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What happened to Shark Boy?

What happend to Shark Boy?

  • He drowned.

  • He's taking time off

  • He's injured

  • He's in bad terms with management

  • Other

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Dark Match Winner
  1. I do not remember the last time I saw him on impact or even any news regarding him.
  2. He's on Tnawrestling.com's roster page and I don't remember him getting fired of anything so I think he's still in the company.
  3. Since the x-division is lacking opponents(Alex Shelley and Chris Sabin are tag champs, homicide hasn't been working full time, amazing red isn't being used, consequences creed left the company, jay lethal has been pushed to upper midcard, and others have been fired or have quit) I think he could be a good addition.
I liked his catch phrases and thought he was quite amusing, also he has an amazing finishing move (dead sea drop). So I would really like seeing him on tv.

Do you think he's injured or taking some time off?
Do you think he will make a return any time soon?
Do you like his gimmick?
And if you would like to see him back on impact give me a shell yeah!

Note: I'm new to foruming and I know I've been spamming but I'm trying to improve, so I apologize in advance.
Someone realized they had a man dressed as shark going around acting like Stone Cold, while they laughed at the competition for having a leprechaun.

I would not mind Shark Boy returning not the somehow even dumber one where he thought he was stone cold. Since the X division is as about as interesting as Doug Williams.
The last thing i heard was he was taking some time off to deal with family issues, i read somewhere he sufferd a major house fire and lost close to everything, I hope he comes back soon i enjoyed him and he would be a great boost to the x-division.
Lol that's pretty funny I never looked at it that way. Yeah I guess he might be gone because tna doesn't want to use his character/gimmick anymore.. althought from what I remember the crowd always seemed to like him and respond really well to his imitations..
I was just wondering this as well. I haven't seen him on TNA in months. Maybe he will return this week. It is Shark Week after all...
Maybe they felt the gimmick ran it's course. It would be hard to rag WWE for skits with Hornswoggle. When they have a wrestler dressed up like a shark. He may return with a new gimmick he wasn'tbad in the ring.
Lol that's pretty funny I never looked at it that way. Yeah I guess he might be gone because tna doesn't want to use his character/gimmick anymore.. althought from what I remember the crowd always seemed to like him and respond really well to his imitations..
They cheer everything whether its good or bad they stil cheer it.
But anyways
Copying stone cold was just sad to me. It was just so stupid. How he started made no sense (he was in a coma) then he woke up became shark boy. He was from 20,000 leagues under the sea or whatever. It was just bad.
Do you think he's injured or taking some time off?
Do you think he will make a return any time soon?
No and he shouldn't return anytime soon.
Do you like his gimmick?
I HATE it. It was just awful.
Shell NO
He is right where he should be, not on tv. It made TNA look pathetic.
He's working backstage and at his wrestling school. Shark Boy's always been entertaining but currently I see no need for him to come back in a wrestling role.
I wanted soooo badly to say he drowned. Lol, but I remember hearing what happened. He had flu-like symptoms, scaring of H1N1, and upon his request to return, he had lost most of his possesions in a house fire in February(?) of 2009. Not injured, not drowning, and perfectly fine with management. Knowing Hogan though, he doesn't want a Shark Boy like character around anyways.
I read that he does a couple of house show appearances at points but I don't think he'll be returning to TNA TV anytime soon, unless he changes his gimmick but without Google, Wikipedia, etc. can someone tell me his real name? If not then how will he get over without getting rid of that gimmick first.

It would go down like the unmasking of Joey Mercury on SD!.
If anyone wants the real reason why he isnt on TV anymore IM me. I work for his BPW promotion in Ohio and there is a simple reason he hasnt been on TV.
sharkboy is wrestling here in ohio. there was a event today at the ohio civic center pitting him vs scott steiner. which steiner won via steiner recliner. saw both among others at the ohio state fair after the event and all seemed in good spirits. steiner was a prick (didnt respond well to someone saying how bad steroids made him look lol) anyway sharkboy is alive and well. just taking time for personal reasons i guess.
Ive been waiting for his return for the longest time now...and as someone said earlier it would be nothing more fitting for shark boy to return this Thursday during Shark Week on discovery. His gimmick might of been a copy of stone cold but what the heck, it was funny as hell. He was over with the crowd, could cut a promo and wasnt that bad in the ring. The X division could sure use a guy like him. Plus with the new show coming soon they could showcase more of there talent.

I do feel he would need some updating. Give him some new ring attire and make him take off that mask. I would rather see him with a small blue mohawk then that stupid fin on his head. other then that keep the stone cold rip off. It works for him and its not the first time a company has used someone elses gimmick for there own success.
i got curious about that a while back and i just searched it on wiki and it says nothing about what he is doing now....i loved sharkboy except when he started imitating stone cold. it does say he is a regular on the TNA web cast show Spin Cycle in the "Dirty Laundry" segment.
Well, I don't know what reason's he left was but I know when he left. It was a while back ago maybe a year or two ago. I don't know what the match is called but it has all the breifcases and the superstar who wins the match chooses one. In it will be your prize or not a prize. For example in one breifcase you have you get a title shot at the TNA championship or Tag Team belts. The other briefcase will have a your fired card in it. There's two briefcases your opponent gets one and the winner gets one. It's kind of like deal or no deal you have to choose the right briefcase. Anyway that's what happened to Shark Boy he got the briefcase that had the your fired card and his opponent got a championship match. Like I said I don't know if Shark Boy wanted time off for personal reason's. If somebody can help with what the match is called that I'm thinking of I could use the help.
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