What If?: Daniel Bryan's Presence On NXT Is One Big Middle Finger To The IWC?


I'm impressed with the guy. I've been entertained by him and impressed by what he's able to do in the ring. Now, it's pretty obvious I think that most posters feel that Daniel Bryan, AKA Bryan Danielson, is going to be the one to win NXT. However, I got to thinking after watching him lose yet another match on NXT last night. What if, instead of building Bryan up as something of an underdog, he ultimately winds up being the first one eliminated from the show? Or, at least doesn't wind up winning NXT when it's all said and done?

Factor in Bryan's win/loss record on NXT with Michael Cole's consistent bashing of the guy while commentating. When it comes to Bryan, Cole has been pretty merciless and has shown utter contempt for Bryan and internet fans in general. Vince himself has kind of shot on the IWC a couple of times and the IWC has been extremely critical, sometimes unwarranted, of Vince McMahon and I got to thinking that Vince could potentially use Bryan's role on NXT to give the internet fans, many of whom practically worship Bryan, a big collective fuck you. Is it likely? Nope, not likely at all. But, when you factor in the fact that Vince McMahon does have an enormous ego and has no doubt been at least a little pissed with many internet fans practically saying they could run the WWE better then him, it makes me wonder just a little bit. Not a whole lot, but just a little.
Dear God, I hope not. I want to believe that this is all just an entertaining story. Cole has been more interesting than he ever has been with his angry shoot-style comments, and Daniel Bryan is getting over massively from the crowd. I would hate it if he was eliminated first and nothing came of it.

However, there's something that points against this possibility:

He's really being built up, in a way.

For every snide comment by Cole, there is a comment by Matthews praising him. He's consistently given mic time, and is getting very over with the crowd. Sure, he may be losing and losing, but one day he'll win. They're setting it up that way. The WWE Universe loves him, and they aren't always the smarkiest of people. Everyone except Cole and The Miz is singing his praises, on air. NXT is basically The Daniel Bryan and Other Rookies Show. They were going to put him on RAW before he requested to be sent back to FCW.

I truly hope this isn't a middle finger to the IWC. That would be bad form and an insult to a great wrestler.
I'm impressed with the guy. I've been entertained by him and impressed by what he's able to do in the ring. Now, it's pretty obvious I think that most posters feel that Daniel Bryan, AKA Bryan Danielson, is going to be the one to win NXT. However, I got to thinking after watching him lose yet another match on NXT last night. What if, instead of building Bryan up as something of an underdog, he ultimately winds up being the first one eliminated from the show? Or, at least doesn't wind up winning NXT when it's all said and done?

Factor in Bryan's win/loss record on NXT with Michael Cole's consistent bashing of the guy while commentating. When it comes to Bryan, Cole has been pretty merciless and has shown utter contempt for Bryan and internet fans in general. Vince himself has kind of shot on the IWC a couple of times and the IWC has been extremely critical, sometimes unwarranted, of Vince McMahon and I got to thinking that Vince could potentially use Bryan's role on NXT to give the internet fans, many of whom practically worship Bryan, a big collective fuck you. Is it likely? Nope, not likely at all. But, when you factor in the fact that Vince McMahon does have an enormous ego and has no doubt been at least a little pissed with many internet fans practically saying they could run the WWE better then him, it makes me wonder just a little bit. Not a whole lot, but just a little.

I really doubt it. If this were the case, it kind of backfired on them, didn't it? Daniel Bryan is what, 0-6, 0-7 now? Except he's being given excellent matches, loads of mic time, and piles of attention by Michael Cole, pretty much cementing his name in the minds of every casual fan that watches NXT, and he's really over because of it.

Another thought - they may be digging on the IWC, but aren't they pretty much proving to us that they actually listen to our perspectives from time to time? I mean, the entire anti-Bryan, anti-IWC attitude is a work. This is a fact. Does that mean they actually take what WE say into consideration?
When it comes to Michael Cole's "shooting" on Bryan, I'm torn. Is he REALLY shooting on this guy, trying to make him look bad? I wouldn't be surprised. Cole obviously knows how much the IWC hates him, and I'm sure that makes him hate us even more. Or is it all an act? If it's an act, Cole should do whatever he's doing on NXT, and bring it to Raw. On Raw, he has to be the most God-awful announcer I have ever heard. Worse than Schiavone..worse than McMahon...worst ever.

If this turns out to be a middle finger to the IWC, I wouldn't even be surprised..not at all. Vince likes to stick it to people. He always has. But I doubt that's what is happening. I think this is happening for the mere fact that Vince and company understand that Danielson doesn't need to win NXT to be a star. He already has a small following, and is the best wrestler on that show. Same thing goes for Otunga. Guys like Slater, Gabriel and Barrett need the additional exposure a rookie would get from winning this show.
What if, instead of building Bryan up as something of an underdog, he ultimately winds up being the first one eliminated from the show? Or, at least doesn't wind up winning NXT when it's all said and done?

I highly doubt he will be the first one eliminated, although he might not win NXT. He'll definitely still make it to Raw/Smackdown somehow.

Factor in Bryan's win/loss record on NXT with Michael Cole's consistent bashing of the guy while commentating.

I think the win/loss record is to get him over as an underdog face. As for Cole's comments.... Cole has most likely been informed of how most of the IWC hates him and this might be Vince giving him an opportunity to vent a little at a group who dislikes him. That could be a coincidence too though, maybe they are simply testing to see if Cole can be a heel announcer?

When it comes to Bryan, Cole has been pretty merciless and has shown utter contempt for Bryan and internet fans in general. Vince himself has kind of shot on the IWC a couple of times and the IWC has been extremely critical, sometimes unwarranted, of Vince McMahon and I got to thinking that Vince could potentially use Bryan's role on NXT to give the internet fans, many of whom practically worship Bryan, a big collective fuck you. Is it likely? Nope, not likely at all. But, when you factor in the fact that Vince McMahon does have an enormous ego and has no doubt been at least a little pissed with many internet fans practically saying they could run the WWE better then him, it makes me wonder just a little bit. Not a whole lot, but just a little.

I still think it's just a coincidence. The IWC is such a small fraction of the total WWE fanbase. Vince probably couldn't care less what we think. He knows how popular Bryan is and this has to all just be one big coincidence. I would be terribly disappointed if they give him a bad push just to tick off a small fraction of an otherwise enormous fanbase. That really doesn't make sense when you think about it. Hopefully Bryan is just getting put over as an underdog face and this isn't a way to "get revenge on the IWC" because he could be main eventing Raw/Smackdown in the future.
IMO i believe that's what the losing streak is all about in regards to the bird being given to the IWC. An outside bet would be his first win will be against Michael Cole, but that could just be wishful thinking :D
I've thought about this many times because the IWC loves bryan but hates vince and vince hates us back.

hopefully this is just me looking to far into it but vince might let bryan get down to the final three and then just send his ass packing...Im surprised it took this long to get bryan in the WWE so im wondering why he picked now

but of course if this did happen bryan would go back to TNA or ROH
I've seen other people bring this idea up, that they're using Bryan to prove a point about the indies and internet fans, and knowing Vince it's probably not that far fetched. But my gut tells me that they're really trying to make this guy a star, and I think they know that the payoff will be great as long as they build this thing up right. Cole's bashing of Bryan is entertaining and if it leads to Bryan kicking Cole's ass, that will get him some popularity from the people who have been waiting to see that happen for a long time. And the same goes for The Miz, I've seen people predict that Bryan will win and decide to challenge for his US Title, and winning it from his "mentor" would really do wonders for the guy's career.
The losing streak isn't a negative in this case. Losing can do just as much, if not more, for a career. Look at HBK. His greatest matches were losses.They are definantly aiming for the underdog angle. Imagine how strongly a crowd could get be behind a guy that can seriously wrestle and is looked down upon.Think about, if this guy has heart , wrestles in a give it all mentality, and everyone in the company counts him out? I'm not sure if I got that across right , but if I did than one can see the potential emotional connection he could generate.

Do I think it could be "a middle finger to the IWC"?No, I actually think it could be the first instance of a story line about a guy working his way though the ranks for years and years, be doubted, and persever in spite of everything.Bryan has serious potential and could break in a new era.That might sound like a stretch, but a face that is genuinly believed in by the fans is something that is missing in the company. If Bryan could break that in, than we could see a major shift in the "WWE universe".The faces like cena that are basically super heroes just don't fly in the world anymore. People would prefer to see someone who is much more average and overcome. That is inspiring. There isn't anything inspiring about seeing Cena, who is obscenly strong, win and overcome.He should be winning. I think this is part of the reason HBK was so amazing to watch in the ring. He wasn't tall and wasn't built like a god.Anyone could get behind some one like that. Thow in the fact that he was a genius at putting together a match and you get a legendary face.I think Bryan, with much more work. Could end up the next Micheals.

Shit, I actually just compared Bryan Danielson to HBK. I didn't think that would ever come out of my mouth,er, I mean keyboard.
My opinion about the way Bryan is being used is the opposite of what the original poster said.

You can see easily that he is the face of NXT.Everything is about him.The original poster said they are using him as a big middle finger to IWC , but i think WWE is using him and maybe whole NXT to satisfy the IWC and IWC-type fans,which i think is really a smart move.

WWE knows the fact that NXT's viewers number are 20-25% of Raw.So the bigger part of audience are IWC guys and the guys who have same opinion about wrestling.They can use this fact and build show on the facts that IWC cares a lot.

I mean if you recall the episode they announced the first round of rankings,Bryan,a small guy who doesn't have a special look and body and even can't talk appropriately was the baby face and Otunga which is a complete WWE type of guy was the hated one.Isn't that the exact thing that IWC want?!!

Micheal Cole is Hated by IWC so he is the heel one on NXT.He says Bryan is nothing and he says he loves Jericho!

The only problem i see is the fact that he hasn't won a match.yes it's weird.It even made me thin that NXT Rankings aren't a kayfabe stuff which i'm not sure of.(Jericho praising Bryan on twitter and Bryan as No.1 is also a good reason.)I'm sure the first win is gonna be a big one.Maybe against Otunga , Miz , other NXT pros or against a currently WWE superstar.
Is Danielson's being on NXT a big "fuck you" to the IWC? Nah. Although he has yet to win a match, NXT is essential the "Daniel Bryan Show". Let's face it, thus far he hasn't needed to win a match to get over. He was positioned at #1 on the first poll, he has had by far more TV time then anybody else and he's been given more than enough attention from the commentators. Michael Cole talks about him non-stop throughout the entire program each and every week. Yes, Cole is full of insults, but he's playing the role of a heel commentator- he's supposed to knock the babyfaces.

I honestly don't believe that Danielson will be the winner of NXT, but I do think he will go on to play an important role in the mid card scene on either RAW or SD!. Danielson may still be an internet darling, but McMahon's not an idiot. Vince has quite the talent on his hands in Bryan Danielson and I think he's going to put that to good use in the future.
I doubt that is the case. You know Vinnie Mac is all about the money. Bryan looks like he can be a fan favorite at some point and probably sell some merchandise. For some reason people just get into this guy. I thought he was lame as shit when he used to come on ROH but since he came to NXT I have actually gotten into him. He is an easy guy to root for. I think they are just playing up his whole underdog thing. I think NXT will eventually end with Bryan as the winner and then him taking on The Miz for the U.S. title when he gets to choose the Champion he would face. This is a long, slow build which is good.
I don't see this as an attack at the IWC on Vince's part. I mean Michael Cole's insults to him might be his own attack at us, but let's look at it like this.

Danielson has a following and had great matches. The WWE needs to show that those matches he had in ROH and elsewhere didn't matter because they were in inferior leagues. I mean in reality, their product is better than the WWE's stale garbage, but I digress.

The other thing hurting Danielson is the fact he doesn't have the "look" of a WWE "superstar." Danielson looks like he could be any of us if we went to the gym a few times a month. Where as we could inject as much roids as we want and we'd never look like Cena, Batista or even that cunt Otunga. I think this is going to be a huge obstacle for Danielson as we know pushes tend to go to the big guys regardless of mic/ring abilities.
Yeah, a big middle finger to IWC...Yeah i mean nothing pissess off the iwc more than proving that one of it's main guys can have a good match with anyone. Really, Whoever thinks they are doing bad by Bryan Danielson, isnt seeing the big picture
Alright everybody, wrestling does not work this way my friends. Daniel Bryan has been working his whole life to make it big. WWE is where the $ is at.

Now witht hat being said, Daniel Bryan is the most know wrestler on that show. HE IS AND YOU KNOW IT. The announcers even said to look him up on the internet to see what he's doen the past 10 years.

The crowd knows who he is. We know who he is. Before many of you revert to meathead fans and I hear "Vince thinks we're stupid" and "Vince is trying to trick us", let me say how do you put over 7 other wrestlers when you have 1 who is very well known?

How? Tell me. No don't. Let me tell you.

You have him lose to the other guys to help put them over. Then so he doesn't fail or have his reputation hurt you have him fight top guys.

This "rookie" lost to who? Jericho, Batista, Khali. The other times he lost on NXT always had something to do with the Miz or with him being hurt. This way his credibility is not hurt.

He almost beats Jericho and puts a hurt on Batista. Do you think that was not planned? Do you think it was an accident? Do you watch wrestling like you are 6 years old and think "Vince" is trying to do something other than make a fantastic product for fans to watch?

So no. This is not a middle finger to the IWC. It should be, but it is not. The IWC should be happy he's made it after all the hard work he put in. If Mr. McMahon wanted to give the finger to the IWC, he would not have put Daniel Bryan on TV at all.
Um..yeah. I think it was all a big fuck you to the IWC. I hope this doesn't count as a spoiler but could some one tell me what remark Brian Danielson made on RAW that would cause what happened tonight on NXT? I read on the WZ homepage that it happened because of a remark, not that he didn't believe in himself. Some clarification would be very nice
Toki, it was last week's NXT that the remark was made. The very same reason that the other 'thing' happened to the other guy. But I think it plays to a bigger role that's more "on topic":

The REAL BRYAN DANIELSON will make his impact on WWE, not this 'character' he was forced to play. I think Vince used him perfectly in the role he played. It gave casual viewers someone (a hero) to latch to while finding their own favorites. It gave the IWC a nod and a slap at the same time. I think it worked.

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