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What happened to Drew McIntyre's push?


Getting Noticed By Management
He was pushed to the moon by Vinnie Mac and given the IC title quick.....then his recent feud with Teddy Long.....after his visa issues were resolved he has been doing nothing......he just lost last week in a match to Christian of all people? Where is this kids future headed? They shouldve continued the feud with Teddy where he couldve had a representative to fight Drew at Summerslam.....Its just surprising to not see The Chosen One at Summerslam...
Hopefully WWE have come to the conclusion that he's absolute pants. 9 months later than everybody else. But late is better than never.

Terrible wrestler, terrible promo, fairly average look.

I like how Drew McIntyre apologists usually say something along the lines of ''He got good heat this week''. Probably true, but anybody with that sort of a push should get a solid reaction.
I actually like drew, i wouldl ike to see him revealed as the attacker of the undertaker, i could see a good feud coming out of that giving drew the monster heel push. i met him before, definetly keeps his character, wasnt to happy when his girlfriend Tiffany :D got back out of her car to give me an autograph though,! anyways thats beside the point ;)
From what I can tell from some of the things via the SD! spoilers and house show stuff, he's floating around the upper mid-card and is just waiting for his time to get the main-event push. While I say that we all know that soon the World Heavyweight will again be a two man thing between Kane and 'Taker.

If he enters into a feud with Christian then I'll be happy with that, Rey Mysterio might be taking time off or he's entering a feud with Rey - something else I'll be happy with.

Drew McIntyre's push is still there but like with Ted DiBiase on Raw there's been a few problems that have prevented him from getting into the main event aka Swagger winning the MiTB at WM, Mysterio injurying Taker and the only want to have one MiTB winner walking around after the MiTB PPV.

The Chosen One may not be at Summerslam but The Chosen One will be entering into a better feud soon enough.
What happened with his push? Hopefully it died and will never be seen again. Drew McIntyre is terrible. Boring in the ring, boring on the mic, rubbish all around. His alignment with Vince should have gotten him so much farther, but due to him being awful he couldn't take the bull by the horns and make something out of it. I feel the only reason people are such big fans of his is because of his cool entrance and because he was endorsed by Vince.

On top of that he's been rumored to have a terrible backstage attitude, so there's really no upside to him at all.

Give the push to someone who deserves it, someone better.
Who cares? Drew Mcintyre is shit. He bores me the fuck out when he wrestles and when he talks. He's got a decent look and a good entrance theme but that's just about all he's got going for him. Fuck Drew McIntyre's push and fuck Drew McIntyre.
Nothing's happened to his push. Never really had a lot to begin with. He's alright in the ring but terrible on the mic. You would think that being declared the chosen one by McMahon would at least got him somewhere bigger but he's so bland that he can't capitalize on it. I don't see McIntyre winning anything anytime soon and it's a matter of time before he is future endeavored hopefully.
I've grown to like like Drew,
I saw nothing special when Vinnie himself called him out,
He was trying to make a diffrent version of Punk,
Not gimmick wise or style wise,
But presence wise,
It's no secret Vinnie likes the big guys,
&He said himself that he liked Punk because he had presence,
A guy who wasn't the biggest or the strongest,
But when he talked ppl listened,
So that's what I believe Vinnie was aiming for,
Drew just failed.

But I've grown to like like Drew,
He's Definitely gotten better IMO,

MIC Skills,
Crowd Heat,
&His match w/ Christian showed that his wrestling skills has improved,
I don't think Mac should come back down and lift him up,
He needs to earn it now.
Drew's push has cooled off for quite some time now. I made a thread about this not too long ago, and things really haven't changed ever since. I thought he would still be Intercontinental Champion, but I see why he's not. Kofi is doing a great job as champion.

Will Drew get back on track? It's possible, but right now, things aren't looking too good for him. Dolph Ziggler is on the rise, and I have a feeling Cody Rhodes won't be too far behind him. So Drew might have to wait a while before he gets near any championship gold again.
Drew's push stopped because he sucked.

His finisher is lame. It's a set up move for everyone else on the roster. Edge's Impaler and Orton's whatever it is DDT both look better and more devastating. Shit, even Maryse's DDT is better.

He can't deliver a promo. He is boring as hell.

He can't wrestle. I am the biggest big guy apologist here. Big guys are supposed to strike and throw. He just found a way to make striking and throwing look non scenical.

I sincerely hope he is fired soon.
I wouldnt be so quick to ask that as after seeing a Non Spoiler SD match listing for this week, it looks like Drew is in the ME with Rey Rey.

However lets just assume that is a one off, hopefully Vince has realised that the only good thing about Drew is his entrance and has decided to abort his push, better late than never right?
I guess it stalled once they realized he's not as big a heat magnet as they needed. To be honest I think that's why they brought over Jack and he sort of just took Drew's place and ran with it. I don't think Drew has enough personality to be the big heel they wanted him to be so now they're pulling back on him a bit.
It's most likely due to the backstage heat that the guy has gotten, due to the fact that I believe it was reported that he was quite an ass backstage. Acting like he was better than others because he were getting this kind of push. People didn't want to work with him, so what can you do if you want to push him? Obviously nothing.

I'm guessing Drew is slowly paying dues inside WWE right now, but eventually he'll be going places again. I'm certain WWE has no problem with keeping him around, they seem to like him after all. So he'll definitely be back getting a push with time.
It's most likely due to the backstage heat that the guy has gotten, due to the fact that I believe it was reported that he was quite an ass backstage. Acting like he was better than others because he were getting this kind of push. People didn't want to work with him, so what can you do if you want to push him? Obviously nothing.

I was about to say the same thing but also due to the reports that some believe him to be dangerous in the ring and as such are very reluctant to work with him. Another thing that could be a factor is that his push seemed to end right around the time that he had to go back to Scotland and get his work visa situation fixed and since then things have just gone downhill for him. He's rather entertaining on the mic and has one of the few good DDT finishers, if there are any others, in the WWE but if he continues being an ass backstage I would definitely not want him to continually get a push. Hell the Miz used to have backstage problems similar to this when he was an up and coming star and after a few confrontations with angry veterans the guy appeared to see the error of his ways and became a Cena level workhorse for the company. I for one hope that Drew will have a similar revelation soon and get his head out of his ass.
Drew's attitude needs to improve if he's going to get anywhere on SmackDown or in the WWE in general. A feud with Christian could do him wonders and if he was revealed as the one to take out the Undertaker, that would be one hell of a push! I'd be all on board for that one! Drew still needs work on his promos and his actions IN the ring, but this kid has a potential. It's a matter of putting it all together. If he can get that attitude in check, he could really go far.
the guy is a douch bag plain and simple he sucks at all aspects of his work no mic skills his finisher sucks guys the guys head is inbetween the arm and dosent hit head first drews shoulder stops that. and he bad in and out of the ring i dont doubt that no one really like him outside of the ring cause im sure he is a douche to everyone. in my opionion he only has 2 good points to him 1 his entrance music 2 he is married to an unbelivable hottie like tiffany who i think is by far the hottest diva on smackdown tied with kelly kelly but just a little ahead of i hope he dosent get a push i say he should job.
The push Drew initially received reminds me of the paths management took with Koslov and Harry Smith. Both received lots of attention when they arrived, only to have their pushes aborted and left folks in the wrestling community forums (like us) speculating on what went wrong. In the cases of both those guys, they did penance and eventually settled in to useful mid-card careers.

In Drew's case, I think he'll go higher. If there was a backstage problem, I'd like to think it's been fixed and as evidence I point to the way Drew sells his opponents moves. At first, he didn't do that.....and now he sells like mad. If there's been a problem, he's working on it.

His mic skills are improving and I'm told his Scottish accent comes off as really obnoxious (in an effective way) as he gains experience with interviews. He's been taken down a few pegs and has to work his way back, but I think he has the look of a star and is going to make it big.

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