What if Edge's push had gone to Christian?

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
Starting at Wrestlemania 21, When Edge won MiTB, he was pushed straight to the moon winning the WWE championship multiple times from John Cena.

What would've happened if Christian had won that MiTB match? Where would we be today?
Would Christian be a 9 time champ?
Would Edge leave for TNA, come back and be on ECW?
What would have happened?
You do raise a great point, both are equally talented and both equally deserving of the main event spot. Even after E&C disbanded, both went on to have great singles success. I think that it was a right fit for Edge however given his heel turn in mid-to late 2004, his character was a gold-hungry champion, he did hold gold with Chris Benoit but a great way to put Edge over as a heel was to screw a hugely popular face at the time. Christian in 2004 however took a different turn, turning on his friend Jericho, beating him at WM20, and then they had a good feud over the IC belt. Remember Edge was out with a neck injury in 2003 til after WM20 of 2004, so if he wasnt injured who knows he could've gotten a push sooner. I dont think it would've been a case of Edge going to TNA though if it was Christian, he would've gotten his push just a little bit later
Edge's push over Christian goes way back, before the MitB match. It goes back to around 2001, when E&C first split up.
It all started around King of the Ring 2001. Edge won the final, while Christian went out in the semi-final to Kurt Angle. That was the catalyst to E&C's break up, Christian's growing jealousy towards Edge.
Then it went to the invasion. Look at Summerslam 2001. Edge was booked to win the IC title while Christian was left off the card. Edge basically destroyed Christian in their rivalry and went on to unify the US title and the IC title.
Many people credit Edge's feud with Matt Hardy for his rise to the main event. But in truth, the WWE wanted him to be in the main event for a long time, they were just waiting for the right moment.
So I guess the questions that also should be thrown in there are what if Christian had won KotR 2001? What if Christian had nailed Lita instead?

Truthfully, I don't think he would've been as successful. I love Christian, but I can tell that Edge is that little bit more talented than Christian. Edge has that certain something needed for him to be a draw as a main eventer while Christian is the ultimate upper midcarder or top star in the second biggest company.
So I think if Christian had done all the things Edge did, winning KotR 2001, faced Lesnar, beating Orton for the IC title, having the feud with Matt Hardy and going on to win MitB, WWE would not have relied on him as much as they have relied on Edge. He certainly wouldn't be 9 time champion because he;s just not quite as talented as Edge.

On the other side of the coin, if Edge had gone to TNA, he definately would've captured the title nad eventually come back to WWE. No doubts there. But I don't think Edge would've gone down as well in TNA as Christian did. Edge was the guy who always looked like a star, the leader of E&C. Since his WWF debut 11 years ago people have been saying he would be a world champion, but they never said that about Christian and that's what made so Christian so determined. Edge winning his first title in TNA simply would not have been as magical as Christian winning it.
So the way things have worked out are much better for both men.
I would have forseen him a Heavyweight Champion by now, not on ECW though.

However, I doubt he would have made as much an impact as Edge made with the 'Rated-R Superstar' gimmick. Lita worked wonders with him.
I feel that WWE always felt that it was better to push Edge over Christian even before they split up. During their TLC matches, it was Edge who really shined in their matches, he put his body on the line more, he got more credit, and he was the one who usually won the match. When they did split up, Christian went on to win the Intercontinental Championship multiple times, just to see Edge win it several times more. Christian became the leader of a faction, The Un-Americans, being a big staple on Raw, while Edge was challenging for the WWE Tag Team Championship and later the WWE Championship.

Edge is out with a near career-ending neck injury, while Christian wins the Intercontinental Championship for a 2nd and 3rd time. He later begins a romance with Lita, which didn't last too long. He fueds with Chris Jericho, hires Tyson Tomko as his ''Problem Solver'', while Edge returns and goes straight into a fued with Eric Bischoff and Kane, before winning the Intercontinental Championship for the final time, being stripped due to injury.

It feels that even when Edge is out for injury, Christian still doesn't get pushed to his full ability. The only accomplishments that Christian achieved, but Edge did not was winning the Light Heavyweight Championship, Hardcore Championship, European Championship, and ECW Championship. Unfortunately, Edge makes up for that by winning the United States Championship, Money in the Bank twice, the WWE Championship 4 times, the King of the Ring, and the World Heavyweight Championship 5 times.
I dont think the question should be if Edges push whent to Christian I think it should be what if Vince gave Christian the same type of push he did Edge. I think that Christian would have been the type of superstaredome as Edge just the Face version. I think he would be a 3-5 time World Champ, He might have had a great Triple H vs Shawn Micheals type feud with Edge eventually making them reunite. But Vince never like him so there was never a chance. I think though Christian would be a Top Face for either SD! or Raw maybe he would still be in ECW although I doubt it.
Edge and Christian have always been extremely talented and worthy of main event status. The one thing that Edge has which Christian doesn't is the faith of Vince McMahon. So if he had that then yes, Christian would already be a big time player today with multiple World title reigns to his name. The only reason why he left WWE in the first place was because he felt like he was very much over and ready for the main event but he wasn't going to get there because creative refused to put him where he belonged.

That being said, I still think Edge would be slightly more successful than Christian. Edge is taller and has a slightly better look. Also, while both men are phenomenal on the mic Edge has shown a little more range than Christian.

These numbers are arbitrary but I believe that if Christian had the same backing of Vince that Edge does then Christian would have 2-3 title reigns under his belt while Edge might have 4-5. In the grand scheme of it all not much would change. Great wrestlers will succeed no matter what bumps are put in their way.
I don't know if Christian would be more successful. I like Edge better as a heel and Christian better as a face.

This phenomena where one person gets a push seems to happen a lot with tag teams.

Bret Hart- Hart Foundation
HBK- the Rockers
Shelton Benjamin- World's Greatest Tag Team
Jeff Hardy- Hardy Boys
Davey Boy- British Bulldogs

And I think it will happen with Ted Dibiase in the near future with Legacy.
Christian's contract was expiring in a couple of months and he always complained about being in the mid-card. He wasn't popular with Vince or any of the management backstage.
Christian would have never been able to pull off the role that edge has. He is just not talented enough. In the land of talkers christian has no comparison to edge in chraisma or promos. the character of edge is hopefully going to get better now that he is not saddled with the useless vicki.
I dont think Christian has half the talent of Edge, and that him getting Edges push would have went over as well. Edge got a lot of his heat from his off screen real life love life with Lita. Christian wouldnt of had that heat, thus he would of lost what really gave Edge his well "edge." Edge's mega push started with that whole drama involving Lita and Matt Hardy. The fans hated him because that, and he used that heat to futher push himself as a heel.

I also dont think Christian and Randy Orton could of been as good at Rated RKO. When Christian and Jericho paired up back in the day as heels they had a great run, but it wasnt as good as Orton and Edge IMO. Rated RKO had great chemistry, and I dont think we would of saw it with Christian, hes to clean cut in comparison to Orton, and Edge

Then you have Edge vs Cena. I dont think Christian could of competed with Cena the way Edge did, and Im not just talking about their matches. These two still have great chemistry.
The feud with Mick Foley, the Undertaker, the list just goes on
Theres a lot more that went into Edge's push that Christian just wouldnt of had to get to the same level that Edge got to. Edge has that hes so filthy on air, you want to take a shower look, and Christian just doesn have it, at all.

So no I do not think Christian could of done the same with a simular push, because hes no and never will be Edge.
the one thing that always stood in christians way was vince,Vince simply does not view christian as a main eventer which I think is total BS.during the E&C days,edge was always looked as the leader because he had more of the star look while christian was looked as the goofy little brother of edge

the real reason why edge got so much heat with fans was because his storyline with Lita was real,it was really real so making edge a super heel was easy,christian would not have pulled it off.Christian got a love storyline with Lita once but it never went anywhere.Christian never had a promblem being a single star,christian has won numerous singles titles through his career but it seemed like whatever christian did,edge always one upped him

IMO,i think the only thing edge has over christian is a more of a star look,don't get be worng,christian has a good look but he doesn't really have a character,edge is the rated r supertar,what is christian?

if Christian got the push edge got,i think it wouldn't have been as successiful,edge can do great promos,edges evil rage in promos really makes you convinced that he wants the world title,christian is ok at doing promos but I for one have never seen christian in a evil rage

IMO,i think edge is going to be the person that pushes christian into the main event because there brothers and they have history together and they can have a great fued
Personal stand point, this goes back to 2001 King of the ring IMO, WWE realized that it had to much talent (with the WCW purchase) decided on building on their own talent OVER the WCW guys, now Edge and Christian had run their course, multiple time tag team champions, now at the time the rumors going into the KOTR was that Edge would end up facing Christian, now at this point both Edge and Christian were heels but Edge was over the crowd, and looking at the KOTR tournament they pretty much had him look good over Rhyno (who's not been beating on a WWE PPV) then over Kurt Angle, so Edge looked a worthy winner after all was said and done.

Now this pretty much started the feud, Christian being jealous, so move on two months at Summerslam, Edge beats Lance Storm in a pretty good opener, Christian isn't even on the card, they do a backstage skit with Lita and Matt congratulating Edge with Christian coming in and "trying" to spoil the moment announcing on RAW he'd face Hardy for the European belt, and anotehr with Edge on the phone to Grandma Edna, and the grandma hanging up on Christian, then 2 weeks later in their home town, the big heel turn.. problem was WWE had Christian jump the alliance, that wasn't needed, Unforgiven came and Christian won the belt, IMO they should of had Edge retain, and built up Christian at No Mercy, they didn't Edge won a pretty good and brutal ladder match, and for the US fans they missed IMO the best match of the PPV 3 (rebellions cage match with the old style cage match) anyways the in this time period Edge started to have some good singles matches, with Test, Regal, Angle, what did Christian get in the mean time? a European title match with JBL that didn't even get shown on tv (it was done at a smackdown taping) and then pitted with Test to feud with Albert the happy hippo and Scotty 2 Hotty, Wrestlemania X8 both were in matches that could of/should of been better, tho Christian had the far more entertaining role that night in the hardcore title match, following month the brand split, Christian got lost in the shuffle, Edge on the other hand flurished with matches with Angle x2, tagging with Hulk, decent matches with Eddie, along with a couple of classics with Rey vs Benoit and Angle, then came his neck injury, Christian in that time period was tagged up with Jericho, which is good but his singles career was none existent, 2003 didn't start much better, for Christian until Judgment day when he got his push with the IC Title, however come summerslam 2003 no Christian on the card which was/is a shame, however after RVD won the title (to pass to Orton) Christian was left without anything big until Wrestlemania 20 when Jericho made Christian look awesome, after that WWE dropped Christian, 2004 was pretty lack luster for him, minus the Jericho feud, and 2005 wasn't much better till he left, Edge done very little in his return in 2004 until the whole Lita/Matt/Edge love triangle came about in Feb 2005, WWE had the biggest "real life" heel in years, so they pushed him to the high hilltops, which wasn't a bad thing as people paid to see him get beat down, but that was what pushed Edge over the line, Matt Hardy tho he's good and fans marked out for him, was unable to get that consistent main event feud, Edge went on to cash in his money in the bank, win the title pass it back to Cena, Feud with the lovable Mick Foley have the best hardcore match in Mania history, then go on to feud with Cena again, along with joining up with Foley which in my opinion was the best angle in 2006, he should he could adapt to feuds, then won his 2nd world title on RAW and relighted the Cena feud, then joined up to create Rated RKO, probably the best make shift tag team of the 2000s generation, 2007 Edge went from strength to strength and cashed in his "newly won" MITB against The Undertaker, which played out beautifully, Edge got injured returned relighted the undertaker feud, Mania 24-Summerslam 2008 Edge had constant main event level matches with the Undertaker, Edge left when he returned again looked sleazy heel but was main event level, Christian's TNA time I'm not familiar with hense how I haven't talked about it but winning the TNA title twice showed Christian had that main event feel to him, since returning to WWE he's won the ECW title, hopefully WWE will push him constantly and have him move to Smackdown, as there is some decent feuds in line for him, Edge is in need of a face turn but he's shown he's a worthy main eventer, shame about the short title runs as he can been a good champion, but IMO he'll get his long World title run soon, and I could see Christian winning the SD version of the world championship.
Christian is very talented enough, however wasn't big at the time as Edge. However Christian could do good with a push. He did have the anti-American stable, but that gets old quick. If he pulled off a king of a ring or a win over Stone Cold, that would of been good for his career. Raw right now needs another big heel, and he would help them out.
Well I think that Christian would have gone on to win multiple World titles though not as many as 9. Edge would probably have been in the mid card for a couple months after Wrestlemania and would've gotten a huge win over somebody to push him into the main event. I think Edge would've probably had 4 title reigns.
Christian would have never been able to pull off the role that edge has. He is just not talented enough. In the land of talkers christian has no comparison to edge in chraisma or promos. the character of edge is hopefully going to get better now that he is not saddled with the useless vicki.

Personally I believe that Christian is talented enough to pull off a Edge like character. In fact looking back on his first heel turn in TNA he reminded me a lot of Edge and delivered amazing matches each match he had. Now that he is back in WWE I have to say that I'm shocked he hasn't had as big of a push given everything he accomplished during his time in TNA. When it comes to promos I would have to say that Edge is not better than Christian at them, but he just does not get a chance in WWE to show them off. Non the less tho I think Christian will become a main eventer in the next year, but he definitely has to get out of ECW in order to achieve success in WWE.

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