What Happened to Tornado Tag?


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We see it in the video games, we see it matches past, but what happened to Tornado Tag matches? 4 guys, 2 teams, 1 winner. Whether it's elimination, cage, extreme rules. Does anyone else miss them or wonder why they arent booked as much?

1) What was your favorite Tornado Tag match

2) Book your Dream TT match, including which superstars and stipulations.

Thank god you posted this. Or rather THANK YOU for posting this.

As I was watching the Divas Tables match at TLC, I was wondering... Why is this Divas match so good... I mean besides the fact there was tables and elite divas... there was a difference presence in the match and that was the tornado style factor.

The WWE really needs to utilize Tornado style tag matches. In my opinion, these matches show case everyones talent and really puts TAG TEAMS to the test, because as you are working on your opponent, you need to keep an eye and make sure your partner is okay or if he/she needs help. This match keeps the interest factor high, the predictability factor high, and it is definitely entertaining.

I probably wouldn't be able to tell you my favorite Tornado Tag match, but I do remember there was that TLC tag match that happened on RAW a couple years back that won the RAW tenth anniversary award, where Kane ended up winning both Tag Titles even though he didn't have a partner. That was one AMAZING Tornado style match.

My dream Tornado tag match would probably have to be Randy Orton and John Morrison vs Edge and Christian in a TLC match.
I agree, Tag Tornado matches mostly deliver and have a more interesting pace than regular tag matches. Wrestling today is much faster than in the years when tag wrestling was a major factor. Plus, the regular tags have really worn out. Today, we've seen almost every possible outcome for a tag match. The standard tag formula (for example with over-the-top hot tags) doesn't work anymore and to make it interesting, a lot of interference and rule breaking is booked, but that takes away from the legitimaticity. In TNA, where a lot of people consider the tag division as good, most matches are fast-paced, have high spots and agile contenders. You could say they adopted the X-Division pace for the tag division.

I think tag wrestling can still be interesting, because between two guys, a lot of psychologal mind games can evolve, with elements like jealousy, life-long friendship, friction, bullying, betrayal, unity or loyality. Plus, feuds can be made in a territory where singles wrestling can't go. Four people always allow another level of twists and stories. But it really needs to be updated.

That means, Tornado Tags are an important factor. I'd even consider making it the primary match type. It's more interesting to watch, double teaming with double team moves can easier be included and brings situations singles wrestling can't deliver, it takes away from some of the bullshit situations of standard tags and I don't really see negatives, besides a loss of focus on certain situations.
I agree whole heartedly that Tornado Tag makes more sense than the current tag team style match. Let's face it, Refs don't enforce the tag rules anyway. Because of the loss of Kayfabe, people don't really pay attention to the "rules" and therefore all the matches break down. So why hold up the pretense?

The other option I think, would be to go to Lucha Libre rules. If an opponent is tossed from the ring, than no tag is necessary. The partner can just come in and take over as the legal competitor. This may take a little while for the general American audience to get used to, but it might help the pacing of the matches and provide a hybrid of what we currently have and tornado matches.

just a thought....
I love tornado tag, especially a ladder, TLC or table tornado tag. I think the reason they fell off is simply the fact that WWE hasn't had good tag teams since DX and Jerishow died. My personal favorite tornado tag matches is the Best of 5 series that Beer Money and MCMG had on TNA, which was basically a clinic on tag team wrestling. My dream match would be MCMG vs. Beer Money vs. Hardyz vs. Edge and Christian in a TLC match.
I think it's most likely because it is hard to keep track of what's going on. There are only two opposing sides so basically each man/woman takes an opponent and it will become two one on one matches with the occasional swap and double team.

The other thing is that I think it is best served when the match has a gimmick. Gives them more to work with to solve my aformentioned dilemas, and it gives a more chaos type feel to the match.
I was a fan of tornado tags myself. However, they really are the same thing as tag street fight. They just called them tornado tags because the WWF didn't really do hardcore matches like street fights back in the day.

The reason we don't see them today is because we don't have any tag teams. A tornado tag was usually used to settle a feud between two teams that had been going at it for months. The thought of established tag teams feuding for a long period of time seems almost impossible today. I don't Santino and Kozlov against Rhodes and McIntirer would really get the fans on their feet.

My favorite tornado tag was probably the Legion of Doom vs. the Nasty Boys and Summer Slam 91. They called it a street fight, but it was thing. The Legion of Doom was the greatest tag team of all time and that was one of the first times we had seen a hardcore match in the WWF.

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