What if...Bryan Danielson signs with TNA?

Fair point, I will admit I forgot about Dreamer's new role. I think TNA has too many guys there now and Danielson wouldn't break through the crowd. Also, I'd love Heyman there but I've heard 2 things on that; firstly that Heyman wants to be involved in the marketing, not the booking, and secondly if he is involved in booking he would want TOTAL control over everything talent-related and Dixie wouldn't like him firing people she has openly considered as 'family'.

My opinion on Danielson's NXT tenure goes like this; I think WWE 'burying' Danielson on camera every week would have lead to something big for him down the road. But then again, maybe they were just crushing him because of him being an indy wrestler. But Punk came from the same background and hes a multi-time world champ. I just think there would have been more to it.

The difference is Punk has somewhat of a look, mic skills, presence, a gimmick and is a full package whereas Danielson is plain and has nothing else going on for him. Hell, his entire run in the WWE, Bryan was ribbed on about not having any personality. To me, it looks like WWE just wanted to make an example out of him. I didn't see any serious push down the line for him. That is all the IWC's wishful thinking. WWE for years hasn't pushed Shelton Benjamin because of the same factors involving Bryan and Shelton had more charisma and personality than Bryan. I don't see why anyone would think this guy would break through if others before him couldn't. What do you think because he was a former world champion in some indy promotion that it would translate to the WWE? Newsflash: WWE has buried guys they didn't create to make an example. Only a few break though like CM Punk and Ric Flair. Taz, Steiner, DDP are just some of the few to attest to that.
While I am not sure if, for Danielson, TNA is an option, I am a little confused as to why so many assume that whoever got Danielson fired, would somehow allow him to come back. If it wasn't such a big deal for it to matter, why wasn't he suspended? Why was he released? I am not saying he won't be back in WWE, it's just kind-of odd that they would just re-hire him back like it's routine.
If Bryan Danielson does sign with TNA Wrestling, then the WWE has nobody to blame but themselves. That being said, I do think there's a genuinely solid possibility that Danielson will return to the WWE after the 90 day no compete clause on his contract is up. The WWE has allowed Danielson to work the indy circuit as long as he doesn't appear in a company that has a show on tv. That in and of itself is a bizarre deviation from the no compete clause.

If Danielson does show up in TNA, I think there's a strong possibility that he could get a heavy push from the start. The reason for that is because of all the buzz he generated while in the WWE and the tremendous buzz generated by his release. Danielson's association with the WWE has only caused his stock to rise and rise big time. Even though Danielson's abrupt release hadn't given him the opportunity to show what he's really made of, his time in the WWE has made him a legitimate star and household name among wrestling fans. If nothing else, I think TNA would push him just to rub it in the WWE's face. You know, kind of a kiss off way of saying "Thanks for already building this guy up for us and already making him a big deal".

I don't mean to take away from Danielson's ability but, if he were to go to TNA, I don't think he would get a big push had it not been for his time in the WWE. Most of the smaller guys in TNA Wrestling haven't been used for shit since Hulk Hogan came to TNA. I may be wrong but, in general, I don't think Hogan is fond of smaller wrestlers. To some degree, Desmond Wolfe and Bryan Danielson are cut from the same cloth and we all know how Wolfe's run has been going in TNA since Hogan came to town.
Jack-Hammer said:
If Bryan Danielson does sign with TNA Wrestling, then the WWE has nobody to blame but themselves. That being said, I do think there's a genuinely solid possibility that Danielson will return to the WWE after the 90 day no compete clause on his contract is up. The WWE has allowed Danielson to work the indy circuit as long as he doesn't appear in a company that has a show on tv. That in and of itself is a bizarre deviation from the no compete clause.

How is that bizarre? That is the term 100% of the time when every WWE superstar is released with a few exceptions. You can work anywhere for 90 days so long as it's not televised. Bryan's release isn't on any special terms. This happens with everyone that's been let go.
I don't know what all the Hype is about Danielson coming to TNA. In the WWE he's a rarity. In TNA, he's one of many. I would sign him because he's young talent that you can mold into a company man, but other than that I wouldn't go out my way to sign him. They already signed the better version of him in Wolfe but at least short term he may still be a good addition.
TNA should not sign him. They are trying to cram so many wrestlers in a weekly show that we do not know what the hell is going on. Another wrestler like that will just be pointless for the company. He great, but look at everybody in Fortune. Nobody is Main Event Status? If you tell me something different, then prove it to me because I do not know what the fuck is Main Event Status in TNA is anyway. It just a bunch of wrestlers acting like circus clowns without a tent to perform under.
First off, Letemknow is right. This wasn't a special situation. As i recall London and Kendrick both were wrestling Indys pretty quick after getting the axe.

As for the question "What if BD signs with TNA??"-It will go down the same as RVD, Christian, and Angle, other IWC darlings that TNA poached. Danielson will be given the TNA title (and keep his real name), and TNA's ratings...(Pause for Dramatic effect) will stay the same. I don't want to turn this into a TNA vs. WWE thread, but look at it, names like Hardy, RVD, Hogan, Burke (Dinero), McGuinness (Wolfe), Bischoff, Hall and Nash, MISSSSSSTEERRRR ANDERSON...have not gotten TNA any closer to being Competitive with...ANDERSON...WWE. Bryan Danielson, a person who most of the WWE audience probably doesn't know the greatness of, will not suddenly make ratings spike, no pun intended.

Bryan is going back to WWE. That's like given the choice between the NFL and the CFL. No offense to any Canadiens out there, but the NFL is the Big time. As is WWE. They are the brand that made Pro wrestling Main-stream. Why go an inferior league when you are welcomed back to the bigs?

I say that he will be welcomed back, because, as has been mentioned, everything seems pretty amicable between the two. Reports say that Vince told Danielson why he was being fired, and what was happening. People like Shawn Michaels and John Cena are in his corner. JR, talent scout extraordinare, wants to see him back. All the signs are there, it seems like it's just a formality. WWE covering their asses.

For those of you claiming he was "buried" in WWE, i think you are all turned around. Yes, he did have a losing streak. Losing mostly to great WWE superstars, like Chris Jericho, and occasionaly losing to an NXT guy. And they allowed this because BD knows how to put people over, even if he himself isn't the most over guy. Which he was on NXT. I don't think there is any argument about that. Sure, people popped for the 450, and Barrett turned some heads, but it's clear that Danielson didn't NEED to win NXT to be over.

Second, WWE gave him his own fucking storyline. Two of them, in fact. The first was him and the Miz, which i think made NXT very enjoyable from day one (And i was almost certain would result in the beating of the Miz by Danielson for the US title...it still may). Then there was the Michael Cole Story. Sure he was "Buried" every week, by a guy who the crowd HATES. Listen, any time the GM sends an email, and meek little Cole stands up with his faggy little glasses. The crowd HATES him. So Cole, burying this guy, is only further endearing him to the crowd. And on the other side of the table, Matthews couldn't stop talking up his praises and accomplishments. And then Danielson won the crowd over by beating the shit out of Michael Cole, twice. And even when he was "Released" from NXT, he was the only one continuing to show up, because NXT needed him, not vice-versa.

Finally, during the NEXUS angle, he seemed like a natural leader, along with Barrett and Tarver. Each of them seemed to be directing traffic, and it worked for all of them.

So in my estimation, I think it would be a HUGE step back for Bryan to sign with TNA. Friends or not, that's not how he is going to establish himself (Example, poll an average WWE audience- my bet is less than half of them know who Samoa Joe is). He wants to headline Wrestlemania, and the only place to do that is WWE.
Some of you people are delusional, And it's sad honestly, He's fired people from the WWE. They told him to get the hell out,It's not a freaking storyline he's gone. And he can make more money in TNA, than anywhere else. He knows this ,that's why he's wondering if TNA is interested in him and hanging with Christopher Daniels in Orlando.(IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME GO TO CHRISTOPHER DANIELS TWITTER PAGE)So once this no compete clause runs out he's going to TNA no doubt about it!So face it WWEMarks he's our property now!

Newsflash: IT'S A WORK. You got WORKED. DEAL WITH IT! He wasn't fired, he wasn't released, they didn't tell him to go anywhere except the indies to MAKE THE STORYLINE LOOK REAL. SO FOOLS LIKE YOU WOULD BUY IT. Hello? How obvious do they have to make it?

And even if it was real(and it's NOT), there is NO chance he's going to TNA. ZERO. He's not wondering if TNA is interested in him, and if he was why the hell would he hang out with Christopher Daniels? Does Daniels hire people? Umm no. Hey, here's a crazy idea. Maybe they're FRIENDS.

God, people can be so blind.

And to answer the original question, if Danielson signed with TNA, he'd be much hyped and he'd put on awesome matches to start, and then they wouldn't have a clue what to do with him and he'd be wasted for a while, then he'd probably get released and go to WWE and become World Champion.
It's not a fucking work... WWE had to fire him because their sponsers got on their ass... And rumor has it, Cena had a lot to do with him getting canned... While it he's playing up BD online, backstage he was pissed off about being spit on... Who knows if that's true....

But, one thing is for sure... If you think it's a work, you have way too much faith in WWE... They fired him because he broke the rules, plain and simple...
Some of you people are delusional, And it's sad honestly, He's fired people from the WWE. They told him to get the hell out,It's not a freaking storyline he's gone. And he can make more money in TNA, than anywhere else. He knows this ,that's why he's wondering if TNA is interested in him and hanging with Christopher Daniels in Orlando.(IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME GO TO CHRISTOPHER DANIELS TWITTER PAGE)So once this no compete clause runs out he's going to TNA no doubt about it!So face it WWEMarks he's our property now!

yes it not a work it real he was fired but lets be fair he was made an example of that wwe will not let anyone away with choking someone with a tie but once the no compete clause is done he WILL be back in wwe and as for him hanging with Daniels OMG shocker stop the presses he has a friend in TNA dont you think angle team 3d and that still talk to wwe guys go out for a drink and that here a wee secret (they allowed to be friends tna and wwe stars nothing wrong with that there no law that says they can't be friends)

the only good thing that would come from him in tna is good matches that it tna will misuse him just like they have misused all the great talent in tna
Newsflash: IT'S A WORK. You got WORKED. DEAL WITH IT! He wasn't fired, he wasn't released, they didn't tell him to go anywhere except the indies to MAKE THE STORYLINE LOOK REAL. SO FOOLS LIKE YOU WOULD BUY IT. Hello? How obvious do they have to make it?

And even if it was real(and it's NOT), there is NO chance he's going to TNA. ZERO. He's not wondering if TNA is interested in him, and if he was why the hell would he hang out with Christopher Daniels? Does Daniels hire people? Umm no. Hey, here's a crazy idea. Maybe they're FRIENDS.

God, people can be so blind.

And to answer the original question, if Danielson signed with TNA, he'd be much hyped and he'd put on awesome matches to start, and then they wouldn't have a clue what to do with him and he'd be wasted for a while, then he'd probably get released and go to WWE and become World Champion.

Boy it's some stupid ass people in the world seriously! You are a true mark, Delusional to the highest power.The WWE doesn't need Bryan Danielson, Look at him he's small, kinda skinny, not that charismatic and doesn't have good mic skills, And they supposed to make him WWE world heavyweight champion! What the hell are you smoking, Whatever it is give me some so I could see what your seeing.The guy is what he is!That's a overated Ring of Honor guy who was falsely labeled best in the world. Well I can tell you that couldn't have been farther from the truth, The best wrestler in the world is either AJ STYLES OR KURT ANGLE PERIOD!THIS guy was made a fool of by Vince Mcmahon shitted on and thrown to the curb like yesterdays garbage and that's the facts! Stop being Delusional the WWE doesn't want him and probably never did.They just wanted to Destroy him and they almost did!!!So be lucky anybody still wants him and if he goes to TNA, it will be the best thing for him they will try and rebuild him on a national stage be greatful for that!
If this was a work he would have been suspended indefinitely and not fired. If this was a work he would NOT be appearing anywhere else, WWE doesn't play that shit and they really don't care if the smarks noticed that he hasn't taken any independent bookings. He got fired for making stupid choices, a tad bit overrated and undersized. He might not be making the big money but trust me he wasn't going any further than the upper mid card. It would be at least 5 years before they would even consider putting a world title on him, the strangling incident is still too fresh in peoples memories.
yes it not a work it real he was fired but lets be fair he was made an example of that wwe will not let anyone away with choking someone with a tie but once the no compete clause is done he WILL be back in wwe and as for him hanging with Daniels OMG shocker stop the presses he has a friend in TNA dont you think angle team 3d and that still talk to wwe guys go out for a drink and that here a wee secret (they allowed to be friends tna and wwe stars nothing wrong with that there no law that says they can't be friends)

the only good thing that would come from him in tna is good matches that it tna will misuse him just like they have misused all the great talent in tna

What the hell is misused can somebody explain to me! Everybody can't be unbeaten, somebody has to lose,everybody can't be champion and everybody can't be in the mainevent! So what the hell is misused? TNA has a great roster full very talented guys, somebody has to job! This is not the 80's there is no enhancement talent anymore!If a guy nowadays gets pinned his being misused is that it please explain to me ?
As much as I want to see Bryan Danielson in TNA, I can't see it happening. He's made only negative remarks regarding a possible future in TNA. If anything, Danielson will re-sign with WWE after his 90 no compete clause is up. And even if WWE doesn't take him back, I see him just going back to ROH and working the independent scene.

People saying Danielson would get buried is bullshit. TNA would capitalize on the situation and push this guy to the moon. TNA loves to take shots at WWE when they can, and this definitely would be one of those opportunities.
What the hell is misused can somebody explain to me! Everybody can't be unbeaten, somebody has to lose,everybody can't be champion and everybody can't be in the mainevent! So what the hell is misused? TNA has a great roster full very talented guys, somebody has to job! This is not the 80's there is no enhancement talent anymore!If a guy nowadays gets pinned his being misused is that it please explain to me ?

Danielson is one of the best technical wrestlers in the world. If he gets portrayed as anything other than that then he will be misused, in my eyes. I personally disagree with him being on NXT, I think he should have been called up to the main roster, either when ECW was still around or potentially as a member of the Straight Edge Society. But he chose to go to developmental when he signed; WWE told him he could bypass that and be called straight up. And I think using him in NXT is misusing him. In TNA he would get lost in the shuffle and wrestle on Xplosion and the occasional squash match, rather than be fighting in the midcard initially and working his way up to main eventing.

And you pointed out TNA's main problem. A great roster full of very talented guys. TOO full. Theres too many bodies on one show a week. They either need to cut guys or get a second show/brand. Thats why Danielson would be, as you said, misused.
I love how this thread is filled with posts about how some people are 100% sure which company Danielson is going to be working for. How could anyone know for sure? We all know that the WWE fired him out of necessity (because he choked Cena with a tie). Even if the WWE are "in talks" with him about coming back to the "E", the decision is ultimately up to Danielson, isn't it? I mean, unless this is one big work (which I personally don't think it is), Danielson will be a free-agent once the 90 day no-compete clause is up.......right? Or am I wrong? That means that even IF (yes, it's definitely an "if") the WWE wants him back, he doesn't HAVE to work for them.

It's quite possible that all of Danielson's interviews (since he was fired from the "E") have been swerves. You know what I mean: hypothetically, he's only saying that he doesn't want to go to TNA so it will be a "big surprise" (we all know how much Russo & Bischoff love surprises) if/when he shows up in the Impact Zone.

To me, it seems that it would be the ultimate "fuck you" to the McMahons if the "E" really does want him back and he goes to TNA instead. That kind of thing might be his style, who knows? If I was Danielson, I might be kind of bitter about the way I was fired, and want to "fuck over" the WWE by telling them "no" if/when they decide they want to hire him again. Then again, I might realize there's more money to be made working for the WWE, and want to work there again (no matter how I was treated, or how I was fired).

That "worked shoot" interview that he did about Michael Cole (on WWE TV) could have had a ring of truth to it. Maybe he really didn't want to work for them, and knew that he could be fired for choking Cena with the tie. Maybe that was just a way to get out of his WWE contract. Who knows for sure? Stranger things could happen in this crazy world.

Okay...with that out of the way, IF Danielson were to go to TNA, I'd love to see him in some kind of ROH-type story line. With the impending ECW "invasion", it might be a good time to see a ROH "invasion" as well. If Christopher Daniels is coming back to TNA (another "if"), the two of them could show up in the crowd as well; similar to the way we've been seeing the ECW guys. They could also recruit Wolfe, Joe, etc. It might be a cool idea...it might not be. I wouldn't know for sure.

It would probably be better to see Danielson come to TNA and do a shoot/worked-shoot concerning his bitterness towards the WWE (the way he was fired/treated/etc). We all know that's the kind of thing that Paul Heyman LOVED to have wrestlers do in the original ECW, why wouldn't Tommy Dreamer have the same idea for Danielson? I'd love to see him act as a "lone wolf" of sorts, pissed off at the WWE for the way he was treated. To be honest, I'd love to see him in TNA period...doing anything.

As far as Danielson getting a shitty name to wrestle under in TNA, I don't think that would be an issue. I really don't know for sure, but I think "Bryan Danielson" is his real name? Unless TNA is TOTALLY against the idea, why wouldn't he be able to wrestle as "Bryan Danielson" at TNA? I figured that the WWE only wanted him to change his name so that they would be able to own the rights to the name "Daniel Bryan".

I remember seeing an interview with Stone Cold, where he said that he could have owned the rights to the name "Stone Cold Steve Austin" if he wanted to, but the WWF/E would pay him more if he sold them the "Stone Cold" pseudonym. Was the situation the same for Danielson at the "E"? I don't know for sure, but that's what I am guessing. Maybe TNA would do the same thing, and that's why guys like Wolfe and Dinero aren't using their "real" names there either (because they get paid more to use a name that TNA owns). Again, I won't pretend to know these things.

Anyway you look at it, nobody knows where Danielson will ultimately end up (besides Danielson). Again, unless his termination from the "E" was a MAJOR work (which is doubtful), he WILL be a free agent in September of this year. He might end up in TNA, he might end up in the WWE. He might decide to go back to ROH. Hell, it's possible that he might give up wrestling all-together and become a fucking monk. None of us know for sure, so stop acting like you have some kind of inside information. I'd rather see him in TNA over WWE, but I'll be happy to be able to watch him wrestle wherever he decides to go.

NEVER say "never", especially when it comes to the world of Professional Wrestling. Sorry for the loooooong post.
Boy it's some stupid ass people in the world seriously! You are a true mark, Delusional to the highest power.The WWE doesn't need Bryan Danielson, Look at him he's small, kinda skinny, not that charismatic and doesn't have good mic skills, And they supposed to make him WWE world heavyweight champion! What the hell are you smoking, Whatever it is give me some so I could see what your seeing.The guy is what he is!That's a overated Ring of Honor guy who was falsely labeled best in the world. Well I can tell you that couldn't have been farther from the truth, The best wrestler in the world is either AJ STYLES OR KURT ANGLE PERIOD!THIS guy was made a fool of by Vince Mcmahon shitted on and thrown to the curb like yesterdays garbage and that's the facts! Stop being Delusional the WWE doesn't want him and probably never did.They just wanted to Destroy him and they almost did!!!So be lucky anybody still wants him and if he goes to TNA, it will be the best thing for him they will try and rebuild him on a national stage be greatful for that!

So let me understand this: you want him to go to TNA, even if you consider him "a overated Ring of Honor guy who was falsely labeled best in the world?" Someone who you say is "small, kinda skinny, not that charismatic and doesn't have good mic skills." I don't understand how you want him to go to TNA if you think he is not all that he's claimed to be.
I made a thread in the WWE section a month ago asking this question, which in turn got deleted for some reason. Now I'm asking it again. Who the hell is this Bryan Danielson, and why is everyone all over his jock? For the past 4 months, I keep reading these headlines on here about the latest happening of Bryan Danielson. From what I read in this thread, he was apparently some ROH guy that made it to WWE scrub division? Is that all? Seeing about of pub this guys gets here, you would think he's the 2nd of coming of Stone Cold or something. I hope he never comes to TNA because of that.

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