What happened to the Tag Team division?


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The Tag Team division in WWE has really gone to crap. Remember when it use to be awesome??

The whole Spirit Sqaud thing is a joke, 5 champs? I think Cade and Murdoch deserve the belts.
I think DX should become a permanent Tag Team and it bring intrest back to the Tag Team divison. They both had their run as WWE champions let some new blood step in.
DX, The Scotish boys, The Hardy Boys, Spirit Squad, and couple of other tag teams. You need at least 5 I think.

Nitro, Edge, Christian and Carlito for the World Championship
OK, to get this topic back on topic…

There are several reasons why the tag team division isn’t as strong as in years past. For one thing, whenever a new team debuts in the WWE today, they are expected to go for the tag titles right away (due to the already existing shortage of tag teams), and when that doesn’t happen fans begin to lose interest, and the team just withers and dies. In the past most of the successful tag teams had been together for a long time, thus they had a lot of chemistry and continuity. However, now it’s almost impossible to build a team for the long haul, since pretty soon the fans are going to expect the team to split up and be pushed individually (that happened with Edge/Christian, MNM, Haas/Benjamin, and some others). It’s just that with faster singles push being expected these days, good teams are often asked to split up to pursue singles careers or else they'd be considered "held back."
2000's crop of stars was the best

hardyz, dudleyz, edge/christian, dx, new age outlaws, a.p.a, too cool etc.
(all great tag teams)

full of crap (kendrick and london would no way be one of the top 5 tag teams in 2000, now they r the best! besides dx)
i dont nderstand how the gymini havent had a shot at the titles, evrytime they have faced london and kendrick they have dominated them throughout. its probbly because you cant really push them cause they have no microphone skills but they at least deserve a shot.

the tag division is realy falling apart and you now have teams like funaki and scotty! wtf thats just ruind 2 cool and ki-an-ti (i think thts wht funaki and taka called thmselves), thrs london and kendrik tht r a rip off of the hardyz, gymini arnt exactly the most exciting to watch but thy stil deserve a shot at the titles, mexicools split up as did nunzio and vito, pitbulls have fromed simply because vince has ruined the crusierweight division too.
on raw u have a tag team comprised of 5 wanks, highlanders will only be good if wwe get some better tag teams so highlanders can actualy have a proper tag mach, nobody likes cade and murdoch simply coz thyr useless.
ecw is ment to have the bashmans now but o wait, ecw dosnt have tag titles, smart move vince really smart.
i cood go on and on but us fans are really disapointed wit this divison because we were always seeing good proper tag matches, we saw quality teams strut thr stuff like; outlaws, hardyz, dudlyz, edge and christian, apa, 2 cool, brothers of destruction, hell we even got 2 c the rock and sock connection.
todays tag division is in real need of ACTUAL TAG TEAMS! to make it intresting to watch. sorry for the long read but havin 2 watch todays tag division can only be described as a joke.
sachintendulkar said:
2000's crop of stars was the best

hardyz, dudleyz, edge/christian, dx, new age outlaws, a.p.a, too cool etc.
(all great tag teams)

full of crap (kendrick and london would no way be one of the top 5 tag teams in 2000, now they r the best! besides dx)
Personally, I felt 1987-88 were the best years of tag team wrestling in WWE:

Teams on roster:

The Hart Foundation
The British Bulldogs
The Rockers
The Fabulous Rougeaus
The Killer Bees
The Brain Busters
The Young Stallions
The Bolsheviks
The Powers of Pain
The Conquistadors

Incidently, you could say the same things about the tag division in NWA.

The Road Warriors
The Rock 'n' Roll Express
The Midnight Express
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
The Fantastics
The Sheepherders
Lex Luger & Barry Windham
peopleschamp said:
Personally, I felt 1987-88 were the best years of tag team wrestling in WWE:

Teams on roster:

The Hart Foundation
The British Bulldogs
The Rockers
The Fabulous Rougeaus
The Killer Bees
The Brain Busters
The Young Stallions
The Bolsheviks
The Powers of Pain
The Conquistadors

Incidently, you could say the same things about the tag division in NWA.

The Road Warriors
The Rock 'n' Roll Express
The Midnight Express
Arn Anderson & Tully Blanchard
The Fantastics
The Sheepherders
Lex Luger & Barry Windham

yeah, that was a pretty good era. though for the new generation the last time there was a good tag team division was during the 90's. i mean they took the tag team division to a whole other level. tlc matches, more extreme moves (hardy boys and their daredevil moves), and the memorable stories and
rivalries (team extreme vs. dudley boys). in my own personal opinion, i believe that the tag team division died in survivor series where it was the alliance vs. wwf. now maybe with team extreme reuniting we might just see a jumpstart of the tag team division and the next generation of tag teams.

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