What If The Two Man Power Trip Had Lasted Longer?

Midnite Express 2009

Getting Noticed By Management
I generally hate "what if" questions. The reason why is because asking "what if" makes everything seem like something went wrong and "what if" this or that had went correct or had been changed to suit a better outcome would have made such a dramatic shift in time. Such as, "what if JFK had never went to Dallas?" Who knows? The man went to Dallas, and came under attack and was subsequently murdered in broad daylight. Would there be heavy security for Presidents now if Kennedy had never been killed or even stepped foot in Texas? Who knows? But asking "what if" tends to bring about debates, and debates I like...

So, even though I don't care too much for "what if" questions, I will, in the spirit of debate, as "what if" question about a duo in 2001 that was extremely unlikely, but also extremely interesting. My "what if" question is about the team of "Stone Cold" Steve Austin and HHH (with Mr. McMahon involved), and what would have happened had HHH never injuried his quad and been forced to disband the team.

Okay, quick history lesson. WrestleMania X-7 just concluded and the most shocking heel turn since Hulk Hogan formed the nWo just happened, when Austin formed an unforseeable alliance with Mr. McMahon. "Stone Cold" had just defeated The Rock for the WWF title and was riding high off the new waves of unfamilair and reluctant "boos" from the crowd. Soon, HHH comes into the fold and the Two Man Power Trip was formed, with HHH eventually winning the Intercontinental title. Both men would also team up to win the Tag Team titles and basically hold all the belts. This would be one of the last times that two men who had such a such a bitter history would team up and hold all the belts. What was more bizzare was the fact that Mr. McMahon was apart of this.

Speaking of McMahon, he had his own battles starting up with the splintered faction of WCW "Invading" the WWF. Vince had just purchased the company and was basically about to kill it. Enter Shane McMahon to say that HE, and not Vince was the owner and so on and so forth. Long story short, two possibly major issues were forming (the formation of HHH & Austin) and the feud between Vince & Shane). Then, it all came to a hault when HHH injured his leg in a title defense on Raw.

Now, here's my "what if"...What if HHH had never gotten hurt? Would Austin and HHH had been major players in the WCW vs. WWF storyline and quite possibly that following year's WrestleMania? Would this had meant that the Invasion storyline wouldn't had been so terrible? What if Sting had been somehow swayed to sign with the WWF due to HHH and Austin remaining a force? Picture Sting being brought in by Shane to try to take down his father and the tag team champions?

What if Chris Jericho and even Kurt Angle's inital pushes to the top had never happened? Eventually Angle defeated Austin for the title, but what if that match with HHH and Austin defending the belts had never happened? Would Austin have been thrown into the Invasion storyline prematurely and basically thoughtlessly and had to try to carry the storyline by himself? Would this had opened the door for Austin vs. Angle? Would Chris Jericho had become the first Undisputed Champion afterall? Or would the WWF had eventually turned "Stone Cold" and HHH on each other anyway, and had them feud for the belt at WrestleMania X-8 with HHH holding up two belts still, but this time the WWF & the Intercontinental straps instead of the WCW belt? Would we have seen Jericho remain a midcarder and never get his shot, or maybe Chris vs. Kurt at WrestleMania. And what about the Hollywood Hogan vs. Rock match at WrestleMania X-8? What if that never happened?

So let me know what you think? Could one match, one simple title defense on Monday Night Raw actually hold so much weight that it changed the whole direction a company went in? The WWF had no real plan if one of their two major stars went out with an injury, so they rushed the Invasion storyline, IMO, and we got what we got. How does your WWF/E shape out had the Two Man Power Trip lasted longer?
From what i understand hhh was suppose to turn face eventually while steve would still be heel.Triple h was suppose to play a big part in the invasion storyline and thats all i know.As for guys like kurt angle and chris jericho i dont think y2j would of been the first undisputed champion and kurt angle well he probably would of joined the alliance had hhh not gotten injured but since they needed another top star besides the rock they choose kurt angle.
Personally i always wonder what really was going to happen with triple h and invasion storyline.Would of he joined the alliance or be part of the wwf team.To bad we'll never know.
I think that HHH would have turned face and at Summerslam it probably would have been HHH vs Austin for the WWF Title. but i also wondered why they never had HHH vs Austin for the Undisputed Title at Wrestlemania 18, it could have been like the Edge/Y2J feud from last year.
From what i understand hhh was suppose to turn face eventually while steve would still be heel.Triple h was suppose to play a big part in the invasion storyline and thats all i know.As for guys like kurt angle and chris jericho i dont think y2j would of been the first undisputed champion and kurt angle well he probably would of joined the alliance had hhh not gotten injured but since they needed another top star besides the rock they choose kurt angle.
Personally i always wonder what really was going to happen with triple h and invasion storyline.Would of he joined the alliance or be part of the wwf team.To bad we'll never know.

Interesting that HHH was slated for that spot. I look back on it, almost 10 years ago, and I feel like had some of the unfortunate things not occured (HHH's injury) then things would have been different for the Invasion, as WCW basically had no leg to stand on (no pun intended), with Vince already knowing that his company wasn't going to be made to look bad. Once ECW got involved it basically went to the can for me and I lost all interest. But had someone like HHH still been around to be apart of it, then things would have been a little different IMO. And I agree, I believe Jericho, for all the talent he has, would have not been the first Undisputed Champion. I think they rushed that program as well and it might have been saved for WrestleMania X-8 with a face HHH winning over Austin.
I think that HHH would have turned face and at Summerslam it probably would have been HHH vs Austin for the WWF Title. but i also wondered why they never had HHH vs Austin for the Undisputed Title at Wrestlemania 18, it could have been like the Edge/Y2J feud from last year.

Agree 100%. Even if HHH still gets injuried and has to sit out, then coming back and facing Austin would have been great for business and a huge draw. Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge fan of Jericho, but he could have faced Angle instead. I'm glad he got his time in the sun and it really set his career on fire, but remember, Austin was apart of the tag team as well, so if they had kept up Austin being pissed that HHH injured himself then it could have been worked where he gets HHH to come back for revenge, thus setting up the title. I wonder if anyone really knows the backstory of who made the decision not to go with HHH/Austin at WrestleMania or if there was ever any discussion of such a match back then.
This team was slowly building up to something great even with or without the InVasion storyline about to happen. The thing is if HHH was still around during this time the InVasion would have sucked then the way it happen. We can all agree that without the REAL top stars of WCW and even with ECW main talent the WWE was going to win no matter what. Then again guys like Benoit, Jericho, and Big Show may had to switch sides which would made more since then Austin and Kurt Angle. Who really know what would really happen if you had access to any or all WCW talents, ECW talents, and plus the rest of the WWE talent that was already available.

I would believe things would be a lot different and who knows how things would fall if anyone and everyone was healthy and usable.

Back on topic if HHH was supposed to turn face during this storyline who knows when it would happen since it was still so fresh and moving forward. Things got cut so short who knows what would happen. Plus the WWE were making Main Eventers still at this time to compete against them. So some may say Jericho wouldn't get the spot it gotten if HHH was injury or not. Then again things didn't come into play until after Survivor Series and the InVasion was over. If Jericho switch side to help WCW he might have gotten the spot sooner then later. Jericho was moving up then down. HHH and Austin would have fun doing their job as single wrestlers or team. Considering have the two toughest single wrestlers as a team and capturing every title. Things was possible for other talents to face them one way or another.

What happen if they went after or even got their hands on the other titles like WWE European Title or WWE European Title. They didn't need it and it would force the two to work harder and be on their toes at all time. I think it would've been fun to the entire roster just go after the two biggest star at the time. Yeah, they would had to lose them or all of the titles at one time or another. I still remember the Hardyz and Austin and HHH storyline. Without this Hardyz wouldn't had shine more then what they were doing at the time. With Hardy one win victory on Smackdown is still classic to me.

So I think things would change or other storylines would had lasted longer then they did but who knows it would just be our little imagination to come up with the out come.

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