What if a top star got injured the week before WrestleMania 29??


Mid-Card Championship Winner
This was the card for WrestleMania 29.

1. The Shield vs. Sheamus, Orton and Show
2. Ryback vs. Mark Henry
3. Kane and Bryan vs. Ziggler and Langston
4. Fandango vs. Chris Jericho
5. Jack Swagger vs. Alberto Del Rio
6. The Undertaker vs. CM Punk
7. Triple H vs. Brock Lesnar
8. John Cena vs. The Rock

So I'm going to try and answer some bullshit hypotheticals. What would have happened if any of the guys had gotten injured the week before the PPV?

If Chris Jericho or Fandango had gotten injured
If Jericho had gotten injured, I'm guessing they would have had Fandango beat Kofi or Truth in a quick match just to get him over. And if Fandango had gotten injured, they probably would have had Jericho go over Cesaro, possibly even for the US title as a nice treat for the fans.

If Del Rio or Swagger had gotten injured
This is a tough one. I'm gonna take a guess and say that no matter who got injured, they would have Ziggler cash in and win the title. If Del Rio was injured, Ziggler would cash in quick, take the title and bail. If Swagger got injured, they would have Ziggler cash in and have a longer match with Del Rio before winning.

If Punk or Undertaker had gotten injured
If Undertaker was injured, they would probably add Punk to the World title match as a consolation prize. Maybe have him win it just to avoid pissing him off. I doubt they'd just feed him Kofi or something like that which is what they'd obviously do for Fandango. If Punk was injured, hell, they'll probably do the same for Undertaker. Add him to the World title match, win the title, lose it next night to Ziggler in the cash-in. I can't think of anything else.

If Lesnar or Triple H had gotten injured
This is a tough one. I can see Henry getting the boot and having Lesnar face Ryback instead. It's not like they're going to keep Lesnar off the card. And if Lesnar had gotten injured, I can see them just keeping Triple H off the card. It just won't make sense to have him face anyone else. Punk maybe, but considering he'd be busy with a hot feud with Taker, there's no shuffling around that.

If Cena or Rock had gotten injured
If Cena or Rock had gotten injured, I'm guessing they would have merged some matches to try and replace the star value. Cena/Triple H/Lesnar, or Rock/Triple H/Lesnar could have made sense. Either that, or have this catastrophe make them call in a favor from Shawn or Batista to help out in the main event. I'm pretty sure most of the WWE universe would feel let down if they didn't do something special to replace the value of The Rock.

The undercarders would be simple. If anyone from the Shield were injured, they'd turn it into a tag match with one of the good guys managing. If Ziggler or Big E were injured, they'd just replace them with the Rhodes Scholars. And if anyone from either babyface team were injured, they'd probably just have another face like Kofi or Christian sub in. Christian would get a good return pop. As for Henry/Ryback, they'd just scrap the match.

So what do you guys think? Anyone want to take a crack at this hypothetical silliness??
They'd shuffle the card around. If it's a match other than the top tree it's not a big issue, they'd just drop the match. If it's a big one they'll make a triple threat, or whatever.
If John Cena got injured, they'd just pull one of his clones out of cold storage.

If CM Punk got injured, they'd just pull a skateboarder off the street.

If Undertaker wasn't already injured walking into his match, I'd be surprised.
They'd shuffle the card around. If it's a match other than the top tree it's not a big issue, they'd just drop the match. If it's a big one they'll make a triple threat, or whatever.

I don't think they would scrap Undertaker from the card if Punk was injured, or vice-versa. Adding them to the World title match is a HUGE out-of-left-field prediction, but I just don't know what else they could do.

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