What If Christian Had Been Given Edge's Gimmick?

The 1-2-3 Killam

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Edge and Christian broke into the industry together, got popular in pro wrestling together, and made a name for themselves in ladder matches together. They are one of the most popular tag teams in the history of the sport, and I have doubt neither would have made it without the other.

My question is, what if after the days of E&C, Christian was given all the opportunity that Edge was. Of course you have to image that he didn't go off to TNA or suffer a few injuries that would make this impossible... What if Christian won King of the Ring, and beat Test to unify the IC and US titles? What if Christian shaved Angle's head and won the tag belts with Hulk Hogan? Attacked Eric Bischoff open returning to Raw in the Draft. Teamed up with Lita and had one of the greatest feuds of all time with John Cena. Won Money in the Bank and become the WWE Champion... What if instead of Edge, they pulled the trigger on Christian instead?

Why do you think Edge got the go-ahead while Christian stayed behind?

Do you think Christian could have handled all of those roles?

If CHristian did do all of those things, what would he be like today?
Oh yeah, if Chrisitan was given the ball, he would have ran with that thing.

Look at it this way, Christian has been a general success in the wrestling business regardless, sure he doesn't quite have the accolades of Edge, but he did very well with what he was given (upper midcard/main event fueds) and has been a world champion (in two companies) heck I think I'm right in saying he went to TNA because he was tired of how he was being used in WWE. TNA gave him the ball and he ran with that thing and was successful. I have no doubt in my mind had WWE decided to put effort into Christian the same way they did Edge he'd be a success.

I think the reason Edge got the go ahead was he had a slightly more marketable look and Vince McMahon saw him as a draw, I don't think Vince ever saw Christian as a marketable draw
didnt christian have trish where trish turns heel and left with him at mania 20?

either way forget about the gimmick. Christian was already over with the fans during the cena and batista era. His peeps were popping for him.

Vince didnt like him and simply drop the ball.
Christian would have done possibly better with that role, but i just can't see him having that role, since Edge also has great mic skills IMO.They are both incredible wresters... Oh sorry, superstars. But if chirstian still had the long hair and stuff like that, then yea HE WOULD BE BETTER WITH THE GIMMICK~
im happy with the way thngs turned out. i honestly cant picture christian with edge's gimmick. edge just had to look and feel for it. i dont agree with christian going to TNA though. i know that he and wwe had differences back then and he was succesful in TNA but i think before he lleft the captain charisma thing was on fire. i loved it. it felt like a preview of edges heel turn in a way. funny, great on the mic, and knows how to get the crowd to despise you. all in all, im happy with the way things turned out. just wish E&C could re-unite fully one more time. that would've been sick imo
Are you talking the Rated R gimmick? If so that was given to Edge because of the Matt/Lita/Edge real life situation. And if you look back at that Edge wanted to keep it all behind the scenes but Vince pushed for it. So its hard thinking of this hypothetical when its based off of a real life event. Before it Edge was never champ, neither was Christian, Matt hardy or Jeff hardy. I think all of the above arent as big of superstars without it.
Christian couldn't do what Edge did after E&C. Likewise, Edge couldn't do what Christian did E&C. They both went their separate ways - it just so happens that the fans took to Edge more than Christian. Could you see Christian, with his calmer sensibilities being the "Rated-R Superstar"? Could you see the far cooler Edge pulling off Christian's "Creepy Little Bastard" personality? No and no. It goes against their respective natures.

The main reason why Christian couldn't handle what it took to be like Edge is because Edge's gimmicks weren't gimmicks. They were Edge. And Edge is unique. No one could be like him, not even his closest friend.
I dont think Christian would have done better than edge, I don't think Christian would have done as well as edge. Edge had charisma, a rough look and had a ring style that didn't see many high risk moves but saw a lot of good moves that looked believable. Edge managed to look sleazy during the Rated R gimmick, managed to make a story believable and managed to take a lose while still looking good. Christian imo couldn't do that and even now I find it hard to get over excited for his matches while edge managed to make you want to watch his matches in the hope that he would get the biggest beat down of his career.
If Christian had Edge's gimmick? He'd have one less fan, that's for sure.

But more for an on-topic statement, I don't really think he'd do well. He doesn't seem a "rated-r" type, too calm.
I think every answer to the questions you asked are very obvious. Edge was taller, bigger, and stronger, thus making him more marketable in the eyes of Vince McMahon. Christian has always oozed charisma and been a great storyteller in and out of the ring so he definitely would've been able to handle Edge's roles AND I'll even say that he would've given us more memorable moments than Edge did do to his mic-savvy. Last but not least, he would've been exactly what Edge was in 2011 before he retired, the top guy of a show who could be used to carry a brand and elevate the next generation.

Christian is up there with Brian Pillman and Chavo Guerrero on the most underused stars of all time list
Some people are kidding themselves. Christian and Edge had the exact same gimmick early on. Whether they were vampire cult members or cocky nerds who are in love with themselves, Edge was the one who got over. The main reason you couldn't just slap the "Rated R Superstar" gimmick on Christian and have him pretend to be some cool rock star is because he isn't. Christian isn't going around stealing other people's girl friends. He's not cool, he's that yappy little dog who follows the big dog around and pretends he's tough. I don't think people would buy him as anything else. The reason Edge's gimmick worked is Edge, not the other way around.

Now watch me get a bunch of bad rep because people think I'm trash talking Christian. ;)
Are you talking the Rated R gimmick? If so that was given to Edge because of the Matt/Lita/Edge real life situation. And if you look back at that Edge wanted to keep it all behind the scenes but Vince pushed for it. So its hard thinking of this hypothetical when its based off of a real life event. Before it Edge was never champ, neither was Christian, Matt hardy or Jeff hardy. I think all of the above arent as big of superstars without it.

This entire point needs to be re-iterated again. The thread really should be titled "What if Christian boned Lita instead?" This is the era that made Edge. Yeah there were previous accomplishments...but this is what led to the Edge that we know as a legend. The Rated R Superstar worked because Edge built off his real life situation with brilliance. This question is as unanswerable as "What if Shawn Michaels had married Stephanie Mcmahon?"
they are pretty much the same guy. If Christian kept the long locks I am thinking he could had done Edge's role. I mean anyone could be exposed as a homewrecker and then not be remoresful. Albert or Rikishi could had been the Rated R Superstar.. It would be alot hard for Edge to play Christian's squirmy cry baby role though i think. As far as the brass is concerned I am sure they favored Edge due to his size. That is a 27 year habbit in this company that aint going to stop with Edge or Mark Henry.
Edge really only got the push over Christian because Vince liked him more. Christian has proven over the years that he is great at everything he does, whether that be as a heel or a face. Had it been Christian who got to be the Ultimate Opportunist or the Rated R Superstar then he would have seen success with it. Edge is a little better at being a heel and Christian is a little better at being a face. Other than that their skills are pretty close. Had their places been switched back in the day then I think Christian would have gotten nearly as many title runs as Edge and would be considered a legend today.
Some people are kidding themselves. Christian and Edge had the exact same gimmick early on. Whether they were vampire cult members or cocky nerds who are in love with themselves, Edge was the one who got over. The main reason you couldn't just slap the "Rated R Superstar" gimmick on Christian and have him pretend to be some cool rock star is because he isn't. Christian isn't going around stealing other people's girl friends. He's not cool, he's that yappy little dog who follows the big dog around and pretends he's tough. I don't think people would buy him as anything else. The reason Edge's gimmick worked is Edge, not the other way around.

Now watch me get a bunch of bad rep because people think I'm trash talking Christian. ;)

I agree Edge had both the look and the attitude to pull off the Rated R Superstar gimmick. Christian on the other hand would make sense as the ultimate opportunist. He just has that smarmy rat like look to him. A stable around him would also make more sense than it did making Edge have to carry Chavo, Hawkins, and Ryder on his back.
Plain and simple, Edge was the bigger man, and Edge bulked up over time in order to take on his main event role.

However If Christian was given the same oppertunities as Edge I believe he would have done a HELL of a good job. In my personal opinion Christian is superior on the Mic and in the Ring in comparison to Edge..... And I am in no way taking anything away from EDGE...the WWE owes alot to Edge he became one of the biggest stars of this Generation and deserved as much.
Nah it wouldn't have worked. Edge is also a better in-ring performer than Christian both Wrestling and Promo-wise.Edge became one of the top heels in the business.
this is kinda dumb. You aren't "given" a gimmick. You are given a character, and you portray it the best you can. Christian isn't as good as edge and probably wouldn't have portrayed it as well and thus, wouldn't have been as over.

You think JoMo, if given Cena's gimmick, could have gotten over? Fuck no he couldn't. It's not about gimmick or push or any of that, it's about HOW GOOD ARE YOU AT MAKING PEOPLE BELIEVE. Edge was a lot better at that than Christian.

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