What I would do.

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What I would do if I ran TNA....

First of all I would turn Sting heel and slowly start a stable with Bobby Rude, David Young and Rhino. And have them Fued with Samoa Joe I have not thought of a name yet.

I would take the title off Jarrett and put on Samoa Joe.I would also Have a your fired match with Eric Young Vs Jeff Jarrett and Jarrett loses and works off camera.

They also need to have a TNA internet title and a TNA hardcore title And put the internet title on someone like Chris Sabin And the Hardcore Title on Abyss.

So, What do you guys think?
They had a hardcore title and the sandman had it, it was called hard 10 I believe and it failed miserably.
ROH_TNA said:
What I would do if I ran TNA....

First of all I would turn Sting heel and slowly start a stable with Bobby Rude, David Young and Rhino. And have them Fued with Samoa Joe I have not thought of a name yet.

I would take the title off Jarrett and put on Samoa Joe.I would also Have a your fired match with Eric Young Vs Jeff Jarrett and Jarrett loses and works off camera.

They also need to have a TNA internet title and a TNA hardcore title And put the internet title on someone like Chris Sabin And the Hardcore Title on Abyss.

So, What do you guys think?

Now if I was running TNA, 1 of the things I would not do is turn Sting heel. To me, hes better as a babyface than a heel. Thats my opinion :)
AdrianBagley27 said:
Now if I was running TNA, 1 of the things I would not do is turn Sting heel. To me, hes better as a babyface than a heel. Thats my opinion :)

he's the peoples savior, of course he's a better baby face.
Focus on the wrestling and do away with these soap opera storylines that are killing the WWE, Sting and Kurt Angle will be paid per appearence and will put the younger guys over, title shots will be given based on won loss and not on name recognition, and finally i would not hire every former WWE and WCW wrestler that comes a knocking when there are plenty of indy guys just waiting for the opportunity to show the world what they can do. The only WWE/WCW guys I would consider would be the ones who have proven to be good workers but never got a chance to shine.
I agree with you. The only difference is instead of it being the internet title i would prefer something more along the lines of "NWA North American Champion" or something that sounds more prestigious you know? I also would put off booking Sting as a heel until I see how his new persona goes over. The only problem with you plan is I don't think Jarret would allow himself to be booked out. But then again, I did hear that for a while the plan was for him to take some time off after dropping the belt and return as a face, so maybe it could be possible, who knows.
DeathIsARight said:
They had a hardcore title and the sandman had it, it was called hard 10 I believe and it failed miserably.
The hard 10 had it's moments, over all, i think it felt a little too forced at times though, but seriously, how great was it when someone like Jarrett would go for the weapons in the crowd and the fans refused to give them to the heel, but the faces had full access
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