If Shawn never fell,would Hunter have ever rose?


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The current crop of WWE talant owe a lot to former WWE stars.

Not only are many of them 2nd/3rd generation but others have been able to use established stars at that time to get over.

One that comes to mind is The Rock with The Nation. With the guidence of Ron Simmons the Rock was given the platform to become what he did. Saying that,all this was planned out and the WWE knew where they wanted the Rock to go.

That brings me to my point. If Shawn Michaels hadnt left the company after Wrestlemania 14 would Triple H have became The Game? He was already a top star but at that same event wrestled for the European tilte which shows what level he was at.

Before WM14, Shawn and HHH dominated WWF telivision and were on screen for at least an hour of the 2 hour Raw is War. So once Shawn was out of the picture HHH had the spotlight threw on him to carry on DX and continue to dominate the company. As history shows he went onto great hights based on his own talent but the question remains - If HBK was on the roster for the next 4 years insted of off it, what would have became of HHH?
You can never hold down true talent despite what anyone tells you. In other words he would have been "The Game" just not as quickly
I would assume Shawn would have still dropped the title to SCSA. If that still held true, then HHH would have turned on HBK because he dropped the ball. Similar to what actually happened, but in this scenario they would have an actual feud for control of DX. Loser would have gone on to become part of the Corporation...so on and so forth. I guess in conclusion, as it pertains to HHH, not much would have changed, but I could definitely see the "WWE Universe" to quite different now.
Triple H would have been successful regardless of what HBK did, because he made it the hard way. People who criticize him for having too much pull in the company forget that he paid his dues for years by fighting in Arkansas Hog Pen Matches, getting squashed by Ultimate Warrior, wrestling five matches in one night, and doing whatever it took to achieve his present status.

He earned his wings through hard work. Nothing was going to stop him, whether HBK was there or not.
He would have made it. Maybe DX would have gone on for a while longer, but eventually they would have feuded. HHH got a lot of his fame from being the leader of DX, but by no means all of it. He prob would have been in Shawns shadow a bit longer, but Trips was destined to be champion, the only diff would be he would have won a few of those 13 titles from HBK. HHH worked for his place in history and would have achieved with or without Shawn. May have got in less trouble with the boss if he hadnt hung with HBK too haha
Of course not. Triple H was already destined to become big back in 1996 when he was originally booked to win the King of the Ring. However we all know what happened to that. However he still got big. It might not have been as quickly, but eventually it would've been inevitable.

Shawn Michaels would eventually have to step a side a bit. Triple H build his legacy into the main event position before Shawn Michaels left, and afterwards given the opportunity to lead D-Generation X to even more firm and hilarious segments, he proved that he could become an even bigger focal point of WWE's programming. And they capitalized on it.

So Triple H would've rose, more or less around the same period of time that he actually did. I doubt Triple H wouldn't have been a big part of the Attitude Era with or without Shawn Michaels. I'm sure Shawn would've just been a great addition to the Attitude Era rather than someone to "hold Triple H down" if you will.
Honestly, I think that he would have, but I don't think he'd be as highly-regarded as he is. Definitely wouldn't have been as quickly as it was.

Realistically, he'd have lingered under-neath Shawn for at least another year. Either as a part of DX or feuding with Shawn. The feud would have taken Triple H out of DX or remaining in the group as a non-leading role. He couldn't have built on any feuds that helped him grow when he was involved as the leader of the group.

It would have taken him a solid 2 years to build up enough just to get started. That is two years of a wrestlers prime, up-and-coming years. No amount of writing gives those back.

However, he's always been solid in the ring and he's always been decent on the mic. His character pushed it over the top and that would have eventually manifested itself. He would have eventually gotten over. But then, who knows how far over.
Before WM14, Shawn and HHH dominated WWF telivision and were on screen for at least an hour of the 2 hour Raw is War. So once Shawn was out of the picture HHH had the spotlight threw on him to carry on DX and continue to dominate the company. As history shows he went onto great hights based on his own talent but the question remains - If HBK was on the roster for the next 4 years insted of off it, what would have became of HHH?

I think you answered your own question with the part of your OP that I bolded.

HHH is a great talent and he definitely has gone on and even surpassed HBK. It would have happened whether Shawn Michaals had been there or not.

Whatever anyone thinks of Triple H, you can't take away what he has brought to the WWE. I believe in my opinion that out of DX Triple H has become the bigger star of the two. That is down to sheer hard work and the fact that the crowd loves him. He can play a face or heel character equally as well, and he had a great sense of humour.
Oh hell yeah. Triple H is a student of the game. I still see him going on to be the Game, and acheiving everything he's already accomplished. The only thing I see that would have been a little different is Hunter turning on Shawn alot earlier than when he did it in 2002.
If michaels hadn't taken the time off, HHH would have turned on HBK on the RAW after HBK lost to SCSA. I think the new members still would have come into the fold (Sixx-Pac, etc.)

Maybe Michaels would have had a little bit of a fued with the new DX, but HHH was still going to be leader regardless. This is what I think anyways. HBK's version of DX was getting stale.

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