under with their top guy being in wcw. And make no mistake at that time shawn michaels was their top guy. He was putting on great match after great match and probably saved wwf from going under.
I think if Shawn Michaels would have been the third guy it would have been a pretty big deal at the time and while not the same impact as Hogan's heel turn, I believe it would have lead into something very significant in it's own right.

No question, around this time HBK was one of the bigger names in the WWE and if he were to have jumped over to the other side, it could have been phenomenal! I think if they gave it time and slowly built it up, those three guys could have been the very best in WCW and with this, we could have seen the Sting vs HBK feud many wished for. And then later on down the line they could have had Hogan and Sting leading the WCW army only for Hogan to jump and with a much bigger build up to boot therefore making it ten times more exciting because then you'd have HBK, Hall, Nash, and a uber heel Hogan for 10x's the nWo

But HHH...I dont really think so
It was no secret that eric bichoff wanted to sign hhh around that time and bichoff always believed hhh was that peice of the puzzle that wouldve left wwf with no 2nd go to new generation break out star after the rock.

I don't know where you got this from, OP, but none of this is true. The NWO was formed in 1996. Triple H was fired from WCW in late 1995. Bischoff didn't want him back, he never made any attempt to get him back and he never believed that Hunter was some missing puzzle piece.
If Triple H was in fact the third man in the New World Order in WCW, I don’t think it would have worked as well as it did. In the late 90s, Hunter was just not at the level we all know him to be at. It wasn’t really until 2000, that he became a Main Eventer. The New World Order needed not just a Main Eventer, but a Main Attraction Star to lead, someone who can headline a PPV without a World Championship.

Now, if Triple H was the third man in the New World Order in the WWE, after Hulk Hogan turned face, right before 1-2-3-6-X-Pac joined the Wolfpac, I think it would not only have worked, but it would have worked out really well. I would have rather seen Triple H actually join the Clique for a few months before turning on them and aligning himself with Ric Flair to form Evolution. This would have been a better storyline for HHH after dropping the Undisputed WWE / WCW Title to the Real HHH, Hollywood Hulk Hogan. Hunter could have blamed the loss on the New World Order, thus turning Triple H Heel, and, by default, turning the NWO Face or Tweeners.

I sure as hell would have loved to have seen the Black NWO T-Shirt…with Green letters. HBK, HHH, BDC (Big Daddy Cool), TBG (The Bad Guy) and Pac!! New D-Generation X World Order!! We got 2 words for you…4 Life!!
Very tough to tell really.

The NWO probably would have never gotten over as huge as they did, and likely would have just run it's natural course and we could have seen if WCW had anything but the NWO up their sleeves for the Monday Night Wars.

HHH was just another guy at the time remember.

Depending on how things worked out down south though, is what would have shaped the future. True there would have been no DX army, but who's to say that McMahon wouldn't have just built another star in HHH's place and the Rock, Foley, ect matches wouldn't have still happened? There might have never been a Montreal Screwjob (HHH had a big hand in that). Owen Hart might not have become the 'nugget' just when he was getting over huge, and taken a very different course that would have not only kept him alive, but even potentially seen him take HHH's place. Bret Hart might have not even left the WWF, since without the HHH support system, Shawn may have turned out to be a different guy altogether, and McMahon is never put into the position where he has to choose between one or the other. Shawn might then have not been in the casket match at the Royal Rumble and hurt his back, and been able to stay on during the next several years... or he might have just jumped to WCW too.

So many what if's if you remove HHH from his WWF history and put him in WCW at that time.
Hulk Hogan is the only one who really fits. The guy was the biggest face of all time and the most successful wrestler of all time, plus hadn't been heel since the early 80s. Triple H was jobbing in the midcard when this happened.

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