Drew McIntyre & Wade Barret's Visas expire- Where do they go from here?

I think it hurts Barrett far more than McIntyre. It seemed like a logical way to end the Drew angle on Smackdown but Barrett is the figurehead of Nexus and needs to be in charge of that crew. Having the angle abruptly end would be a real loss of momentum for an angle that was working.

What amazes me the most is that the WWE didn't have a closer eye on the visa situation. Employers are involved with the work visa process and companies (pro sports teams come to mind) generally keep an eye on the status of their foreign employees. I've worked abroad before and management always had an eye on everyone's status. I'm surprised that corporate wouldn't have someone keeping an eye on anyone's status that's not American.
Ok guy your completely naive if you believe for one second that Danielson went out there and choked Roberts and spit on Cena on his own. As scripted as that shit is. Secondly if he wasn't told to, Roberts would have pressed charges, security would have cuffed him, something.

No, naive is blissfully ignorant, which basically explains your entire argument. Wrestlers adlib and choreograph their own matches all the time. Especially in segments that involve a bunch of guys doing a bunch of different things. If the entire thing were scripted, you'd see Roberts' hands inside of his tie to prevent himself from *actually* being choked, as well as his face being a normal color. He wasn't told to do this.

This isn't to say that I think he should be fired for this, by the way.

Who said anything about their visas being expired before they got hired.

I don't know, who DID say that? :icon_neutral:

I mean the WWE can be fined for having workers who are employed who have expired visas.

Now WWE tends to have people fooled that they keep up with stuff that really matters like this visa issue, but they care about stuff like someone holding an armbar for to long.

Er, how do you know this? Are you in the business? Like, I love how you talk all this crap like Vince McMahon personally called you and told you what WWE policies are.

There's no way to explain how WWE didn't keep better eyes on as you say "main eventers". I'd rather people get off of Barrett's balls especially when he hasn't been here long enough or done anything of significance and i'd rather give it to someone who's been there longer which would include Mcintyre. Sheamus is the one exception and Barrett certainly isn't Sheamus.

Well you can enjoy wanting another Randy Orton or John Cena title run. I'll be over here enjoying new and interesting things happening instead of the same 5 guys over and over again trading the belt like it's a hot potato.

And in reference to what I've bolded, you want people to stop liking Wade Barrett simply because you don't think he's accomplished enough?

And who isn't pursuing the belt, Mcintyre? Doesn't mean he wouldn't proudly except it.

Reading comprehension.

1. Rob Van Dam wasn't pursuing the belt, and his winning it was completely random.
2. Drew McIntyre IS pursuing the belt.
I've got it! Announce an emergency tour of the UK, reshedule all American live dates - problem solved!!

McIntyre they can live without - the angle, although I'm sure they planned on continuing it, kind of hit a natural end last week with Hardy beating him.

Barrett, very difficult, but not impossible. If they play it off as a suspension they can bridge the gap.

If Sheamus goes next, they are in big trouble - the champ going isn't something you can brush under the carpet.

This is slack work from the WWE on all levels, but lets hope it doesn't go on for too long, as the Nexus angle needs Barrett.
Well, I gather that the type of Visa that Barrett and McIntyre are on don't actually expire until October (they're valid for two years, and they moved to America in October of '07), so both can appear legally on US shows.

If neither individual had a work Visa that expired until October, then they wouldn't have been pulled off before Summerslam - and brought up rumors of a return a mere 1-2 months later.

If this story is indeed real, and true, then both individuals would've had their Visa's expire sometime either recently (as in, in the past) or quickly approaching in the near future.

There is no reason to pull either man off before Summerslam, if both could've easily stayed and worked up to that show - when its considered the 2nd biggest of the year.

If that's not the case, Barrett has apparently been in London (presumably at the US Embassy) trying to sort out a new Visa (or sort out his current one. Whichever), while McIntyre is either still in the US or has buggered off to Prestwick. In either case, Barrett's mess will be sorted faster because he's doing something with the relavent authorities.

You don't exactly know that McIntyre isn't though. You're going off of reports you've read. You aren't an authority figure in the matter at hand. You can't even give a solid guarantee any of this is even real.

So to say Barrett's mess will be sorted out quicker is more of an opinion than any type of fact. Keeping in mind, I have no issues with that - just making sure others (including yourself, if you thought otherwise) knew that.

He also has to apply for a green card. No idea how long that takes, and the wait for approval might have taken longer than expected, leading to his Visa expiring whilst waiting for a yes to come through the post.

Based on the knowledge I've had in looking for information on Green Cards and Work Visas.. the general answer is anywhere from 6 months to over a Year, and longer.

Which once again makes me call the bluff card on this, when rumors claim they'll be back within a week to a two-month timeline. If their cards are expired - thats simply impossible. And if they're coming up on expiration, and are just now trying to sort out the mess - its another simple impossibility.

It takes (again, from 3 different websites) up to 6 months alone - just to get the paperwork filed and reviewed. Another 3 months to get confirmed, accepted or denied. And even longer after that for a reason that I forget. (Still, the 9 month period that I recalled is longer than any 2 months on any calendar I own.)

And there are a couple of reasons why Barrett may be back sooner. Firstly because he's apparently trying to sort it as quickly and easily as possible,

Only through storylines would this be the case. In real life, regardless of when either man filed - it'd still take both over 6 months (from now, if they recently filed for renewal.)

secondly WWE needs him back a lot more than they need Drew back (leading to them putting a lot of effort into sorting our Wade's immigration mess than Drew's)

Do you have links or Reports that indicate this as any type of truth? Or are you just speculating, again? (just curious, no offense meant)

and thirdly, they might just be using the oppertunity to write Drew out indefinately while they think of something to do with him/for storyline purposes. He can make a big return when Smackdown comes to Europe.

This would be a pure mind warp to me, considering he's steadily climbed the rankings and received more and more attention from the fans - with every passing week.

Why bail on him at the height of a feud with Matt Hardy? Or, are you going to tell me they intentionally ended the feud on a Smackdown.. after the months of Hardy ppv run-ins? Kinda anticlimactic, don't you think?

I don't know how long it actually takes to get a visa renewed, but WWE will know all of the back doors and loopholes and could be able to get it done in a very short period of time. Possibly by this time next week, depending on when they started and how long the process takes. They might not see Drew as such a high priority, as after all they've written him out indefinately anyway and it'll be a bigger return if he jumps the barricade in Manchester, mullers Matt Hardy and announces that he's back.

Two things.

1. WWE may be a huge Company right now, but they are not bigger than the U.S. Government. Loopholes, and Back doors (albeit may be tried for) won't get them any type of resolution any quicker.

If this story is legit with either guy - they won't be back next week. Or anytime before Survivor Series, for that matter.

2. Let's say they are holding McIntyre off. And lets add that its to let him return weeks, or months (whenever this Manchester show is) later - only to re-start up/continue the Hardy feud. WHY?

All to give him a Foreign pop? What would be the point when he receives plenty of heat on this feud as-is, now? Why wait longer - and risk cooling down the crowd on everything?

On a sidenote, that wouldn't surprise me with Hardy - as its the same thing they did with the MVP/Hardy feud. That went over a year, part of which they just fell apart, only to re-pick things up.. and if I recall correctly, when Hardy finally won.. NO ONE CARED.

Wade can't afford to lose momentum, Drew can.

How so? Again, two things.

1. If Wade Barrett is better than Drew McIntyre, the man should be able to leave television whenever, for however long, and return with the same intensity and fan support/heat. Orton did.

2. McIntyre, if anything, is more of the guy who shouldn't lose momentum in this situation. He's only climbed little by little since the very start. Unlike Barrett, who's JUST getting started.. McIntyre has been at his storyline for months now - and to lose all of that, and start over, would be damaging to say the very least.

Drew could be, depending on when they choose to bring him back up. If they wait for a Smackdown taping where he won't need a Visa to jomp people he'll be out until November. If they want to bring him back saying Vince sorted his Visa out then it could be any time between now and the UK shows. Drew's hard to predict the return of.

In order to work for an American Company, you need to be employed by 'said' Company in case of injury. I'm sure something could be done in regard to signing a one-time only contract, however, they (WWE) wouldn't dare have him do a one-night return just because they're overseas.
If neither individual had a work Visa that expired until October, then they wouldn't have been pulled off before Summerslam - and brought up rumors of a return a mere 1-2 months later.

From the way that the report was worded, WWE was preparing for the worst case scenario, rather than what's likely to happen. As for why they're writing them out now, rather then closer to the occasion could be because they don't want their visas to expire within the time that would be spent renewing them.

If this story is indeed real, and true, then both individuals would've had their Visa's expire sometime either recently (as in, in the past) or quickly approaching in the near future.

Agreed. I'm not sure of the exact timing of their expiry, it'll be in about a month or two though.

There is no reason to pull either man off before Summerslam, if both could've easily stayed and worked up to that show - when its considered the 2nd biggest of the year.

I think it's more a case of preparing for the worst, because if WWE let the two perform until their expiry dates they'd run the risk of the visas actually expiring with them in the country, which could make the renewal process last a lot longer.

You don't exactly know that McIntyre isn't though. You're going off of reports you've read. You aren't an authority figure in the matter at hand. You can't even give a solid guarantee any of this is even real.

I am indeed. There have been fan reports of seeing Barrett in London (from which I extrapolated to mean he visited the US Embasy at least once), as well as reports of McIntyre being back home in Prestwick. Either way, they seem to have left the USA.

So to say Barrett's mess will be sorted out quicker is more of an opinion than any type of fact. Keeping in mind, I have no issues with that - just making sure others (including yourself, if you thought otherwise) knew that.

It is an opinion. However it's one with a firm logical backing. Firstly because McIntyre is unlikely to be reniewing his visa as if he's got any common sence he'll be going for a green card (why get a new visa when you'll be becoming a citizen soon enough anyway?) which will take longer to get approved, resulting in a longer down time. Barrett being in London helps his case.

Based on the knowledge I've had in looking for information on Green Cards and Work Visas.. the general answer is anywhere from 6 months to over a Year, and longer.

I believe reniewing a visa (as long as you sort it or are out of the country before the expiry date, of course) takes ~30 days (though the USCIS reccomend applying for an extension 45 days before, just in case), because there's less red tape involved (no interviewing, no reviewing...). If Drew's going for a green card, that would explain why he's out for longer.

Which once again makes me call the bluff card on this, when rumors claim they'll be back within a week to a two-month timeline. If their cards are expired - thats simply impossible. And if they're coming up on expiration, and are just now trying to sort out the mess - its another simple impossibility.

According to this report this is something that Barrett's been getting sorted for weeks, meaning the paperwork's already on its way through and why he'll be able to return sooner.

It takes (again, from 3 different websites) up to 6 months alone - just to get the paperwork filed and reviewed. Another 3 months to get confirmed, accepted or denied. And even longer after that for a reason that I forget. (Still, the 9 month period that I recalled is longer than any 2 months on any calendar I own.)

Check the process for renewing it. The US government reccomends applying 45 days before your deadline. That's shorter than two months as well. Drew might be out longer as he could be applying for a green card (which he's entitled to owing to him marrying Tiffany).

Only through storylines would this be the case. In real life, regardless of when either man filed - it'd still take both over 6 months (from now, if they recently filed for renewal.)

Possibly not. Depending on when they (or WWE) submitted the papers, the reduced time taken for renewals might mean Barrett's back in a week (if, for example his papers were submitted 38 days before he departed) and Drew has to wait for over a month (if he submitted the papers at the last minute just in case his green card came through before he submitted them). The Summerslam thing is to me, a precaurion because it's foolish to write storylines for people who you're unsure of will be able to perform in the country legally.

Do you have links or Reports that indicate this as any type of truth? Or are you just speculating, again? (just curious, no offense meant)

Speculation. Wade's in a big angle with a lot of screen time, no easy way to write him out and back in again and plenty of momentum. Drew's angle with Teddy was the perfect way to write him out. The guy on the bigger angle and more screen time is and not written out is by default more important to get back.

This would be a pure mind warp to me, considering he's steadily climbed the rankings and received more and more attention from the fans - with every passing week.

Why bail on him at the height of a feud with Matt Hardy? Or, are you going to tell me they intentionally ended the feud on a Smackdown.. after the months of Hardy ppv run-ins? Kinda anticlimactic, don't you think?

Maybe not intentionally, but Matt got his big win over Drew, Teddy did to Drew what he's been doing to Teddy from the beginning. Might not have been planned that way, but the way it has ended is as perfect an ending as is possible under the circumstances. Sends the fans home happy; unless they're McIntyre fans of course but you can't please everyone.

Two things.

1. WWE may be a huge Company right now, but they are not bigger than the U.S. Government. Loopholes, and Back doors (albeit may be tried for) won't get them any type of resolution any quicker.

If this story is legit with either guy - they won't be back next week. Or anytime before Survivor Series, for that matter.

They might be. It all depends how fast their forms can be approved and when they were submitted. Having someone call the people responsible for handling aformentioned forms and chacing them down might shave a few days (and being rediculously optimistic) or weeks off the time taken. Fear the power of shouting.

2. Let's say they are holding McIntyre off. And lets add that its to let him return weeks, or months (whenever this Manchester show is) later - only to re-start up/continue the Hardy feud. WHY?

The leaping of the barricade to muller Hardy was merely a suggestion. He could make his shock return in any of a thousand different fashions. I was thinking Manchester (in November, by the way) because it's a WWE show where he wouldn't need a visa to attend and wrestle (explaining his appearance away in kayfabe) and him making a shock return (followed by some villainous act and getting cheap heat) would make for a bigger return then him saying "Mr McMahon got me a new visa" whenever he comes back.

All to give him a Foreign pop? What would be the point when he receives plenty of heat on this feud as-is, now? Why wait longer - and risk cooling down the crowd on everything?

The big foreign return could then be put into an epic video package, rewarming the crowd somewhat which Drew could then take back and resume his place as midcard heel.

Or alternatively they could bring him back as a face who realised that Mr McMahon's support is worth jack shit because once he got deported he dropped him like yesterday's trash.

On a sidenote, that wouldn't surprise me with Hardy - as its the same thing they did with the MVP/Hardy feud. That went over a year, part of which they just fell apart, only to re-pick things up.. and if I recall correctly, when Hardy finally won.. NO ONE CARED.

Why would they? Hardy was and is pure shit.

How so? Again, two things.

1. If Wade Barrett is better than Drew McIntyre, the man should be able to leave television whenever, for however long, and return with the same intensity and fan support/heat. Orton did.

He's in the middle of a big time angle which, in no small part requires him to be present. He stands more to lose by exiting the Nexus angle than Drew McIntyre does by delaying his return.

2. McIntyre, if anything, is more of the guy who shouldn't lose momentum in this situation. He's only climbed little by little since the very start. Unlike Barrett, who's JUST getting started.. McIntyre has been at his storyline for months now - and to lose all of that, and start over, would be damaging to say the very least.

The Nexus storyline is one of the biggest and best angles in recent memory. Barrett stands more to lose by not being in on it than Drew does by coming back later.

In order to work for an American Company, you need to be employed by 'said' Company in case of injury. I'm sure something could be done in regard to signing a one-time only contract, however, they (WWE) wouldn't dare have him do a one-night return just because they're overseas.

It wouldn't be a one night return or on a special contract. That'd be his return to normal service, starting with a bang to say he's back.
The Wrestling Observer is reporting that Drew McIntyre's visa issue has been resolved and he has been cleared to return to WWE TV. Additionally, it's being reported that Wade Barrett's visa issue has also been resolved, and he is expected back on WWE television next week.

Problem averted. Which is a bit unfortunate in my opinion. I mean, Wade has a future, but McIntyre has clearly already peaked. I was hoping he would have lied about something and got caught up on it. Like maybe he were to have an outstanding warrant or something. But no, we are inevitably going to have to tolerate him even more.

At least Barrett will be back soon, that's the saving grace in this situation.
It did seem a little strange that the WWE wouldn't be aware of McIntyre and Barrett's issues. We can assume that McIntyre will take his place in the Smackdown Money in the Bank match next week - probably alongside Dolph Ziggler.

But more importantly the Nexus has their leader back. Could've really derailed the storyline. And to be fair to the WWE, they actually put a quite believeable cover on the Barrett storyline this week.
They're both coming back pretty soon so it's no big deal. I think that the WWE needs to pay more attention to that, what if they had to miss a long period of time? That would kill two great storylines.
It looks like all is going to be fine for the two. Honestly, I think Barret should just return to Raw this next week and pretend like nothing ever happened. A few of the fans will have realized it and you may get some chants about it from the internet guys like us, but all in all nothing will have changed and NEXUS can return to being the best thing in professional wrestling today.

Drew McIntyre on the other hand should stay out for a bit. If he comes back right away, it won't make any sense. Let him stay out past Money In the Bank, and then make his return to face somebody besides Matt Hardy or Kofi Kingston. I do like the guy, but I'm kinda sick of seeing the same old stuff with the three of them week after week.
Drew can't get deported anyway. He is married to Tiffany, therefore he is a Scottish American or whatever and can live here legally.
Wade won't get deported though, at least I hope he doesn't. He lives here and has been living here for a while, it will all be sorted out soon and hopefully he will be back to lead the Nexus.
Drew has probably been given some time off to be with his new wife and relax after wrestling for nearly a year, I hope he will be back soon to whoop some ass.
No, naive is blissfully ignorant, which basically explains your entire argument. Wrestlers adlib and choreograph their own matches all the time. Especially in segments that involve a bunch of guys doing a bunch of different things. If the entire thing were scripted, you'd see Roberts' hands inside of his tie to prevent himself from *actually* being choked, as well as his face being a normal color. He wasn't told to do this.

This isn't to say that I think he should be fired for this, by the way.

I don't know, who DID say that? :icon_neutral:

I mean the WWE can be fined for having workers who are employed who have expired visas.

Er, how do you know this? Are you in the business? Like, I love how you talk all this crap like Vince McMahon personally called you and told you what WWE policies are.

Well you can enjoy wanting another Randy Orton or John Cena title run. I'll be over here enjoying new and interesting things happening instead of the same 5 guys over and over again trading the belt like it's a hot potato.

And in reference to what I've bolded, you want people to stop liking Wade Barrett simply because you don't think he's accomplished enough?

Reading comprehension.

1. Rob Van Dam wasn't pursuing the belt, and his winning it was completely random.
2. Drew McIntyre IS pursuing the belt.

How do you know Roberts wasn't told to do this, is it because you work for wwe or because he did a good job of making it look real? Your crazy, wwe would pay or hire you easily because you'd basically lie and cover for them. Every fucking body knows Danielson didn't just go out there and do that shit. WWe took a gamble and when it backfired they'd had no part of it just like you probably would've did. Just because WWE can be fined doesn't mean they cared about the visas, shit there a multimillion dollar company, whats a fine to them? As far as Barrett goes, what's so great about him on a real note besides his accent that he tries to hard to emphasize? And in your other post you said mcintyre wasn't chasing the belt so which is it.

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