What happens to CM Punk after monday?


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This upcoming monday will in all likeliness see CM Punk drop the wwe title to Mr.Universe......sorry, John Cena. And its going to hurt punk badly. My question is simple, what should the wonderful team at titan towers do with the one time "voice of the voiceless" next?

If we were to go along a dangerous path of using logic(always a futile practice when it comes to wwe) CM Punk is now seemingly out of the AJ/bryan storyline. So to try and wedge him back in would be a rather daft move to say the least. And to be honest, cm punk hasnt been helped at all by that storyline. However, it would not shock me in the slightest if we see cm punk thrown back in with no explanation. in fact i feel it would sum up the laziness and idiocy of wwe in 2012.

Another question that comes to mind is why has punk been taken out of the love triangle all of a sudden? There was no conclusion at MITB, logical or otherwise. it would seem that even your champion has to bow down to the altar of cena and ditch his own storyline, for the greater good. not a good move.

Id hope vince would have the brains to atleast have punk screwed out of the title. (stone cold, dean ambrose, whoever.) as there is no need to have cena do his usual, and make it seem that punk was just keeping the belt warm for the top dog, whilst he dealt with more pressing concerns. It would also put punk straight into a logical feud, all the while keeping him credible in the minds of its audience. a cm punk left in the wilderness and back in midcard misery(is'nt he midcard at the moment?) is a very likely situation at this point. And that is very scary indeed.

It could well be that in the aftermath of next monday we will all be asking "what the hell was the point of the last year?" as we take stock that nothing has really changed, and punk is back where he began. It's amazing that by the end of play next monday we could very well be saying that Punk is actually in a worse place than before he dropped his infamous pipebomb. scary. Yes, he may have had such a long reign. and yes, there's been some fantastic matches involved. but at this point the wwe title means little.

What do we do with a problem like CM Punk? admit he's not THE man on THE show, go back to smackdown and work on being the smark darling once more? surely he becomes the point of derision at this point? the only things that would've been gained at that point is proving that HHH, Cena & Vince were right all along. Punk isn't a gamechanger. He's just able to handle the mic.

Of course, it is all merely conjecture at this point. But as we stand there is no obvious next step for CM Punk. Your apparent #2 man in the company, and i have a horrible feeling we are about to see that in the WWE Universe #2 is nowhere.
This is an extremely difficult question to answer before the match even happens because of the various different outcomes that could happen. Firstly, it shouldn't be assumed at all that Cena is going to win. If MITB is to see its first loser, it can be a guy like Cena because it wouldn't hurt him in the least, especially if someone costs Cena the match. Regardless of winner, I don't think there's any way this match has a clean finish and really could involve something huge that none of us have even considered yet. Even if Punk does lose though, he'll continue on through Summerslam to feud with Cena. The longest-reigning champion in recent history isn't gonna lose once and be like "OK, bye."
Well if he turns heel again he will stay in the main-event but as a face he will most probably go to mid-card.

Cena won't turn heel hence CM Punk will have to turn heel but he can't be a heel like he was in 2011. CM Punk already got a 8 month title reign he can't be the "Voice of the Voiceless" again as there is nothing to cut a "worked-shoot" promo on.
I honestly do not see Punk dropping the title next week. Too much has been made of the fact that John Cena made history by being in his first Money in the Bank match. They were also overhyping the fact there have been 10 winners and 10 successful cash ins. I think Cena will lose next week via interference. Daniel Bryan will cost Cena the match and contract gone and Cena will make more History by being the first to unsuccessfully cash in the MITB contract.

Then Mick Foley will be announced as the new RAW GM and make a Triple Threat match for the WWE Championship at Summerslam.
I really don't know what makes you so sure Punk is dropping the title Monday. It would make perfect sense for Cena to be the first person to cash in MITB and lose, because it gets rid of that stigma that everyone who wins MITB will become champion, and it obviously won't hurt Cena's credibility at all. Really, anything could happen on Monday, but I don't think it's anywhere near an automatic that Punk's losing. In fact, I'm leaning towards Cena losing.
I can see the rock having some sort of a role in this match he tweeted about how hes coming back for the WWE Championship and i cant see him just coming down to deliver another promo he surely has to be involved in some sort of capacity in this match i no its sad to think but i think they are building towards Rock vs Cena 2 at Mania'29 completley contradicting "once in a lifetime"
I will say this,
If there was ever a great setting to turn Cena heel, it's Monday. All eyes watching, up against the #2 Face in the company, would make you have to tune in the next week(s) once you saw it.

If he did turn heel and screw Punk out of a title, the Summer Slam rematch would be one for the ages. Punk would be hero #1 and Cena Villan #1.

But none of that will happen and Cena will most likely win and they will fight again at the PPV.
cheers for getting involved. maybe i am seeing this through the eyes of a weary fan sick of the ineptitude of wwe. as many of you point out there is no certainty of cena winning, and it would make sense for it to be cena who loses when cashing in. but thats just it, rarely does Vince go with logic. it just makes too much sense for cena to lose, so expect a cena victory. full steam ahead for boredom A.k.a Cena Vs Rock part 2.

p.s here's an idea for you, ziggler loses his cash-in down to vickie messing up somehow. thus enabling a dolph ziggler face turn.
It is 1000th RAW. A title change will make sense on this big event which is being hyped as a PPV. Most probably Cena will win. People keep saying Cena will turn heel for how long ......since there was Nexus,then the Rock etc. Cena isn't turning heel.
I think the immediate future for CM Punk rests on the negotiations/agreements in place regarding the Rock.

It could be that Rock has signed up for at least one more match with Cena, which could possibly see RAW1000 end with Cena standing tall as the WWE Champion face to face with the Rock. That leaves Punk in something of a No Man's Land. His 8 month reign has elevated him past virtually all of the roster aside from the likes of Cena, HHH, Taker, Lesnar and Rock. However, it has not been great enough to elevate him into a programme with any of those (even if any of them were available) so any feud for him would likely be a big step downwards.

Should the Rock/WWE title showdown be put off until Wrestlemania XXIX, I see Punk retaining through Big Show interference and a triple threat match being set for Summerslam between Punk/Cena/Show.

Personally, I am quite happy for Punk to continue to be in the kind of role he has now. Not the top draw role, but that of someone who is given quality workers to work with - Jericho, Bryan, Orton - and time to put on an excellent contest. It is also possible that Punk could be seen as one of the guys to help elevate some of the newer talent. Much like it seems Jericho is going to be used to test Ziggler's ability at the top level, perhaps Punk will end up in a programme with a returning Barrett.
Very good question.

I'm up in the air as far as the outcome of the upcoming match next Monday. I have a weary, cynical viewer side as well, and it tells me that Cena will win and have a shitty match with Big Show at Summerslam. But I can also see Big Show interfering with Cena's cash-in because Cena hit him in the head with the briefcase on Monday, thus costing him the match and giving Punk a fluke victory. This would lead to a shitty triple threat between Punk, Cena, and Show at Summerslam. Every way I look at it, it looks like the WWE Championship match at Summerslam will be shit.

As for where Punk goes from here, no idea. I'd rather see him continue his feud with Bryan than anything else, but that's probably over, unfortunately.

And I agree with ProWrestlingFan, Cena isn't turning heel.
I think Punk will win Cena should not win the title a week after winning Money In The Bank, They should build this up to like Survivor Series or even Royal Rumble not next week on RAW.

Yeah it's the start of a new era 3 hours each week firstly they should see if this concept will work before jumping in to a big match like this because If you ask me I think some fans will get sick of a 3 hour show.
This upcoming monday will in all likeliness see CM Punk drop the wwe title to Mr.Universe......sorry, John Cena. And its going to hurt punk badly.
If we were to go along a dangerous path of using logic(always a futile practice when it comes to wwe) CM Punk is now seemingly out of the AJ/bryan storyline. So to try and wedge him back in would be a rather daft move to say the least. And to be honest, cm punk hasnt been helped at all by that storyline. However, it would not shock me in the slightest if we see cm punk thrown back in with no explanation.
Firstly i will answer the Bryan/AJ question. he's out of that storyline. maybe someone else will get involved with Bryan/AJ, but Punk's not in that story anymore and Punk wasnt helped by that storyline??? i think he was as he had a match of the year canadiate vs. Daniel Bryan because of it, but he's now out of that story. as for what will happen to Punk when/if he loses the title, dont know. now with that said. i do NOT and i repeat NOT see Punk drop the WWE title on 1000 RAW and if WWE does that then they are the worst company with writing ever because there's no need to have Punk drop the title now. what i see happening is Show getting involved and screwing Cena which sets up a re-match or triple threat, likely re-match of Cena and Punk at SummerSlam where Punk bashes Cena with his pipe bombs on how Cena main events and how he should main event. i dont think WWE is stupid and it seems they are going with the storyline of Punk being overlooked and will go that route for SummerSlam's match with Punk vs. Cena and likely Punk will beat Cena somehow giving him a big win, then possibly lose the title in Cena's hometown of Boston.

i hope i'm wrong as i do NOT want Cena to beat Punk. they need to have a young star who's fresh beating Punk instead of the same guy who some fans are just sick of.
i can foresee Rock being involved in some respect - he tweeted as much recently about specifically being WWE champion again. I would guess they put the NEW Raw GM in charge at the top of the show, and then he makes the order that the winner of the Cena V Punk match will face the Rock in the main event for the WWE Title....

I'd have Rock leave with the belt and hold it until SummerSlam when he defends it against someone (probably Cena) and then have CM Punk turn heel on Rock via run in at SummerSlam setting up Rock V Punk at WM29. Or even have a face v face match so not even turning Punk - do what they did with Rock V Cena - have them both appeal to the fans and see who gets the heat and who gets the cheers?

It is a show I have to say I do not want to miss. SAUCE IT!
This upcoming monday will in all likeliness see CM Punk drop the wwe title to Mr.Universe......sorry, John Cena. And its going to hurt punk badly. My question is simple, what should the wonderful team at titan towers do with the one time "voice of the voiceless" next?

If we were to go along a dangerous path of using logic(always a futile practice when it comes to wwe) CM Punk is now seemingly out of the AJ/bryan storyline. So to try and wedge him back in would be a rather daft move to say the least. And to be honest, cm punk hasnt been helped at all by that storyline. However, it would not shock me in the slightest if we see cm punk thrown back in with no explanation. in fact i feel it would sum up the laziness and idiocy of wwe in 2012.

Another question that comes to mind is why has punk been taken out of the love triangle all of a sudden? There was no conclusion at MITB, logical or otherwise. it would seem that even your champion has to bow down to the altar of cena and ditch his own storyline, for the greater good. not a good move.

Id hope vince would have the brains to atleast have punk screwed out of the title. (stone cold, dean ambrose, whoever.) as there is no need to have cena do his usual, and make it seem that punk was just keeping the belt warm for the top dog, whilst he dealt with more pressing concerns. It would also put punk straight into a logical feud, all the while keeping him credible in the minds of its audience. a cm punk left in the wilderness and back in midcard misery(is'nt he midcard at the moment?) is a very likely situation at this point. And that is very scary indeed.

It could well be that in the aftermath of next monday we will all be asking "what the hell was the point of the last year?" as we take stock that nothing has really changed, and punk is back where he began. It's amazing that by the end of play next monday we could very well be saying that Punk is actually in a worse place than before he dropped his infamous pipebomb. scary. Yes, he may have had such a long reign. and yes, there's been some fantastic matches involved. but at this point the wwe title means little.

What do we do with a problem like CM Punk? admit he's not THE man on THE show, go back to smackdown and work on being the smark darling once more? surely he becomes the point of derision at this point? the only things that would've been gained at that point is proving that HHH, Cena & Vince were right all along. Punk isn't a gamechanger. He's just able to handle the mic.

Of course, it is all merely conjecture at this point. But as we stand there is no obvious next step for CM Punk. Your apparent #2 man in the company, and i have a horrible feeling we are about to see that in the WWE Universe #2 is nowhere.

What are you trying to say? That if CM Punk loses this time to John Cena that his long WWE Title Reign was worthless? I don't think that could be possible. Remember CM Punk WON the tile FROM John Cena so if John Cena wins it back the series is only 1-1. CM Punk has to lose sometime and I'm sure Vince wants lots of big moments at Raw 1000 and a WWE title change (with controversy) is probably one of them.

But I agree, when he does lose, I hope it is with some interference so that CM Punk can logically step into a new feud. As you've already stated, CM Punk is 'kind of' mid-card already, his matches are booked before Cena's many times. But CM Punk is still one of the top draws. So rest assured, without the title, he will still be one of the top guys.
Most have pointed out that there's no guarantee Cena defeats Punk on Monday night, and there are some legitimate reasons as to why he might not. However, I think this thread would've been better served had the OP said "Assuming Cena wins on Monday, what does that mean for Punk?" For me, that's the heart of the thread anyway, and as such, I'll run with the assumption that Cena does win Monday night and that Punk slowly moves out of the WWE Title picture.

The first question I asked myself when considering this thread was "So what?" Why is it such a bad thing that Punk moves away from the title scene after serving as champion since November? His current reign stands at 241 days. During the height of the WWE’s popularity, the company was led by Steve Austin and The Rock. Arguably the two biggest stars the company ever created, neither of them had a single title length that came close to Punk’s current one. In fact, if you add all five of The Rock’s title lengths, the total comes to 262 days.

The obvious reason behind their short title reigns was that so many other stars were big enough to warrant a title run during that era. Besides Austin and Rock, the WWE also gave us Triple H, Foley, The Undertaker, Kane, Big Show, Jericho, Angle, Guerrero, Benoit and Lesnar. Needless to say, not all of them could be in the title picture each month, and because of that, the pay-per view cards were stacked with main event stars wrestling on the mid-card. More importantly, because each of those guys were top-draws, the WWE invested time in them even when they weren’t chasing the title.

That’s the issue here with Punk. Can the WWE go back to the model of investing in non-title feuds – a model that made the Attitude Era so successful? With the current crop of wrestlers, it won’t be as easy as it was 12 years ago … but when you start pitting the younger talent with a proven talent that demands to be heard backstage, it gives hope.

For example, Jericho has a loud voice in the company. Despite the fact that he hasn’t “won” anything recently, his past successes have earned him McMahon’s ear. That will help the Jericho/Ziggler feud. Daniel Bryan is one of the hottest commodities in the company – mostly thanks to his YES chant – and that status should help guarantee a proper build should he – as I suspect – go on to feud with The Miz. And given his recent title length, and the fact that he’s the most “over” wrestler in the company right now, my guess is that Punk’s voice will be heard regardless of who he feuds with following his eventual title loss.

So long as Punk continues to make his voice heard backstage, he will remain relevant without being in the title scene. And when the time is right, I guarantee that he’ll go right back to chasing the belt.
From the minute I heard this match made last week a thought began running through my mind. A few months ago somebody on here mentioned an angle where Lesnar and Heyman would be taking over the WWE, if Lesnar beats Triple H at Summerslam. I can see Punk turning heel this monday and joining forces with them in a battle against the WWE that would end at perhaps Survivor Series. I can see something like Punk losing this monday and then going berzerk and attack Cena. Maybe on the Raw after that he would explain that he has joined Lesnars Camp. All I know is there is going to be a Heel turn this Monday for sure.
In terms of the original question in this topic (What happens to Punk after Monday?), I think it revolves around AJ, at least in the immediate sense. I don't know whether Punk loses his title to Cena, but I feel Punk doesn't need the title to be a prime performer, especially since he's held it all these months.

On the 1000th Raw, though, I can't believe Daniel Bryan is actually going to marry AJ. I say the wedding gets busted up......and I think it's Punk who does it, saving the crazy chick from making the huge mistake of marrying a jerk like Daniel.

After everything that's happened in the Bryan-AJ-Punk triangle, I find it hard to believe they've simply abandoned it, casting Punk to the side. There's been too much solid entertainment value in seeing them go on week after week.

Don't worry; there will be something big in store for Punk by Summerslam......but for the present, I think he's going to have a psycho girl on his arm. Insane love is in the air.:blink:
Cena will win the title. Then doplh ziggler will cash in and beat cena. I dont care if dolph says hes going to get sheamus. WWE doesnt use logic and changes their minds every 2 seconds.

I see no point in giving mr cena another title reign so soon. Whats he going to do? Hold it until mania?:disappointed:

I sense the wwe title hot shotting a million times between punk, cena, del rio, ziggler, the rock and brock lesnar until they figure out what they want to actually do at mania.
i dont know a part of me thinks Cena wont win. Something is going to happen to interfere i think and they will either give the briefcase back to cena to use another time or they will make him the first official loser. It just sounds to predictable to just let Cena walk in and take it that easily, unless someone is going to interfere and cause him to lose it like Kevin Nash or someone..
I truly believe that we'll see a Punk heel turn as he joins with Lesner & Heyman to form an alliance. Does anybody remember Punk tweeting a picture of a new WWE title belt? I do, and I've been waiting to see it unveiled. Plus, remember when The Big Show said that he (Punk) has Cena's belt? Well, technically he does, in a sense, but that can be a jab at the fact WWE is going to give Punk his own belt. I don't see Punk losing. I see Brock & Paul Heyman costing Cena the match, CM Punk acting as if he's all upset and then helping to beat down Cena as they go off the air. Well, right before they go off the air Punk is given the new belt, he throws Cena's belt down on him and say, "here's your title Cena", calls himself the Best in the World and walks away. Instant heat! Of course the crowd of adults will flip their lids but the kids will boo-hoo over a beaten Cena.

It makes sense too because you want the program with Cena & Punk to continue. The fans have sadly started to say Punk's gotten away from his theme of last year (which he has) and a heel turn at this point would be great for both he & John. And since the WWE will NEVER turn Cena into a full heel, it's only right to turn the 2nd most popular guy in the company heel. As Cena needs someone to feud with. Daniel Bryan can either go two ways with this too. Either he can align with Heyman, Lesner and the WWE Champion Punk or he can be the 2nd most popular guy next to John Cena, taking Punk's place. Either way it goes, a win for Cena makes NO sense whatsoever right now and will KILL everything. Plus, we're still waiting on that "knocks your socks off" moment for the summer, right?

Now as far as the briefcase goes, I think they need to have something where Cena either keeps the case OR if he cashes it in and loses it, that he gets a rematch or something (I don't want Cena getting a rematch but he probably will). Plus, the little hints about how long Punk's been champion, Cena's belt and all this makes for perfect sense to NOT take the title off him now. Everybody knows without saying that Punk is catching Cena's title run of a few years back and he may very well catch him. But it needs to stay put with Lesner, Heyman and maybe Big Show or Daniel Bryan rounding things out. We shall see. I'm actually excited about Monday & haven't been in quite some time.
Nothing will happen to Punk. The reason they are making so much of this 100% cash in rate is because John Cena will lose next week.

Thus meaning that he will still want to fight at Summerslam and as we all know, rivalries tend to stretch across 2/3 PPV's, which will lead to Cena winning the title at Night Of Champions in his 'hometown' (even though it really isn't) of Boston. With Punk getting his rematch at the next PPV which is Hell In A Cell.

So in short, Punk will still be champion. Nothing changes
the only way I see Cena winning this match is to set up a Cen/Rock for the title at Summerslam. Otherwise Punk will retain by interferance from AJ
everyone pressumes Cena will win,,,i dont think he will,,as other posters have stated,he could be first to not to win the title via mitb,and it wont do him any harm...but who will screw him outta it...big show..nah...the rock ??,austin..anybody..
it doesnt matter,cos he;ll be champion for wrestlemania
to me punk should go for the world heavy championship because smackdown is getting really bad ratings and i think he can bump it up. right now the main guy sheamus isn't really doing a good ob any more so punk will hold the void. one other thing, when cena wins i think the rock will come out and challenge him cause he promised he'll get the title

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