Fair point, I will admit I forgot about Dreamer's new role. I think TNA has too many guys there now and Danielson wouldn't break through the crowd. Also, I'd love Heyman there but I've heard 2 things on that; firstly that Heyman wants to be involved in the marketing, not the booking, and secondly if he is involved in booking he would want TOTAL control over everything talent-related and Dixie wouldn't like him firing people she has openly considered as 'family'.
My opinion on Danielson's NXT tenure goes like this; I think WWE 'burying' Danielson on camera every week would have lead to something big for him down the road. But then again, maybe they were just crushing him because of him being an indy wrestler. But Punk came from the same background and hes a multi-time world champ. I just think there would have been more to it.
The difference is Punk has somewhat of a look, mic skills, presence, a gimmick and is a full package whereas Danielson is plain and has nothing else going on for him. Hell, his entire run in the WWE, Bryan was ribbed on about not having any personality. To me, it looks like WWE just wanted to make an example out of him. I didn't see any serious push down the line for him. That is all the IWC's wishful thinking. WWE for years hasn't pushed Shelton Benjamin because of the same factors involving Bryan and Shelton had more charisma and personality than Bryan. I don't see why anyone would think this guy would break through if others before him couldn't. What do you think because he was a former world champion in some indy promotion that it would translate to the WWE? Newsflash: WWE has buried guys they didn't create to make an example. Only a few break though like CM Punk and Ric Flair. Taz, Steiner, DDP are just some of the few to attest to that.