What Happened to Dolph Ziggler's personality

Slam Master

Pre-Show Stalwart
When Ziggler first came on the seen, I thought his corny introducing of himself and sarcastic way of arrogance was funny and entertaining. It seems like since he's been getting pushed his personality totally vanished. The WWE writers make all these up-and-comers stick to the script so much it seems too robotic, fake, boring, etc. Part of being a WWE superstar is the ability for the crowd to get to know the character, and see some personality behind the physicality. He's talented and athletic, but his in-ring persona took a nose dive. Its not just him, its too much coaching and bad-acting. If I'm the only one that thinks the new characters have no depth and seem too rehearsed I'm sorry...Thoughts??
geez I hated the "hi, im Dolph Ziggler" shit, it got on my nerves, i thought he would be a comedy guy that always ruined the really serious thing walking in the back but then he changed. i still hate him but hes better now
Dolph Ziggler, I think, is gradually being transformed into a Modern-Day Mr. Perfect, based on his cocky attitude as of late, as well as his theme. Not to a T, but I think that is where they may be going with this.

As far as wrestlers not having personalities/gimmicks ... welcome to the WWE. Over the years, Vince has taken away just about all of that out of his roster to the point where it has become extremely bland and boring.

Then, people wonder why people don't get a crowd reaction when they come out, and blame it on the crowds. The crowds aren't the problem. Vince is the problem, for not giving his crowds enough reason to care about his performers. He is missing that ability to form connections with the audience that occurred during the Attitude Era.

He has done a piss poor job of that this past year seemingly worrying only about the quality of the wrestling in the ring, while letting everything else go to Hell.
I see a bright future for Dolph Ziggler.
As for the personalitys hopefully Vince soon realizes what he is doing and fixes it up,
I wonder what has happened to him over the past Year and a half.
I thought he did an OK job on commentary this week.

After a terrible, quite embarassing start, he got his act together quite quickly and did quite well. At some points he even sounded like he didn't have a insane billionaire ranting in his ear!
His introducing himself thing was okay, not really that funny. The best one I saw was when JBL was doing a promo in the ring and Dolph walked out and introduced himself, JBL looked at him like he was shit that he just trod in. To make it funnier some guy in the audience was shouting "CLOTHESLINE HIM JBL, CLOTHESLINE THE CRAP OUT OF HIM!!".

Anyway, his new personality is that of generick cocky heel wrestler. He's pretty good at playing it though to be fair to him, it's just like you said, it's just generick, theres nothing unique about him.
He's become more cocky than intense as of late and it's that intensity is was got him noticed with his talent in the ring. He needs to announce himself more often and then just unleash hell on his opponent.
I completely fail to see how going up to everybody week after week and saying "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler," constitutes having a personality. Now i'm not saying that completely abandoning what he was doing is the right thing, but almost every character in the WWE is a fairly ungimmicky sorta normal superstar. I mean for God's sake Legacy is three guys with the EXACT same gimmick "My dad wrestled and i am thus better than you, not to mention i look like a gay porn star." The exception is CM Punk who's self righteous straight edge gimmick (and actual lifestyle) give him something specific to talk about, although thats kinda Jericho as well in a slightly different way. Anyways when Ziggler first showed up, i was like "hmmm this is just like when edge was Sexton Hardcastle. total porn gimmick." then all he does is introduce himself to people, and i thought, "huh, i wonder when this will make sense." then just like with most gimmicks, WWE just dropped it and now he's a typical arrogant heel, which in all actuality is more of a personality than constantly introducing yourself.
I thought the whole "Hi im dolph Ziggler" thing was funny to a point.. nothing beats the time when HBK and i believe it was rey mysterio walked by him in the back and before he could say it HBK was like "OMG your that dolph ziggler guy omg im so glad to meet you!" and just kept on walking.

I believe he has a future I enjoy him now and hope they throw the IC title on him ive always been a fan of the Heels over the good guys and putting the belt on him he will just be able to become even more cocky and he at least doesn't use a rehashed finishing move that has been done over and over.. I cant wait to see what he can do
I didn't mind him before when he was funny but I don't mind the more serious turn he has taken.

I'm happy about the Dolph/Michelle angle. Dolph and Maria are mismatched, imo. He's a better fit with Michelle.

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