What game are you currently playing? Non spam edition

I've just started Fire Emblem for the DS. It's a bit delayed seeing as I've had it since release but ah well.

Seems good so far, your typical Fire Emblem game with good strategy and great characterisation.

I hear it gets annoying as the game progresses, but I guess we'll see :)
Shadows Of The Damned- fun little game, very crude, nice music and the gameplay is good all round, it made an impression on me as a game that krept up on me.
L.A. Noire- Finished the storyline in a week (playing close to five hours a day) and i'm now trying to get achievements and complete all the side missions and run over pedestrians. Great game, however, the shooting and the driving are utter shite.
I just got Goldeneye for the Wii yesterday, played through a few levels, and I'm torn. It's fun, no doubt about that, but it's SO far from the origional story. Not far from the game, but the movie itself, and I'm only 4 or 5 levels in. The charecters look NOTHING like what they should, some of them don't even go by the right names.

Also, this is the first game I've really used the classic controller on, and since I don't have the classic pro, shits confusing!
I just finished Batman The Brave & The Bold for Wii and I have to say it was very good.

Great voice acting, great humor, good gadgets, good storyline, just a lot of fun.

Combat system is surprisingly varied.

Levels can get repetitive but it's overlooked when a game plays this well.
Well, I just re-beat Wind Waker and OOT on my Wii this week. Still love both of them and still find Wind Waker to be the better game. With that done, I am moving on to two new games I just bought for $20 each. Actually, they were each about $15 with my Gamestop card. Anyways, I picked up UFC 2010 and Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection release for PSP.

I've been glued on UFC 2010 for now just playing career mode and title shot mode. I think Career Mode could have been done a bit better and they could have made it much more in depth. For the post fight interviews, it seems like you have tons of options, but there are like two different phrases for each selection and half the time, they aren't remotely close to what you chose. Another gripe I have is that there is only one other available promotion to fight for before entering the UFC. I want some more promotions and more options to go through before entering the big times. Other than that, it's a damn addicting game to pass the time with.

I haven't played much of FFIV yet because i've been glued to UFC 2010 for the past day, but what I have played is fantastic. I love how you get the original game with new parts added onto it. Can't wait to progress even further in it than I have so far.
I have been playing two games this week.

Fallout 3 - I recently bought this game because I heard it was really good and it has not disappointed me. I think it's worth the 10 bucks I paid for it.

Infamous - Like many people I got this game on the 'Welcome Back' package from Sony. I downloaded it like a month ago, but never gave it much importance. Yesterday I started playing it more seriously and I got to say that the game is really fun. Good Action-Adventure type of game.
I've mostly been playing Team Fortress 2 for the past three months or so. Mostly been playing mods within the game such as Vs Saxton Hale (a team vs a boss), prop hunt and other smaller mods. Recently tried the real game (the actual 12 vs 12 fps) and wow i suck after not playing the actual game for like 8 months. Still a mix of everything within the game is all good.

Also planning on replaying the entire half life series and bioshock 1/2. Also have Fallout 3 (which refuses to work) and other games such as L4D2 (waiting for the l4d1 maps to be released). I have quite a few games actually... the damn steam summer sale i bought so much yet not enough time to play them all.
Replaying Ocarina of Time, because it's awesome. It's crazy how well the game has aged. The gameplay is at least as good as anything I've played lately. I would love to play the recent 3DS version, which looks incredible, but I think I'll save up for a Vita instead. I'm also replaying Ratchet & Clank: Tool of Destruction, since I haven't played it in about a year. Oh, and I'm also playing an English-patched version of the original Sin and Punishment. It's more fun than I expected, since it's not a traditional on-rails shooter. Now that I read this, I realize I need to get some new games, probably for my Wii.
Bought Battlefield Bad Company 1 and 2 recently. Just started it yesterday and it seems promising, I hope the story that goes with the game will be good, can't really complain about the graphics though, good stuff.
About 90% through FFIV. Haven't played much because i've been busy but i've started a new game. Since the great Harry Potter saga has come to an end, I started playing Lego Harry Potter. I love the lego games and this game is no different. I think there is like, 119 unlockable characters in the game as well as tons of other unlockables. It's really amazing how jam packed these games are. I'm going for as close to 100% clear as I can get. Also hoping to pick up Dragon Age 2 once I finish this and FFIV.
Picking up Burnout:paradise for the first time in two years. Played this to death when it first came out, absolutely love it. There is a lot of hate around for this, most of it centered around its open-world nature, as opposed to Burnout 3 (still one of the best games I've ever played). To some degree I understand that, as it takes a lot of getting used to when considering it's not a typical Burnout game. I do respect that they tried to do something different with the franchise, and by and large I think it worked really well.
I have gone back to playing Red Dead Redemption and loving playing around and doing random stuff and racking up bounties.
I'm currently into L.A. Noire.

It's a good game with a good story to focus on. Working the cases on this are something unique and pretty fun.
I like many others have played alot of Black Ops since it released, however in the last 2 months myself and my fiance's brother have fallen back to World at War. Right now all we play is World at War, and maybe playing too much Black Ops is contributing to this but I think WAW is way better than BO. I don't know, maybe it's just Keifer Sutherland's voice that draws me to it :p

Thank you, PSN Hackers.

Due to the PSN being hacked, Sony released a number of games that could be downloaded for free in order to save face/thank its loyal fan base for sticking with them through its darkest hour.

One of the games that I acquired was Infamous.

Infamous started off strong in terms of gameplay & story but eventually started to decline. I find the missions are very repetitive to the point where I audibly groan at times when I have to repeat a mission type.

I have been playing this game differently than other games in the sense that I haven’t been able to consistently play the game for long periods of time or on a semi-daily basis. I’ve also been spending a lot of time on side-missions rather than story missions, which I’m sure adds to the repetitious feeling and lack of story progress.

While the game isn’t horrible, I’m not enjoying it as much as I assumed that I would. I guess I don’t have too much to complain about considering it came to me at no out of pocket cost.
I recently complete bioshock 2 for the Ps3.

It was an amazing game and IMO equal the first game.I got the first of the four alternative possible ending! That means I'm an asshole O__0 lol. Anyway I'm really looking forward to the release of bioshock infinite!

My wife got me this game for my birthday thirteen months ago and I'm finally getting around to spending some time with it.

Red Dead Redemption is easily one of the most beautiful games I have ever played. One of the reasons why I waited to long to play this game was because I wanted to experience it in high-definition, rather than on the 27 inch standard television we owned at the time.

There are many times were I have stopped playing the game, and have just taken time to look around at the landscape. During missions, I've nearly rode my hose off of a cliff because I've gotten distracted by the view.

The setting and atmosphere in Red Dead Redemption is also spot on perfect, and when combined with the look and feel of the game, making it very easy to lose yourself to your surroundings in the game.

I've never really played an open world, sandbox game on this scale before, so I'm really not used to being able to literally go anywhere you want and do anything you want whenever you want. I've been playing for four to five hours, but it doesn't feel like I'm making any progress in completing the game, which is both a plus and negative.

The world of the game, feels like an actually world. During my travels, you're often see wild animals, which you can chose to kill and skin for pelts and meat, or allow them to continue to run free.

There are also people, throughout the game, that you can interact with if you choose. For example, last time I was riding from one ranch to the other, and was approached by another rider, who came from off a path. His friend was being wrongfully hanged and wanted me to help save him. The game makes you feel like there are other people throughout the land that are living in this world, and that they will carry on with their lives whether you choose to interact with them or not.

My only complaint with this game is the controls. For some reason, I've having a difficult time playing this game without having to think of what button I need to push to conduct a certain action. For example, if I want to sprint, rather than push and hold L3, in Read Dead Redemption, you hold X (Pressing L3 makes you crouch). I'm sure thinking about the control scheme will happen less and less with the more time I'm able to put into the game.

One of my friends at school keeps calling me when he's bored and he's like let's play video games!! And he has all these really weird like Japanese Acid trip games, but I saw this own and I was like ok, I like FPS games let's give it a shot.

It ended up being really fun! The story line is cool, it takes place during WW2 and you're basically fighting off these virus infected alien like creatures.

The controls are pretty straight forward and the graphics aren't bad. Overall, a pretty kick-ass game :)

He also has Resistance 2, which I played a little bit, but I liked this one better.
I'm currently replaying the first Dragon Age game. I decided on another run due to some things I wanted to do differently this time around. I will tag it since there is a huge spoiler.

I wanted to marry Anora, which means I have to be a Human Noble. I also plan on doing all of the required events first so that I can use Logain in all of the side quests.

The funniest thing happened. In the temple where you find the Urn, it has you take your armor off in a certain room. This leaves you in nothing but your underwear, including the girls. I spoke to Morrigan after we took our armor off and the very first thing she says to me, while in nothing but her underwear, was "I await your command".... That's hilariously wrong, and probably something the testers missed. They should have thrown in some blunt comment from her instead about how meaningless taking the armor off was. I laugh and think of that every time she says "I await your command" in the game now. That was one of the funniest things I have seen in a video game in a long time.
Currently playing NCAA Football 12. Every few years I buy a new football game and this one is crazy good. In the Dynasty mode you can change the conferences around, add teams, take teams out, plus you can download real rosters online, just have to find a user with the real rosters (google it and you can find a user). Lots of fun if you are a fan of NCAA football.
Hey guys,

I just want to tell you about a game that I play and more importantly, the alliance that I play within. I think it may interest some of you.

The alliance that I play in is called Evolution and we play a game called EarthEmpires. We are home to an active community of people of all ages and we are located all around the world. We thrive to be the best all round team within the game and we succeed. We have built an environment in which anyone can learn to play the game to a high standard, both simply and quickly.

Our teamwork is not limited to the game. Evolution's team spirit has extended beyond just EarthEmpires. Many of us play other games together. Some have met in real life. Others have used their work credentials to help other members through tough times, even with things such as financial advice and school work. Evolution is truely a community that I am proud to be apart of and I strongly believe most people would feel the same way.

The game we play together quoted from the games website;

"Earth Empires is a free browser based strategy game where you take control of your nation's military and economy. Command your country's military to attack and defend against your enemies. Execute attack strategies to relieve opponents of their resources and land. Strategically invest in technology to outpace the economies of other countries. Ally with your friends or make new friendships by joining a clan. Conduct military operations, govern your country and build your empire.

Continuing the legacy of Earth:2025 - one of the first massive multiplayer browser games - Earth Empires brings a fresh new spin to a classic style of gaming."

If you're interested visit http://evolution2025.com and click apply!

When I got back into Pokemon, I started off by playing HeartGold and Platinum before moving on the the Generation 3 games on the GBA. Then I decided to break my multiple year hiatus on my Gamecube. For some reason, once I broke my Gamecube out I beat Gale of Darkness (the sequel to Colosseum) first before moving on to Colosseum. I'm playing this now and I'm having a harder time with this game because unlike GoD, I'm pretty sure some Pokemon can't be recaptured once they're fainted or you fail to catch them the first time (damn Shadow Rush!). I'm really crazy about getting a perfect game. I've done well so far and I'm about to fight the final battles and catch the last few Shadow Pokemon.

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